Optimize BIT-VECTOR-= on non-simple arrays.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / host-alieneval.lisp
1 ;;;; the part of the Alien implementation which is needed at
2 ;;;; cross-compilation time
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!ALIEN")
15 (/show0 "host-alieneval.lisp 15")
17 ;;;; utility functions
19 (defun align-offset (offset alignment)
20 (let ((extra (rem offset alignment)))
21 (if (zerop extra) offset (+ offset (- alignment extra)))))
23 (defun guess-alignment (bits)
24 (cond ((null bits) nil)
25 #!-(or (and x86 (not win32)) (and ppc darwin)) ((> bits 32) 64)
26 ((> bits 16) 32)
27 ((> bits 8) 16)
28 ((> bits 1) 8)
29 (t 1)))
31 ;;;; ALIEN-TYPE-INFO stuff
33 ;;; We define a keyword "BOA" constructor so that we can reference the
34 ;;; slot names in init forms.
35 (defmacro define-alien-type-class ((name &key include include-args) &rest slots)
36 (let ((defstruct-name (symbolicate "ALIEN-" name "-TYPE")))
37 (multiple-value-bind (include include-defstruct overrides)
38 (etypecase include
39 (null
40 (values nil 'alien-type nil))
41 (symbol
42 (values
43 include
44 (alien-type-class-defstruct-name
45 (alien-type-class-or-lose include))
46 nil))
47 (list
48 (values
49 (car include)
50 (alien-type-class-defstruct-name
51 (alien-type-class-or-lose (car include)))
52 (cdr include))))
53 `(progn
54 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
55 (create-alien-type-class-if-necessary ',name ',defstruct-name
56 ',(or include 'root)))
57 (def!struct (,defstruct-name
58 (:include ,include-defstruct
59 (class ',name)
60 ,@overrides)
61 (:constructor
62 ,(symbolicate "MAKE-" defstruct-name)
63 (&key class bits alignment
64 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
65 (if (atom x) x (car x)))
66 slots)
67 ,@include-args
68 ;; KLUDGE
69 &aux (alignment (or alignment (guess-alignment bits))))))
70 ,@slots)))))
72 (defmacro define-alien-type-method ((class method) lambda-list &rest body)
73 (let ((defun-name (symbolicate class "-" method "-METHOD")))
74 `(progn
75 (defun ,defun-name ,lambda-list
76 ,@body)
77 (setf (,(method-slot method) (alien-type-class-or-lose ',class))
78 #',defun-name))))
80 ;;;; type parsing and unparsing
83 ;;; COMPILER-LET is no longer supported by ANSI or SBCL. Instead, we
84 ;;; follow the suggestion in CLTL2 of using SYMBOL-MACROLET to achieve
85 ;;; a similar effect.
86 (eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
87 (defun auxiliary-type-definitions (env)
88 (multiple-value-bind (result expanded-p)
89 (%macroexpand '&auxiliary-type-definitions& env)
90 (if expanded-p
91 result
92 ;; This is like having the global symbol-macro definition be
93 ;; NIL, but global symbol-macros make me vaguely queasy, so
94 ;; I do it this way instead.
95 nil))))
97 ;;; Parse TYPE as an alien type specifier and return the resultant
98 ;;; ALIEN-TYPE structure.
99 (defun parse-alien-type (type env)
100 (declare (type sb!kernel:lexenv-designator env))
101 (if (consp type)
102 (let ((translator (info :alien-type :translator (car type))))
103 (unless translator
104 (error "unknown alien type: ~S" type))
105 (funcall translator type env))
106 (ecase (info :alien-type :kind type)
107 (:primitive
108 (let ((translator (info :alien-type :translator type)))
109 (unless translator
110 (error "no translator for primitive alien type ~S" type))
111 (funcall translator (list type) env)))
112 (:defined
113 (or (info :alien-type :definition type)
114 (error "no definition for alien type ~S" type)))
115 (:unknown
116 (error "unknown alien type: ~S" type)))))
118 (defun auxiliary-alien-type (kind name env)
119 (declare (type sb!kernel:lexenv-designator env))
120 (flet ((aux-defn-matches (x)
121 (and (eq (first x) kind) (eq (second x) name))))
122 (let ((in-auxiliaries
123 (or (find-if #'aux-defn-matches *new-auxiliary-types*)
124 (find-if #'aux-defn-matches (auxiliary-type-definitions env)))))
125 (if in-auxiliaries
126 (values (third in-auxiliaries) t)
127 (info :alien-type kind name)))))
129 (defun (setf auxiliary-alien-type) (new-value kind name env)
130 (declare (type sb!kernel:lexenv-designator env))
131 (flet ((aux-defn-matches (x)
132 (and (eq (first x) kind) (eq (second x) name))))
133 (when (find-if #'aux-defn-matches *new-auxiliary-types*)
134 (error "attempt to multiply define ~A ~S" kind name))
135 (when (find-if #'aux-defn-matches (auxiliary-type-definitions env))
136 (error "attempt to shadow definition of ~A ~S" kind name)))
137 (push (list kind name new-value) *new-auxiliary-types*)
138 new-value)
140 (defun verify-local-auxiliaries-okay ()
141 (dolist (info *new-auxiliary-types*)
142 (destructuring-bind (kind name defn) info
143 (declare (ignore defn))
144 (when (info :alien-type kind name)
145 (error "attempt to shadow definition of ~A ~S" kind name)))))
147 (defun unparse-alien-type (type)
148 #!+sb-doc
149 "Convert the alien-type structure TYPE back into a list specification of
150 the type."
