Muffle code-deletion-note from etypecase-failure.
[sbcl.git] / tests / string.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous tests of STRING-related stuff
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;; basic non-destructive case operations
15 (with-test (:name (string-upcase string-downcase string-capitalize :smoke))
16 (assert (string= (string-upcase "This is a test.") "THIS IS A TEST."))
17 (assert (string= (string-downcase "This is a test.") "this is a test."))
18 (assert (string= (string-capitalize "This is a test.") "This Is A Test."))
19 (assert (string= (string-upcase "Is this 900-Sex-hott, please?" :start 3)
20 "Is THIS 900-SEX-HOTT, PLEASE?"))
21 (assert (string= (string-downcase "Is this 900-Sex-hott, please?"
22 :start 10 :end 16)
23 "Is this 900-sex-hott, please?"))
24 (assert (string= (string-capitalize "Is this 900-Sex-hott, please?")
25 "Is This 900-Sex-Hott, Please?")))
27 ;;; The non-destructive case operations accept string designators, not
28 ;;; just strings.
30 (with-test (:name (string-upcase string-downcase string-capitalize :designators))
31 (assert (string= (string-upcase '|String designator|) "STRING DESIGNATOR"))
32 (assert (string= (string-downcase #\S) "s"))
33 (assert (string= (string-downcase #\.) "."))
34 (assert (string= (string-capitalize 'ya-str-desig :end 5) "Ya-StR-DESIG")))
36 ;;; basic destructive case operations
37 (with-test (:name (nstring-upcase nstring-downcase nstring-capitalize :smoke))
38 (let ((nstring (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0)))
39 (vector-push-extend #\c nstring)
40 (vector-push-extend #\a nstring)
41 (vector-push-extend #\t nstring)
42 (nstring-upcase nstring)
43 (assert (string= nstring "CAT"))
44 (setf (fill-pointer nstring) 2)
45 (nstring-downcase nstring :start 1)
46 (setf (fill-pointer nstring) 3)
47 (assert (string= nstring "CaT"))
48 (nstring-capitalize nstring)
49 (assert (string= nstring "Cat"))))
52 (VECTOR NIL)s are strings only if you believe that the definition involving union
53 types prevails over the ample amount of exposition in the spec, as well as utility
54 of the resulting strings, and common sense.
56 I tested 9 other implementations, and 7 of them agree that:
59 They have differing behaviors as to effect of make-string and make-array as follows:
61 Allegro (10.1 Free Express Edition):
62 (SIMPLE-ARRAY NIL (*)) exists but does not satisfy STRINGP
63 (make-string 1 :element-type NIL) returns a (SIMPLE-ARRAY CHARACTER (1))
65 Clasp (built from git rev 6b8047c2 @ 2020-10-22):
66 (make-array 1 :element-type NIL) signals error
67 (make-string 1 :element-type NIL) returns a (SIMPLE-ARRAY CHARACTER (1))
69 Clozure (v1.12):
70 (make-array 1 :element-type NIL) returns (SIMPLE-VECTOR 1)
71 (make-string 1 :element-type NIL) returns a (SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 1)
73 CMUCL (version 20d Unicode):
74 (make-array 1 :element-type nil) returns (SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 1)
75 as does MAKE-STRING.
77 ECL (version 20.4.24):
78 (make-array 1 :element-type NIL) says
79 "ECL does not support arrays with element type NIL"
80 (make-string 1 :element-type NIL) returns a (SIMPLE-ARRAY BASE-CHAR (1))
82 GCL (version 2.6.12 CLtL1):
83 (type-of (make-array 1 :element-type nil)) => VECTOR
84 (array-element-type (make-string 1 :element-type nil)) => STRING-CHAR
86 MKCL (version 1.1.11):
87 (make-array 1 :element-type NIL) returns a (VECTOR NIL 1)
88 (make-string 1 :element-type NIL) returns a (SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 1)
90 Of the dissenters, they return T and T from the subtypep expression above
91 though their behavioral differences from MAKE-ARRAY to MAKE-STRING
92 present compelling evidence that at least in their API they disfavor considering
93 an object a string if it has element type NIL, hence MAKE-STRING upgrades NIL
94 to a nonempty type.
