Call maybe-terminate-block when translating THE.
[sbcl.git] / tests / compiler-2.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; various compiler tests without side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;;; This file of tests was added because the tests in 'compiler.pure.lisp'
15 ;;;; are a total hodgepodge- there is often no hugely compelling reason for
16 ;;;; their being tests of the compiler per se, such as whether
18 ;;;; in addition to which it is near impossible to wade through the
19 ;;;; ton of nameless, slow, and noisy tests.
21 ;;;; This file strives to do better on all fronts:
22 ;;;; the tests should be fast, named, and not noisy.
24 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
26 (load "compiler-test-util.lisp")
28 (defun compiles-with-warning (lambda)
29 (assert (nth-value 2 (checked-compile lambda :allow-warnings t))))
31 (with-test (:name (ldb :recognize-local-macros))
32 ;; Should not call %LDB
33 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees
34 (checked-compile
35 '(lambda (x)
36 (declare (optimize speed))
37 (macrolet ((b () '(byte 2 2)))
38 (ldb (b) (the fixnum x)))))))))
40 (with-test (:name (dpb :eval-order :lp-1458190))
41 (sb-int:collect ((calls))
42 (flet ((f (new old)
43 (dpb (progn (calls 'eval-new) new)
44 (progn (calls 'eval-byte) (byte 10 10))
45 (progn (calls 'eval-old) old))))
46 (f 20 0)
47 (assert (equal (calls)
48 '(eval-new eval-byte eval-old))))))
50 ;; Best practice treats TRULY-THE as a special operator, not a macro,
51 ;; in a context such as (DPB X (TRULY-THE SB-KERNEL:BYTE-SPECIFIER ...) Y).
52 ;; DPB used to expand its second argument using MACROEXPAND and lose
53 ;; the nuance of TRULY-THE. Strictly speaking, byte-specifier is not a
54 ;; type specifier that users are supposed to know about, so portable code
55 ;; should not care, but this might affect internal code.
56 (with-test (:name (dpb :inner-macro))
57 (flet ((source-xform (sexpr)
58 (funcall (sb-int:info :function :source-transform (car sexpr))
59 sexpr (sb-kernel:make-null-lexenv))))
60 (assert (equal-mod-gensyms
61 (source-xform
62 '(dpb (new) (truly-the sb-kernel:byte-specifier bspec) (old)))
63 '(let ((new (new))
64 (byte (truly-the sb-kernel:byte-specifier bspec)))
65 (sb-kernel:%dpb new (byte-size byte) (byte-position byte)
66 (old)))))))
68 (with-test (:name :inline-satisfies-predicate)
69 ;; If we remove the indirections in these functions,
70 ;; this test should visibly break so that we can write a new test
71 ;; that asserts that inlining F works in (THE (SATISFIES F) obj).
72 (assert (equal (sb-ext:typexpand 'sb-impl::function-name)
73 '(satisfies sb-int:legal-fun-name-p)))
74 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (the sb-impl::function-name x)))))
75 (assert (equal (list (symbol-function 'sb-int:valid-function-name-p))
76 (ctu:find-named-callees f))))
77 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
78 (declare (notinline sb-int:legal-fun-name-p))
79 (the sb-impl::function-name x)))))
80 (assert (equal (list (symbol-function 'sb-int:legal-fun-name-p))
81 (ctu:find-named-callees f)))))
83 (with-test (:name (make-array :untestable-type :no-warning))
84 (checked-compile `(lambda () (make-array '(2 2)
85 :element-type `(satisfies foofa)))))
87 (with-test (:name (make-array nil :no-warning))
88 (checked-compile '(lambda () (make-array '(2 2) :element-type nil))))
90 (with-test (:name (nth-value :huge-n :works))
91 (flet ((return-a-ton-of-values ()
92 (values-list (loop for i below 5000 collect i))))
93 (assert (= (nth-value 1 (return-a-ton-of-values)) 1))
94 (assert (= (nth-value 4000 (return-a-ton-of-values)) 4000))))
96 (defstruct (a-test-structure-foo
97 (:constructor make-a-foo-1)
98 (:constructor make-a-foo-2 (b &optional a)))
99 (a 0 :type symbol)
100 (b nil :type integer))
102 (with-test (:name :improperly-initialized-slot-warns)
103 ;; should warn because B's default is NIL, not an integer.
