x86-64: Remove rex-reg disassembler format
[sbcl.git] / src / interpreter / macros.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB-INTERPRETER")
12 ;;; Special form handlers are stored in the NAME slot of the #<FDEFN>
13 ;;; of the symbol naming the operator. This is extremely fast to look up.
14 ;;; It's about 9x faster than a hashtable, and 2x faster than the plist
15 ;;; even with no other properties on the plist. Moreover, plists can be
16 ;;; clobbered by users. Since nobody has reason to look at fdefns of
17 ;;; special forms, it doesn't matter what the name is.
18 ;;; You'll never see one in a disassembly.
19 (defmacro !special-form-handler (fdefn)
20 (let ((thing (make-symbol "DEFN")))
21 `(let ((,thing (fdefn-name ,fdefn)))
22 (when (typep ,thing '(cons function))
23 ,thing))))
25 ;;; DEFSPECIAL name (destructuring-lambda-list)
26 ;;; [FORMS]*
28 ;;; :DEFERRED (&optional ENV) FORMS+
29 ;;;
30 ;;; Two versions of a special-form processor for NAME are defined:
31 ;;; an immediate-mode processor which performs recursive-descent EVAL,
32 ;;; and a deferred-mode processor which digests the form to produce
33 ;;; a callable object that when called evaluates the form.
34 ;;; KLUDGE: Any code preceding :IMMEDIATE or :DEFERRED is common to both,
35 ;;; and stuffed in front of the mode-specific handler.
36 ;;; Processors may be specified for ordinary macros; this permits
37 ;;; treating things like AND/OR/COND as specials forms.
38 ;;;
39 ;;; If :IMMEDIATE code is unspecified, immediate mode generates a deferred
40 ;;; handler, then call that. If specified as :NONE, the form is not treated
41 ;;; as a special form in immediate mode - it must be a macro.
42 ;;;
43 (defmacro defspecial (name macro-lambda-list &body body)
44 (let* ((specialized-code
45 (member-if (lambda (form) (member form '(:immediate :deferred)))
46 body))
47 (common-code (ldiff body specialized-code))
48 (immediate-code)
49 (deferred-code))
50 ;; allow either-order
51 (ecase (car specialized-code)
52 (:immediate
53 (setq deferred-code (member :deferred specialized-code)
54 immediate-code (ldiff specialized-code deferred-code)))
55 (:deferred
56 (setq immediate-code (member :immediate specialized-code)
57 deferred-code (ldiff specialized-code immediate-code))))
58 (pop immediate-code)
59 (pop deferred-code)
60 (unless deferred-code
61 (error "Deferred-mode handler is mandatory"))
62 (let ((form-var (gensym "FORM")))
63 (flet ((gen-code (mode body)
64 (when (equal body '(:none))
65 (return-from gen-code nil))
66 (destructuring-bind (&optional (env (gensym "ENV")
67 env-supplied-p))
68 (pop body)
69 (setq body (append common-code body))
70 `(named-lambda (,mode ,name) (,form-var ,env)
71 ,@(unless env-supplied-p
72 `((declare (ignorable ,env))))
73 (block ,name
74 (macrolet ((when-lexical-var ((frame-ptr sym) &body body)
75 `(let ((,frame-ptr
76 (maybe-lexical-var env ,sym)))
77 (unless ,frame-ptr (return-from ,',name))
78 ,@body)))
79 (with-subforms ,macro-lambda-list ,form-var
80 ,@body)))))))
81 ;; KLUDGE: obfuscated so that this isn't FOPCOMPILEd.
82 ;; I don't want SB-VM::%SET-FDEFN-NAME to be funcallable.
83 `((lambda (name def) (sb-vm::%set-fdefn-name name def))
84 (find-fdefn ',name)
85 ;; If there is no immediate handler, just punt by
86 ;; dispatching an ad-hoc SEXPR. It is somewhat wasteful
87 ;; to cons a handler that is called once and discarded,
88 ;; but probably not too objectionable.
89 (cons ,(if immediate-code
90 (gen-code :imm immediate-code)
91 `#'(named-lambda (:imm ,name) (form env)
92 (dispatch (%sexpr (cons ',name form)) env)))
93 ,(gen-code :def deferred-code)))))))
95 ;;; Create parallel bindings for LET or a LAMBDA's required args.
96 ;;; Use of this macro is highly confined, so no bothering with ONCE-ONLY.
97 ;;; FRAME-INDEX is purposely exposed and SPECIAL-B is freely referenced.
98 ;;; It would be a MACROLET in the LET special form handler,
99 ;;; except that LAMBDA needs it too.
101 (defmacro with-let-bindings ; also used by LAMBDA binder
102 ((value-cells count
103 &key (specialp '(locally (declare (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
104 (logbitp frame-index special-b)))
105 value specials)
106 &rest finally)
107 (if specialp ; if some bound variables are special - free specials don't count
108 (let ((special-vals (make-symbol "SPECIAL-VALS")))
109 (assert specials)
110 `(let (,special-vals)
111 ;; It is important not to access 'specials' unless some binding is
112 ;; actually special, because the access in APPLY-LAMBDA is with POP
113 ;; which would destroy the list for the LET*-like bindings.
