Use SB!IMPL as the implementation package for PARSE-BODY
[sbcl.git] / src / code / type-class.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains the definition of the CTYPE (Compiler TYPE)
2 ;;;; structure, as well as the TYPE-CLASS structure which is a metaobject
3 ;;;; that factors out commonality amongst the subtypes of CTYPE.
4 ;;;; Together they form a sort of mini object system with slightly
5 ;;;; odd dispatching rules. The TYPE-CLASS is a vtable, essentially.
6 ;;;; Various macros related to manipulating those things are here too.
8 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
9 ;;;; more information.
10 ;;;;
11 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
12 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
13 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
14 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
15 ;;;; files for more information.
17 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
19 (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms)
21 ;; We can't make an instance of any CTYPE descendant until its type-class
22 ;; exists in *TYPE-CLASSES* and the quasi-random state has been made.
23 ;; By initializing the state and type-class storage vector at once,
24 ;; it is obvious that either both have been made or neither one has been.
25 #-sb-xc
26 (progn (defvar *ctype-lcg-state* 1)
27 (defvar *ctype-hash-state* (make-random-state))
28 (defvar *type-classes* (make-array 20 :fill-pointer 0)))
29 #+sb-xc
30 (macrolet ((def ()
31 (let* ((state-type `(unsigned-byte ,sb!vm:n-positive-fixnum-bits))
32 (initform `(make-array 1 :element-type ',state-type))
33 (n (length *type-classes*)))
34 `(progn
35 (declaim (type (simple-array ,state-type (1))
36 *ctype-hash-state*)
37 (type (simple-vector ,n) *type-classes*))
38 ;; The value forms are for type-correctness only.
39 ;; COLD-INIT-FORMS will already have been run.
40 (defglobal *ctype-hash-state* ,initform)
41 (defglobal *type-classes* (make-array ,n))
42 (!cold-init-forms
43 (setq *ctype-hash-state* ,initform
44 *type-classes* (make-array ,n)))))))
45 (def))
47 (defun type-class-or-lose (name)
48 (or (find name *type-classes* :key #'type-class-name)
49 (error "~S is not a defined type class." name)))
51 #-sb-xc-host
52 (define-compiler-macro type-class-or-lose (&whole form name)
53 ;; If NAME is a quoted constant, the resultant form should be
54 ;; a fixed index into *TYPE-CLASSES* except that during the building
55 ;; of the cross-compiler the array hasn't been populated yet.
56 ;; One solution to that, which I favored, is that DEFINE-TYPE-CLASS
57 ;; appear before the structure definition that uses the corresponding
58 ;; type-class in its slot initializer. That posed a problem for
59 ;; the :INHERITS option, because the constructor of a descendant
60 ;; grabs all the methods [sic] from its ancestor at the time the
61 ;; descendant is defined, which means the methods of the ancestor
62 ;; should have been filled in, which means at least one DEFINE-TYPE-CLASS
63 ;; wants to appear _after_ a structure definition that uses it.
64 (if (constantp name)
65 (let ((name (constant-form-value name)))
66 `(aref *type-classes*
67 ,(or (position name *type-classes* :key #'type-class-name)
68 (error "~S is not a defined type class." name))))
69 form))
71 (defun must-supply-this (&rest foo)
72 (/show0 "failing in MUST-SUPPLY-THIS")
73 (error "missing type method for ~S" foo))
75 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (ctype ctype) (values t t)) csubtypep))
76 ;;; Look for nice relationships for types that have nice relationships
77 ;;; only when one is a hierarchical subtype of the other.