104 (compiles-with-warning '(lambda () (make-a-foo-1 :a 'what)))
105 ;; should warn because A's default is 0
106 (compiles-with-warning '(lambda () (make-a-foo-2 3))))
108 (with-test (:name (inline structure :ctor :no declaim))
109 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda ()
110 (make-a-foo-1 :a 'wat :b 3)))))
111 (assert (ctu:find-named-callees f)))
112 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda ()
113 (declare (inline make-a-foo-1))
114 (make-a-foo-1 :a 'wat :b 3)))))
115 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees f)))))
117 (with-test (:name :internal-name-p :skipped-on :sb-xref-for-internals)
118 (assert (sb-c::internal-name-p 'sb-int:neq)))
120 (with-test (:name (:coerce-callable-to-fun :note))
121 (flet ((try (form what)
122 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings style-warnings notes)
123 (checked-compile `(lambda (x)
124 (declare (optimize speed))
125 (funcall ,form)))
126 (declare (ignore fun failure-p warnings style-warnings))
127 (assert (search (format nil "~A is not known to be" what)
128 (princ-to-string (first notes)))))))
130 (try '(eval `(work-with ,x)) "callable expression")
131 (try 'x "X")
132 ;; For this I'd accept either Z or X in the message.
133 (try '(progn (let ((z x)) (identity z))) "X")))
135 (with-test (:name (princ-to-string :unflushable))
136 ;; Ordinary we'll flush it
137 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (princ-to-string x) x))))
138 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees f :name 'princ-to-string))))
139 ;; But in high safety it should be called for effect
140 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
141 (declare (optimize safety)) (princ-to-string x) x))))
142 (assert (ctu:find-named-callees f :name 'princ-to-string))))
144 (with-test (:name :space-bounds-no-consing
145 :skipped-on :interpreter)
146 ;; Asking for the size of a heap space should not cost anything!
147 (ctu:assert-no-consing (sb-vm::%space-bounds :static))
148 (ctu:assert-no-consing (sb-vm::space-bytes :static)))
150 (with-test (:name (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects :no-consing)
151 :fails-on :cheneygc
152 :skipped-on :interpreter)
153 (let ((n 0))
154 (sb-int:dx-flet ((f (obj type size)
155 (declare (ignore obj type size))
156 (incf n)))
157 (ctu:assert-no-consing
158 (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects #'f :dynamic)
159 5))))
161 (with-test (:name :pack-varints-as-bignum)
162 (dotimes (i 500) ; do some random testing this many times
163 (let* ((random-numbers (loop repeat (+ (random 20) 3)
164 collect (1+ (random 4000))))
165 (test-list (sort (delete-duplicates random-numbers) #'<))
166 (packed-int (sb-c::pack-code-fixup-locs test-list))
167 (result (make-array 1 :element-type 'sb-ext:word)))
168 ;; The packer intrinsically self-checks the packing
169 ;; so we don't need to assert anything about that.
170 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (packed-int result)
171 ;; Now exercise the C unpacker.
172 ;; This hack of allocating 4 longs is terrible, but whatever.
173 (let ((unpacker (make-alien long 4))
174 (prev-loc 0))
175 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "varint_unpacker_init"
176 (function void (* long) unsigned))
177 unpacker
178 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address packed-int))
179 (sb-int:collect ((unpacked))
180 (loop
181 (let ((status
182 (alien-funcall
183 (extern-alien "varint_unpack"
184 (function int (* long) system-area-pointer))
185 unpacker (sb-sys:vector-sap result))))
186 (let ((val (aref result 0)))
187 ;; status of 0 is EOF, val = 0 means a decoded value was 0,
188 ;; which can't happen, so it's effectively EOF.