151 (declare (type alien-type type))
152 (let ((*record-types-already-unparsed* nil))
153 (%unparse-alien-type type)))
155 ;;; Does all the work of UNPARSE-ALIEN-TYPE. It's separate because we
156 ;;; need to recurse inside the binding of
158 (defun %unparse-alien-type (type)
159 (invoke-alien-type-method :unparse type))
161 ;;;; alien type defining stuff
163 (eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
164 (defun %define-alien-type-translator (name translator)
165 (setf (info :alien-type :kind name) :primitive)
166 (setf (info :alien-type :translator name) translator)
167 (clear-info :alien-type :definition name)
168 name))
170 (eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
171 (defun %def-auxiliary-alien-types (types source-location)
172 (dolist (info types)
173 ;; Clear up the type we're about to define from the toplevel
174 ;; *new-auxiliary-types* (local scopes take care of themselves).
175 ;; Unless this is done we never actually get back the full type
176 ;; from INFO, since the *new-auxiliary-types* have precendence.
177 (setf *new-auxiliary-types*
178 (remove info *new-auxiliary-types*
179 :test (lambda (a b)
180 (and (eq (first a) (first b))
181 (eq (second a) (second b))))))
182 (destructuring-bind (kind name defn) info
183 (let ((old (info :alien-type kind name)))
184 (unless (or (null old) (alien-type-= old defn))
185 (warn "redefining ~A ~S to be:~% ~S,~%was:~% ~S"
186 kind name defn old)))
187 (setf (info :alien-type kind name) defn
188 (info :source-location :alien-type name) source-location))))
190 (defun %define-alien-type (name new)
191 (ecase (info :alien-type :kind name)
192 (:primitive
193 (error "~S is a built-in alien type." name))
194 (:defined
195 (let ((old (info :alien-type :definition name)))
196 (unless (or (null old) (alien-type-= new old))
197 (warn "redefining ~S to be:~% ~S,~%was~% ~S"
198 name
199 (unparse-alien-type new)
200 (unparse-alien-type old)))))
201 (:unknown))
202 (setf (info :alien-type :definition name) new)
203 (setf (info :alien-type :kind name) :defined)
204 name))
206 ;;;; the root alien type
208 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
209 (create-alien-type-class-if-necessary 'root 'alien-type nil))
211 (def!method print-object ((type alien-type) stream)
212 (print-unreadable-object (type stream :type t)
213 ;; Kludge to avoid printing #'(SIGNED 64) instead of (FUNCTION (SIGNED 64))
214 ;; for a 0-argument function. This is only a problem with alien types
215 ;; because ordinary FUNCTION type specifiers are 3-lists.
216 (let ((sb!pretty:*pprint-quote-with-syntactic-sugar* nil))
217 ;; forward-reference of this special variable unfortunately
218 (declare (special sb!pretty:*pprint-quote-with-syntactic-sugar*))
219 (prin1 (unparse-alien-type type) stream))))
221 ;;;; the SAP type
223 (define-alien-type-class (system-area-pointer))
225 (define-alien-type-translator system-area-pointer ()
226 (make-alien-system-area-pointer-type
227 :bits sb!vm:n-machine-word-bits))
229 (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :unparse) (type)
230 (declare (ignore type))
231 'system-area-pointer)
233 (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :lisp-rep) (type)
234 (declare (ignore type))
235 'system-area-pointer)
237 (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :alien-rep) (type context)
238 (declare (ignore type context))
239 'system-area-pointer)
241 (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
242 (declare (ignore type))
243 alien)
245 (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :deport-gen) (type object)
246 (declare (ignore type))
247 (/noshow "doing alien type method SYSTEM-AREA-POINTER :DEPORT-GEN" object)
248 object)
250 (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :extract-gen) (type sap offset)
251 (declare (ignore type))
252 `(sap-ref-sap ,sap (/ ,offset sb!vm:n-byte-bits)))
254 ;;;; the ALIEN-VALUE type
256 (define-alien-type-class (alien-value :include system-area-pointer))
258 (define-alien-type-method (alien-value :lisp-rep) (type)
259 (declare (ignore type))
260 nil)
262 (define-alien-type-method (alien-value :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
263 `(%sap-alien ,alien ',type))
265 (define-alien-type-method (alien-value :deport-gen) (type value)
266 (declare (ignore type))
267 (/noshow "doing alien type method ALIEN-VALUE :DEPORT-GEN" value)
268 `(alien-sap ,value))
270 ;;; HEAP-ALIEN-INFO -- defstruct.
272 (def!method print-object ((info heap-alien-info) stream)
273 (print-unreadable-object (info stream :type t)
274 (funcall (formatter "~S ~S~@[ (data)~]")
275 stream
276 (heap-alien-info-alien-name info)
277 (unparse-alien-type (heap-alien-info-type info))
278 (heap-alien-info-datap info))))
280 ;;; The form to evaluate to produce the SAP pointing to where in the heap
281 ;;; it is.
282 (defun heap-alien-info-sap-form (info)
283 `(foreign-symbol-sap ,(heap-alien-info-alien-name info)
284 ,(heap-alien-info-datap info)))
286 #-sb-xc-host ; No FOREIGN-SYMBOL-SAP
287 (defun heap-alien-info-sap (info)
288 (foreign-symbol-sap (heap-alien-info-alien-name info)
289 (heap-alien-info-datap info)))
291 ;;;; Interfaces to the different methods
293 (defun alien-type-= (type1 type2)
294 #!+sb-doc
295 "Return T iff TYPE1 and TYPE2 describe equivalent alien types."