78 (defun hierarchical-intersection2 (type1 type2)
79 (multiple-value-bind (subtypep1 win1) (csubtypep type1 type2)
80 (multiple-value-bind (subtypep2 win2) (csubtypep type2 type1)
81 (cond (subtypep1 type1)
82 (subtypep2 type2)
83 ((and win1 win2) *empty-type*)
84 (t nil)))))
85 (defun hierarchical-union2 (type1 type2)
86 (cond ((csubtypep type1 type2) type2)
87 ((csubtypep type2 type1) type1)
88 (t nil)))
90 ;;; A TYPE-CLASS object represents the "kind" of a type. It mainly
91 ;;; contains functions which are methods on that kind of type, but is
92 ;;; also used in EQ comparisons to determined if two types have the
93 ;;; "same kind".
94 (def!struct (type-class
95 #-no-ansi-print-object
96 (:print-object (lambda (x stream)
97 (print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t)
98 (prin1 (type-class-name x) stream)))))
99 ;; the name of this type class (used to resolve references at load time)
100 (name (missing-arg) :type symbol :read-only t)
101 ;; Dyadic type methods. If the classes of the two types are EQ, then
102 ;; we call the SIMPLE-xxx method. If the classes are not EQ, and
103 ;; either type's class has a COMPLEX-xxx method, then we call it.
105 ;; Although it is undefined which method will get precedence when
106 ;; both types have a complex method, the complex method can assume
107 ;; that the second arg always is in its class, and the first always
108 ;; is not. The arguments to commutative operations will be swapped
109 ;; if the first argument has a complex method.
111 ;; Since SUBTYPEP is not commutative, we have two complex methods.
112 ;; The ARG1 method is only called when the first argument is in its
113 ;; class, and the ARG2 method is only called when called when the
114 ;; second type is. If either is specified, both must be.
115 ;; FIXME: "both must be" is false of CLASSOID type-class.
116 ;; Figure out if this is a comment bug or a logic bug.
117 ;; * (type-class-complex-subtypep-arg1 (type-class-or-lose 'classoid)) => NIL
118 ;; * (type-class-complex-subtypep-arg2 (type-class-or-lose 'classoid))
120 (simple-subtypep #'must-supply-this :type function)
121 (complex-subtypep-arg1 nil :type (or function null))
122 (complex-subtypep-arg2 nil :type (or function null))
124 ;; COMPLEX-INTERSECTION2 methods take pairs of types and try to find
125 ;; a new type which expresses the result nicely, better than could
126 ;; be done by just stuffing the two component types into an
127 ;; UNION-TYPE or INTERSECTION-TYPE object. They return NIL on
128 ;; failure, or a CTYPE for success.
130 ;; Note: These methods are similar to CMU CL's SIMPLE-UNION,
132 ;; They were reworked in SBCL because SBCL has INTERSECTION-TYPE
133 ;; objects (where CMU CL just punted to HAIRY-TYPE) and because SBCL
134 ;; wants to simplify unions and intersections by considering all
135 ;; possible pairwise simplifications (where the CMU CL code only
136 ;; considered simplifications between types which happened to appear
137 ;; next to each other the argument sequence).
139 ;; Differences in detail from old CMU CL methods:
140 ;; * SBCL's methods are more parallel between union and
141 ;; intersection forms. Each returns one values, (OR NULL CTYPE).
142 ;; * SBCL doesn't use type methods to deal with unions or
143 ;; intersections of the COMPOUND-TYPE of the corresponding form.
144 ;; Instead the wrapper functions TYPE-UNION2, TYPE-INTERSECTION2,
145 ;; TYPE-UNION, and TYPE-INTERSECTION handle those cases specially
146 ;; (and deal with canonicalization/simplification issues at the
147 ;; same time).
148 (simple-union2 #'hierarchical-union2 :type function)
149 (complex-union2 nil :type (or function null))
150 (simple-intersection2 #'hierarchical-intersection2 :type function)
151 (complex-intersection2 nil :type (or function null))
152 (simple-= #'must-supply-this :type function)
153 (complex-= nil :type (or function null))
154 ;; monadic functions
155 (negate #'must-supply-this :type function)
156 ;; a function which returns a Common Lisp type specifier
157 ;; representing this type
158 (unparse #'must-supply-this :type function)
160 ;; Can types of this type-class contain other types?
