modify for new SourceForge urls
[sbcl.git] / tests / compare-and-swap.impure.lisp
1 ;;; Basics
3 (defstruct xxx yyy)
5 (macrolet ((test (init op)
6 `(with-test (:name (:cas :basics ,(intern (symbol-name op) "KEYWORD")))
7 (let ((x ,init)
8 (y (list 'foo))
9 (z (list 'bar)))
10 (assert (eql nil (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil y)))
11 (assert (eql y (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil z)))
12 (assert (eql y (,op x)))
13 (let ((x "foo"))
14 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
15 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil nil))
16 (unless (not res)
17 (error "Wanted NIL and type-error, got: ~S" res))
18 (assert (typep err 'type-error))))))))
19 (test (cons nil :no) car)
20 (test (cons nil :no) first)
21 (test (cons :no nil) cdr)
22 (test (cons :no nil) rest)
23 (test '.foo. symbol-plist)
24 (test (progn (set '.bar. nil) '.bar.) symbol-value)
25 (test (make-xxx) xxx-yyy))
27 (defvar *foo*)
29 ;;; thread-local bindings
31 (with-test (:name (:cas :tls))
32 (let ((*foo* 42))
33 (let ((*foo* nil))
34 (assert (eql nil (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil t)))
35 (assert (eql t (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil :foo)))
36 (assert (eql t *foo*)))
37 (assert (eql 42 *foo*))))
39 ;;; unbound symbols + symbol-value
41 (assert (not (boundp '*foo*)))
43 (with-test (:name (:cas :unbound))
44 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
45 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil t))
46 (assert (not res))
47 (assert (typep err 'unbound-variable))))
49 (defvar *bar* t)
51 (with-test (:name (:cas :unbound 2))
52 (let ((*bar* nil))
53 (makunbound '*bar*)
54 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
55 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*bar*) nil t))
56 (assert (not res))
57 (assert (typep err 'unbound-variable)))))
59 ;;; SVREF
61 (defvar *v* (vector 1))
63 ;; basics
64 (with-test (:name (:cas :svref))
65 (assert (eql 1 (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 0) 1 2)))
66 (assert (eql 2 (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 0) 1 3)))
67 (assert (eql 2 (svref *v* 0))))
69 ;; bounds
70 (with-test (:name (:cas :svref :bounds))
71 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
72 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref *v* -1) 1 2))
73 (assert (not res))
74 (assert (typep err 'type-error)))
75 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
76 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 1) 1 2))
77 (assert (not res))
78 (assert (typep err 'type-error))))
80 ;; type of the first argument
81 (with-test (:name (:cas :svref :type))
82 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
83 (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref "foo" 1) 1 2))
84 (assert (not res))
85 (assert (typep err 'type-error))))
87 ;; Check that we don't modify constants
88 (defconstant +a-constant+ 42)
89 (with-test (:name (:cas :symbol-value :constant-modification))
90 (assert
91 (eq :error
92 (handler-case
93 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value '+a-constant+) 42 13)
94 (error () :error))))
95 (let ((name '+a-constant+))
96 (assert
97 (eq :error
98 (handler-case
99 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value name) 42 13)
100 (error () :error))))))
102 ;; Check that we don't mess declaimed types
103 (declaim (boolean *a-boolean*))
104 (defparameter *a-boolean* t)
105 (with-test (:name (:cas :symbol-value :type-checking))
106 (assert
107 (eq :error
108 (handler-case
109 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*a-boolean*) t 42)
110 (error () :error))))
111 (let ((name '*a-boolean*))
112 (assert
113 (eq :error
114 (handler-case
115 (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value name) t 42)
116 (error () :error))))))
118 ;;;; ATOMIC-INCF and ATOMIC-DECF (we should probably rename this file atomic-ops...)
120 (defstruct box
121 (word 0 :type sb-vm:word))
123 ;; Have the following tests check that CAS access to the superclass
124 ;; works in the presence of a subclass sharing the conc-name.