95 ABCL (version 1.7.1):
96 (type-of (make-array 1 :element-type nil)) => (NIL-VECTOR 1)
97 (type-of (make-string 1 :element-type nil)) => (SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 1)
98 Also: (make-string 1 :element-type 'ratio) => "^@" ; the type is just ignored
99 CLISP (version 2.49.92):
100 (type-of (make-array 1 :element-type nil)) => (SIMPLE-ARRAY NIL (1))
101 (type-of (make-string 1 :element-type nil)) => (SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 1)
103 And one more Lisp implementation which matches none of the above-
104 Lispworks personal edition 7.1:
105 (make-array 1 :element-type nil) signals
106 ERROR: (ARRAY NIL) is an illegal type specifier.
107 (make-string 1 :element-type nil) signals
108 ERROR: (ARRAY NIL) is an illegal type specifier.
109 (subtypep '(vector nil) 'string) signals
110 ERROR: (ARRAY NIL (*)) is an illegal type specifier.
112 Hence (SIMPLE-ARRAY NIL (*)) is most plausibly not regarded as a string,
113 the ANSI compliance test suite notwithstanding.
114 And the range of implementation choices suggest that users can not reasonably
115 claim that any particular result from these edge cases constitutes a bug.
117 (with-test (:name (vector nil))
118 (assert (not (stringp (make-array 0 :element-type nil))))
119 (assert (not (subtypep (class-of (make-array 1 :element-type nil))
120 (find-class 'string)))))
122 (with-test (:name (make-string :element-type t type-error))
123 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
124 (checked-compile '(lambda () (make-string 5 :element-type t))
125 :allow-failure t :allow-warnings t)
126 (assert failure-p)
127 (assert (= 1 (length warnings)))
128 ;; It's not clear why this function should be expected to return a TYPE-ERROR.
129 ;; There is no object created which is of the wrong type,
130 ;; and the type of the legal value of ELEMENT-TYPE isn't really in question
131 ;; nor is the best way to describe what you can't pass.
132 (assert-error (funcall fun) #|type-error|#)))
134 ;; MISC.574
135 (with-test (:name (string<= base-string :optimized))
136 (assert (= (funcall (lambda (a)
137 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)
138 (debug 1) (space 2))
139 (fixnum a))
140 (string<= (coerce "e99mo7yAJ6oU4" 'base-string)
141 (coerce "aaABAAbaa" 'base-string)
142 :start1 a))
144 9)))
146 ;; String trimming.
147 (with-test (:name (string-trim 1))
148 (flet ((make-test (string left right both)
149 (macrolet ((check (fun wanted)
150 `(let ((result (,fun " " string)))
151 (assert (equal result ,wanted))
152 (when (equal string ,wanted)
153 ;; Check that the original string is
154 ;; returned when no changes are needed. Not
155 ;; required by the spec, but a desireable
156 ;; feature for performance.