161 ;; A global property of our
162 ;; implementation (which unfortunately seems impossible to enforce
163 ;; with assertions or other in-the-code checks and constraints) is
164 ;; that subclasses which don't contain other types correspond to
165 ;; disjoint subsets (except of course for the NAMED-TYPE T, which
166 ;; covers everything). So NUMBER-TYPE is disjoint from CONS-TYPE is
167 ;; is disjoint from MEMBER-TYPE and so forth. But types which can
168 ;; contain other types, like HAIRY-TYPE and INTERSECTION-TYPE, can
169 ;; violate this rule.
170 (might-contain-other-types-p nil)
171 ;; a function which returns T if the CTYPE could possibly be
172 ;; equivalent to a MEMBER type. If not a function, then it's
173 ;; a constant T or NIL for all instances of this type class.
174 ;; Note that the old comment for this slot was
175 ;; "True if this type has a fixed number of members, and as such
176 ;; could possibly be completely specified in a MEMBER type."
177 ;; The second half of that is right because of the "possibly,"
178 ;; but "has a fixed number" is too strong a claim, because we
179 ;; set enumerable=T for NEGATION and HAIRY and some other things.
180 ;; Conceptually the choices are really {yes, no, unknown}, but
181 ;; whereas "no" means "definitely not", T means "yes or maybe".
182 (enumerable-p nil :type (or function null t))
183 ;; a function which returns T if the CTYPE is inhabited by a single
184 ;; object and, as a value, the object. Otherwise, returns NIL, NIL.
185 ;; The default case (NIL) is interpreted as a function that always
186 ;; returns NIL, NIL.
187 (singleton-p nil :type (or function null))
190 Not used, and not really right. Probably we want a TYPE= alist for the
191 unary operations, since there are lots of interesting unary predicates that
192 aren't equivalent to an entire class
193 ;; Names of functions used for testing the type of objects in this type
194 ;; class. UNARY-PREDICATE takes just the object, whereas PREDICATE gets
195 ;; passed both the object and the CTYPE. Normally one or the other will be
196 ;; supplied for any type that can be passed to TYPEP; there is no point in
197 ;; supplying both.
198 (unary-typep nil :type (or symbol null))
199 (typep nil :type (or symbol null))
200 ;; These are like TYPEP and UNARY-TYPEP except they coerce objects to
201 ;; the type.
202 (unary-coerce nil :type (or symbol null))
203 (coerce :type (or symbol null))
206 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (freeze-type type-class))
208 #+sb-xc-host
209 (defun ctype-random (mask)
210 (logand (setq *ctype-lcg-state*
211 (logand #x8fffff (+ (* 1103515245 *ctype-lcg-state*) 12345)))
212 mask))
214 ;;; the base class for the internal representation of types
216 ;; Each CTYPE instance (incl. subtypes thereof) has a random opaque hash value.
217 ;; Hashes are mixed together to form a lookup key in the memoization wrappers
218 ;; for most operations in CTYPES. This works because CTYPEs are immutable.
219 ;; But 2 bits are "stolen" from the hash to use as flag bits.
220 ;; The sign bit indicates that the object is the *only* object representing
221 ;; its type-specifier - it is an "interned" object.
222 ;; The next highest bit indicates that the object, if compared for TYPE=
223 ;; against an interned object can quickly return false when not EQ.
224 ;; Complicated types don't admit the quick failure check.
225 ;; At any rate, the totally opaque pseudo-random bits are under this mask.
226 (defconstant +ctype-hash-mask+
227 (ldb (byte (1- sb!vm:n-positive-fixnum-bits) 0) -1))
229 (def!struct (ctype (:conc-name type-)
230 (:constructor nil)
231 (:make-load-form-fun make-type-load-form)
232 #-sb-xc-host (:pure t))
233 ;; the class of this type
235 ;; FIXME: It's unnecessarily confusing to have a structure accessor
236 ;; named TYPE-CLASS-INFO which is an accessor for the CTYPE structure
237 ;; even though the TYPE-CLASS structure also exists in the system.