114 (dotimes (frame-index ,count
115 (if ,special-vals
116 (progv ,specials ,special-vals ,@finally)
117 (progn ,@finally)))
118 (let ((value ,value))
119 (if ,specialp
120 (push value ,special-vals)
121 (setf (svref ,value-cells frame-index) value))))))
122 ;; else no variables are special
123 `(dotimes (frame-index ,count (progn ,@finally))
124 (setf (svref ,value-cells frame-index) ,value))))
126 ;;; Serial binding macro strives to have roughly the syntax as WITH-LET-BINDINGS
127 ;;; but the name is different because this only binds the binder (LET*-BIND)
128 ;;; which must be called to start recursion over bindings.
129 ;;; As above, the uses of this macro are sufficiently confined that the
130 ;;; usual precautions of WITH-UNIQUE-NAMES,ONCE-ONLY are dispensed with.
132 (defmacro with-let*-binder ; also used by LAMBDA binder
133 ((value-cells count-place
134 &key (specialp '(locally (declare (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
135 (logbitp frame-index special-b)))
136 value specials)
137 initially &rest finally)
138 `(labels
139 ((let*-bind (frame-index end)
140 (declare (index frame-index end))
141 (if (< frame-index end)
142 (let ((value ,value))
143 ;; if specialp is statically nil we avoid a code deletion
144 ;; note by "manually" eliding half the logic :-(
145 ,@(if specialp
146 `((if ,specialp
147 (progv ,specials (list value)
148 (let*-bind (setf ,count-place (1+ frame-index))
149 end))
150 (progn
151 (setf (svref ,value-cells frame-index) value)
152 (let*-bind (setf ,count-place (1+ frame-index))
153 end))))
154 `((setf (svref ,value-cells frame-index) value)
155 (let*-bind (setf ,count-place (1+ frame-index)) end))))
156 (progn ,@finally))))
157 ,initially))
159 ;;; Bind VAR to each declaration-specifier in INPUT, which is a list of
160 ;;; subexpresssions whose head was DECLARE in a form accepting declarations.
161 ;;; The list as stored is doubly-nested because each DECLARE expression
162 ;;; is preserved separately, and within it the declarations.
163 (defmacro do-decl-spec ((var input &optional result) &body body)
164 (let ((outer (gensym))
165 (inner (gensym)))
166 `(dolist (,outer ,input ,result)
167 (do-anonymous ((,inner (cdr ,outer) (cdr ,inner))) ((endp ,inner))
168 (let ((,var (car ,inner)))
169 ,@body)))))
171 ;;; Special forms that accept declarations use this macro
172 ;;; to perform typechecks upon entry to the declaration scope.
173 (defmacro enforce-types (scope env)
174 `(let ((typechecks (extra-typechecks ,scope)))
175 (unless (eql typechecks +none+)
176 (%enforce-types typechecks ,env))))
178 ;;; When the evaluator preprocesses a form that interacts with package locking,
179 ;;; we bind *LEXENV* to a dynamic-extent LEXENV pointing to an interpreter env.
180 (defmacro with-package-lock-context ((env-var) &body body)
182 ;; and it's the only thing that can, so this is the only place
183 ;; that we need to handle that condition.
184 (let ((env (copy-symbol 'env)))
185 `(handler-case
186 (let ((,env ,env-var))
187 (declare (inline sb-c::make-package-lock-lexenv))
188 (dx-let ((compiler-lexenv (sb-c::make-package-lock-lexenv
189 ,env (env-policy ,env))))
190 (let ((sb-c:*lexenv* compiler-lexenv))
191 ,@body)))
192 (sb-impl::eval-error (condition)
193 ;; Just pull the original condition out and signal that.
194 (error (encapsulated-condition condition))))))
196 ;;; Wrap SB-C:POLICY changing its accessor to convert to a policy.
197 ;;; The default of %COERCE-TO-POLICY is wrong for the interpreter -
198 ;;; it needs to be ENV-POLICY. The last macro arg is unevaluated
199 ;;; and names the function to call to get a policy from ENV-VAR.
200 (defmacro policy (env-obj expr) `(sb-c:policy ,env-obj ,expr env-policy))
202 ;;; This is used for two different things, which happen to be identical
203 ;;; in their operation - extracting the symbol from:
204 ;;; 1. a binding cell in a LET environment symbol vector, like #((A) ... B)
205 ;;; in which A is lexically bound and B is a free special var.
206 ;;; 2. the symbol from the original LET form, as in (LET ((A 3) ... B) ...)
207 ;;; in which A had a non-nil default and B did not.
208 (declaim (inline binding-symbol))
209 (defun binding-symbol (x) (if (listp x) (car x) x))