296 (or (eq type1 type2)
297 (and (eq (alien-type-class type1)
298 (alien-type-class type2))
299 (invoke-alien-type-method :type= type1 type2))))
301 (defun alien-subtype-p (type1 type2)
302 #!+sb-doc
303 "Return T iff the alien type TYPE1 is a subtype of TYPE2. Currently, the
304 only supported subtype relationships are is that any pointer type is a
305 subtype of (* t), and any array type first dimension will match
306 (array <eltype> nil ...). Otherwise, the two types have to be
307 ALIEN-TYPE-=."
308 (or (eq type1 type2)
309 (invoke-alien-type-method :subtypep type1 type2)))
311 (defun compute-naturalize-lambda (type)
312 `(lambda (alien ignore)
313 (declare (ignore ignore))
314 ,(invoke-alien-type-method :naturalize-gen type 'alien)))
316 (defun compute-deport-lambda (type)
317 (declare (type alien-type type))
318 (/noshow "entering COMPUTE-DEPORT-LAMBDA" type)
319 (multiple-value-bind (form value-type)
320 (invoke-alien-type-method :deport-gen type 'value)
321 `(lambda (value ignore)
322 (declare (type ,(or value-type
323 (compute-lisp-rep-type type)
324 `(alien ,type))
325 value)
326 (ignore ignore))
327 ,form)))
329 (defun compute-deport-alloc-lambda (type)
330 `(lambda (value ignore)
331 (declare (ignore ignore))
332 ,(invoke-alien-type-method :deport-alloc-gen type 'value)))
334 (defun compute-extract-lambda (type)
335 `(lambda (sap offset ignore)
336 (declare (type system-area-pointer sap)
337 (type unsigned-byte offset)
338 (ignore ignore))
339 (naturalize ,(invoke-alien-type-method :extract-gen type 'sap 'offset)
340 ',type)))
342 (defun compute-deposit-lambda (type)
343 (declare (type alien-type type))
344 `(lambda (value sap offset ignore)
345 (declare (type system-area-pointer sap)
346 (type unsigned-byte offset)
347 (ignore ignore))
348 (let ((alloc-tmp (deport-alloc value ',type)))
349 (maybe-with-pinned-objects (alloc-tmp) (,type)
350 (let ((value (deport alloc-tmp ',type)))
351 ,(invoke-alien-type-method :deposit-gen type 'sap 'offset 'value)
352 ;; Note: the reason we don't just return the pre-deported value
353 ;; is because that would inhibit any (deport (naturalize ...))
354 ;; optimizations that might have otherwise happen. Re-naturalizing
355 ;; the value might cause extra consing, but is flushable, so probably
356 ;; results in better code.
357 (naturalize value ',type))))))
359 (defun compute-lisp-rep-type (type)
360 (invoke-alien-type-method :lisp-rep type))
362 ;;; CONTEXT is either :NORMAL (the default) or :RESULT (alien function
363 ;;; return values). See the :ALIEN-REP method for INTEGER for
364 ;;; details.
365 (defun compute-alien-rep-type (type &optional (context :normal))
366 (invoke-alien-type-method :alien-rep type context))
368 ;;;; default methods
370 (define-alien-type-method (root :unparse) (type)
371 `(<unknown-alien-type> ,(type-of type)))
373 (define-alien-type-method (root :type=) (type1 type2)
374 (declare (ignore type1 type2))
377 (define-alien-type-method (root :subtypep) (type1 type2)
378 (alien-type-= type1 type2))
380 (define-alien-type-method (root :lisp-rep) (type)
381 (declare (ignore type))
382 nil)
384 (define-alien-type-method (root :alien-rep) (type context)
385 (declare (ignore type context))
388 (define-alien-type-method (root :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
389 (declare (ignore alien))
390 (error "cannot represent ~S typed aliens" type))
392 (define-alien-type-method (root :deport-gen) (type object)
393 (declare (ignore object))
394 (error "cannot represent ~S typed aliens" type))
396 (define-alien-type-method (root :deport-alloc-gen) (type object)
397 (declare (ignore type))
398 object)
400 (define-alien-type-method (root :deport-pin-p) (type)
401 (declare (ignore type))
402 ;; Override this method to return T for classes which take a SAP to a
403 ;; GCable lisp object when deporting.
404 nil)
406 (define-alien-type-method (root :extract-gen) (type sap offset)
407 (declare (ignore sap offset))
408 (error "cannot represent ~S typed aliens" type))
410 (define-alien-type-method (root :deposit-gen) (type sap offset value)
411 `(setf ,(invoke-alien-type-method :extract-gen type sap offset) ,value))
413 (define-alien-type-method (root :arg-tn) (type state)
414 (declare (ignore state))
415 (error "Aliens of type ~S cannot be passed as arguments to CALL-OUT."
416 (unparse-alien-type type)))
418 (define-alien-type-method (root :result-tn) (type state)
419 (declare (ignore state))
420 (error "Aliens of type ~S cannot be returned from CALL-OUT."
421 (unparse-alien-type type)))
423 ;;;; the INTEGER type
425 (define-alien-type-class (integer)
426 (signed t :type (member t nil)))
428 (define-alien-type-translator signed (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
429 (make-alien-integer-type :bits bits))
431 (define-alien-type-translator integer (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
432 (make-alien-integer-type :bits bits))
434 (define-alien-type-translator unsigned (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
435 (make-alien-integer-type :bits bits :signed nil))
437 (define-alien-type-method (integer :unparse) (type)
438 (list (if (alien-integer-type-signed type) 'signed 'unsigned)
439 (alien-integer-type-bits type)))
441 (define-alien-type-method (integer :type=) (type1 type2)
442 (and (eq (alien-integer-type-signed type1)
443 (alien-integer-type-signed type2))
444 (= (alien-integer-type-bits type1)
445 (alien-integer-type-bits type2))))
447 (define-alien-type-method (integer :lisp-rep) (type)
448 (list (if (alien-integer-type-signed type) 'signed-byte 'unsigned-byte)
449 (alien-integer-type-bits type)))
451 (define-alien-type-method (integer :alien-rep) (type context)
452 ;; When returning integer values that are narrower than a machine
453 ;; register from a function, some platforms leave the higher bits of
454 ;; the register uninitialized. On those platforms, we use an
455 ;; alien-rep of the full register width when checking for purposes
456 ;; of return values and override the naturalize method to perform
457 ;; the sign extension (in compiler/target/c-call.lisp).
