Simplify some thread initialization stuff
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / generic / late-objdef.lisp
1 ;;;; late machine-independent aspects of the object representation
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!VM")
14 (macrolet ((frob ()
15 `(progn ,@*!late-primitive-object-forms*)))
16 (frob))
18 #!+sb-thread
19 (dolist (slot (primitive-object-slots
20 (find 'thread *primitive-objects* :key #'primitive-object-name)))
21 (when (slot-special slot)
22 (setf (info :variable :wired-tls (slot-special slot))
23 (ash (slot-offset slot) word-shift))))
25 #!+gencgc
26 (defconstant large-object-size
27 (* 4 (max +backend-page-bytes+ gencgc-card-bytes
28 gencgc-alloc-granularity)))
31 ;;; Keep this (mostly) lined up with 'early-objdef' for sanity's sake!
32 #+sb-xc-host
33 (defparameter *scav/trans/size*
34 (mapcar
35 (lambda (entry)
36 (cons (symbol-value (symbolicate (car entry) "-WIDETAG"))
37 (cdr entry)))
38 `((bignum "unboxed")
39 (ratio "boxed" "ratio_or_complex" "boxed")
40 (single-float ,(or #!+64-bit "immediate" "unboxed"))
41 (double-float "unboxed")
42 (complex "boxed" "ratio_or_complex" "boxed")
43 (complex-single-float "unboxed")
44 (complex-double-float "unboxed")
46 (code-header "code_header")
47 ;; The scavenge function for fun-header is basically "lose",
48 ;; but it's only defined on non-x86 platforms for some reason.
49 (simple-fun ,(or #!+(or x86 x86-64) "lose" "fun_header") "fun_header" "lose")
50 (closure ,(or #!+(or x86 x86-64) "closure" "short_boxed") "short_boxed")
51 (funcallable-instance ,(or #!+compact-instance-header "funinstance" "short_boxed")
52 "short_boxed")
53 ;; These have a scav and trans function, but no size function.
54 #!-(or x86 x86-64) (return-pc "return_pc_header" "return_pc_header" "lose")
56 (value-cell "boxed")
57 (symbol "tiny_boxed")
58 (character "immediate")
59 (sap "unboxed")
60 (unbound-marker "immediate")
61 (weak-pointer "lose" "weak_pointer" "boxed")
62 (instance "instance" "instance" "short_boxed")
63 (fdefn ,(or #!+(or sparc arm) "boxed" "fdefn") "tiny_boxed")
65 (no-tls-value-marker "immediate")
67 #!+sb-simd-pack (simd-pack "unboxed")
69 (simple-array "boxed")
70 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-2 "vector_unsigned_byte_2")
71 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-4 "vector_unsigned_byte_4")
72 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-7 "vector_unsigned_byte_8")
73 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-8 "vector_unsigned_byte_8")
74 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-15 "vector_unsigned_byte_16")
75 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-16 "vector_unsigned_byte_16")
76 (simple-array-unsigned-fixnum #!-64-bit "vector_unsigned_byte_32"
77 #!+64-bit "vector_unsigned_byte_64")
78 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-31 "vector_unsigned_byte_32")
79 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-32 "vector_unsigned_byte_32")
80 #!+64-bit (simple-array-unsigned-byte-63 "vector_unsigned_byte_64")
81 #!+64-bit (simple-array-unsigned-byte-64 "vector_unsigned_byte_64")
83 (simple-array-signed-byte-8 "vector_unsigned_byte_8")
84 (simple-array-signed-byte-16 "vector_unsigned_byte_16")
85 (simple-array-signed-byte-32 "vector_unsigned_byte_32")
86 (simple-array-fixnum #!-64-bit "vector_unsigned_byte_32"
87 #!+64-bit "vector_unsigned_byte_64")
88 #!+64-bit (simple-array-signed-byte-64 "vector_unsigned_byte_64")
90 (simple-array-single-float "vector_unsigned_byte_32")
91 (simple-array-double-float "vector_unsigned_byte_64")
92 (simple-array-complex-single-float "vector_unsigned_byte_64")
93 (simple-array-complex-double-float "vector_unsigned_byte_128")
95 (simple-bit-vector "vector_bit")
96 (simple-vector "vector")
98 (simple-array-nil "vector_nil")
99 (simple-base-string "base_string")
100 #!+sb-unicode (simple-character-string "character_string")
101 #!+sb-unicode (complex-character-string "boxed")
102 (complex-base-string "boxed")
103 (complex-vector-nil "boxed")
105 (complex-bit-vector "boxed")
106 (complex-vector "boxed")
107 (complex-array "boxed"))))
109 #+sb-xc-host
110 (defun write-gc-tables (stream)
111 ;; Compute a bitmask of all specialized vector types,
112 ;; not including array headers, for maybe_adjust_large_object().
