Unused function.
[sbcl.git] / make-target-2-load.lisp
1 ;;; Do warm init without compiling files.
3 ;;; Get back to a reasonable state where all of the compiler works,
5 ;;; before trying to define any more functions.
6 (defvar *compile-files-p* nil)
7 (load (merge-pathnames "src/cold/warm.lisp" *load-pathname*))
9 ;; sb-xref-for-internals is actively harmful to tree-shaking.
10 ;; Remove some symbols to make the hide-packages test pass.
11 #+sb-xref-for-internals
12 (progn
13 (fmakunbound 'sb-kernel::type-class-fun-slot)
14 (fmakunbound 'sb-kernel::new-ctype))
16 (sb-impl::!recompile-globaldb-checkfuns)
18 ;;; Users don't want to know if there are multiple TLABs per se, but they do want
19 ;;; to know if NEW-ARENA returns an arena, so give them a sensible feature name.
20 #+system-tlabs (push :arena-allocator *features*)
22 ;;; Remove symbols from CL:*FEATURES* that should not be exposed to users.
23 (export 'sb-impl::+internal-features+ 'sb-impl)
24 (let* (#-sb-devel
25 (non-target-features
27 ;; FIXME: I suspect that this list should be changed to its inverse-
28 ;; features that _SHOULD_ go into SB-IMPL:+INTERNAL-FEATURES+ and
29 ;; comments about the reasoning behind each, rather than features to
30 ;; discard and reasons they're not needed. The default assumption should be
31 ;; to drop any build-time feature that lacks a rationale to preserve it.
33 ;; READ-FROM-STRING prevents making references to
34 ;; all these keywords from the source form itself.
35 (read-from-string "
36 (;; :SB-AFTER-XC-CORE is essentially an option flag to make-host-2
38 ;; CONS-PROFILING sets the initial compiler policy which persists
39 ;; into the default baseline policy. It has no relevance post-build
40 ;; in as much as policy can be changed later arbitrarily.
42 ;; Used by nothing after compiling 'target-thread.lisp' or 'thread.c'
44 ;; These affect the BREAK instruction emitter, but the C code is able
45 ;; to handle anything, and post-build we don't care which it is.
47 ;; Uses of OS-PROVIDES-DLOPEN and -DLADDR are confined to src/code/foreign.lisp
49 ;; more-or-less confined to serve-event, except for a test which now
50 ;; detects whether COMPUTE-POLLFDS is defined and therefore testable.
52 ;; Silly feature we add in because additive features are more sensible
53 ;; than subtractive ones. So you opt out, not in, to having *LOAD-TRUENAME*
54 ;; eagerly bound.
56 ;; The final batch of symbols is strictly for C. The LISP_FEATURE_
57 ;; prefix on the corresponding #define is unfortunate.
59 ;;; Enforce using of posix semaphores on Darwin instead of dispatch.
61 ;; only for 'src/runtime/wrap.h'
63 ;; only for src/runtime/run-program.c
65 (public-features
66 (cons
67 sb-impl::!sbcl-architecture
68 (read-from-string "
70 :64-BIT ; choice of word size. 32-bit if absent
71 :BIG-ENDIAN :LITTLE-ENDIAN ; endianness: pick one and only one
72 :BSD :UNIX :LINUX :WIN32 :DARWIN :SUNOS :ANDROID ; OS: pick one or more
74 :MACH-O :ELF ; obj file format: pick zero or one
75 ;; I would argue that this should not be exposed,
76 ;; but I would also anticipate blowback from removing it.
77 :GENCGC :MARK-REGION-GC ; GC: pick one and only one
79 ;; Can't use s-l-a-d :compression safely without it
82 ;; and would probably mess up something if made non-public,
83 ;; though I don't think they should all be public.
87 ;; Things which (I think) at least one person has requested be kept around
88 :SB-LDB
89 ;; We keep the :SB-PACKAGE-LOCKS feature despite it no longer
90 ;; affecting the build. (It's not a choice any more)
92 ;; unsure, I think this is for end-user consumption,
93 ;; though every release of SBCL since eons ago has had local nicknames.
95 ;; Developer mode features. A release build will never have them,
96 ;; hence it makes no difference whether they're public or not.
