Produce only one warning for (typep x 'bad-type)
[sbcl.git] / tests / x86-64-codegen.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
5 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
6 ;;;; from CMU CL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
9 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
10 ;;;; more information.
12 #-(and x86-64 immobile-space sb-thread) (sb-ext:exit :code 104) ; can't run these tests
14 (defun disasm (safety expr &optional (remove-epilogue t))
15 ;; This lambda has a name because if it doesn't, then the name
16 ;; is something stupid like (lambda () in ...) which pretty-prints
17 ;; on a random number of lines.
18 (let ((fun (compile nil
19 `(sb-int:named-lambda test ()
20 (declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety ,safety)
21 (sb-c::verify-arg-count 0)))
22 ,expr))))
23 (sb-int:encapsulate 'sb-disassem::add-debugging-hooks 'test
24 (lambda (f &rest args) (declare (ignore f args))))
25 (let ((lines
26 (split-string
27 (with-output-to-string (s)
28 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
29 (disassemble fun :stream s)))
30 #\newline)))
31 (sb-int:unencapsulate 'sb-disassem::add-debugging-hooks 'test)
32 (setq lines (cddr lines)) ; remove "Disassembly for"
33 (when (string= (car (last lines)) "")
34 (setq lines (nbutlast lines)))
35 ;; For human-readability, kill the whitespace
36 (setq lines (mapcar (lambda (x) (string-left-trim " ;" x)) lines))
37 ;; Remove safepoint traps
38 (setq lines (remove-if (lambda (x) (search "; safepoint" x)) lines))
39 ;; If the last 4 lines are of the expected form
41 ;; then strip them out
42 (if (and remove-epilogue
43 (every #'search
44 '("MOV RSP, RBP" "CLC" "POP RBP" "RET")
45 (subseq lines (- (length lines) 4))))
46 (butlast lines 4)
47 lines))))
49 (with-test (:name :symeval-known-thread-local)
50 ;; It should take 1 instruction to read a known thread-local var
51 (assert (= (length (disasm 1 'sb-thread:*current-thread*)) 1))
52 (assert (= (length (disasm 1 'sb-kernel:*restart-clusters*)) 1))
53 (assert (= (length (disasm 1 'sb-kernel:*handler-clusters*)) 1)))
55 ;; Lack of earmuffs on this symbol allocates it in dynamic space
56 (defvar foo)
57 #-immobile-symbols (assert (not (sb-kernel:immobile-space-obj-p 'foo)))
58 ;; This compilation causes a side-effect of assigning FOO a TLS index
60 (compile nil '(lambda (foo) (eval 'frob)))
62 (with-test (:name :symeval-known-tls-index :skipped-on :immobile-symbols)
63 ;; When symbol SC is IMMEDIATE:
64 ;; 498B942478210000 MOV RDX, [R12+8568] ; tls: *PRINT-BASE*
65 ;; 83FA61 CMP EDX, 97
66 ;; 480F44142538F94B20 CMOVEQ RDX, [#x204BF938] ; *PRINT-BASE*
67 ;; (TODO: could use "CMOVEQ RDX, [RIP-n]" in immobile code)
68 (assert (= (length (disasm 0 '*print-base*)) 3))
70 ;; When symbol SC is CONSTANT:
71 ;; 498B942478290000 MOV RDX, [R12+10616] ; tls: FOO
72 ;; 488B05A4FFFFFF MOV RAX, [RIP-92] ; 'FOO
73 ;; 83FA61 CMP EDX, 97
74 ;; 480F4450F9 CMOVEQ RDX, [RAX-7]
75 (assert (= (length (disasm 0 'foo)) 4)))
77 (defvar *blub*) ; immobile space
78 (defvar blub) ; dynamic space
79 (assert (sb-kernel:immobile-space-obj-p '*blub*))
80 #-immobile-symbols (assert (not (sb-kernel:immobile-space-obj-p 'blub)))
82 (with-test (:name :symeval-unknown-tls-index :skipped-on :immobile-symbols)
83 ;; When symbol SC is immediate:
84 ;; 8B142514A24C20 MOV EDX, [#x204CA214] ; tls_index: *BLUB*
85 ;; 498B1414 MOV RDX, [R12+RDX]
86 ;; 83FA61 CMP EDX, 97
87 ;; 480F44142518A24C20 CMOVEQ RDX, [#x204CA218] ; *BLUB*
88 ;; (TODO: could use "CMOVEQ RDX, [RIP-n]" in immobile code)
89 (assert (= (length (disasm 0 '*blub*)) 4))
91 ;; When symbol SC is constant:
92 ;; 488B05B3FFFFFF MOV RAX, [RIP-77] ; 'BLUB"
93 ;; 8B50F5 MOV EDX, [RAX-11]
94 ;; 498B1414 MOV RDX, [R12+RDX]
95 ;; 83FA61 CMP EDX, 97
96 ;; 480F4450F9 CMOVEQ RDX, [RAX-7]
97 (assert (= (length (disasm 0 'blub)) 5)))
99 (with-test (:name :object-not-type-error-encoding)
100 ;; There should not be a "MOV Rnn, #xSYMBOL" instruction
101 ;; before the OBJECT-NOT-TYPE-ERROR.
102 (let* ((lines
103 (split-string
104 (with-output-to-string (s)
105 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
106 (disassemble '(lambda (x) (the sb-assem:label x))
107 :stream s)))
108 #\newline))
109 (index
110 (position "; error trap" lines :test 'search)))
111 (assert (search "OBJECT-NOT-TYPE-ERROR" (nth (1+ index) lines)))
112 (assert (search "; 'SB-ASSEM:LABEL" (nth (+ index 3) lines)))))
114 #+immobile-code
115 (with-test (:name :reference-assembly-tramp)
116 (dolist (testcase '(("FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-TRAMP"
117 sb-kernel:%make-funcallable-instance)
119 sb-kernel:make-fdefn)))
120 (let ((lines
121 (split-string
122 (with-output-to-string (stream)
123 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
124 (disassemble (cadr testcase) :stream stream)))
125 #\newline)))
126 (assert (loop for line in lines
127 thereis (and (search "LEA" line)
128 (search "RIP" line) ; require RIP-relative mode
129 ;; and verify disassembly
130 (search (car testcase) line)))))))
132 #+immobile-code
133 (with-test (:name :static-unlinker)
134 (let ((sb-c::*compile-to-memory-space* :immobile))
135 (flet ((disassembly-lines (name)
136 (split-string
137 (with-output-to-string (s)
138 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
139 (disassemble name :stream s)))
140 #\newline))
141 (expect (match lines)
142 (assert (loop for line in lines
143 thereis (search match line)))))
144 (compile 'h '(lambda (x) (1+ x)))
145 (setf (symbol-function 'g) #'h (symbol-function 'f) #'h)
146 (compile 'c '(lambda (x) (g x)))
147 (compile 'd '(lambda (x) (f (g x))))
148 ;; The FDEFN-FUN of F is same as that of G.
149 ;; Statically linking D should not patch the fdefn calls into static calls
150 ;; because it can't unambiguously be undone without storing additional data
151 ;; about where patches were performed to begin with.
152 (sb-vm::statically-link-core :callers '(c d))
153 (let ((lines (disassembly-lines 'c)))
154 (expect "#<FUNCTION H>" lines))
155 (let ((lines (disassembly-lines 'd)))
156 (expect "#<FDEFN F>" lines)
157 (expect "#<FDEFN G>" lines))
158 (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
159 (defun g (x) (- x)))
160 (let ((lines (disassembly-lines 'c)))
161 (expect "#<FDEFN G>" lines)))))