Speed up PSXHASH on complex numbers.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / bignum-random.lisp
1 ;;;; generation of random bignums
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; The implementation assumes that the random chunk size is either
4 ;;;; equal to the word size or equal to half the word size.
6 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
7 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
10 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
11 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
12 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
13 ;;;; files for more information.
15 (in-package "SB!BIGNUM")
17 ;;; Return T if the least significant N-BITS bits of BIGNUM are all
18 ;;; zero, else NIL. If the integer-length of BIGNUM is less than N-BITS,
19 ;;; the result is NIL, too.
20 (declaim (inline bignum-lower-bits-zero-p))
21 (defun bignum-lower-bits-zero-p (bignum n-bits)
22 (declare (type bignum-type bignum)
23 (type bit-index n-bits))
24 (multiple-value-bind (n-full-digits n-bits-partial-digit)
25 (floor n-bits digit-size)
26 (declare (type bignum-length n-full-digits))
27 (when (> (%bignum-length bignum) n-full-digits)
28 (dotimes (index n-full-digits)
29 (declare (type bignum-index index))
30 (unless (zerop (%bignum-ref bignum index))
31 (return-from bignum-lower-bits-zero-p nil)))
32 (zerop (logand (1- (ash 1 n-bits-partial-digit))
33 (%bignum-ref bignum n-full-digits))))))
35 ;;; Return a nonnegative integer of DIGIT-SIZE many pseudo random bits.
36 (declaim (inline random-bignum-digit))
37 (defun random-bignum-digit (state)
38 (if (= n-random-chunk-bits digit-size)
39 (random-chunk state)
40 (big-random-chunk state)))
42 ;;; Return a nonnegative integer of N-BITS many pseudo random bits.
43 ;;; N-BITS must be nonnegative and less than DIGIT-SIZE.
44 (declaim (inline random-bignum-partial-digit))
45 (defun random-bignum-partial-digit (n-bits state)
46 (declare (type (integer 0 #.(1- digit-size)) n-bits)
47 (type random-state state))
48 (logand (1- (ash 1 n-bits))
49 (if (<= n-bits n-random-chunk-bits)
50 (random-chunk state)
51 (big-random-chunk state))))
53 ;;; Create a (nonnegative) bignum by concatenating RANDOM-CHUNK and
54 ;;; BIT-COUNT many pseudo random bits, normalise and return it.
55 ;;; RANDOM-CHUNK must fit into a bignum digit.
56 (declaim (inline concatenate-random-bignum))
57 (defun concatenate-random-bignum (random-chunk bit-count state)
58 (declare (type bignum-element-type random-chunk)
59 (type (integer 0 #.sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum) bit-count)
60 (type random-state state))
61 (let* ((n-total-bits (+ 1 n-random-chunk-bits bit-count)) ; sign bit
62 (length (ceiling n-total-bits digit-size))
63 (bignum (%allocate-bignum length)))
64 (multiple-value-bind (n-random-digits n-random-bits)
65 (floor bit-count digit-size)
66 (declare (type bignum-length n-random-digits))
67 (dotimes (index n-random-digits)
68 (setf (%bignum-ref bignum index)
69 (random-bignum-digit state)))
70 (if (zerop n-random-bits)
71 (setf (%bignum-ref bignum n-random-digits) random-chunk)
72 (progn
73 (setf (%bignum-ref bignum n-random-digits)
74 (%logior (random-bignum-partial-digit n-random-bits
75 state)
76 (%ashl random-chunk n-random-bits)))
77 (let ((shift (- digit-size n-random-bits)))
78 (when (< shift n-random-chunk-bits)
79 (setf (%bignum-ref bignum (1+ n-random-digits))
80 (%digit-logical-shift-right random-chunk shift)))))))
81 (%normalize-bignum bignum length)))
83 ;;; Create and return a (nonnegative) bignum of N-BITS many pseudo
84 ;;; random bits. The result is normalised, so may be a fixnum, too.
85 (declaim (inline make-random-bignum))
86 (defun make-random-bignum (n-bits state)
87 (declare (type (and fixnum (integer 0)) n-bits)
88 (type random-state state))
89 (let* ((n-total-bits (1+ n-bits)) ; sign bit
90 (length (ceiling n-total-bits digit-size))
91 (bignum (%allocate-bignum length)))
92 (declare (type bignum-length length))
93 (multiple-value-bind (n-digits n-bits-partial-digit)
94 (floor n-bits digit-size)
95 (declare (type bignum-length n-digits))
96 (dotimes (index n-digits)
97 (setf (%bignum-ref bignum index)
98 (random-bignum-digit state)))
99 (unless (zerop n-bits-partial-digit)
100 (setf (%bignum-ref bignum n-digits)
101 (random-bignum-partial-digit n-bits-partial-digit state))))
102 (%normalize-bignum bignum length)))
104 ;;; Create and return a pseudo random bignum less than ARG. The result
105 ;;; is normalised, so may be a fixnum, too. We try to keep the number of
106 ;;; times RANDOM-CHUNK is called and the amount of storage consed to a
107 ;;; minimum.
