Speed up PSXHASH on complex numbers.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / bsd-os.lisp
1 ;;;; OS interface functions for SBCL under BSD Unix.
3 ;;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
4 ;;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public
5 ;;;; domain.
7 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
9 ;;;; Check that target machine features are set up consistently with
10 ;;;; this file.
11 #!-bsd
12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
13 (error "The :BSD feature is missing, we shouldn't be doing this code."))
15 (define-alien-routine ("sysctl" %sysctl) int
16 (name (* int))
17 (namelen unsigned-int)
18 (oldp (* t))
19 (oldlenp (* sb!unix:size-t))
20 (newp (* t))
21 (newlen sb!unix:size-t))
23 #!+darwin
24 (define-alien-routine ("sysctlbyname" %sysctlbyname) int
25 (name c-string)
26 (oldp (* t))
27 (oldlenp (* sb!unix:size-t))
28 (newp (* t))
29 (newlen sb!unix:size-t))
31 (defun sysctl (type &rest name)
32 #!+sb-doc
33 "Retrieves an integer or string value with the given name."
34 (let ((name-len (length name)))
35 (when (> name-len ctl-maxname)
36 (error "sysctl name ~S is too long" name))
37 (with-alien ((name-array (array int #.ctl-maxname))
38 (result-len sb!unix:size-t))
39 (dotimes (off name-len)
40 (setf (deref name-array off) (elt name off)))
41 (ecase type
42 (:int
43 (with-alien ((result int))
44 (setf result-len (alien-size int :bytes))
45 (unless (minusp (%sysctl (cast name-array (* int)) name-len
46 (addr result) (addr result-len) nil 0))
47 result)))
48 (:str
49 (unless (minusp (%sysctl (cast name-array (* int)) name-len
50 nil (addr result-len) nil 0))
51 (with-alien ((result (* char) (make-alien char result-len)))
52 (if (minusp (%sysctl (cast name-array (* int)) name-len
53 result (addr result-len) nil 0))
54 (free-alien result)
55 (sb!unix::newcharstar-string result)))))))))
57 #!+darwin
58 (defun sysctlbyname (type name)
59 #!+sb-doc
60 "Retrieves an integer or string value with the given name."
61 (with-alien ((result-len sb!unix:size-t))
62 (ecase type
63 (:int
64 (with-alien ((result int))
65 (setf result-len (alien-size int :bytes))
66 (unless (minusp (%sysctlbyname name (addr result)
67 (addr result-len) nil 0))
68 result)))
69 (:str
70 (unless (minusp (%sysctlbyname name nil (addr result-len) nil 0))
71 (with-alien ((result (* char) (make-alien char result-len)))
72 (if (minusp (%sysctlbyname name result (addr result-len) nil 0))
73 (free-alien result)
74 (sb!unix::newcharstar-string result))))))))
76 (defun software-type ()
77 #!+sb-doc
78 "Return a string describing the supporting software."
79 #!-gnu-kfreebsd (sysctl :str ctl-kern kern-ostype)
80 #!+gnu-kfreebsd "GNU/kFreeBSD")
82 (defun software-version ()
83 #!+sb-doc
84 "Return a string describing version of the supporting software, or NIL
85 if not available."
86 (or sb!sys::*software-version*
87 (setf sb!sys::*software-version*
88 (sysctl :str ctl-kern kern-osrelease))))
90 ;;; Return system time, user time and number of page faults.
91 (defun get-system-info ()
92 (multiple-value-bind (err? utime stime maxrss ixrss idrss
93 isrss minflt majflt)
94 (sb!unix:unix-getrusage sb!unix:rusage_self)
95 (declare (ignore maxrss ixrss idrss isrss minflt))
96 (unless err?
97 (simple-perror "Unix system call getrusage() failed" :errno utime))
99 (values utime stime majflt)))
101 ;;; Return the system page size.
102 (defun get-page-size ()
103 (sysctl :int ctl-hw hw-pagesize))
105 ;;; support for CL:MACHINE-VERSION defined OAOO elsewhere
106 (defun get-machine-version ()
107 (or #!+darwin (sysctlbyname :str "machdep.cpu.brand_string")
108 (sysctl :str ctl-hw hw-model)))