238 ;; Rename this slot: TYPE-CLASS or ASSOCIATED-TYPE-CLASS or something.
239 ;; [or TYPE-VTABLE or TYPE-METHODS either of which basically equates
240 ;; a type-class with the set of things it can do, while avoiding
241 ;; ambiguity to whether it is a 'CLASS-INFO' slot in a 'TYPE'
242 ;; or an 'INFO' slot in a 'TYPE-CLASS']
243 (class-info (missing-arg) :type type-class)
244 ;; an arbitrary hash code used in EQ-style hashing of identity
245 ;; (since EQ hashing can't be done portably)
246 ;; - in the host lisp, generate a hash value using a known, simple
247 ;; random number generator (rather than the host lisp's
248 ;; implementation of RANDOM)
249 ;; - in the target, use scrambled bits from the allocation pointer
250 ;; instead.
251 (hash-value
252 #+sb-xc-host (ctype-random +ctype-hash-mask+)
253 #-sb-xc-host (sb!impl::quasi-random-address-based-hash
254 *ctype-hash-state* +ctype-hash-mask+)
255 :type (signed-byte!vm:n-fixnum-bits)
256 ;; FIXME: is there a better way to initialize the hash value
257 ;; and its flag bit simultaneously rather than have it
258 ;; be a read/write slot?
259 :read-only nil))
261 ;; Set the sign bit (the "interned" bit) of the hash-value of OBJ to 1.
262 ;; This is an indicator that the object is the unique internal representation
263 ;; of any ctype that is TYPE= to this object.
264 ;; Everything starts out assumed non-unique.
265 ;; The hash-cache logic (a/k/a memoization) tends to ignore high bits when
266 ;; creating cache keys because the mixing function is XOR and the caches
267 ;; are power-of-2 sizes. Lkewise making the low bits non-random is bad
268 ;; for cache distribution.
269 (defconstant +type-admits-type=-optimization+
270 (ash 1 (- sb!vm:n-positive-fixnum-bits 1))) ; highest bit in fixnum
271 (defun mark-ctype-interned (obj)
272 (setf (type-hash-value obj)
273 (logior sb!xc:most-negative-fixnum
274 (if (eq (type-class-name (type-class-info obj)) 'array)
276 +type-admits-type=-optimization+)
277 (type-hash-value obj)))
278 obj)
280 (declaim (inline type-might-contain-other-types-p))
281 (defun type-might-contain-other-types-p (ctype)
282 (type-class-might-contain-other-types-p (type-class-info ctype)))
284 (declaim (inline type-enumerable))
285 (defun type-enumerable (ctype)
286 (let ((answer (type-class-enumerable-p (type-class-info ctype))))
287 (if (functionp answer)
288 (funcall answer ctype)
289 answer)))
291 #+sb-xc
292 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
293 (assert (= (length (dd-slots (find-defstruct-description 'type-class)))
294 ;; there exist two boolean slots, plus NAME
295 (+ (length !type-class-fun-slots) 3))))
297 ;; Unfortunately redundant with the slots in the DEF!STRUCT,
298 ;; but allows asserting about correctness of the constructor
299 ;; without relying on introspection in host Lisp.