458 (ecase context
459 ((:normal #!-(or alpha x86 x86-64) :result)
460 (list (if (alien-integer-type-signed type) 'signed-byte 'unsigned-byte)
461 (alien-integer-type-bits type)))
462 #!+(or alpha x86 x86-64)
463 (:result
464 (list (if (alien-integer-type-signed type) 'signed-byte 'unsigned-byte)
465 (max (alien-integer-type-bits type)
466 sb!vm:n-machine-word-bits)))))
468 ;;; As per the comment in the :ALIEN-REP method above, this is defined
469 ;;; elsewhere for alpha and x86oids.
470 #!-(or alpha x86 x86-64)
471 (define-alien-type-method (integer :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
472 (declare (ignore type))
473 alien)
475 (define-alien-type-method (integer :deport-gen) (type value)
476 (declare (ignore type))
477 value)
479 (define-alien-type-method (integer :extract-gen) (type sap offset)
480 (declare (type alien-integer-type type))
481 (let ((ref-fun
482 (if (alien-integer-type-signed type)
483 (case (alien-integer-type-bits type)
484 (8 'signed-sap-ref-8)
485 (16 'signed-sap-ref-16)
486 (32 'signed-sap-ref-32)
487 (64 'signed-sap-ref-64))
488 (case (alien-integer-type-bits type)
489 (8 'sap-ref-8)
490 (16 'sap-ref-16)
491 (32 'sap-ref-32)
492 (64 'sap-ref-64)))))
493 (if ref-fun
494 `(,ref-fun ,sap (/ ,offset sb!vm:n-byte-bits))
495 (error "cannot extract ~W-bit integers"
496 (alien-integer-type-bits type)))))
498 ;;;; the BOOLEAN type
500 (define-alien-type-class (boolean :include integer :include-args (signed)))
502 ;;; FIXME: Check to make sure that we aren't attaching user-readable
503 ;;; stuff to CL:BOOLEAN in any way which impairs ANSI compliance.
504 (define-alien-type-translator boolean (&optional (bits sb!vm:n-word-bits))
505 (make-alien-boolean-type :bits bits :signed nil))
507 (define-alien-type-method (boolean :unparse) (type)
508 `(boolean ,(alien-boolean-type-bits type)))
510 (define-alien-type-method (boolean :lisp-rep) (type)
511 (declare (ignore type))
512 `(member t nil))
514 (define-alien-type-method (boolean :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
515 (let ((bits (alien-boolean-type-bits type)))
516 (if (= bits sb!vm:n-word-bits)
517 `(not (zerop ,alien))
518 `(logtest ,alien ,(ldb (byte bits 0) -1)))))
520 (define-alien-type-method (boolean :deport-gen) (type value)
521 (declare (ignore type))
522 `(if ,value 1 0))
524 ;;;; the ENUM type
526 (define-alien-type-class (enum :include (integer (bits 32))
527 :include-args (signed))
528 name ; name of this enum (if any)
529 from ; alist from symbols to integers
530 to ; alist or vector from integers to symbols
531 kind ; kind of from mapping, :VECTOR or :ALIST
532 offset) ; offset to add to value for :VECTOR from mapping
534 (define-alien-type-translator enum (&whole
535 type name
536 &rest mappings
537 &environment env)
538 (cond (mappings
539 (let ((result (parse-enum name mappings)))
540 (when name
541 (multiple-value-bind (old old-p)
542 (auxiliary-alien-type :enum name env)
543 (when old-p
544 (unless (alien-type-= result old)
545 (cerror "Continue, clobbering the old definition"
546 "Incompatible alien enum type definition: ~S" name)
547 (setf (alien-enum-type-from old) (alien-enum-type-from result)
548 (alien-enum-type-to old) (alien-enum-type-to result)
549 (alien-enum-type-kind old) (alien-enum-type-kind result)
550 (alien-enum-type-offset old) (alien-enum-type-offset result)
551 (alien-enum-type-signed old) (alien-enum-type-signed result)))
552 (setf result old))
553 (unless old-p
554 (setf (auxiliary-alien-type :enum name env) result))))
555 result))
556 (name
557 (multiple-value-bind (result found)
558 (auxiliary-alien-type :enum name env)
559 (unless found
560 (error "unknown enum type: ~S" name))
561 result))
563 (error "empty enum type: ~S" type))))
565 (defun parse-enum (name elements)
566 (when (null elements)
567 (error "An enumeration must contain at least one element."))