189 (when (or (eql status 0) (eql val 0)) (return))
190 (let ((loc (+ prev-loc val)))
191 (unpacked loc)
192 (setq prev-loc loc)))))
193 (assert (equal (unpacked) test-list))))))))
195 (with-test (:name (symbol-value symbol-global-value :quoted-constant))
196 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda () (symbol-value 'char-code-limit)))))
197 (assert (not (ctu:find-code-constants f :type 'symbol))))
198 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda () (symbol-global-value 'char-code-limit)))))
199 (assert (not (ctu:find-code-constants f :type 'symbol)))))
201 (with-test (:name (:set symbol-value :of defglobal))
202 (let ((s 'sb-c::*recognized-declarations*))
203 (assert (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind s) :global)) ; verify precondition
204 (let ((f (checked-compile `(lambda () (setf (symbol-value ',s) nil)))))
205 ;; Should not have a call to SET-SYMBOL-GLOBAL-VALUE>
206 (assert (not (ctu:find-code-constants f :type 'sb-kernel:fdefn))))))
208 (with-test (:name :layout-constants
209 :skipped-on (not (and :x86-64 :immobile-space)))
210 (let ((addr-of-pathname-layout
211 (write-to-string
212 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address (sb-kernel:find-layout 'pathname))
213 :base 16 :radix t))
214 (count 0))
215 ;; The constant should appear in two CMP instructions
216 (dolist (line (split-string
217 (with-output-to-string (s)
218 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
219 (disassemble 'pathnamep :stream s)))
220 #\newline))
221 (when (and (search "CMP" line) (search addr-of-pathname-layout line))
222 (incf count)))
223 (assert (= count 2))))
225 (with-test (:name :set-symbol-value-imm :skipped-on (not :x86-64))
226 (let (success)
227 (dolist (line (split-string
228 (with-output-to-string (s)
229 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
230 (disassemble '(lambda () (setq *print-base* 8)) :stream s)))
231 #\newline))
232 (when (and #+sb-thread (search "MOV QWORD PTR [R" line)
233 #-sb-thread (search "MOV QWORD PTR [" line)
234 (search (format nil ", ~D" (ash 8 sb-vm:n-fixnum-tag-bits)) line))
235 (setq success t)))
236 (assert success)))
238 (with-test (:name :linkage-table-bogosity :skipped-on (not :sb-dynamic-core))
239 (let ((strings (map 'list (lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x) x))
240 #+sb-dynamic-core sb-vm::+required-foreign-symbols+
241 #-sb-dynamic-core '())))
242 (assert (= (length (remove-duplicates strings :test 'string=))
243 (length strings)))))
245 (with-test (:name (:no style-warning :for inline :cl-fun))
246 (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
247 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (inline length)
248 (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
249 (length x))))
251 (with-test (:name :deleted-return-use)
252 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
253 `(lambda ()
254 (block nil
255 (return 345)
256 (let ((a (catch 'x)))
257 (flet ((%f (a &optional b)
259 (%f 0 (%f 123))))))
260 (() 345)))
262 (with-test (:name :shift-right-transform-nil-type)
263 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize nil)
264 `(lambda (b c)
265 (declare (type (integer -10 -6) c)
266 (optimize (debug 2)))
267 (catch 'c
268 (flet ((f1 (a &optional (b (shiftf b 0)) c d)
269 (declare (ignore a b c d))
270 (throw 'c 780)))
271 (flet ((f2 (a b)
272 (f1 a b 0)))
273 (ash
274 (f1 (if t
276 (f1 (f2 1 0) 0))
278 (+ c))))))
279 ((-3 -7) 780)))
281 (with-test (:name :move-lvar-result-through-unused-cast)
282 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize nil)
283 `(lambda ()
284 (declare (optimize (debug 0)))
285 (labels ((f (a b)
286 a b)
287 (x ()
288 (apply #'f (list 2 3))))
289 (declare (notinline f))
290 (the integer (x)))
291 132)
292 (() 132)))
294 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict funcall :external-lambda))
295 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda ()
296 (let ((x (lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x)))
297 (funcall x 'a)))))
299 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict :callable :external-lambda))
300 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda ()
301 (let ((x (lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x)))
302 (find-if x "abca")))))
304 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict map :result-type))
305 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (str)
306 (map 'string (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil)
307 str))))
309 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict :by-name))
310 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (str)
311 (map 'string 'evenp str))))
313 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict :callable :reporting))
314 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
