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[sbcl.git] / src / code / foreign-load.lisp
1 ;;;; Loading shared object files
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!ALIEN")
14 ;;; Used to serialize modifications to *shared-objects*.
15 (defvar *shared-objects-lock*
16 (sb!thread:make-mutex :name "shared object list lock"))
18 (define-unsupported-fun load-foreign
19 "Unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. See LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
20 "~S is unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. See LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
21 (load-foreign))
23 (define-unsupported-fun load-1-foreign
24 "Unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. Please use LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
25 "~S is unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. Please use LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
26 (load-1-foreign))
28 (define-alien-variable undefined-alien-address unsigned)
29 (defvar *runtime-dlhandle*)
31 (defvar *shared-objects*)
33 (defstruct shared-object pathname namestring handle dont-save)
35 (defun load-shared-object (pathname &key dont-save)
36 #!+sb-doc
37 "Load a shared library / dynamic shared object file / similar foreign
38 container specified by designated PATHNAME, such as a .so on an ELF platform.
40 Locating the shared object follows standard rules of the platform, consult the
41 manual page for dlopen(3) for details. Typically paths specified by
42 environment variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH are searched if the PATHNAME has
43 no directory, but on some systems (eg. Mac OS X) search may happen even if
44 PATHNAME is absolute. (On Windows LoadLibrary is used instead of dlopen(3).)
46 On non-Windows platforms calling LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT again with a PATHNAME
47 EQUAL to the designated pathname of a previous call will replace the old
48 definitions; if a symbol was previously referenced through the object and
49 is not present in the reloaded version an error will be signalled. Reloading
50 may not work as expected if user or library-code has called dlopen(3) on the
51 same shared object.
55 1. If DONT-SAVE is true (default is NIL), the shared object will be dropped
56 when SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE is called -- otherwise shared objects are reloaded
57 automatically when a saved core starts up. Specifying DONT-SAVE can be useful
58 when the location of the shared object on startup is uncertain.
60 2. On most platforms references in compiled code to foreign symbols in shared
61 objects (such as those generated by DEFINE-ALIEN-ROUTINE) remain valid across
62 SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE. On those platforms where this is not supported, a WARNING
63 will be signalled when the core is saved -- this is orthogonal from DONT-SAVE."
64 (let ((pathname (pathname pathname)))
65 (sb!thread:with-mutex (*shared-objects-lock*)
66 (let* ((old (find pathname *shared-objects*
67 :key #'shared-object-pathname
68 :test #'equal))
69 (obj (or old (make-shared-object
70 :pathname pathname
71 :namestring (native-namestring
72 (translate-logical-pathname pathname)
73 :as-file t)))))
74 (setf (shared-object-dont-save obj) dont-save)
75 ;; FIXME: Why doesn's dlopen-or-lose on already loaded stuff work on
76 ;; Windows?
78 ;; Kovalenko 2010-11-24: It would work, but it does nothing
79 ;; useful on Windows: library reference count is increased
80 ;; after each LoadLibrary, making it harder to unload it, and
81 ;; that's all the effect. Also, equal pathnames on Windows
82 ;; always designate _exactly the same library image_; Unix
83 ;; tricks like deleting an open library and replacing it with
84 ;; another version just don't work here.
85 #!-win32
86 (dlopen-or-lose obj)
87 #!+win32
88 (unless old
89 (dlopen-or-lose obj))
90 (setf *shared-objects* (append (remove obj *shared-objects*)
91 (list obj)))
92 ;; FIXME: Why doesn't the linkage table work on Windows? (Or maybe it
93 ;; does and this can be just #!+linkage-table?) Note: remember to change
94 ;; FOREIGN-DEINIT as well then!
96 ;; Kovalenko 2010-11-24: I think so. Alien _data_ references
97 ;; are the only thing on win32 that is even slightly
98 ;; problematic. Handle function references in the same way as
99 ;; other linkage-table platforms is easy.