98 #-sb-devel
99 (removable-features
100 (append non-target-features public-features)))
101 (defconstant sb-impl:+internal-features+
102 ;;; Well, who would have guessed that our internal features list would nicely
103 ;;; repair damage induced by ASDF, namely: ASDF removes features when loaded.
104 ;;; Take a look at (DEFUN DETECT-OS) in uiop.lisp if you don't believe it,
105 ;;; and watch it in action after (require "ASDF") -
107 ;;; * *FEATURES* =>
112 ;;; * (require :asdf)
113 ;;; ("ASDF" "asdf" "UIOP" "uiop")
114 ;;; * *FEATURES*
115 ;;; (:ASDF3.3 :ASDF3.2 :ASDF3.1 :ASDF3 :ASDF2 :ASDF :OS-UNIX
120 ;;; So, what the heck happened to :HAIKU? It's gone.
121 ;;; Well this is pure evil. Just madness.
122 ;;; However, by stashing an extra copy of :HAIKU in the internal feature list,
123 ;;; we can stuff it back in because our contrib builder first loads ASDF
124 ;;; and then rebinds *FEATURES* with the union of the internal ones.
125 (append #+haiku '(:haiku)
126 (remove-if (lambda (x) (member x #+sb-devel public-features
127 #-sb-devel removable-features)) *features*)))
128 (setq *features* (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (member x public-features))
129 *features*)))
131 ;;; There's a fair amount of machinery which is needed only at cold
132 ;;; init time, and should be discarded before freezing the final
133 ;;; system. We discard it by uninterning the associated symbols.
134 ;;; Rather than using a special table of symbols to be uninterned,
135 ;;; which might be tedious to maintain, instead we use a hack:
136 ;;; anything whose name matches a magic character pattern is
137 ;;; uninterned.
138 ;;; Additionally, you can specify an arbitrary way to destroy
139 ;;; random bootstrap stuff on per-package basis.
140 (defun !unintern-init-only-stuff (&aux result)
141 (dolist (package (list-all-packages))
142 (sb-int:awhen (find-symbol "!REMOVE-BOOTSTRAP-SYMBOLS" package)
143 (funcall sb-int:it)))
144 (dolist (list sb-int:*!removable-symbols*)
145 (let ((package (find-package (car list))))
146 (dolist (symbol (cdr list))
147 (fmakunbound symbol)
148 (unintern symbol package))))
149 sb-kernel::
150 (flet ((uninternable-p (symbol)
151 (let ((name (symbol-name symbol)))
152 (or (and (>= (length name) 1) (char= (char name 0) #\!))
153 (and (>= (length name) 2) (string= name "*!" :end1 2))
154 (memq symbol
155 '(sb-c::sb-pcl sb-c::sb-impl sb-c::sb-kernel
156 sb-c::sb-c sb-c::sb-int))))))
157 ;; Delete bootstrap-only vops
158 (flet ((drop-keys (table)
159 (loop for symbol being each hash-key of table
160 when (uninternable-p symbol) do (remhash symbol table))))
161 (drop-keys sb-c::*backend-parsed-vops*)
162 (drop-keys sb-c::*backend-template-names*))
163 ;; A structure constructor name, in particular !MAKE-SAETP,
164 ;; can't be uninterned if referenced by a defstruct-description.
165 ;; So loop over all structure classoids and clobber any
166 ;; symbol that should be uninternable.
167 (maphash (lambda (classoid layout)
168 (when (structure-classoid-p classoid)
169 (let ((dd (layout-%info layout)))
170 (setf (dd-constructors dd)
171 (delete-if (lambda (x)
172 (and (consp x) (uninternable-p (car x))))
173 (dd-constructors dd))))))
174 (classoid-subclasses (find-classoid t)))
175 ;; PATHNAME is not a structure-classoid
176 (setf (sb-kernel:dd-constructors (sb-kernel:find-defstruct-description 'pathname))
177 nil)
178 ;; Todo: perform one pass, then a full GC, then a final pass to confirm
179 ;; it worked. It should be an error if any uninternable symbols remain,
180 ;; but at present there are about 7 symbols with referrers.