315 (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (map-into (make-string 10) #'evenp x))
316 :allow-warnings 'warning)
317 (declare (ignore fun))
318 (assert failure-p)
319 (assert (= (length warnings) 1))
320 (search "Derived type of EVENP is"
321 (princ-to-string (first warnings)))))
323 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict string :union-type))
324 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (x)
325 (find-if #'evenp (the string x)))))
327 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict map-into :let))
328 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (z)
329 (let ((x "abc"))
330 (map-into z #'evenp x)))))
332 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict map-into :result))
333 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (z)
334 (map-into (make-string 10) #'evenp z))))
336 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict complement))
337 (assert (nth-value 3
338 (checked-compile
339 `(lambda (z)
340 (find z "l" :test (complement #'=)))
341 :allow-style-warnings t))))
343 (with-test (:name :type-across-hairy-lambda-transforms)
344 (assert (subtypep (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
345 (checked-compile `(lambda (x) (find 1 (the vector x)))))
346 '(function * (values (or (integer 1 1) null) &optional)))))
348 (with-test (:name :lea-type-derivation)
349 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
350 `(lambda (b)
351 (declare ((integer -3755795408964870057 -3391381516052960895)
353 (ldb (byte 22 10) (* b 9)))
354 ((-3391381516052980893) 2826685)))
356 (with-test (:name (:unused &optional :and &key))
357 (checked-compile-and-assert (:allow-style-warnings t)
358 `(lambda (&optional x &key)
359 (declare (ignore x))
361 (() 10)))
363 (with-test (:name (:unknown values :coercion))
364 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
365 `(lambda (a)
366 (declare (notinline values typep))
367 (the integer (values a 2305843009213693946 a -207)))
368 ((123) (values 123 2305843009213693946 123 -207))))
370 (with-test (:name :deleted-block-during-generate-type-checks)
371 (checked-compile-and-assert (:allow-warnings t)
372 `(lambda (a b)
373 (declare (notinline min ash conjugate oddp >=))
374 (if (and (or t (>= a)) (oddp 0))
375 (prog2 0
377 (labels ((f (a b c &key)
378 (declare (ignore a b c))
379 6965670824543402))
380 (f a 0 b)))
381 (conjugate
382 (dotimes (i 0 0)
383 (catch 'c
384 (ash
385 (the integer
386 (ignore-errors
387 (ignore-errors (throw 'c 1))))
388 (min a)))))))
389 ((1 2) 0)))
391 (with-test (:name :block-delete-twice)
392 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
393 `(lambda ()
394 (declare (notinline >=))
395 (block nil
396 (lambda (x &key (key (if (>= 0 1)
397 (return (catch 'ct5 0)))))
398 (declare (ignore key))
399 x)))
400 (() 123 :test (lambda (values expected)
401 (equal (multiple-value-list
402 (funcall (first values) (first expected)))
403 expected)))))
405 (with-test (:name :dead-lvars-and-stack-analysis)
406 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
407 `(lambda (b)
408 (catch 'ct2
409 (block b5
410 (return-from b5
411 (multiple-value-prog1 19
412 (if (or b t)
413 (return-from b5 333)))))))
414 ((11) 333)))
416 (with-test (:name :mv-call-more-values)
417 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
418 `(lambda (z)
419 (multiple-value-call (lambda (&optional x y &rest args)
420 (declare (ignore args))
421 (+ y x))
422 2 (truncate z 30)))
423 ((2345) 80)))
425 (with-test (:name :unused-casts-at-ir2-convert)
426 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
427 `(lambda ()
428 (unwind-protect 123
429 (the integer
430 (labels ((%f (x &key)
431 (declare (ignore x))
432 (svref #(46 32) 0)))
433 (unwind-protect (%f (%f 0)))))))
434 (() 123)))
436 (with-test (:name :cmov-constants-different-primitive-type)
437 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
438 `(lambda (b)
439 (case b
440 ((2030) 4611686018427387908)
441 ((572) b)
442 (t 0)))
443 ((572) 572)
444 ((123) 0)
445 ((2030) 4611686018427387908)))
447 (with-test (:name :mv-bind-skipping-vars-on-reoptimize)
448 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
449 `(lambda ()
450 (let (lv1)
451 (apply (lambda (&rest args)
452 (declare (ignore args)))
454 (list 3 lv1))
455 (setf lv1 10)))
456 (() 10)))
458 (with-test (:name :transform-on-a-nil-arg)
459 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
460 `(lambda ()
461 (block nil
462 (logtest
463 (multiple-value-prog1
464 (unwind-protect (return 32))
465 (catch 'tag (return 33)))
467 34))
468 (() 32)))
470 (with-test (:name :nesteted-dx-deleted-uses)
471 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
472 `(lambda (a)
473 (block b2
474 (let* ((v1 (make-array nil :initial-element
475 (let ((a a))
476 (return-from b2 a)))))
477 (declare (dynamic-extent v1))