300 (defconstant-eqx !type-class-fun-slots
301 '(simple-subtypep
302 complex-subtypep-arg1
303 complex-subtypep-arg2
304 simple-union2
305 complex-union2
306 simple-intersection2
307 complex-intersection2
308 simple-=
309 complex-=
310 negate
311 unparse
312 singleton-p)
313 #'equal)
315 (eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
316 (defun !type-class-fun-slot (name)
317 (unless (member name !type-class-fun-slots
318 :key (if (keywordp name) 'keywordicate 'identity))
319 (warn "Undefined type-class method ~S" name))
320 (symbolicate "TYPE-CLASS-" name)))
322 (defmacro !define-type-method ((class method &rest more-methods)
323 lambda-list &body body)
324 (let ((name (symbolicate class "-" method "-TYPE-METHOD")))
325 `(progn
326 (defun ,name ,lambda-list
327 ,@body)
328 (!cold-init-forms
329 ,@(mapcar (lambda (method)
330 `(setf (,(!type-class-fun-slot method)
331 (type-class-or-lose ',class))
332 #',name))
333 (cons method more-methods)))
334 ',name)))
336 (defmacro !define-type-class (name &key inherits
337 (enumerable (unless inherits (must-supply-this))
338 enumerable-supplied-p)
339 (might-contain-other-types
340 (unless inherits (must-supply-this))
341 might-contain-other-types-supplied-p))
342 (let ((make-it
343 `(let ,(if inherits `((parent (type-class-or-lose ',inherits))))
344 (make-type-class
345 :name ',name
346 :enumerable-p ,(if enumerable-supplied-p
347 enumerable
348 `(type-class-enumerable-p parent))
349 :might-contain-other-types-p
350 ,(if might-contain-other-types-supplied-p
351 might-contain-other-types
352 `(type-class-might-contain-other-types-p parent))
353 ,@(when inherits
354 (loop for name in !type-class-fun-slots
355 append `(,(keywordicate name)
356 (,(!type-class-fun-slot name) parent))))))))
357 #-sb-xc
358 `(progn
359 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
360 (unless (find ',name *type-classes* :key #'type-class-name)
361 (vector-push-extend ,make-it *type-classes*))))
362 #+sb-xc
363 `(!cold-init-forms
364 (setf (svref *type-classes*
365 ,(position name *type-classes* :key #'type-class-name))
366 ,make-it))))
368 ;;; Define the translation from a type-specifier to a type structure for
369 ;;; some particular type. Syntax is identical to DEFTYPE.
370 ;;; Semantics are slightly different though: DEFTYPE causes the default
371 ;;; for missing &OPTIONAL arguments to be '* but a translator requires
372 ;;; an explicit default of '*, or else it assumes a default of NIL.
373 (defmacro !def-type-translator (name arglist &body body)
374 (declare (type symbol name))
375 `(!cold-init-forms
376 (setf (info :type :translator ',name)
377 ,(make-macro-lambda (format nil "~A-TYPE-PARSE" name)
378 arglist body nil nil :environment nil))))
380 ;;; Invoke a type method on TYPE1 and TYPE2. If the two types have the
381 ;;; same class, invoke the simple method. Otherwise, invoke any
382 ;;; complex method. If there isn't a distinct COMPLEX-ARG1 method,
383 ;;; then swap the arguments when calling TYPE1's method. If no
384 ;;; applicable method, return DEFAULT.
386 ;;; KLUDGE: It might be a lot easier to understand this and the rest
387 ;;; of the type system code if we used CLOS to express it instead of
388 ;;; trying to maintain this squirrely hand-crufted object system.
389 ;;; Unfortunately that'd require reworking PCL bootstrapping so that
390 ;;; all the compilation can get done by the cross-compiler, which I
391 ;;; suspect is hard, so we'll bear with the old system for the time
392 ;;; being. -- WHN 2001-03-11
393 (defmacro !invoke-type-method (simple complex-arg2 type1 type2 &key
394 (default '(values nil t))
395 ; assume complex fn is symmetric
396 ; unless told otherwise.
397 (complex-arg1 complex-arg2 complex-arg1-p))
398 (declare (type keyword simple complex-arg1 complex-arg2))
399 (once-only ((left type1)
400 (right type2))
401 (once-only ((class1 `(type-class-info ,left))
402 (class2 `(type-class-info ,right)))
403 `(if (eq ,class1 ,class2)
404 (funcall (,(!type-class-fun-slot simple) ,class1) ,left ,right)
405 (acond ((,(!type-class-fun-slot complex-arg2) ,class2)
406 (funcall it ,left ,right))
407 ((,(!type-class-fun-slot complex-arg1) ,class1)
408 ;; if COMPLEX-ARG1 method was provided, the method accepts
409 ;; the arguments exactly as given. Otherwise, flip them.
