Make host-constant-to-core use a hashtable for cycle detection.
[sbcl.git] / tools-for-build / canonicalize-whitespace.lisp
1 ;;;; Convert tabs to spaces and delete trailing whitespace in files.
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; To be run in the root directory of the distribution as part of
4 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
7 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
10 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
11 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
12 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
13 ;;;; files for more information.
15 ;;; Stream and single-file functions
17 (defun whitespace-p (character)
18 (member character '(#\Space #\Tab) :test #'char=))
20 (defun canonicalize-whitespace (input output)
21 (let (change-p)
22 (flet ((remove-trailing-whitespace (line)
23 (let ((non-ws-position (position-if-not #'whitespace-p line
24 :from-end t)))
25 (unless (and non-ws-position
26 (< non-ws-position (1- (length line))))
27 (return-from remove-trailing-whitespace line))
28 (setq change-p t)
29 (subseq line 0 (1+ non-ws-position))))
30 (remove-tabs (line)
31 (unless (find #\Tab line :test #'char=)
32 (return-from remove-tabs line))
33 (setq change-p t)
34 (with-output-to-string (stream)
35 (loop :for char :across line :do
36 (if (char= char #\Tab)
37 (write-string " " stream)
38 (write-char char stream))))))
39 (loop :for line = (read-line input nil :eof)
40 :until (eq line :eof)
41 :do (let ((clean (remove-tabs (remove-trailing-whitespace line))))
42 (write-line clean output))))
43 change-p))
45 (defun canonicalize-whitespace/file (file)
46 (macrolet ((with-open-source-file ((stream pathname direction) &body body)
47 `(with-open-file (,stream ,pathname
48 :direction ,direction
49 :external-format #-clisp :utf-8 #+clisp charset:utf-8)
50 ,@body)))
51 (let* ((temporary (make-pathname :type "temp" :defaults file))
52 (change-p
53 (handler-case
54 (with-open-source-file (input file :input)
55 (with-open-source-file (output temporary :output)
56 (canonicalize-whitespace input output)))
57 (#+sbcl sb-int:stream-decoding-error #-sbcl error ()
58 (format t "// Ignoring non-UTF-8 source file ~S~%" file)
59 nil))))
60 (cond
61 (change-p
62 (delete-file file)
63 (rename-file temporary file))
64 ((probe-file temporary)
65 (delete-file temporary))))))
67 ;;; Timestamp functions
69 (defvar *stamp-file* "whitespace-stamp")
71 (defun read-stamp-file ()
72 (if (probe-file *stamp-file*)
73 (file-write-date *stamp-file*)
74 0))
76 (defun write-stamp-file ()
77 (with-open-file (stream *stamp-file*
78 :direction :output
79 :if-exists :supersede)
80 #-sbcl (declare (ignore stream))))
82 ;;; Repository-level functions
84 (defvar *source-types* '("lisp" "lisp-expr" "c" "h" "asd" "texinfo"))
86 (defvar *exceptions* '("compile-file-pos-utf16be"))
88 (defun canonicalize-whitespace/directory
89 (&optional (directory *default-pathname-defaults*))
90 (let ((stamp-date (read-stamp-file)))
91 (labels ((older-than-stamp (file)
92 (< (file-write-date file) stamp-date))
93 (exception-p (file)
94 (member (pathname-name file) *exceptions*
95 :test #'string=))
96 (skip-p (file)
97 (or (older-than-stamp file) (exception-p file))))
98 (dolist (type *source-types*)
99 (let* ((pattern (merge-pathnames
100 (make-pathname :type type
101 :name :wild
102 :directory '(:relative :wild-inferiors))
103 directory))
104 (files (remove-if #'skip-p (directory pattern))))
105 (mapc #'canonicalize-whitespace/file files))))
106 (write-stamp-file)))
108 ;;; Entry point
110 (canonicalize-whitespace/directory)