478 (aref v1))))
479 ((342) 342)))
481 (with-test (:name :deleted-during-locall-analyze-fun-1)
482 (checked-compile-and-assert (:allow-warnings t)
483 `(lambda ()
484 (flet ((a ()))
485 (a 1)
486 (a 2)))
487 (() (condition 'program-error))))
489 (with-test (:name :delete-return-without-flush-dest)
490 (assert (eql
491 (catch 'c
492 (funcall (checked-compile
493 '(lambda ()
494 (labels ((%f () 40))
495 (multiple-value-prog1 *
496 (throw 'c (%f))
497 (%f)
498 30))))))
499 40)))
501 (with-test (:name :let-conversion-inside-deleted-lambda.1)
502 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
503 `(lambda ()
504 (block nil
505 (catch 'c)
506 (flet ((f (x &key)
507 (when x
508 (progv '(*) '(0)
509 (return)))))
510 (f (return 123))
511 (f 0))))
512 (() 123)))
514 (with-test (:name :let-conversion-inside-deleted-lambda.2)
515 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
516 `(lambda ()
517 (block nil
518 (block nil
519 (lambda () (return)))
520 (labels ((l () (l))
521 (%f (a &key)
523 (return a)))
524 (%f (return 321))
525 (%f 1))))
526 (() 321)))
528 (with-test (:name :unconvert-tail-calls)
529 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
530 `(lambda ()
531 (block nil
532 (labels ((f (&optional (a (return))
533 (b (if t (return)))
535 &rest args)
536 (declare (ignore a b c args))
537 (return 0)))
538 (let (x)
539 (equal 10 (f 0 3))
540 (f 123 0 0)
541 (f 0)
542 x))))
543 (() 0)))
545 (with-test (:name :deleting-exits-with-multiple-users)
546 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
547 `(lambda (a b)
548 (block nil
549 (multiple-value-prog1 b
550 (tagbody (return (multiple-value-prog1 3
551 (if a (go z)))) z))))
552 ((nil :good) 3)
553 ((t :good) :good)))
555 (with-test (:name :merge-tail-sets-deleted-functional)
556 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
557 `(lambda (a)
558 (block nil
559 (tagbody
560 (go g549)
561 g549
562 (return-from nil
563 (block b3
564 (let ((x (progn (lambda (&optional (x a)) x)
565 (unwind-protect 10)
566 (return-from b3 a))))
567 (unwind-protect x)))))))
568 ((321) 321)))
570 (with-test (:name :interval-div-zero)
571 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
572 `(lambda (x y)
573 (truncate (the (integer 0 0) x)
574 (the (rational (1) (2)) y)))
575 ((0 3/2) (values 0 0))))
577 (with-test (:name :float-remainders-rounding-errors)
578 (loop for fun in '(ceiling truncate floor
579 fceiling ftruncate ffloor
580 round fround)
582 (assert (member (second
583 (third (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
584 (checked-compile
585 `(lambda (x)
586 (nth-value 1 (,fun (the double-float x) 1/2)))))))
587 '(double-float real)))))
589 (with-test (:name :float-quotient-rounding-errors)
590 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
591 `(lambda ()
592 (floor -114658225103614 84619.58))
593 (() (values -1354984705 8473228.0)))
594 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
595 `(lambda ()
596 (ceiling 114658225103614 84619.58))
597 (() (values 1354984705 -8473228.0))))
599 (with-test (:name :complex-float-contagion)
600 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
601 `(lambda (p1)
602 (declare (type (or double-float integer) p1))
603 (complex p1 2.0))
604 ((1d0) #c(1d0 2d0))))
606 (with-test (:name :equal-transform-member-types)
607 (let* ((s1 "abc")
608 (s2 (copy-seq s1)))
609 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
610 `(lambda (p1 p2)
611 (declare (type (member ,s1) p1)
612 (type (member ,s2 #*10) p2))
613 (equal p1 p2))
614 ((s1 s2) t))))
616 (with-test (:name :equalp-transform-numeric-types)
617 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
618 `(lambda (p1 p2)
619 (declare (type (or fixnum list) p1)
620 (type double-float p2))
621 (equalp p1 p2))
622 ((1 1d0) t)))
624 (with-test (:name :equalp-transform-zero-array)
625 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
626 `(lambda (a b)
627 (declare (simple-string a)
628 (simple-bit-vector b))
629 (equalp a b))
630 (("" #*) t)))
632 (with-test (:name :fill-transform-returning-array-data)
633 (let ((vector (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 2)))
634 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
635 `(lambda (v)
636 (declare (type (vector t) v))
637 (fill v nil))
638 ((vector) vector))))
640 (with-test (:name :missing-error-context)
641 (flet ((run ()
642 (let ((string
643 (with-output-to-string (*error-output*)
644 (compile nil '(sb-int:named-lambda bob () (otherfun) 3)))))
645 (assert (search "in: SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA BOB" string)))))
646 (run)
647 ;; Unrepeatability is confusing:
648 ;; The first compiler invocation used to leave *last-format-string*
649 ;; with a toplevel value, so the second would not print enough context
650 ;; because the format control and args were the same.