157 (assert (eql result string))))))
158 ;; Check the functional implementations
159 (locally
160 (declare (notinline string-left-trim string-right-trim
161 string-trim))
162 (check string-left-trim left)
163 (check string-right-trim right)
164 (check string-trim both))
165 ;; Check the transforms
166 (locally
167 (declare (type simple-string string))
168 (check string-left-trim left)
169 (check string-right-trim right)
170 (check string-trim both)))))
171 (make-test "x " "x " "x" "x")
172 (make-test " x" "x" " x" "x")
173 (make-test " x " "x " " x" "x")
174 (make-test " x x " "x x " " x x" "x x")))
177 ;;; Trimming should respect fill-pointers
178 (with-test (:name (string-trim :fill-pointer))
179 (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd" :element-type
180 'character :fill-pointer 7))
181 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s))
182 (s3 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
183 (assert (equal "abcdaba" s))
184 (assert (equal "cdaba" s2))
185 (assert (equal "abcd" s3))))
187 ;;; Trimming should replace displacement offsets
188 (with-test (:name (string-trim :displaced))
189 (let* ((etype 'base-char)
191 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb" :element-type etype))
193 (make-array '(3) :element-type etype :displaced-to s0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
194 (assert (equal "bc" (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
195 (assert (equal "bca" s))
196 (assert (equal "abcaeb" s0))))
198 (with-test (:name (string-trim :nothing-to-do))
199 ;; Trimming non-simple-strings when there is nothing to do
200 (let ((a (make-array 10 :element-type 'character :initial-contents "abcde00000" :fill-pointer 5)))
201 (assert (equal "abcde" (string-right-trim "Z" a))))
203 ;; Trimming non-strings when there is nothing to do.
204 (string-right-trim " " #\a))
206 (with-test (:name :nil-vector-access)
207 (let ((nil-vector (make-array 10 :element-type nil)))
208 ;; Nowhere is it specified that PRINT-OBJECT on a VECTOR-NIL must
209 ;; access the contents and signal an error. So WRITE works fine.
210 (assert (write-to-string nil-vector))
211 (let ((*read-eval* nil))
212 (assert-error (write-to-string nil-vector :readably t)))
213 (flet ((test (accessor)
214 (assert-error
215 (funcall (checked-compile
216 `(lambda ()
217 (,accessor (make-array 10 :element-type nil) 0))))
218 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)
219 (assert-error
220 (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda (x) (,accessor x 0)))
221 nil-vector)
222 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)))
223 (test 'aref)
224 ;; (test 'char) ; you'll get a TYPE-ERROR instead.
225 ;; (test 'schar) ; ditto
226 (test 'row-major-aref))))
228 (with-test (:name :nil-array-access)
229 (let ((nil-array (make-array '(10 10) :element-type nil)))
230 (assert (write-to-string nil-array))
231 (let ((*read-eval* nil))
232 (assert-error (write-to-string nil-array :readably t)))
233 (flet ((test (accessor args)
234 (assert-error
235 (funcall (checked-compile
236 `(lambda ()
237 (,accessor (make-array '(10 10) :element-type nil)
238 ,@(make-list args :initial-element 0)))))
239 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)
240 (assert-error
241 (funcall (checked-compile
242 `(lambda (x)
243 (,accessor x ,@(make-list args :initial-element 0))))
244 nil-array)
245 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)))
246 (test 'aref 2)
247 (test 'row-major-aref 1))))
249 (with-test (:name (string-equal :two-arg))
250 (flet ((check (function expected)
251 (assert (eq (funcall
252 (checked-compile `(lambda (x y) (,function x y)))
254 (make-array 1 :element-type 'character
255 :displaced-to "bA"
256 :displaced-index-offset 1))
257 expected))))
258 (check 'string-equal t)
259 (check 'string-not-equal nil)))
261 (with-test (:name :write-to-string-base-stringize)
262 (let ((result (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda (x) (write-to-string x))) 33d0)))
263 (assert (equal result "33.0d0"))
264 (assert (typep result 'simple-base-string))))