568 (let ((min nil)
569 (max nil)
570 (from-alist ())
571 (prev -1))
572 (declare (list from-alist))
573 (dolist (el elements)
574 (multiple-value-bind (sym val)
575 (if (listp el)
576 (values (first el) (second el))
577 (values el (1+ prev)))
578 (setf prev val)
579 (unless (symbolp sym)
580 (error "The enumeration element ~S is not a symbol." sym))
581 (unless (integerp val)
582 (error "The element value ~S is not an integer." val))
583 (unless (and max (> max val)) (setq max val))
584 (unless (and min (< min val)) (setq min val))
585 (when (rassoc val from-alist)
586 (style-warn "The element value ~S is used more than once." val))
587 (when (assoc sym from-alist :test #'eq)
588 (error "The enumeration element ~S is used more than once." sym))
589 (push (cons sym val) from-alist)))
590 (let* ((signed (minusp min))
591 (min-bits (if signed
592 (1+ (max (integer-length min)
593 (integer-length max)))
594 (integer-length max))))
595 (when (> min-bits 32)
596 (error "can't represent enums needing more than 32 bits"))
597 (setf from-alist (sort from-alist #'< :key #'cdr))
598 (cond
599 ;; If range is at least 20% dense, use vector mapping. Crossover
600 ;; point solely on basis of space would be 25%. Vector mapping
601 ;; is always faster, so give the benefit of the doubt.
602 ((< 0.2 (/ (float (length from-alist)) (float (1+ (- max min)))))
603 ;; If offset is small and ignorable, ignore it to save time.
604 (when (< 0 min 10) (setq min 0))
605 (let ((to (make-array (1+ (- max min)))))
606 (dolist (el from-alist)
607 (setf (svref to (- (cdr el) min)) (car el)))
608 (make-alien-enum-type :name name :signed signed
609 :from from-alist :to to :kind
610 :vector :offset (- min))))
612 (make-alien-enum-type :name name :signed signed
613 :from from-alist
614 :to (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (cdr x) (car x)))
615 from-alist)
616 :kind :alist))))))
618 (define-alien-type-method (enum :unparse) (type)
619 `(enum ,(alien-enum-type-name type)
620 ,@(let ((prev -1))
621 (mapcar (lambda (mapping)
622 (let ((sym (car mapping))
623 (value (cdr mapping)))
624 (prog1
625 (if (= (1+ prev) value)
627 `(,sym ,value))
628 (setf prev value))))
629 (alien-enum-type-from type)))))
631 (define-alien-type-method (enum :type=) (type1 type2)
632 (and (eq (alien-enum-type-name type1)
633 (alien-enum-type-name type2))
634 (equal (alien-enum-type-from type1)
635 (alien-enum-type-from type2))))
637 (define-alien-type-method (enum :lisp-rep) (type)
638 `(member ,@(mapcar #'car (alien-enum-type-from type))))
640 (define-alien-type-method (enum :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
641 (ecase (alien-enum-type-kind type)
642 (:vector
643 `(svref ',(alien-enum-type-to type)
644 (+ ,alien ,(alien-enum-type-offset type))))
645 (:alist
646 `(ecase ,alien
647 ,@(mapcar (lambda (mapping)
648 `(,(car mapping) ',(cdr mapping)))
649 (alien-enum-type-to type))))))
651 (define-alien-type-method (enum :deport-gen) (type value)
652 `(ecase ,value
653 ,@(mapcar (lambda (mapping)
654 `(,(car mapping) ,(cdr mapping)))
655 (alien-enum-type-from type))))
657 ;;;; the FLOAT types
659 (define-alien-type-class (float)
660 (type (missing-arg) :type symbol))
662 (define-alien-type-method (float :unparse) (type)
663 (alien-float-type-type type))
665 (define-alien-type-method (float :lisp-rep) (type)
666 (alien-float-type-type type))
668 (define-alien-type-method (float :alien-rep) (type context)
669 (declare (ignore context))
670 (alien-float-type-type type))
672 (define-alien-type-method (float :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
673 (declare (ignore type))
674 alien)
676 (define-alien-type-method (float :deport-gen) (type value)
677 (declare (ignore type))
678 value)
680 (define-alien-type-class (single-float :include (float (bits 32))
681 :include-args (type)))
683 (define-alien-type-translator single-float ()
684 (make-alien-single-float-type :type 'single-float))
686 (define-alien-type-method (single-float :extract-gen) (type sap offset)
687 (declare (ignore type))
688 `(sap-ref-single ,sap (/ ,offset sb!vm:n-byte-bits)))
690 (define-alien-type-class (double-float :include (float (bits 64))
691 :include-args (type)))
693 (define-alien-type-translator double-float ()
694 (make-alien-double-float-type :type 'double-float))
696 (define-alien-type-method (double-float :extract-gen) (type sap offset)
697 (declare (ignore type))
698 `(sap-ref-double ,sap (/ ,offset sb!vm:n-byte-bits)))
701 ;;;; the POINTER type
703 (define-alien-type-class (pointer :include (alien-value (bits
704 sb!vm:n-machine-word-bits)))
705 (to nil :type (or alien-type null)))
707 (define-alien-type-translator * (to &environment env)
708 (make-alien-pointer-type :to (if (eq to t) nil (parse-alien-type to env))))
710 (define-alien-type-method (pointer :unparse) (type)
711 (let ((to (alien-pointer-type-to type)))
712 `(* ,(if to
713 (%unparse-alien-type to)
714 t))))
716 (define-alien-type-method (pointer :type=) (type1 type2)
717 (let ((to1 (alien-pointer-type-to type1))
718 (to2 (alien-pointer-type-to type2)))
719 (if to1
720 (if to2
721 (alien-type-= to1 to2)
722 nil)
723 (null to2))))
725 (define-alien-type-method (pointer :subtypep) (type1 type2)