651 (run)))
653 (with-test (:name :cast-deletion-notes)
654 (checked-compile-and-assert
655 (:allow-notes nil)
656 `(lambda (m)
657 (setf m (list 1 2 3))
658 (the simple-vector
659 (coerce m 'vector)))
660 ((nil) #(1 2 3) :test #'equalp)))
662 (with-test (:name :cast-deletion-notes.2)
663 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail warn style notes)
664 (checked-compile
665 `(lambda (m)
666 (setf m (list 1 2 3))
667 (the simple-vector
668 (if (vectorp m)
670 #(1)))))
671 (declare (ignore fail warn style))
672 (assert (equalp (funcall fun nil)
673 #(1)))
674 (assert (= (length notes) 1))
675 (assert (typep (car notes) 'code-deletion-note))))
677 (with-test (:name :array-call-type-deriver)
678 (checked-compile-and-assert
680 `(lambda (vector)
681 (funcall (the (function (t t)) #'aref)
682 vector
684 (((vector 333)) 333)))
686 (with-test (:name :function-designator-cast-removal)
687 (let ((fun (checked-compile
688 `(lambda (vectors x)
689 (declare (list vectors x))
690 (map 'list #'svref vectors x)))))
691 (assert (notany (lambda (c)
692 (typecase c
693 (sb-kernel:fdefn
694 (eq (sb-c::fdefn-name c) 'svref))
695 (function
696 (eq c #'svref))))
697 (ctu:find-code-constants fun)))
698 (assert (equal (funcall fun '(#(44)) '(0)) '(44)))))
700 (with-test (:name :zombie-casts)
701 (checked-compile-and-assert
703 `(lambda ()
704 (flet ((f (a b)
705 (declare (ignore a))
707 (multiple-value-call #'f
708 (values (the integer (unwind-protect (f 10 20)))
709 322))))
710 (() 322)))
712 (with-test (:name :zombie-casts.2)
713 (let ((sb-c::*max-optimize-iterations* 1))
714 (checked-compile-and-assert
716 `(lambda (a b)
717 (declare (type fixnum a b))
718 (elt '(167992664 119771479)
719 (max 0
720 (catch 'ct2
721 (if (typep b '(integer -52))
723 0)))))
724 ((1 2) 119771479))))
727 (with-test (:name :find-dfo-on-deleted-lambda)
728 (assert (= (funcall
729 (funcall (checked-compile
730 `(lambda ()
731 (declare (notinline <))
732 (block nil
733 (lambda (&key (key
734 (unwind-protect
735 (if (< 0)
737 (return (catch 'c))))))
738 key))))))
739 34)))
741 (with-test (:name :ir1-ir2-dead-code-consistency)
742 (checked-compile-and-assert
744 `(lambda ()
745 (loop for x below 2
746 count (zerop (min x x x x x x x x x x))))
747 (() 1)))
749 (with-test (:name :ir1-ir2-dead-code-consistency)
750 (checked-compile-and-assert
752 `(lambda ()
753 (loop for x below 2
754 count (zerop (min x x x x x x x x x x))))
755 (() 1)))
757 (with-test (:name (setf svref :constant-modification))
758 (assert
759 (= (length (nth-value 2
760 (checked-compile
761 `(lambda (x)
762 (setf (svref #(a b c) 1) x))
763 :allow-warnings 'sb-int:constant-modified)))
764 1)))
766 (with-test (:name (debug :constant-modification))
767 (assert
768 (= (length (nth-value 2
769 (checked-compile
770 `(lambda (x)
771 (declare (optimize (debug 2)))
772 (let ((m "abc"))
773 (delete x m)))
774 :allow-warnings 'sb-int:constant-modified)))
775 1)))
777 (with-test (:name (debug :unused-tn-long-arglist))
778 (checked-compile-and-assert
780 `(lambda (n x)
781 (declare (sb-vm:word n))
782 (log (float n))
783 (nth-value 33 (funcall x . #.(loop for i to 35 collect i))))
784 ((10 (lambda (&rest args) (values-list args))) 33)))
786 (with-test (:name (debug :unused-tn-very-long-arglist))
787 (checked-compile-and-assert
789 `(lambda (n x)
790 (declare (sb-vm:word n))
791 (log (float n))
792 (nth-value 33 (funcall x . #.(loop for i to 350 collect i))))
793 ((10 (lambda (&rest args) (values-list args))) 33)))
795 (with-test (:name (dynamic-extent :recursive-local-functions))
796 (checked-compile
797 `(lambda ()
798 (let ((s (labels ((%f () (%f)))