125 (defstruct (subbox (:include box) (:conc-name "BOX-")))
127 (defun inc-box (box n)
128 (declare (fixnum n) (box box))
129 (loop repeat n
130 do (sb-ext:atomic-incf (box-word box))))
132 (defun dec-box (box n)
133 (declare (fixnum n) (box box))
134 (loop repeat n
135 do (sb-ext:atomic-decf (box-word box))))
137 (with-test (:name :atomic-incf/decf)
138 (let ((box (make-box)))
139 (inc-box box 10000)
140 (assert (= 10000 (box-word box)))
141 (dec-box box 10000)
142 (assert (= 0 (box-word box)))))
144 (with-test (:name :atomic-incf-wraparound)
145 (let ((box (make-box :word (1- (ash 1 sb-vm:n-word-bits)))))
146 (sb-ext:atomic-incf (box-word box) 2)
147 (assert (= 1 (box-word box)))))
149 (with-test (:name :atomic-decf-wraparound)
150 (let ((box (make-box :word 0)))
151 (sb-ext:atomic-decf (box-word box) 2)
152 (assert (= (- (ash 1 sb-vm:n-word-bits) 2) (box-word box)))))
154 (with-test (:name :atomic-incf-full-call-lp1381867
155 :skipped-on '(not (or :x86 :x86-64 :ppc)))
156 (locally
157 ;; Rebind %RAW-INSTANCE-ATOMIC-INCF/WORD as a local function.
158 ;; Declaring it locally notinline fails because it is marked
159 ;; with the ALWAYS-TRANSLATABLE attribute, so it's a bug to call it
160 ;; even though we've asked to call it. (Maybe that's a bug?)
161 ;; And I don't want to call it explictly - I want the macro to do it
162 ;; so that I don't have to inject any of the sign making noise and such.
163 (declare (disable-package-locks sb-kernel:%raw-instance-atomic-incf/word))
164 (let ((b (make-box :word 0))
165 (delta (- (ash 1 (1- sb-vm:n-word-bits))))
166 (f (eval '#'sb-kernel:%raw-instance-atomic-incf/word)))
167 (flet ((sb-kernel:%raw-instance-atomic-incf/word (a b c)
168 (funcall f a b c)))
169 (assert (= (atomic-incf (box-word b) delta) 0))
170 (assert (= (atomic-incf (box-word b) delta)
171 (ash 1 (1- sb-vm:n-word-bits))))
172 (assert (= (box-word b) 0))
173 (atomic-decf (box-word b))
174 (assert (= (box-word b) sb-ext:most-positive-word))))))
176 #+sb-thread
177 (with-test (:name (:atomic-incf/decf :threads))
178 (let* ((box (make-box))
179 (threads (loop repeat 64
180 collect (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda ()
181 (inc-box box 1000)
182 (dec-box box 10000)
183 (inc-box box 10000)
184 (dec-box box 1000))
185 :name "inc/dec thread"))))
186 (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread threads)
187 (assert (= 0 (box-word box)))))
189 (defglobal **my-atomic-counter* 0)
190 (declaim (fixnum **my-atomic-counter*))
191 ;; Assert that safe (atomic-incf car) type-checks the car.