410 (funcall it ,@(if complex-arg1-p
411 `(,left ,right) `(,right ,left))))
412 (t ,default))))))
414 ;;; This is a very specialized implementation of CLOS-style
415 ;;; CALL-NEXT-METHOD within our twisty little type class object
416 ;;; system, which works given that it's called from within a
417 ;;; COMPLEX-SUBTYPEP-ARG2 method. (We're particularly motivated to
418 ;;; implement CALL-NEXT-METHOD in that case, because ANSI imposes some
419 ;;; strict limits on when SUBTYPEP is allowed to return (VALUES NIL NIL),
420 ;;; so instead of just complacently returning (VALUES NIL NIL) from a
421 ;;; COMPLEX-SUBTYPEP-ARG2 method we usually need to CALL-NEXT-METHOD.)
423 ;;; KLUDGE: In CLOS, this could just be CALL-NEXT-METHOD and
424 ;;; everything would Just Work without us having to think about it. In
425 ;;; our goofy type dispatch system, it's messier to express. It's also
426 ;;; more fragile, since (0) there's no check that it's called from
427 ;;; within a COMPLEX-SUBTYPEP-ARG2 method as it should be, and (1) we
428 ;;; rely on our global knowledge that the next (and only) relevant
429 ;;; method is COMPLEX-SUBTYPEP-ARG1, and (2) we rely on our global
430 ;;; knowledge of the appropriate default for the CSUBTYPEP function
431 ;;; when no next method exists. -- WHN 2002-04-07
433 ;;; (We miss CLOS! -- CSR and WHN)
434 (defun invoke-complex-subtypep-arg1-method (type1 type2 &optional subtypep win)
435 (let* ((type-class (type-class-info type1))
436 (method-fun (type-class-complex-subtypep-arg1 type-class)))
437 (if method-fun
438 (funcall (the function method-fun) type1 type2)
439 (values subtypep win))))
441 ;;; KLUDGE: This function is dangerous, as its overuse could easily
442 ;;; cause stack exhaustion through unbounded recursion. We only use
443 ;;; it in one place; maybe it ought not to be a function at all?
444 (defun invoke-complex-=-other-method (type1 type2)
445 (let* ((type-class (type-class-info type1))
446 (method-fun (type-class-complex-= type-class)))
447 (if method-fun
448 (funcall (the function method-fun) type2 type1)
449 (values nil t))))
451 ;;;; miscellany
453 ;;; Hash two things (types) down to a target fixnum. In CMU CL this was an EQ
454 ;;; hash, but since it now needs to run in vanilla ANSI Common Lisp at
455 ;;; cross-compile time, it's now based on the CTYPE-HASH-VALUE field
456 ;;; instead.
458 ;;; FIXME: This was a macro in CMU CL, and is now an INLINE function. Is
459 ;;; it important for it to be INLINE, or could be become an ordinary
460 ;;; function without significant loss? -- WHN 19990413
461 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline type-cache-hash))
462 (declaim (ftype (function (ctype ctype) (signed-byte!vm:n-fixnum-bits))
463 type-cache-hash))
464 (defun type-cache-hash (type1 type2)
465 (logxor (ash (type-hash-value type1) -3) (type-hash-value type2)))
467 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline type-list-cache-hash))
468 (declaim (ftype (function (list) (signed-byte!vm:n-fixnum-bits))
469 type-list-cache-hash))
470 (defun type-list-cache-hash (types)
471 (loop with res of-type (signed-byte!vm:n-fixnum-bits) = 0
472 for type in types
473 do (setq res (logxor (ash res -1) (type-hash-value type)))
474 finally (return res)))
476 (!defun-from-collected-cold-init-forms !type-class-cold-init)