181 (with-package-iterator (iter (list-all-packages) :internal :external)
182 (loop (multiple-value-bind (winp symbol accessibility package) (iter)
183 (declare (ignore accessibility))
184 (unless winp
185 (return))
186 (when (uninternable-p symbol)
187 ;; Uninternable symbols which are referenced by other stuff
188 ;; can't disappear from the image, but we don't need to preserve
189 ;; their functions, so FMAKUNBOUND them. This doesn't have
190 ;; the intended effect if the function shares a code-component
191 ;; with non-cold-init lambdas. Though the cold-init function is
192 ;; never called post-build, it is not discarded. Also, I suspect
193 ;; that the following loop should print nothing, but it does:
195 (sb-vm:map-allocated-objects
196 (lambda (obj type size)
197 (declare (ignore size))
198 (when (= type sb-vm:code-header-widetag)
199 (let ((name (sb-c::debug-info-name
200 (sb-kernel:%code-debug-info obj))))
201 (when (and (stringp name) (search "COLD-INIT-FORMS" name))
202 (print obj)))))
203 :dynamic)
205 (fmakunbound symbol)
206 (unintern symbol package))))))
207 (sb-int:dohash ((k v) sb-c::*backend-parsed-vops*)
208 (declare (ignore k))
209 (setf (sb-c::vop-parse-body v) nil))
210 result)
212 ;;; Check for potentially bad format-control strings
213 (defun scan-format-control-strings ()
214 (labels ((possibly-ungood-package-reference (string)
215 ;; We want to see nothing SB-package-like at all
216 (or (search "sb-" string :test #'char-equal)
217 ;; catch mistakes due to imitating the way things used to be
218 (search "sb!" string :test #'char-equal)))
219 (possibly-format-control (string)
220 (when (find #\~ string)
221 ;; very likely to be a format control if it parses OK.
222 ;; Possibly not, but false positives are acceptable.
223 (some (lambda (x)
224 (and (typep x 'sb-format::format-directive)
225 (eql (sb-format::directive-character x) #\/)
226 (possibly-ungood-package-reference
227 (subseq string
228 (sb-format::directive-start x)
229 (sb-format::directive-end x)))))
230 (ignore-errors
231 (sb-format::%tokenize-control-string
232 string 0 (length string) nil))))))
233 (let (wps)
234 (sb-vm:map-allocated-objects
235 (lambda (obj type size)
236 (declare(ignore type size))
237 (when (and (stringp obj) (possibly-format-control obj))
238 (push (make-weak-pointer obj) wps)))
239 :all)
240 (when wps
241 (dolist (wp wps)
242 (sb-int:binding* ((v (weak-pointer-value wp) :exit-if-null))
243 (format t "Found string ~S~%" v)))
244 (warn "Potential problem with format-control strings.
245 Please check that all strings which were not recognizable to the compiler
246 (as the first argument to WARN, etc.) are wrapped in SB-FORMAT:TOKENS"))
247 wps)))
249 ;;; If the SB-DOC internal feature is not present, remove any and all
250 ;;; docstrings that snuck in (as can happen with any file compiled in
251 ;;; warm load).
252 (unless (member :sb-doc sb-impl:+internal-features+)
253 (let ((count 0))
254 (macrolet ((clear-it (place)
255 `(when ,place
256 ,(if (typep place '(cons (eql sb-int:info)))
257 `(sb-int:clear-info ,@(cdr place))
258 `(setf ,place nil))
259 (incf count))))
260 ;; 1. Functions, macros, special operators
261 (sb-vm:map-allocated-objects
262 (lambda (obj type size)
263 (declare (ignore size))
264 (case type
265 (#.sb-vm:code-header-widetag
266 (dotimes (i (sb-kernel:code-n-entries obj))
267 (let ((f (sb-kernel:%code-entry-point obj i)))
268 (clear-it (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-doc f)))))
269 (#.sb-vm:instance-widetag
270 (when (typep obj 'class)
271 (when (slot-boundp obj 'sb-pcl::%documentation)
272 (clear-it (slot-value obj 'sb-pcl::%documentation)))))
273 (#.sb-vm:funcallable-instance-widetag
274 (when (typep obj 'standard-generic-function)
275 (when (slot-boundp obj 'sb-pcl::%documentation)
276 (clear-it (slot-value obj 'sb-pcl::%documentation)))))))
277 :all)
278 ;; 2. Variables, types, and anything else
279 (do-all-symbols (s)
280 (let ((expander (sb-int:info :setf :expander s)))
281 (when (typep expander '(cons t (cons string)))
282 (setf (second expander) nil)))
283 (dolist (category '(:variable :type :typed-structure))
284 (clear-it (sb-int:info category :documentation s)))
285 (clear-it (sb-int:info :random-documentation :stuff s))))
286 (when (plusp count)
287 (format t "~&Removed ~D doc string~:P" count)))
290 (progn
291 ;; Remove source forms of compiled-to-memory lambda expressions.