266 (with-test (:name :make-string-fail-early)
267 ;; This used to get "Heap exhausted"
268 (assert-error
269 (funcall (opaque-identity 'make-string) (truncate array-total-size-limit 2)
270 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
272 (with-test (:name :make-string-pedantic-initial-element)
273 ;; This used to be silently accepted (at least in the interpreter)
274 (assert-error
275 (funcall (opaque-identity 'make-string) 10
276 :element-type '(member #\a #\b #\c) :initial-element nil))
277 ;; As was this
278 (assert-error
279 (funcall (opaque-identity 'make-string) 10
280 :element-type '(member #\a #\b #\c) :initial-element #\x)))
282 (with-test (:name :%sp-string-compare-argument-order)
283 (checked-compile-and-assert
285 `(lambda (x)
286 (string/= "_" (the simple-string x)))
287 (("_") nil)
288 (("a") 0)))
290 (with-test (:name :string=-derive-type)
291 (macrolet
292 ((check (fun expected)
293 `(assert
294 (equal (second
295 (third
296 (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
297 (checked-compile '(lambda (x y)
298 (declare (ignorable x y))
299 ,fun)))))
300 ',expected))))
301 (check (string= (the (simple-string 1) x)
302 (the (simple-string 2) y)) null)
303 (check (string= (the (simple-base-string 1) x)
304 (the (simple-base-string 2) y)) null)
305 (check (string= (the (simple-array character (1)) x)
306 (the (simple-array character (2)) y)) null)))
308 (with-test (:name :string/=-derive-type)
309 (macrolet
310 ((check (fun expected)
311 `(assert
312 (type-specifiers-equal
313 (second
314 (third
315 (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
316 (checked-compile '(lambda (x y)
317 (declare (ignorable x y))
318 ,fun)))))
319 ',expected))))
320 (check (string/= (the (simple-string 4) x)
321 (the (simple-string 1) y)
322 :start1 1 :end1 * :end2 0) (or (integer 1 1) null))))
324 #+sb-unicode
325 (with-test (:name :possibly-base-stringize)
326 ;; simple-base, base non-simple
327 (let* ((str (make-string 4 :element-type 'base-char))
328 (res (sb-int:possibly-base-stringize str)))
329 (assert (eq res str)))
330 (let* ((str (make-array 4 :element-type 'base-char
331 :displaced-to (make-string 4 :element-type 'base-char)))
332 (res (sb-int:possibly-base-stringize str)))
333 (assert (and (sb-int:neq res str) (typep res 'simple-base-string))))
334 ;; simple-character w/ASCII only, non-simple character w/ASCII only
335 (let* ((str (make-string 4))
336 (res (sb-int:possibly-base-stringize str)))
337 (assert (and (sb-int:neq res str) (typep res 'simple-base-string))))
338 (let* ((str (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
339 :displaced-to (make-string 4)))
340 (res (sb-int:possibly-base-stringize str)))
341 (assert (and (sb-int:neq res str) (typep res 'simple-base-string))))
342 ;; simple-character w/Unicode, non-simple character w/Unicode
343 (let* ((str (make-string 4 :initial-element #\u3f4))
344 (res (sb-int:possibly-base-stringize str)))
345 (assert (and (eq res str) (typep res 'sb-kernel:simple-character-string))))
346 (let* ((str (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
347 :displaced-to
348 (make-string 4 :initial-element #\u3f5)))
349 (res (sb-int:possibly-base-stringize str)))
350 (assert (and (sb-int:neq res str) (typep res 'sb-kernel:simple-character-string)))))
351 (with-test (:name :possibly-base-stringize-dx :skipped-on :interpreter)
352 (let* ((str (make-string 4 :element-type 'base-char))
353 (res (sb-int:possibly-base-stringize-to-heap str)))
354 (declare (dynamic-extent str))
355 (assert (if (sb-kernel:dynamic-space-obj-p str)
356 (eq res str)
357 (not (eq res str))))))
359 (with-test (:name :string-case-type)
360 (macrolet
361 ((check (fun expected)
362 `(assert
363 (type-specifiers-equal
364 (second
365 (third
366 (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
367 (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
368 (declare (ignorable x))
369 ,fun)))))
370 ',expected))))
371 (check (string-upcase nil)
372 (simple-base-string 3))
373 (check (string-upcase (the symbol x))
374 simple-string)
375 (check (string-upcase (the character x))
376 (simple-string 1))))