192 (with-test (:name :atomic-incf-car-safe)
193 (let ((x (cons (1+ most-positive-fixnum) 0))) ; a bignum
194 (assert (eq (handler-case (atomic-incf (car x))
195 (type-error () 'win)) 'win))))
197 ;; Basic correctness tests, not testing atomicity
198 (macrolet
199 ((test-place (place)
200 `(progn
201 ;; using a constant for the delta
202 (assert (eq (atomic-incf ,place 2) 0))
203 (assert (eq ,place 2))
204 (assert (eq (atomic-incf ,place -1) 2))
205 (assert (eq ,place 1))
206 (assert (eq (atomic-decf ,place 1) 1))
207 (assert (eq ,place 0))
208 ;; using a non-constant for the delta
209 (assert (eq (atomic-incf ,place (eval 2)) 0))
210 (assert (eq ,place 2))
211 (assert (eq (atomic-incf ,place (eval -1)) 2))
212 (assert (eq ,place 1))
213 (assert (eq (atomic-decf ,place (eval 1)) 1))
214 (assert (eq ,place 0))
215 (setf ,place most-positive-fixnum)
216 (atomic-incf ,place)
217 (assert (eq ,place most-negative-fixnum))
218 (atomic-decf ,place)
219 (assert (eq ,place most-positive-fixnum)))))
220 (with-test (:name (:atomic-incf :global-var))
221 (test-place **my-atomic-counter*))
222 (with-test (:name (:atomic-incf :car))
223 (let ((x (cons 0 'foo)))
224 (test-place (car x))))
225 (with-test (:name (:atomic-incf :cdr))
226 (let ((x (cons 'foo 0)))
227 (test-place (cdr x))))
228 ;; Fast code for (atomic-{incf|decf} {car|cdr}) is decidedly unsafe
229 ;; on x86-64. Ensure basic correctness when used correctly.
230 (with-test (:name (:atomic-incf-fast :car))
231 (let ((x (cons 0 'foo)))
232 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
233 (test-place (car x))))
234 (with-test (:name (:atomic-incf-fast :cdr))
235 (let ((x (cons 'foo 0)))
236 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
237 (test-place (cdr x)))))
241 (defclass sia-cas-test ()
242 ((a :initarg :a)
243 (b :initarg :b)))
245 (with-test (:name (:cas :standard-instance-access))
246 (flet ((slot-loc (slot class)
247 (sb-mop:slot-definition-location
248 (find slot (sb-mop:class-slots class) :key #'sb-mop:slot-definition-name))))
249 (let* ((class (find-class 'sia-cas-test))
250 (instance (make-instance class :a 'a :b 'b))
251 (a-loc (slot-loc 'a class))
252 (b-loc (slot-loc 'b class)))
253 (assert (eq 'a (slot-value instance 'a)))
254 (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc)
255 'x 'oops)))
256 (assert (eq 'a (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc)))
257 (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc)
258 'a 'a2)))
259 (assert (eq 'a2 (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc)))
260 (assert (eq 'a2 (slot-value instance 'a)))
261 (assert (eq 'b (slot-value instance 'b)))
262 (assert (eq 'b (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance b-loc))))))
264 (defclass fia-cas-test (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object)
265 ((a :initarg :a)
266 (b :initarg :b))
267 (:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
269 (with-test (:name (:cas :standard-instance-access))
270 (flet ((slot-loc (slot class)
271 (sb-mop:slot-definition-location
272 (find slot (sb-mop:class-slots class) :key #'sb-mop:slot-definition-name))))
273 (let* ((class (find-class 'fia-cas-test))
274 (instance (make-instance class :a 'a :b 'b))
275 (a-loc (slot-loc 'a class))
276 (b-loc (slot-loc 'b class)))
277 (sb-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function instance (lambda () :ok))
278 (eq :ok (funcall instance))
279 (assert (eq 'a (slot-value instance 'a)))
280 (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap
281 (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc)
282 'x 'oops)))
283 (assert (eq 'a (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc)))
284 (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap
285 (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc)
286 'a 'a2)))
287 (assert (eq 'a2 (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc)))
288 (assert (eq 'a2 (slot-value instance 'a)))
289 (assert (eq 'b (slot-value instance 'b)))
290 (assert (eq 'b (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance b-loc))))))
292 ;;; SLOT-VALUE