292 ;; The disassembler is the major culprit for retention of these,
293 ;; but there are others and I don't feel like figuring out where from.
294 ;; Globally declaiming EVAL-STORE-SOURCE-FORM 0 would work too,
295 ;; but isn't it nice to know that the logic for storing the forms
296 ;; actually works? (Yes)
297 (sb-vm:map-allocated-objects
298 (lambda (obj type size)
299 (declare (ignore size))
300 (case type
301 (#.sb-vm:instance-widetag
302 (when (typep obj 'sb-c::core-debug-source)
303 (setf (sb-c::core-debug-source-form obj) nil)))
304 (#.sb-vm:code-header-widetag
305 (dotimes (i (sb-kernel:code-n-entries obj))
306 (let ((fun (sb-kernel:%code-entry-point obj i)))
307 (when (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-lexpr fun)
308 (setf (sb-impl::%simple-fun-source fun)
309 (sb-impl::%simple-fun-doc fun))))))))
310 :all)
312 ;; Disable the format-control optimizer for ERROR and WARN
313 ;; while preserving the argument-checking logic. Technically the optimizer is
314 ;; probably ok to leave in, but the spec is ambiguous as to whether
315 ;; implicit compile-time transformations on format strings is permitted.
316 ;; http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Issues/iss170_w.htm
317 ;; seems to imply that it is, but I would imagine that users don't expect it.
318 (setq sb-c::*optimize-format-strings* nil)
320 ;; Fix unknown types in globaldb
321 (let ((l nil))
322 (do-all-symbols (s)
323 (flet ((fixup (kind)
324 (multiple-value-bind (type present)
325 (sb-int:info kind :type s)
326 (when (and present
327 (sb-kernel:ctype-p type)
328 (sb-kernel:contains-unknown-type-p type))
329 (setf (sb-int:info kind :type s)
330 (sb-kernel:specifier-type (sb-kernel:type-specifier type)))
331 (push s l)))))
332 (fixup :function)
333 (fixup :variable)))
334 (unless (sb-impl::!c-runtime-noinform-p)
335 (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
336 (*print-length* nil))
337 (format t "~&; Fixed types: ~S~%" (sort l #'string<)))))
339 ;; Unintern no-longer-needed stuff before the possible PURIFY in
341 #-sb-devel (!unintern-init-only-stuff)
344 (do-all-symbols (symbol)
345 ;; Don't futz with the header of static symbols.
346 ;; Technically LOGIOR-HEADER-BITS can only be used on an OTHER-POINTER-LOWTAG
347 ;; objects, so modifying NIL should not ever work, but it's especially wrong
348 ;; on ppc64 where OTHER- and LIST- pointer lowtags are 10 bytes apart instead
349 ;; of 8, so this was making a random alteration to the header.
350 (unless (eq (heap-allocated-p symbol) :static)
351 (sb-kernel:logior-header-bits symbol sb-vm::+symbol-initial-core+))
353 ;; A symbol whose INFO slot underwent any kind of manipulation
354 ;; such that it now has neither properties nor globaldb info,
355 ;; can have the slot set back to NIL if it wasn't already.
356 (when (and (sb-kernel:symbol-%info symbol) ; "raw" value is something
357 ;; but both "cooked" values are empty
358 (null (sb-kernel:symbol-dbinfo symbol))
359 (null (symbol-plist symbol)))
360 (sb-sys:%primitive sb-c:set-slot symbol nil
361 'make-symbol sb-vm:symbol-info-slot sb-vm:other-pointer-lowtag)))
364 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
366 ;;; resetting compilation policy to neutral values in preparation for
367 ;;; SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE as final SBCL core (not in warm.lisp because
368 ;;; SB-C::*POLICY* has file scope)
369 (setq sb-c::*policy* (copy-structure sb-c::**baseline-policy**))
371 ;;; Adjust READTABLE-BASE-CHAR-PREFERENCE back to the advertised default.