799 (%f))))
800 (declare (dynamic-extent s))
801 (car s)))))
803 (with-test (:name (:ctypep :hairy-types))
804 (checked-compile
805 `(lambda ()
806 (the (cons (satisfies error)) '("a"))))
807 (assert
808 (nth-value 3
809 (checked-compile
810 `(lambda () (the (array abc) #()))
811 :allow-style-warnings t))))
813 (with-test (:name (catch :evaluate-tag-before-%catch))
814 (checked-compile-and-assert
815 (:allow-style-warnings t)
816 `(lambda (z)
817 (catch (multiple-value-call #'+
818 (if z 1 (values 1 2)))
819 :done))
820 ((t) :done)
821 ((nil) :done)))
823 (with-test (:name :fewer-cast-conversions)
824 (multiple-value-bind (fun failed)
825 (checked-compile
826 `(lambda ()
827 (let* ((v (cons 0 (catch 'ct (the integer nil)))))
828 (declare (dynamic-extent v))
829 (flet ((%f (x) x))
830 (%f (cdr v)))))
831 :allow-warnings t)
832 (assert failed)
833 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) c (throw 'ct 33))))
834 (assert (= (funcall fun) 33)))))
836 (with-test (:name :constant-folding-with-callable-args)
837 (checked-compile '(lambda () (count #'%f '(a)))
838 :allow-style-warnings t))
840 (with-test (:name :flushable-with-callable-args)
841 (let ((fun (checked-compile '(lambda (y) (let ((x (count y '(1 2 3))))
842 (declare (ignore x)))))))
843 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees fun)))))
845 (with-test (:name (remove :count))
846 (checked-compile-and-assert
848 `(lambda (x)
849 (remove x "aaa" :count 2))
850 ((#\a) "a"))
851 (checked-compile-and-assert
853 `(lambda (x)
854 (remove-if (lambda (y) (eql y x)) "aaa" :count 2))
855 ((#\a) "a")))
857 (with-test (:name (:constant-fold :allow-other-keys))
858 (checked-compile-and-assert
860 `(lambda (x)
861 (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3) :allow-other-keys t :bad x))
862 ((1) 6)))
864 (with-test (:name (:constant-fold :allow-other-keys.2))
865 (checked-compile-and-assert
867 `(lambda (x)
868 (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3) :allow-other-keys x))
869 ((1) 6)))
871 (with-test (:name (:constant-fold :repeat-keys))
872 (checked-compile-and-assert
874 `(lambda (x)
875 (member nil '(1 2 3) :key #'evenp :key x))
876 ((1) '(1 2 3) :test #'equal)))
880 (with-test (:name :function-and-instance-primitive-type)
881 (checked-compile-and-assert
883 `(lambda (f)
884 (declare (function f))
885 (the standard-object f)
886 (funcall f #'list t))
887 ((#'documentation) (documentation #'list t))))
889 (with-test (:name :mv-call-safety-0)
890 (checked-compile-and-assert
892 `(lambda (a)
893 (flet ((%f1 (x y) (+ x y)))
894 (apply #'%f1 a (list 0))))
895 ((3) 3)))
897 (with-test (:name :cast-type-check-external)
898 (checked-compile-and-assert
900 `(lambda (x)
901 (declare (notinline +))
902 (gcd
903 (loop for lv2 below 1
904 count (logbitp 0
905 (if x
906 (return x)
907 1)))
909 ((334) 334)))
911 (with-test (:name :flush-combination-non-fun-type)
912 (checked-compile-and-assert
914 `(lambda ()
915 (rassoc-if-not #'values '((1 . a)) :allow-other-keys t)
917 (() 1)))
919 (with-test (:name :symeval-nil)
920 (checked-compile-and-assert
922 `(lambda ()
923 (sb-kernel:symeval nil))
924 (() nil)))
926 (with-test (:name (:physenv-analyze :deleted-lambda))
927 (checked-compile-and-assert
929 `(lambda (log)
930 (loop for str in nil
931 for i from 0
933 (ignore-errors (format log ""))))
934 ((t) nil)))
936 (with-test (:name (:ensure-lvar-fun-form :lvar-uses))
937 (checked-compile-and-assert
939 `(lambda (op) (funcall (case op (equal '=) (t '=)) 1 2))
940 (('equal) nil)
941 ((t) nil)))
943 (with-test (:name :substitute-let-funargs-during-find-initial-dfo)