294 (defclass standard-thing ()
295 ((x :initform 42)
296 (y)))
298 (defmethod slot-unbound ((class standard-class) (obj standard-thing) slot)
299 (list :unbound slot))
301 (defmethod slot-missing ((class standard-class) (obj standard-thing) slot op &optional val)
302 (list :missing slot op val))
304 (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :standard-object))
305 (let ((x (make-instance 'standard-thing)))
306 (assert (eql 42 (slot-value x 'x)))
307 (assert (eql 42 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :foo)))
308 (assert (eql 42 (slot-value x 'x)))
309 (assert (eql 42 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 42 :foo)))
310 (assert (eql :foo (slot-value x 'x)))))
312 (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :slot-unbound))
313 (let ((x (make-instance 'standard-thing)))
314 (assert (equal '(:unbound y) (slot-value x 'y)))
315 (assert (equal '(:unbound y) (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'y) 0 :foo)))
316 (assert (equal '(:unbound y) (slot-value x 'y)))
317 (assert (eq sb-pcl:+slot-unbound+
318 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'y) sb-pcl:+slot-unbound+ :foo)))
319 (assert (eq :foo (slot-value x 'y)))))
321 (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :slot-missing))
322 (let ((x (make-instance 'standard-thing)))
323 (assert (equal '(:missing z slot-value nil) (slot-value x 'z)))
324 (assert (equal '(:missing z sb-ext:cas (0 :foo)) (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'z) 0 :foo)))
325 (assert (equal '(:missing z slot-value nil) (slot-value x 'z)))))
327 (defclass non-standard-class (standard-class)
330 (defmethod sb-mop:validate-superclass ((class non-standard-class) (superclass standard-class))
333 (defclass non-standard-thing-0 ()
334 ((x :initform 13))
335 (:metaclass non-standard-class))
337 (defclass non-standard-thing-1 ()
338 ((x :initform 13))
339 (:metaclass non-standard-class))
341 (defclass non-standard-thing-2 ()
342 ((x :initform 13))
343 (:metaclass non-standard-class))
345 (defclass non-standard-thing-3 ()
346 ((x :initform 13))
347 (:metaclass non-standard-class))
349 (defvar *access-list* nil)
351 (defmethod sb-mop:slot-value-using-class
352 ((class non-standard-class) (obj non-standard-thing-1) slotd)
353 (let ((v (call-next-method)))
354 (push :read *access-list*)
357 (defmethod (setf sb-mop:slot-value-using-class)
358 (value (class non-standard-class) (obj non-standard-thing-2) slotd)
359 (let ((v (call-next-method)))
360 (push :write *access-list*)
363 (defmethod sb-mop:slot-boundp-using-class
364 ((class non-standard-class) (obj non-standard-thing-3) slotd)
365 (let ((v (call-next-method)))
366 (push :boundp *access-list*)
369 (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :standard-access))
370 (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-0)))
371 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))
372 (assert (eql 13 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar)))
373 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))
374 (assert (eql 13 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 13 :bar)))
375 (assert (eql :bar (slot-value x 'x)))))
377 (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :slot-value-using-class))
378 (setf *access-list* nil)
379 (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-1)))
380 (declare (notinline slot-value))
381 (assert (null *access-list*))
382 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))
383 (assert (equal '(:read) *access-list*))
384 (assert (eq :error
385 (handler-case
386 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar)
387 (error () :error))))
388 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))
389 (assert (equal '(:read :read) *access-list*))))
391 (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :setf-slot-value-using-class))
392 (setf *access-list* nil)
393 (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-2)))
394 (assert (equal '(:write) *access-list*))
395 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))
396 (assert (equal '(:write) *access-list*))