113 (let ((min #xff) (bits 0))
114 (dovector (saetp *specialized-array-element-type-properties*)
115 (unless (eq (saetp-primitive-type-name saetp) 'simple-vector)
116 (let ((widetag (saetp-typecode saetp)))
117 (setf min (min widetag min)
118 bits (logior bits (ash 1 (ash widetag -2)))))))
119 (format stream "static inline boolean specialized_vector_widetag_p(unsigned char widetag) {
120 return widetag>=0x~X && (0x~8,'0XU >> ((widetag-0x80)>>2)) & 1;~%}~%"
121 min (ldb (byte 32 32) bits))
122 ;; Union in the bits for other unboxed object types.
123 (dolist (entry *scav/trans/size*)
124 (when (string= (second entry) "unboxed")
125 (setf bits (logior bits (ash 1 (ash (car entry) -2))))))
126 (format stream "static inline boolean unboxed_obj_widetag_p(unsigned char widetag) {~%")
127 #!+64-bit (format stream " return (0x~XLU >> (widetag>>2)) & 1;" bits)
128 #!-64-bit (format stream " int bit = widetag>>2;
129 return (bit<32 ? 0x~XU >> bit : 0x~XU >> (bit-32)) & 1;"
130 (ldb (byte 32 0) bits) (ldb (byte 32 32) bits))
131 (format stream "~%}~%"))
133 (format stream "extern unsigned char lowtag_for_widetag[64];
134 static inline lispobj compute_lispobj(lispobj* base_addr) {
135 lispobj header = *base_addr;
136 return make_lispobj(base_addr,
137 is_cons_half(header) ? LIST_POINTER_LOWTAG :
138 lowtag_for_widetag[widetag_of(header)>>2]);~%}~%")
140 (format stream "~%#ifdef WANT_SCAV_TRANS_SIZE_TABLES~%")
141 (let ((a (make-array 64 :initial-element 0)))
142 (dolist (entry *scav/trans/size*)
143 (destructuring-bind (widetag scav &rest ignore) entry
144 (declare (ignore ignore))
145 (unless (eq scav "immediate")
146 (setf (aref a (ash widetag -2))
147 (case widetag
148 (#.instance-widetag instance-pointer-lowtag)
149 (#.+fun-header-widetags+ fun-pointer-lowtag)
150 (t other-pointer-lowtag))))))
151 (let ((contents (format nil "~{0x~x,~} " (coerce a 'list))))
152 (format stream
153 "unsigned char lowtag_for_widetag[64] = {~{~% ~A~}~%};~%"
154 ;; write 4 characters per widetag ("0xN,"), 16 per line
155 (loop for i from 0 by 64 repeat 4
156 ;; trailing comma on the last item is OK in C
157 collect (subseq contents i (+ i 64))))))
158 (let ((scavtab (make-array 256 :initial-element nil))
159 (transtab (make-array 64 :initial-element nil))
160 (sizetab (make-array 256 :initial-element nil)))
161 (dotimes (i 256)
162 (cond ((eql 0 (logand i fixnum-tag-mask))
163 (setf (svref scavtab i) "immediate" (svref sizetab i) "immediate"))
165 (let ((pointer-kind (case (logand i lowtag-mask)
166 (#.instance-pointer-lowtag "instance")
167 (#.list-pointer-lowtag "list")
168 ( "fun")
169 (#.other-pointer-lowtag "other"))))
170 (when pointer-kind
171 (setf (svref scavtab i) (format nil "~A_pointer" pointer-kind)
172 (svref sizetab i) "pointer"))))))
173 (dolist (entry *scav/trans/size*)
174 (destructuring-bind (widetag scav &optional (trans scav) (size trans)) entry
175 (setf (svref scavtab widetag) scav
176 (svref transtab (ash widetag -2)) trans
177 (svref sizetab widetag) size)))
178 (flet ((write-table (decl prefix contents)
179 (format stream "~A = {" decl)
180 (loop for i from 0 for x across contents
181 when (zerop (mod i 4))
182 do (format stream "~% ")
183 do (format stream "~V@<~A~A~:[~;,~]~>"
184 (if (= (mod i 4) 3) 0 31)
185 prefix (or x "lose") (< i (length contents))))
186 (format stream "~%};~%")))
187 (write-table "sword_t (*scavtab[256])(lispobj *where, lispobj object)"
188 "scav_" scavtab)
189 (write-table "static lispobj (*transother[64])(lispobj object)"
190 "trans_" transtab)
191 (format stream "#define size_pointer size_immediate~%")
192 (format stream "#define size_unboxed size_boxed~%")
193 (write-table "sword_t (*sizetab[256])(lispobj *where)"
194 "size_" sizetab)
195 (format stream "#undef size_pointer~%")
196 (format stream "#undef size_unboxed~%")))
197 (format stream "#endif~%"))