944 (checked-compile
945 `(lambda ()
946 (labels ((%r (f)
947 (loop)
948 (%r f)))
949 (%r (lambda ()))))))
951 (with-test (:name :split-ir2-blocks-cmov)
952 (checked-compile-and-assert
954 `(lambda ()
955 (let ((v (list 0)))
956 (if (block nil
957 (eq v (cdr v)))
959 2)))
960 (() 2)))
962 (with-test (:name :=-rational-complex-rational-fold)
963 (let ((fun (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
964 (declare ((complex integer) x))
965 (= x 10))))
966 (fun2 (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
967 (declare ((complex rational) x))
968 (= x 10d0)))))
969 (assert (equal (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type fun)
970 '(function ((complex integer)) (values null &optional))))
971 (assert (not (funcall fun #C(10 10))))
972 (assert (equal (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type fun2)
973 '(function ((complex rational)) (values null &optional))))
974 (assert (not (funcall fun2 #C(10 10))))))
976 (with-test (:name :find-type-deriver)
977 (checked-compile-and-assert
979 `(lambda (x)
980 (find 1 x :key #'values))
981 (('(1)) 1)))
983 (with-test (:name :tail-call-ltn-annotation)
984 (checked-compile-and-assert
986 `(lambda (x)
987 (labels ((ff1 ()
988 (multiple-value-call #'print
989 (if x
990 (values t t)
991 nil))
992 (ff1)))
993 (identity (ff1))))))
995 (with-test (:name (:substitute-lvar-uses :deleted-code-and-dx-lvars))
996 (assert (nth-value 1
997 (checked-compile
998 `(lambda ()
999 (let ((v (values
1000 (the integer
1001 (flet ((%f5 (x) x))
1002 (%f5)))
1003 (unwind-protect 1))))
1004 (declare (dynamic-extent v))
1006 :allow-warnings t))))
1008 (with-test (:name (restart-case :declaration-processing))
1009 (checked-compile-and-assert
1011 `(lambda ()
1012 (restart-case (list)
1013 (my-restart (x) "foo" "bar" x)))
1014 (() ()))
1015 (checked-compile-and-assert
1017 `(lambda ()
1018 (restart-case (list)
1019 (my-restart () (declare))))
1020 (() ())))
1022 (with-test (:name (handler-case :declaration-processing))
1023 (checked-compile-and-assert
1025 `(lambda ()
1026 (handler-case (list 1 2) (error (e) "foo" "bar" e)))
1027 (() '(1 2)))
1028 (assert (nth-value 1
1029 (checked-compile
1030 `(lambda ()
1031 (handler-case (declare)))
1032 :allow-failure t))))
1034 (with-test (:name (:unconvert-tail-calls :deleted-call))
1035 (assert (nth-value 1
1036 (checked-compile
1037 '(lambda ()
1038 (labels ((%f (&optional (x (* 2 nil (%f)))) x))
1039 (%f)
1040 (%f 1)))
1041 :allow-warnings t))))
1043 (with-test (:name (:equal-transform :nil-types))
1044 (assert (nth-value 1
1045 (checked-compile
1046 '(lambda ()
1047 (loop for y below 3
1048 count (or
1049 (not (or (>= y y) (equal y -787357528)))
1050 (the integer (or (>= y y) (equal y -787357528))))))
1051 :allow-warnings t))))
1055 (with-test (:name (:delete-recursive-optional))
1056 (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
1057 (lambda ()
1058 (labels ((f (&optional a) (values x a #'f))))))))
1060 (with-test (:name (:combination-args-flow-cleanly-p :unused-result))
1061 (checked-compile-and-assert
1063 `(lambda ()
1064 (let ((v (flet ((%f (x)
1065 (list x)
1066 (list 1)))
1067 (%f 2))))
1068 (declare (dynamic-extent v))
1069 (car v)))
1070 (() 1)))
1072 (with-test (:name (:delete-ref :maintain-lambda-calls-or-closes))
1073 (checked-compile `(lambda (c y)
1074 (labels ((f1 ()
1075 (if y
1076 (f3 2)))
1077 (l () (loop))
1078 (f2 ()
1080 (f3 3))
1081 (f3 (x)
1082 (f3 x))
1083 (f4 ()
1084 (f1)
1085 (f2)))
1086 (f4)
1087 c))))
1089 (with-test (:name (the :nil-type))
1090 (checked-compile
1091 `(lambda ()
1092 (flet ((f () (the nil 0)))
1093 (oddp (f))))))