397 (assert (eq :error
398 (handler-case
399 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar)
400 (error () :error))))
401 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))
402 (assert (equal '(:write) *access-list*))))
404 (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :slot-boundp-using-class))
405 (setf *access-list* nil)
406 (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-3)))
407 (assert (equal '(:boundp) *access-list*))
408 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))
409 (assert (eq :error
410 (handler-case
411 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar)
412 (error () :error))))
413 (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x)))))
415 (defvar *foo* nil)
417 (defun foo ()
418 *foo*)
420 (defun (cas foo) (old new)
421 (cas (symbol-value '*foo*) old new))
423 (with-test (:name (:cas :defun))
424 (assert (null (foo)))
425 (assert (null (cas (foo) nil t)))
426 (assert (eq t (foo)))
427 (assert (eq t (cas (foo) nil :oops)))
428 (assert (eq t (foo))))
430 (with-test (:name (:cas :flet))
431 (let (x)
432 (flet (((cas x) (old new)
433 (let ((tmp x))
434 (when (eq tmp old)
435 (setf x new))
436 tmp))
437 (x ()
439 (assert (null (x)))
440 (assert (null (cas (x) nil t)))
441 (assert (eq t (x)))
442 (assert (eq t (cas (x) nil :oops)))
443 (assert (eq t (x))))))
445 (defgeneric (cas thing) (old new thing))
447 (defmethod (cas thing) (old new (thing cons))
448 (cas (car thing) old new))
450 (defmethod (cas thing) (old new (thing symbol))
451 (cas (symbol-value thing) old new))
453 (defgeneric thing (thing)
454 (:method ((x cons))
455 (car x))
456 (:method ((x symbol))
457 (symbol-value x)))
459 (with-test (:name (:cas :defgeneric))
460 (let ((a (list nil))
461 (b (gensym "X")))
462 (set b nil)
463 (assert (null (thing a)))
464 (assert (null (thing b)))
465 (assert (null (cas (thing a) nil t)))
466 (assert (null (cas (thing b) nil t)))
467 (assert (eq t (thing a)))
468 (assert (eq t (thing b)))
469 (assert (eq t (cas (thing a) nil :oops)))
470 (assert (eq t (cas (thing b) nil :oops)))
471 (assert (eq t (thing a)))
472 (assert (eq t (thing b)))))
474 ;;; SYMBOL-VALUE with a constant argument used to return a bogus read-form
475 (with-test (:name :symbol-value-cas-expansion)
476 (multiple-value-bind (vars vals old new cas-form read-form)
477 (get-cas-expansion `(symbol-value t))
478 (assert (not vars))
479 (assert (not vals))
480 (assert (eq t (eval read-form))))
481 (multiple-value-bind (vars vals old new cas-form read-form)
482 (get-cas-expansion `(symbol-value *))
483 (let ((* :foo))
484 (assert (eq :foo
485 (eval `(let (,@(mapcar 'list vars vals))
486 ,read-form)))))
487 (let ((* :bar))
488 (assert (eq :bar
489 (eval `(let (,@(mapcar 'list vars vals))
490 ,read-form)))))))
492 (let ((foo (cons :foo nil)))
493 (defun cas-foo (old new)
494 (cas (cdr foo) old new)))
496 (defcas foo () cas-foo)
498 (with-test (:name :cas-and-macroexpansion)
499 (assert (not (cas (foo) nil t)))
500 (assert (eq t (cas (foo) t nil)))
501 (symbol-macrolet ((bar (foo)))
502 (assert (not (cas bar nil :ok)))
503 (assert (eq :ok (cas bar :ok nil)))
504 (assert (not (cas bar nil t)))))
506 (with-test (:name :atomic-push
507 :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
508 (let ((store (cons nil nil))
509 (n 100000))
510 (symbol-macrolet ((x (car store))
511 (y (cdr store)))
512 (dotimes (i n)
513 (push i y))
514 (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread
515 (loop repeat (ecase sb-vm:n-word-bits (32 100) (64 1000))
516 collect (sb-thread:make-thread
517 (lambda ()
518 (loop for z = (atomic-pop y)
519 while z
520 do (atomic-push z x)
521 (sleep 0.00001))))))
522 (assert (not y))
523 (assert (eql n (length x))))))
525 (with-test (:name :local-special-symbol-value)
526 (assert
527 (= (funcall (compile nil
528 `(lambda ()
529 (let ((x 10))
530 (declare (special x))
531 (cas (symbol-value 'x) 10 12)
532 x))))
533 12))
534 (assert
535 (= (funcall
536 (compile nil
537 `(lambda ()
538 (let ((x (list 1)))
539 (declare (special x))
540 (atomic-pop (symbol-value 'x))))))
541 1)))