726 (and (alien-pointer-type-p type2)
727 (let ((to1 (alien-pointer-type-to type1))
728 (to2 (alien-pointer-type-to type2)))
729 (if to1
730 (if to2
731 (alien-subtype-p to1 to2)
733 (null to2)))))
735 (define-alien-type-method (pointer :deport-gen) (type value)
736 (/noshow "doing alien type method POINTER :DEPORT-GEN" type value)
737 (values
738 ;; FIXME: old version, highlighted a bug in xc optimization
739 `(etypecase ,value
740 (null
741 (int-sap 0))
742 (system-area-pointer
743 ,value)
744 ((alien ,type)
745 (alien-sap ,value)))
746 ;; new version, works around bug in xc optimization
747 #+nil
748 `(etypecase ,value
749 (system-area-pointer
750 ,value)
751 ((alien ,type)
752 (alien-sap ,value))
753 (null
754 (int-sap 0)))
755 `(or null system-area-pointer (alien ,type))))
757 ;;;; the MEM-BLOCK type
759 (define-alien-type-class (mem-block :include alien-value))
761 (define-alien-type-method (mem-block :extract-gen) (type sap offset)
762 (declare (ignore type))
763 `(sap+ ,sap (truncate ,offset sb!vm:n-byte-bits)))
765 (define-alien-type-method (mem-block :deposit-gen) (type sap offset value)
766 (let ((bits (alien-mem-block-type-bits type)))
767 (unless bits
768 (error "can't deposit aliens of type ~S (unknown size)" type))
769 `(sb!kernel:system-area-ub8-copy ,value 0 ,sap
770 (truncate ,offset sb!vm:n-byte-bits)
771 ',(truncate bits sb!vm:n-byte-bits))))
773 ;;;; the ARRAY type
775 (define-alien-type-class (array :include mem-block)
776 (element-type (missing-arg) :type alien-type)
777 (dimensions (missing-arg) :type list))
779 (define-alien-type-translator array (ele-type &rest dims &environment env)
781 (when dims
782 (unless (typep (first dims) '(or index null))
783 (error "The first dimension is not a non-negative fixnum or NIL: ~S"
784 (first dims)))
785 (let ((loser (find-if-not (lambda (x) (typep x 'index))
786 (rest dims))))
787 (when loser
788 (error "A dimension is not a non-negative fixnum: ~S" loser))))
790 (let ((parsed-ele-type (parse-alien-type ele-type env)))
791 (make-alien-array-type
792 :element-type parsed-ele-type
793 :dimensions dims
794 :alignment (alien-type-alignment parsed-ele-type)
795 :bits (if (and (alien-type-bits parsed-ele-type)
796 (every #'integerp dims))
797 (* (align-offset (alien-type-bits parsed-ele-type)
798 (alien-type-alignment parsed-ele-type))
799 (reduce #'* dims))))))
801 (define-alien-type-method (array :unparse) (type)
802 `(array ,(%unparse-alien-type (alien-array-type-element-type type))
803 ,@(alien-array-type-dimensions type)))
805 (define-alien-type-method (array :type=) (type1 type2)
806 (and (equal (alien-array-type-dimensions type1)
807 (alien-array-type-dimensions type2))
808 (alien-type-= (alien-array-type-element-type type1)
809 (alien-array-type-element-type type2))))
811 (define-alien-type-method (array :subtypep) (type1 type2)
812 (and (alien-array-type-p type2)
813 (let ((dim1 (alien-array-type-dimensions type1))
814 (dim2 (alien-array-type-dimensions type2)))
815 (and (= (length dim1) (length dim2))
816 (or (and dim2
817 (null (car dim2))
818 (equal (cdr dim1) (cdr dim2)))
819 (equal dim1 dim2))
820 (alien-subtype-p (alien-array-type-element-type type1)
821 (alien-array-type-element-type type2))))))
823 ;;;; the RECORD type
825 (def!struct (alien-record-field
826 (:make-load-form-fun sb!kernel:just-dump-it-normally))
827 (name (missing-arg) :type symbol)
828 (type (missing-arg) :type alien-type)
829 (bits nil :type (or unsigned-byte null))
830 (offset 0 :type unsigned-byte))
831 (def!method print-object ((field alien-record-field) stream)
832 (print-unreadable-object (field stream :type t)
833 (format stream
834 "~S ~S~@[:~D~]"
835 (alien-record-field-type field)
836 (alien-record-field-name field)
837 (alien-record-field-bits field))))
839 (define-alien-type-class (record :include mem-block)
840 (kind :struct :type (member :struct :union))
841 (name nil :type (or symbol null))
842 (fields nil :type list))
844 (define-alien-type-translator struct (name &rest fields &environment env)
845 (parse-alien-record-type :struct name fields env))
847 (define-alien-type-translator union (name &rest fields &environment env)
848 (parse-alien-record-type :union name fields env))
850 ;;; FIXME: This is really pretty horrible: we avoid creating new
851 ;;; ALIEN-RECORD-TYPE objects when a live one is flitting around the
852 ;;; system already. This way forward-references sans fields get
853 ;;; "updated" for free to contain the field info. Maybe rename
855 ;;; ENSURE-ALIEN-RECORD-TYPE instead. --NS 20040729
856 (defun parse-alien-record-type (kind name fields env)
857 (declare (type sb!kernel:lexenv-designator env))
858 (flet ((frob-type (type new-fields alignment bits)
859 (setf (alien-record-type-fields type) new-fields
860 (alien-record-type-alignment type) alignment
861 (alien-record-type-bits type) bits)))
862 (cond (fields
863 (multiple-value-bind (new-fields alignment bits)
864 (parse-alien-record-fields kind fields env)
865 (let* ((old (and name (auxiliary-alien-type kind name env)))
866 (old-fields (and old (alien-record-type-fields old))))
867 (when (and old-fields
868 (notevery #'record-fields-match-p old-fields new-fields))
869 (cerror "Continue, clobbering the old definition."
