Optimize emit-inits with 0 values.
[sbcl.git] / tests / clos-add-remove-method.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; testing add/remove-method thread thread safety
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (defpackage "CLOS-ADD/REMOVE-METHOD"
15 (:use "COMMON-LISP" "SB-THREAD"))
17 (in-package "CLOS-ADD/REMOVE-METHOD")
19 (defvar *tons-o-method-count* 0)
20 ;; Test for lp#492851
21 ;; On an x86-64 without the fix for garbage retention,
22 ;; this would use up all memory after ~2400 iterations.
23 ;; Now it can run forever, as far as I know.
24 (defun make-tons-o-methods (&optional (n 50000))
25 (dotimes (i n)
26 (let ((object (cons "lottajunk" (make-array 20001))))
27 ;; FIXME: the first method we defined gets its OBJECT immortalized,
28 ;; because that's the one whose name goes in globaldb
29 ;; as the chosen one who arbitrarily created the GF.
30 (defmethod blah ((x (eql object))) "what?"
31 (when (zerop (mod (incf *tons-o-method-count*) 500))
32 (write-char #\.)
33 (force-output))
34 (if (zerop (mod *tons-o-method-count* 100000))
35 (terpri)))
36 (funcall 'blah object)) ; late bind to avoid style warning
37 (let ((gf (symbol-function 'blah)))
38 (remove-method gf (first (sb-mop:generic-function-methods gf))))))
40 (format t "~&;; Be patient. This test is slow.~%")
41 (test-util:with-test (:name :exhaust-heap-with-eql-specializers)
42 (let ((n-junk 0)
43 (starting-eql-spec-count
44 (hash-table-count sb-pcl::*eql-specializer-table*)))
45 (make-tons-o-methods 50000)
46 (sb-int:dx-flet ((visit (object type size)
47 (declare (ignore type size))
48 (when (and (typep object '(cons string (simple-vector 20001)))
49 (string= (car object) "lottajunk"))
50 (incf n-junk))))
51 (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects #'visit :dynamic)
52 ;; This is probably not more than a few hundred.
53 (format t "~&;; Post-test EQL-spec count: ~S, junk obj count: ~D~%"
54 (hash-table-count sb-pcl::*eql-specializer-table*) n-junk)
55 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
56 (setq n-junk 0)
57 (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects #'visit :dynamic)
58 (format t "~&;; Post-GC EQL-spec count: ~S, junk obj count: ~D~%"
59 (hash-table-count sb-pcl::*eql-specializer-table*) n-junk)
60 ;; There should be no stray EQL-specializers left.
61 ;; The reasoning is a bit elusive, since the first method's specializer's
62 ;; OBJECT gets permanentized. But due to the weakness on :VALUE
63 ;; in the specializer table, the table entry is dead even though it's
64 ;; still possible to get an EQL-specializer for the (almost) zombie object.
65 ;; But if you do that, you'll get a new specializer, and you can't see
66 ;; that it wasn't the previously interned one, unless you do something
67 ;; like extend EQL-specializer to have more slots. In that case you could
68 ;; sense that your data went missing. But then you probably shouldn't
69 ;; be relying on the existing interned specializer table.
70 ;; Generic programming is not a panacea.
71 (assert (<= (hash-table-count sb-pcl::*eql-specializer-table*)
72 (1+ starting-eql-spec-count))))))
74 ;;; We make a generic function, add a bunch of method for it, and
75 ;;; prepare another bunch of method objects for later addition.
76 ;;;
77 ;;; Then we run several threads in parallel, removing all the old
78 ;;; ones and adding all the new ones -- and finally we verify that
79 ;;; the resulting method set is correct.
81 (defgeneric foo (x))
83 (defvar *to-remove-a* nil)
84 (defvar *to-remove-b* nil)
85 (defvar *to-remove-c* nil)
86 (defvar *to-add-d* nil)
87 (defvar *to-add-e* nil)
88 (defvar *to-add-f* nil)
90 (defun name (key n)
91 (intern (format nil "FOO-~A-~A" key n)))
93 (defun names (key)
94 (loop for i from 0 upto 128
95 collect (name key i)))
97 (defun to-remove (key)
98 (loop for s in (names key)
99 collect
100 `(progn
101 (defclass ,s () ())
102 (defmethod foo ((x ,s))
103 ',s)
104 (push (find-method #'foo nil (list (find-class ',s)) t)
105 ,(intern (format nil "*TO-REMOVE-~A*" key))))))
107 (defun to-add (key)
108 (loop for s in (names key)
109 collect
110 `(progn
111 (defclass ,s () ())
112 (push (make-instance
113 'standard-method
114 :qualifiers nil
115 :specializers (list (find-class ',s))
116 :function (lambda (args next)
117 (declare (ignore args next))
118 ',s)
119 :lambda-list '(x))
120 ,(intern (format nil "*TO-ADD-~A*" key))))))
122 (macrolet ((def ()
123 `(progn
124 ,@(to-remove 'a)
125 ,@(to-remove 'b)
126 ,@(to-remove 'c)
127 ,@(to-add 'd)
128 ,@(to-add 'e)
129 ,@(to-add 'f))))
130 (def))
132 (defvar *run* nil)
134 (defun remove-methods (list)
135 (loop until *run* do (sb-thread:thread-yield))
136 (dolist (method list)
137 (remove-method #'foo method)))
139 (defun add-methods (list)
140 (loop until *run* do (sb-thread:thread-yield))
141 (dolist (method list)
142 (add-method #'foo method)))
144 #+sb-thread
145 (let ((threads (list (make-thread (lambda () (remove-methods *to-remove-a*)))
146 (make-thread (lambda () (remove-methods *to-remove-b*)))
147 (make-thread (lambda () (remove-methods *to-remove-c*)))
148 (make-thread (lambda () (add-methods *to-add-d*)))
149 (make-thread (lambda () (add-methods *to-add-e*)))
150 (make-thread (lambda () (add-methods *to-add-f*))))))
151 (setf *run* t)
152 (mapcar #'join-thread threads))
154 #-sb-thread
155 (progn
156 (setf *run* t)
157 (remove-methods *to-remove-a*)
158 (remove-methods *to-remove-b*)
159 (remove-methods *to-remove-c*)
160 (add-methods *to-add-d*)
161 (add-methods *to-add-e*)
162 (add-methods *to-add-f*))
164 (let ((target (append *to-add-d* *to-add-e* *to-add-f*))
165 (real (sb-mop:generic-function-methods #'foo)))
166 (assert (subsetp target real))
167 (assert (subsetp real target)))