108 ;;; Four cases are differentiated:
109 ;;; * If ARG is a power of two and only one random chunk is needed to
110 ;;; supply a sufficient number of bits, a chunk is generated and
111 ;;; shifted to get the correct number of bits. This only conses if the
112 ;;; result is indeed a bignum. This case can only occur if the size of
113 ;;; the random chunks is equal to the word size.
114 ;;; * If ARG is a power of two and multiple chunks are needed, we call
115 ;;; MAKE-RANDOM-BIGNUM. Here a bignum is always consed even if it
116 ;;; happens to normalize to a fixnum, which can't be avoided.
117 ;;; * If ARG is not a power of two but one random chunk suffices an
118 ;;; accept-reject loop is used. Each time through the loop a chunk is
119 ;;; generated and shifted to get the correct number of bits. This only
120 ;;; conses if the final accepted result is indeed a bignum. This case
121 ;;; too can only occur if the size of the random chunks is equal to the
122 ;;; word size.
123 ;;; * If ARG is not a power of two and multiple chunks are needed an
124 ;;; accept-reject loop is used that detects rejection early by
125 ;;; starting the generation with a random chunk aligned to the most
126 ;;; significant bits of ARG. If the random value is larger than the
127 ;;; corresponding chunk of ARG we don't need to generate the full
128 ;;; amount of random bits but can retry immediately. If the random
129 ;;; value is smaller than the ARG chunk we know already that the
130 ;;; result will be accepted independently of what the remaining random
131 ;;; bits will be, so we generate them and return. Only in the rare
132 ;;; case that the random value and the ARG chunk are equal we need to
133 ;;; generate and compare the complete random number and risk to reject
134 ;;; it.
135 (defun %random-bignum (arg state)
136 (declare (type (integer #.(1+ sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum)) arg)
137 (type random-state state)
138 (inline bignum-lower-bits-zero-p))
139 (let ((n-bits (bignum-integer-length arg)))
140 (declare (type (integer #.sb!vm:n-fixnum-bits) n-bits))
141 ;; Don't use (ZEROP (LOGAND ARG (1- ARG))) to test if ARG is a power
142 ;; of two as that would cons.
143 (cond ((bignum-lower-bits-zero-p arg (1- n-bits))
144 ;; ARG is a power of two. We need one bit less than its
145 ;; INTEGER-LENGTH. Not using (DECF N-BITS) here allows the
146 ;; compiler to make optimal use of the type declaration for
147 ;; N-BITS above.
148 (let ((n-bits (1- n-bits)))
149 (if (<= n-bits n-random-chunk-bits)
150 (%digit-logical-shift-right (random-chunk state)
151 (- n-random-chunk-bits n-bits))
152 (make-random-bignum n-bits state))))
153 ((<= n-bits n-random-chunk-bits)
154 (let ((shift (- n-random-chunk-bits n-bits))
155 (arg (%bignum-ref arg 0)))
156 (loop
157 (let ((bits (%digit-logical-shift-right (random-chunk state)
158 shift)))
159 (when (< bits arg)
160 (return bits))))))
162 ;; ARG is not a power of two and we need more than one random
163 ;; chunk.
164 (let* ((shift (- n-bits n-random-chunk-bits))
165 (arg-first-chunk (ldb (byte n-random-chunk-bits shift)
166 arg)))
167 (loop
168 (let ((random-chunk (random-chunk state)))
169 ;; If the random value is larger than the corresponding
170 ;; chunk from the most significant bits of ARG we can
171 ;; retry immediately; no need to generate the remaining
172 ;; random bits.
173 (unless (> random-chunk arg-first-chunk)
174 ;; We need to generate the complete random number.
175 (let ((bits (concatenate-random-bignum random-chunk
176 shift state)))
177 ;; While the second comparison below subsumes the
178 ;; first, the first is faster and will nearly
179 ;; always be true, so it's worth it to try it
180 ;; first.
181 (when (or (< random-chunk arg-first-chunk)
182 (< bits arg))
183 (return bits)))))))))))