870 "Incompatible alien record type definition~%Old: ~S~%New: ~S"
871 (unparse-alien-type old)
872 `(,(unparse-alien-record-kind kind)
873 ,name
874 ,@(let ((*record-types-already-unparsed* '()))
875 (mapcar #'unparse-alien-record-field new-fields))))
876 (frob-type old new-fields alignment bits))
877 (if old-fields
879 (let ((type (or old (make-alien-record-type :name name :kind kind))))
880 (when (and name (not old))
881 (setf (auxiliary-alien-type kind name env) type))
882 (frob-type type new-fields alignment bits)
883 type)))))
884 (name
885 (or (auxiliary-alien-type kind name env)
886 (setf (auxiliary-alien-type kind name env)
887 (make-alien-record-type :name name :kind kind))))
889 (make-alien-record-type :kind kind)))))
891 ;;; This is used by PARSE-ALIEN-TYPE to parse the fields of struct and union
892 ;;; types. KIND is the kind we are paring the fields of, and FIELDS is the
893 ;;; list of field specifications.
895 ;;; Result is a list of field objects, overall alignment, and number of bits
896 (defun parse-alien-record-fields (kind fields env)
897 (declare (type list fields))
898 (let ((total-bits 0)
899 (overall-alignment 1)
900 (parsed-fields nil))
901 (dolist (field fields)
902 (destructuring-bind (var type &key alignment bits offset) field
903 (declare (ignore bits))
904 (let* ((field-type (parse-alien-type type env))
905 (bits (alien-type-bits field-type))
906 (parsed-field
907 (make-alien-record-field :type field-type
908 :name var)))
909 (unless alignment
910 (setf alignment (alien-type-alignment field-type)))
911 (push parsed-field parsed-fields)
912 (when (null bits)
913 (error "unknown size: ~S" (unparse-alien-type field-type)))
914 (when (null alignment)
915 (error "unknown alignment: ~S" (unparse-alien-type field-type)))
916 (setf overall-alignment (max overall-alignment alignment))
917 (ecase kind
918 (:struct
919 (let ((offset (or offset (align-offset total-bits alignment))))
920 (setf (alien-record-field-offset parsed-field) offset)
921 (setf total-bits (+ offset bits))))
922 (:union
923 (setf total-bits (max total-bits bits)))))))
924 (values (nreverse parsed-fields)
925 overall-alignment
926 (align-offset total-bits overall-alignment))))
928 (define-alien-type-method (record :unparse) (type)
929 `(,(unparse-alien-record-kind (alien-record-type-kind type))
930 ,(alien-record-type-name type)
931 ,@(unless (member type *record-types-already-unparsed* :test #'eq)
932 (push type *record-types-already-unparsed*)
933 (mapcar #'unparse-alien-record-field
934 (alien-record-type-fields type)))))
936 (defun unparse-alien-record-kind (kind)
937 (case kind
938 (:struct 'struct)
939 (:union 'union)
940 (t '???)))
942 (defun unparse-alien-record-field (field)
943 `(,(alien-record-field-name field)
944 ,(%unparse-alien-type (alien-record-field-type field))
945 ,@(when (alien-record-field-bits field)
946 (list :bits (alien-record-field-bits field)))
947 ,@(when (alien-record-field-offset field)
948 (list :offset (alien-record-field-offset field)))))
950 ;;; Test the record fields. Keep a hashtable table of already compared
951 ;;; types to detect cycles.
952 (defun record-fields-match-p (field1 field2)
953 (and (eq (alien-record-field-name field1)
954 (alien-record-field-name field2))
955 (eql (alien-record-field-bits field1)
956 (alien-record-field-bits field2))
957 (eql (alien-record-field-offset field1)
958 (alien-record-field-offset field2))
959 (alien-type-= (alien-record-field-type field1)
960 (alien-record-field-type field2))))
962 (defvar *alien-type-matches* nil
963 #!+sb-doc
964 "A hashtable used to detect cycles while comparing record types.")
966 (define-alien-type-method (record :type=) (type1 type2)
967 (and (eq (alien-record-type-name type1)
968 (alien-record-type-name type2))
969 (eq (alien-record-type-kind type1)
970 (alien-record-type-kind type2))
971 (eql (alien-type-bits type1)
972 (alien-type-bits type2))
973 (eql (alien-type-alignment type1)
974 (alien-type-alignment type2))
975 (flet ((match-fields (&optional old)
976 (setf (gethash type1 *alien-type-matches*) (cons type2 old))
977 (every #'record-fields-match-p
978 (alien-record-type-fields type1)
979 (alien-record-type-fields type2))))
980 (if *alien-type-matches*
981 (let ((types (gethash type1 *alien-type-matches*)))
982 (or (memq type2 types) (match-fields types)))
983 (let ((*alien-type-matches* (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
984 (match-fields))))))
986 ;;;; the FUNCTION and VALUES alien types
988 ;;; Calling-convention spec, typically one of predefined keywords.
989 ;;; Add or remove as needed for target platform. It makes sense to
990 ;;; support :cdecl everywhere.
992 ;;; Null convention is supposed to be platform-specific most-universal
993 ;;; callout convention. For x86, SBCL calls foreign functions in a way
994 ;;; allowing them to be either stdcall or cdecl; null convention is
995 ;;; appropriate here, as it is for specifying callbacks that could be
996 ;;; accepted by foreign code both in cdecl and stdcall form.
997 (def!type calling-convention () `(or null (member :stdcall :cdecl)))
999 ;;; Convention could be a values type class, stored at result-type.
1000 ;;; However, it seems appropriate only for epilogue-related
1001 ;;; conventions, those not influencing incoming arg passing.
1003 ;;; As of x86's :stdcall and :cdecl, supported by now, both are
1004 ;;; epilogue-related, but future extensions (like :fastcall and
1005 ;;; miscellaneous non-x86 stuff) might affect incoming argument
1006 ;;; translation as well.