101 #!+linkage-table
102 (when (or old (undefined-foreign-symbols-p))
103 (update-linkage-table))))
104 pathname))
106 (defun unload-shared-object (pathname)
107 #!+sb-doc
108 "Unloads the shared object loaded earlier using the designated PATHNAME with
109 LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT, to the degree supported on the platform.
111 Experimental."
112 (let ((pathname (pathname pathname)))
113 (sb!thread:with-mutex (*shared-objects-lock*)
114 (let ((old (find pathname *shared-objects*
115 :key #'shared-object-pathname
116 :test #'equal)))
117 (when old
118 #!-hpux (dlclose-or-lose old)
119 (setf *shared-objects* (remove old *shared-objects*))
120 #!+linkage-table
121 (update-linkage-table))))))
123 (defun try-reopen-shared-object (obj)
124 (declare (type shared-object obj))
125 (tagbody :dlopen
126 (restart-case
127 (dlopen-or-lose obj)
128 (continue ()
129 :report "Skip this shared object and continue."
130 ;; By returning NIL the shared object is dropped from the list.
131 (setf (shared-object-handle obj) nil)
132 (return-from try-reopen-shared-object nil))
133 (retry ()
134 :report "Retry loading this shared object."
135 (go :dlopen))
136 (change-pathname ()
137 :report "Specify a different pathname to load the shared object from."
138 (tagbody :query
139 (format *query-io* "~&Enter pathname (evaluated):~%")
140 (force-output *query-io*)
141 (let ((pathname (ignore-errors (pathname (read *query-io*)))))
142 (unless (pathnamep pathname)
143 (format *query-io* "~&Error: invalid pathname.~%")
144 (go :query))
145 (setf (shared-object-pathname obj) pathname)
146 (setf (shared-object-namestring obj)
147 (native-namestring (translate-logical-pathname pathname)
148 :as-file t))))
149 (go :dlopen))))
150 obj)
152 ;;; Open libraries in *SHARED-OBJECTS* and the runtime. Called during
153 ;;; initialization.
154 (defun reopen-shared-objects ()
155 ;; Ensure that the runtime is open
156 (setf *runtime-dlhandle* (dlopen-or-lose))
157 ;; Without this many symbols aren't accessible.
158 #!+android (load-shared-object "" :dont-save t)
159 ;; Reopen stuff.
160 (setf *shared-objects*
161 (remove nil (mapcar #'try-reopen-shared-object *shared-objects*))))
163 ;;; Close all dlopened libraries and clear out sap entries in
164 ;;; *SHARED-OBJECTS*, and drop the ones with DONT-SAVE set.
165 (defun close-shared-objects ()
166 (let (saved)
167 (dolist (obj (reverse *shared-objects*))
168 #!-hpux (dlclose-or-lose obj)
169 (unless (shared-object-dont-save obj)
170 (push obj saved)))
171 (setf *shared-objects* saved))
172 #!-hpux
173 (dlclose-or-lose))
175 (let ((symbols (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
176 (undefineds (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
177 (defun ensure-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address (symbol &optional datap)
178 #!+sb-doc
179 "Returns the address of the foreign symbol as an integer. On linkage-table
180 ports if the symbols isn't found a special guard address is returned instead,
181 accesses to which will result in an UNDEFINED-ALIEN-ERROR. On other ports an
182 error is immediately signalled if the symbol isn't found. The returned address
183 is never in the linkage-table."
184 (declare (ignorable datap))
185 (let ((addr (find-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address symbol)))
186 (cond #!-linkage-table
187 ((not addr)
188 (error 'undefined-alien-error :name symbol))
189 #!+linkage-table
190 ((not addr)
191 (style-warn 'sb!kernel:undefined-alien-style-warning
192 :symbol symbol)
193 (setf (gethash symbol undefineds) t)
194 (remhash symbol symbols)
195 (if datap
196 undefined-alien-address
198 (gethash 'sb!vm::undefined-alien-tramp sb!fasl:*assembler-routines*)
199 (find-foreign-symbol-address "undefined_alien_function"))))
200 (addr
201 (setf (gethash symbol symbols) t)
202 (remhash symbol undefineds)
203 addr))))
204 (defun undefined-foreign-symbols-p ()
205 (plusp (hash-table-count undefineds)))
206 (defun dynamic-foreign-symbols-p ()
207 (plusp (hash-table-count symbols)))
208 (defun list-dynamic-foreign-symbols ()
209 (loop for symbol being each hash-key in symbols
210 collect symbol))
211 (defun list-undefined-foreign-symbols ()
212 (loop for symbol being each hash-key in undefineds
213 collect symbol)))