372 (dolist (rt (list sb-impl::*standard-readtable* *debug-readtable*))
373 (setf (readtable-base-char-preference rt) :symbols))
374 ;;; Change the internal constructor's default too.
375 (let ((dsd sb-kernel::(find 'sb-impl::%readtable-string-preference
376 (dd-slots (find-defstruct-description 'readtable))
377 :key #'dsd-name)))
378 (funcall #'(setf slot-value) 'character dsd 'sb-kernel::default))
380 ;;; The system is complete now, all standard functions are
381 ;;; defined.
383 ;;; In case there is xref data for internals, repack it here to
384 ;;; achieve a more compact encoding.
386 ;;; However, repacking changes
387 ;;; SB-C::**MOST-COMMON-XREF-NAMES-BY-{INDEX,NAME}** thereby changing
388 ;;; the interpretation of xref data written into and loaded from
389 ;;; fasls. Since fasls should be compatible between images originating
390 ;;; from the same SBCL build, REPACK-XREF is of no use after the
391 ;;; target image has been built.
392 (when (member :sb-xref-for-internals sb-impl:+internal-features+)
393 (sb-c::repack-xref :verbose 1))
394 (fmakunbound 'sb-c::repack-xref)
396 (load (merge-pathnames "src/code/shaketree" *load-pathname*))
397 (defun asm-inst-p (symbol)
398 ;; Assembler instruction names can't be made external because to do so would
399 ;; conflict with common-lisp symbols. Notable examples are PUSH and POP.
400 ;; So other criteria must pertain to detecting the important symbols.
401 ;; And as we don't need to preserve Lisp macros but do need to retain
402 ;; assembler macro instructions, those merit special consideration.
403 ;; Additionally, a DEFUN may co-exist with an identically named macro
404 ;; instruction. (I'm not happy about it, but that's historical baggage).
405 ;; A macro instruction is recognizable to INST by a naming convention
406 ;; that is unused for anything else by way of being inconvenient to use -
407 ;; a symbol whose print name start with "M:" is a macro instruction.
408 (or (get symbol 'sb-disassem::instructions)
409 (let ((name (string symbol)))
410 (and (> (length name) 2)
411 (string= name "M:" :end1 2)))))
412 (let ((counts
413 (mapcar (lambda (x)
414 (list x
415 (sb-impl::package-external-symbol-count x)
416 (sb-impl::package-internal-symbol-count x)))
417 (sort (list-all-packages) #'string< :key 'package-name))))
418 #-sb-devel
419 ;; Remove inline expansions
420 (do-symbols (symbol #.(find-package "SB-C"))
421 (when (equal (symbol-package symbol) #.(find-package "SB-C"))
422 (sb-int:clear-info :function :inlining-data symbol)
423 (sb-int:clear-info :function :inlinep symbol)))
424 (sb-impl::shake-packages
425 ;; Development mode: retain all symbols with any system-related properties
426 #+sb-devel
427 (lambda (symbol accessibility)
428 (declare (ignore accessibility))
429 (or (sb-kernel:symbol-%info symbol)
430 (sb-kernel:%symbol-function symbol)
431 (and (boundp symbol) (not (keywordp symbol)))))
432 ;; Release mode: retain all symbols satisfying this intricate test
433 #-sb-devel
434 (lambda (symbol accessibility)
435 (case (symbol-package symbol)
436 (#.(find-package "SB-VM")
437 (or (eq accessibility :external)
438 ;; overapproximate what we need for contribs and tests
439 (member symbol '(sb-vm::map-referencing-objects
440 sb-vm::map-stack-references
441 sb-vm::reconstitute-object
442 sb-vm::points-to-arena
443 ;; need this for defining a vop which
444 ;; tests the x86-64 allocation profiler
445 sb-vm::pseudo-atomic
446 ;; Naughty outside-world code uses these.