1008 (define-alien-type-class (fun :include mem-block)
1009 (result-type (missing-arg) :type alien-type)
1010 (arg-types (missing-arg) :type list)
1011 (stub nil :type (or null function))
1012 (convention nil :type calling-convention))
1014 ;;; KLUDGE: non-intrusive, backward-compatible way to allow calling
1015 ;;; convention specification for function types is unobvious.
1017 ;;; By now, `RESULT-TYPE' is allowed, but not required, to be a list
1018 ;;; starting with a convention keyword; its second item is a real
1019 ;;; result-type in this case. If convention is ever to become a part
1020 ;;; of result-type, such a syntax can be retained.
1022 (define-alien-type-translator function (result-type &rest arg-types
1023 &environment env)
1024 (multiple-value-bind (bare-result-type calling-convention)
1025 (typecase result-type
1026 ((cons calling-convention *)
1027 (values (second result-type) (first result-type)))
1028 (t result-type))
1029 (make-alien-fun-type
1030 :convention calling-convention
1031 :result-type (let ((*values-type-okay* t))
1032 (parse-alien-type bare-result-type env))
1033 :arg-types (mapcar (lambda (arg-type) (parse-alien-type arg-type env))
1034 arg-types))))
1036 (define-alien-type-method (fun :unparse) (type)
1037 `(function ,(let ((result-type
1038 (%unparse-alien-type (alien-fun-type-result-type type)))
1039 (convention (alien-fun-type-convention type)))
1040 (if convention (list convention result-type)
1041 result-type))
1042 ,@(mapcar #'%unparse-alien-type
1043 (alien-fun-type-arg-types type))))
1045 (define-alien-type-method (fun :type=) (type1 type2)
1046 (and (alien-type-= (alien-fun-type-result-type type1)
1047 (alien-fun-type-result-type type2))
1048 (eq (alien-fun-type-convention type1)
1049 (alien-fun-type-convention type2))
1050 (= (length (alien-fun-type-arg-types type1))
1051 (length (alien-fun-type-arg-types type2)))
1052 (every #'alien-type-=
1053 (alien-fun-type-arg-types type1)
1054 (alien-fun-type-arg-types type2))))
1056 (define-alien-type-class (values)
1057 (values (missing-arg) :type list))
1059 (define-alien-type-translator values (&rest values &environment env)
1060 (unless *values-type-okay*
1061 (error "cannot use values types here"))
1062 (let ((*values-type-okay* nil))
1063 (make-alien-values-type
1064 :values (mapcar (lambda (alien-type) (parse-alien-type alien-type env))
1065 values))))
1067 (define-alien-type-method (values :unparse) (type)
1068 `(values ,@(mapcar #'%unparse-alien-type
1069 (alien-values-type-values type))))
1071 (define-alien-type-method (values :type=) (type1 type2)
1072 (and (= (length (alien-values-type-values type1))
1073 (length (alien-values-type-values type2)))
1074 (every #'alien-type-=
1075 (alien-values-type-values type1)
1076 (alien-values-type-values type2))))
1078 ;;;; a structure definition needed both in the target and in the
1079 ;;;; cross-compilation host
1081 ;;; information about local aliens. The WITH-ALIEN macro builds one of
1082 ;;; these structures and LOCAL-ALIEN and friends communicate
1083 ;;; information about how that local alien is represented.
1084 (def!struct (local-alien-info
1085 (:make-load-form-fun sb!kernel:just-dump-it-normally)
1086 (:constructor make-local-alien-info
1087 (&key type force-to-memory-p
1088 &aux (force-to-memory-p (or force-to-memory-p
1089 (alien-array-type-p type)
1090 (alien-record-type-p type))))))
1091 ;; the type of the local alien
1092 (type (missing-arg) :type alien-type)
1093 ;; Must this local alien be forced into memory? Using the ADDR macro
1094 ;; on a local alien will set this.
1095 (force-to-memory-p nil :type (member t nil)))
1096 (def!method print-object ((info local-alien-info) stream)
1097 (print-unreadable-object (info stream :type t)
1098 (format stream
1099 "~:[~;(forced to stack) ~]~S"
1100 (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info)
1101 (unparse-alien-type (local-alien-info-type info)))))
1103 ;;;; the ADDR macro
1105 (sb!xc:defmacro addr (expr &environment env)
1106 #!+sb-doc
1107 "Return an Alien pointer to the data addressed by Expr, which must be a call
1108 to SLOT or DEREF, or a reference to an Alien variable."
1109 (let ((form (%macroexpand expr env)))
1110 (or (typecase form
1111 (cons
1112 (case (car form)
1113 (slot
1114 (cons '%slot-addr (cdr form)))
1115 (deref
1116 (cons '%deref-addr (cdr form)))
1117 (%heap-alien
1118 (cons '%heap-alien-addr (cdr form)))
1119 (local-alien
1120 (let ((info (let ((info-arg (second form)))
1121 (and (consp info-arg)
1122 (eq (car info-arg) 'quote)
1123 (second info-arg)))))
1124 (unless (local-alien-info-p info)
1125 (error "Something is wrong, LOCAL-ALIEN-INFO not found: ~S"
1126 form))
1127 (setf (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info) t))
1128 (cons '%local-alien-addr (cdr form)))))
1129 (symbol
1130 (let ((kind (info :variable :kind form)))
1131 (when (eq kind :alien)
1132 `(%heap-alien-addr ',(info :variable :alien-info form))))))
1133 (error "~S is not a valid L-value." form))))
1135 (/show0 "host-alieneval.lisp end of file")