Speed up PSXHASH on complex numbers.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / error.lisp
1 ;;;; SBCL-specific parts of the condition system, i.e. parts which
2 ;;;; don't duplicate/clobber functionality already provided by the
3 ;;;; cross-compilation host Common Lisp
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
9 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
10 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
11 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
12 ;;;; files for more information.
14 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
17 ;;; INVOKE-DEBUGGER: Parse the hairy argument conventions into a
18 ;;; single argument that's directly usable by all the other routines.
19 (defun coerce-to-condition (datum arguments default-type fun-name)
20 (declare (explicit-check))
21 (cond ((typep datum 'condition)
22 (when (and arguments (not (eq fun-name 'cerror)))
23 (cerror "Ignore the additional arguments."
24 'simple-type-error
25 :datum arguments
26 :expected-type 'null
27 :format-control "You may not supply additional arguments ~
28 when giving ~S to ~S."
29 :format-arguments (list datum fun-name)))
30 datum)
31 ((or (stringp datum) (functionp datum))
32 (make-condition default-type
33 :format-control datum
34 :format-arguments arguments))
36 (apply #'make-condition datum arguments))))
38 (define-condition layout-invalid (type-error)
40 (:report
41 (lambda (condition stream)
42 (format stream
43 "~@<invalid structure layout: ~
44 ~2I~_A test for class ~4I~_~S ~
45 ~2I~_was passed the obsolete instance ~4I~_~S~:>"
46 (classoid-proper-name (type-error-expected-type condition))
47 (type-error-datum condition)))))
49 (define-condition case-failure (type-error)
50 ((name :reader case-failure-name :initarg :name)
51 (possibilities :reader case-failure-possibilities :initarg :possibilities))
52 (:report
53 (lambda (condition stream)
54 (let ((*print-escape* t))
55 (format stream "~@<~S fell through ~S expression.~@[ ~
56 ~:_Wanted one of (~/pprint-fill/).~]~:>"
57 (type-error-datum condition)
58 (case-failure-name condition)
59 (case-failure-possibilities condition))))))
61 (define-condition compiled-program-error (program-error)
62 ((message :initarg :message :reader program-error-message)
63 (source :initarg :source :reader program-error-source))
64 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
65 (format stream "Execution of a form compiled with errors.~%~
66 Form:~% ~A~%~
67 Compile-time error:~% ~A"
68 (program-error-source condition)
69 (program-error-message condition)))))
71 (define-condition interpreted-program-error
72 (program-error encapsulated-condition)
73 ;; Unlike COMPILED-PROGRAM-ERROR, we don't need to dump these, so
74 ;; storing the original condition and form is OK.
75 ((form :initarg :form :reader program-error-form))
76 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
77 (format stream "~&Evaluation of~% ~S~%~
78 caused error:~% ~A~%"
79 (program-error-form condition)
80 (encapsulated-condition condition)))))
82 (define-condition simple-control-error (simple-condition control-error) ())
83 (define-condition simple-file-error (simple-condition file-error) ())
84 (define-condition simple-program-error (simple-condition program-error) ())
85 (define-condition simple-stream-error (simple-condition stream-error) ())
86 (define-condition simple-parse-error (simple-condition parse-error) ())
88 (define-condition character-coding-error (error)
89 ((external-format :initarg :external-format :reader character-coding-error-external-format)))
90 (define-condition character-encoding-error (character-coding-error)
91 ((code :initarg :code :reader character-encoding-error-code)))
92 (define-condition character-decoding-error (character-coding-error)
93 ((octets :initarg :octets :reader character-decoding-error-octets)))
94 (define-condition stream-encoding-error (stream-error character-encoding-error)
96 (:report
97 (lambda (c s)
98 (let ((stream (stream-error-stream c))
99 (code (character-encoding-error-code c)))
100 (format s "~@<~S stream encoding error on ~S: ~2I~_~
101 the character with code ~D cannot be encoded.~@:>"
102 (character-coding-error-external-format c)
103 stream
104 code)))))
105 (define-condition stream-decoding-error (stream-error character-decoding-error)
107 (:report
108 (lambda (c s)
109 (let ((stream (stream-error-stream c))
110 (octets (character-decoding-error-octets c)))
111 (format s "~@<~S stream decoding error on ~S: ~2I~_~
112 the octet sequence ~S cannot be decoded.~@:>"
113 (character-coding-error-external-format c)
114 stream
115 octets)))))
117 (define-condition c-string-encoding-error (character-encoding-error)
119 (:report
120 (lambda (c s)
121 (format s "~@<~S c-string encoding error: ~2I~_~
122 the character with code ~D cannot be encoded.~@:>"
123 (character-coding-error-external-format c)
124 (character-encoding-error-code c)))))
126 (define-condition c-string-decoding-error (character-decoding-error)
128 (:report
129 (lambda (c s)
130 (format s "~@<~S c-string decoding error: ~2I~_~
131 the octet sequence ~S cannot be decoded.~@:>"
132 (character-coding-error-external-format c)
133 (character-decoding-error-octets c)))))
135 (define-condition control-stack-exhausted (storage-condition)
137 (:report
138 (lambda (condition stream)
139 (declare (ignore condition))
140 (format stream
141 ;; no pretty-printing, because that would use a lot of stack.
142 "Control stack exhausted (no more space for function call frames).
143 This is probably due to heavily nested or infinitely recursive function
144 calls, or a tail call that SBCL cannot or has not optimized away.
148 (define-condition binding-stack-exhausted (storage-condition)
150 (:report
151 (lambda (condition stream)
152 (declare (ignore condition))
153 (format stream
154 ;; no pretty-printing, because that would use a lot of stack.
155 "Binding stack exhausted.
159 (define-condition alien-stack-exhausted (storage-condition)
161 (:report
162 (lambda (condition stream)
163 (declare (ignore condition))
164 (format stream
165 ;; no pretty-printing, because that would use a lot of stack.
166 "Alien stack exhausted.
170 (define-condition heap-exhausted-error (storage-condition)
172 (:report
173 (lambda (condition stream)
174 (declare (ignore condition))
175 (declare (special *heap-exhausted-error-available-bytes*
176 *heap-exhausted-error-requested-bytes*))
177 ;; See comments in interr.lisp -- there is a method to this madness.
178 (if (and (boundp '*heap-exhausted-error-available-bytes*)
179 (boundp '*heap-exhausted-error-requested-bytes*))
180 (format stream
181 ;; no pretty-printing, because that will use a lot of heap.
182 "Heap exhausted (no more space for allocation).
183 ~D bytes available, ~D requested.
186 *heap-exhausted-error-available-bytes*
187 *heap-exhausted-error-requested-bytes*)
188 (format stream
189 "A ~S condition without bindings for heap statistics. (If
190 you did not expect to see this message, please report it."
191 'heap-exhausted-error)))))
193 (define-condition system-condition (condition)
194 ((address :initarg :address :reader system-condition-address :initform nil)
195 (context :initarg :context :reader system-condition-context :initform nil)))
197 (define-condition memory-fault-error (system-condition error) ()
198 (:report
199 (lambda (condition stream)
200 (format stream "Unhandled memory fault at #x~X."
201 (system-condition-address condition)))))
203 (define-condition breakpoint-error (system-condition error) ()
204 (:report
205 (lambda (condition stream)
206 (format stream "Unhandled breakpoint/trap at #x~X."
207 (system-condition-address condition)))))
209 (define-condition interactive-interrupt (system-condition serious-condition) ()
210 (:report
211 (lambda (condition stream)
212 (format stream "Interactive interrupt at #x~X."
213 (system-condition-address condition)))))