447 #+x86-64 sb-vm::reg-in-size))
448 (let ((s (string symbol))) (and (search "THREAD-" s) (search "-SLOT" s)))
449 (search "-OFFSET" (string symbol))
450 (search "-TN" (string symbol))))
451 (#.(find-package "SB-ALIEN")
452 (or (eq accessibility :external) (eq symbol 'sb-alien::alien-callback-p)))
453 (#.(mapcar 'find-package
457 ;; Assume all and only external symbols must be retained
458 (eq accessibility :external))
459 (#.(find-package "SB-C")
460 (or (eq accessibility :external)
461 (member symbol '(sb-c::tab sb-c::scramble))))
462 (#.(find-package "SB-LOOP")
463 (or (eq accessibility :external)
464 ;; Retain some internals to keep CLSQL working.
465 (member symbol '(sb-loop::*loop-epilogue*
466 sb-loop::add-loop-path))))
467 (#.(find-package "SB-LOCKLESS")
468 (or (eq accessibility :external)
469 (member symbol '(sb-lockless::+hash-nbits+)))) ; for a test
470 (#.(find-package "SB-THREAD")
471 (or (eq accessibility :external)
472 ;; for some reason a recent change caused the tree-shaker to drop MAKE-SPINLOCK
473 ;; which makes sense. I'm not sure what was rooting the symbol.
474 ;; However the :spinlock-api test in threads.impure asserts that spinlock symbols
475 ;; exist despite being internal symbols.
476 (sb-int:info :function :deprecated symbol)))
477 (#.(find-package "SB-FASL")
479 ;; (and anything else otherwise reachable)
480 (and (eq accessibility :external)
481 (constantp symbol)))
482 (#.(find-package "SB-BIGNUM")
483 ;; There are 2 important external symbols for sb-gmp.
484 ;; Other externals can disappear.
485 (member symbol '(sb-bignum:%allocate-bignum
486 sb-bignum:make-small-bignum)))
488 (if (eq (symbol-package symbol)
489 sb-assem::*backend-instruction-set-package*)
490 (or (eq accessibility :external) (asm-inst-p symbol))
491 ;; By default, retain any symbol with any attachments
492 (or (sb-kernel:symbol-%info symbol)
493 (sb-kernel:%symbol-function symbol)
494 (and (boundp symbol) (not (keywordp symbol))))))))
495 :verbose nil :print nil)
496 (unintern 'sb-impl::shake-packages 'sb-impl)
497 (let ((sum-delta-ext 0)
498 (sum-delta-int 0))
499 (format t "~&~26TExternal | Internal~%")
500 (dolist (entry counts)
501 (let* ((ext (sb-impl::package-external-symbol-count (car entry)))
502 (int (sb-impl::package-internal-symbol-count (car entry)))
503 (delta-ext (- ext (cadr entry)))
504 (delta-int (- int (caddr entry))))
505 (incf sum-delta-ext delta-ext)
506 (incf sum-delta-int delta-int)
507 (assert (<= delta-ext 0))
508 (assert (<= delta-int 0))
509 (format t "~20a | ~5d (~5@d) | ~5d (~5@d)~%"
510 (package-name (car entry))
511 ext delta-ext int delta-int)))
512 (format t "~28t (~5@d) | (~5@d) = (~d)~%"
513 sum-delta-ext sum-delta-int
514 (+ sum-delta-ext sum-delta-int))))
516 (scan-format-control-strings)
518 #+sb-devel
519 (rename-package "COMMON-LISP" "COMMON-LISP" '("SB-XC" "CL"))
521 ;;; Lock internal packages
522 #-(and sb-devel
523 (not sb-devel-lock-packages))
524 (dolist (p (list-all-packages))
525 (unless (member p (mapcar #'find-package '("KEYWORD" "CL-USER")))
526 (sb-ext:lock-package p)))
528 ;;; Clean up stray symbols from the CL-USER package.
529 (with-package-iterator (iter "CL-USER" :internal :external)
530 (loop (multiple-value-bind (winp symbol) (iter)
531 (if winp (unintern symbol "CL-USER") (return)))))
533 (setq sb-c:*compile-to-memory-space* :auto)
534 (when (find-package "SB-INTERPRETER") (setq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
535 #+x86-64 (sb-ext:fold-identical-code :aggressive t :preserve-docstrings t)
537 ;; See comments in 'readtable.lisp'
538 (setf (readtable-base-char-preference *readtable*) :symbols)