Fix make-sequence type derivation with unknown types.
[sbcl.git] / tests / condition.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; side-effect-free tests of the condition system
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
16 (load "test-util.lisp")
19 ;;; wasn't printable, because the REPORT function for FILE-ERROR
20 ;;; referred to unbound slots. This was reported and fixed by Antonio
21 ;;; Martinez (sbcl-devel 2002-09-10).
22 (format t
23 "~&printable now: ~A~%"
24 (make-condition 'file-error :pathname "foo"))
26 (assert (eq
27 (block nil
28 (macrolet ((opaque-error (arg) `(error ,arg)))
29 (handler-bind
30 ((error (lambda (c)
31 (let ((restarts (remove 'res (compute-restarts c)
32 :key #'restart-name
33 :test-not #'eql)))
34 (assert (= (length restarts) 2))
35 (invoke-restart (second restarts))))))
36 (let ((foo1 (make-condition 'error))
37 (foo2 (make-condition 'error)))
38 (restart-case
39 (with-condition-restarts foo1 (list (find-restart 'res))
40 (restart-case
41 (opaque-error foo2)
42 (res () 'int1)
43 (res () 'int2)))
44 (res () 'ext))))))
45 'int2))
47 (assert (eq
48 (block nil
49 (macrolet ((opaque-error (arg) `(error ,arg)))
50 (let ((foo1 (make-condition 'error))
51 (foo2 (make-condition 'error)))
52 (handler-bind
53 ((error (lambda (c)
54 (declare (ignore c))
55 (let ((restarts (remove 'res (compute-restarts foo1)
56 :key #'restart-name
57 :test-not #'eql)))
58 (assert (= (length restarts) 1))
59 (invoke-restart (first restarts))))))
60 (restart-case
61 (with-condition-restarts foo1 (list (find-restart 'res))
62 (restart-case
63 (opaque-error foo2)
64 (res () 'int1)
65 (res () 'int2)))
66 (res () 'ext))))))
67 'ext))
69 (assert (eq
70 'ext
71 (block nil
72 (let ((visible nil)
73 (c1 (make-condition 'error))
74 (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
75 (handler-bind
76 ((error
77 (lambda (c)
78 (declare (ignore c))
79 (flet ((check-restarts (length)
80 (assert (= length
81 (length (remove 'foo (compute-restarts c1)
82 :key #'restart-name
83 :test-not #'eql))))))
84 (check-restarts 1)
85 (setq visible t)
86 (check-restarts 1)
87 (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c1))))))
88 (restart-case
89 (restart-case
90 (error c2)
91 (foo () 'in1)
92 (foo () :test (lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) visible)
93 'in2))
94 (foo () 'ext)))))))
96 ;;; First argument of CERROR is a format control
97 (assert
98 (eq (block nil
99 (handler-bind
100 ((type-error (lambda (c)
101 (declare (ignore c))
102 (return :failed)))
103 (simple-error (lambda (c)
104 (declare (ignore c))
105 (return (if (find-restart 'continue)
106 :passed
107 :failed)))))
108 (cerror (formatter "Continue from ~A") "bug ~A" :bug)))
109 :passed))
111 (with-test (:name (handler-bind :smoke))
112 (let ((called?))
113 (flet ((handler (condition)
114 (declare (ignore condition))
115 (setf called? t)))
116 (macrolet ((test (handler)
117 `(progn
118 (setf called? nil)
119 (handler-bind ((condition ,handler))
120 (signal 'condition))
121 (assert called?))))
122 ;; Test optimized special cases.
123 (test (lambda (condition) (handler condition)))
124 (test #'(lambda (condition) (handler condition)))
125 ;; Test default behavior.
126 ;; (test 'handler) would require function definition => not pure
127 (test #'handler)))))
129 (with-test (:name (handler-bind :malformed-bindings))
130 (flet ((test (binding)
131 (assert (eq :ok
132 (handler-case
133 (macroexpand `(handler-bind (,binding)))
134 (simple-error (e)
135 (assert (equal (list binding)
136 (simple-condition-format-arguments e)))
137 :ok))))))
139 (test 1) ; not even a list
140 (test '()) ; missing condition type and handler
141 (test '(error)) ; missing handler
142 (test '(error #'print :foo)) ; too many elements
145 ;;; clauses in HANDLER-CASE are allowed to have declarations (and
146 ;;; indeed, only declarations)
147 (with-test (:name (handler-case declare))
148 (assert (null (handler-case (error "foo")
149 (error ()
150 (declare (optimize speed)))))))
152 (with-test (:name (signal warning muffle-warning control-error))
153 (handler-case
154 (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
155 (signal 'warning))
156 ;; if it's a control error, it had better be printable
157 (control-error (c) (format nil "~A" c))
158 ;; there had better be an error
159 (:no-error (&rest args) (error "No error: ~S" args))))
161 (with-test (:name (check-type type-error))
162 (handler-case
163 (funcall (lambda (x) (check-type x fixnum) x) t)
164 (type-error (c)
165 (assert (and (subtypep (type-error-expected-type c) 'fixnum)
166 (subtypep 'fixnum (type-error-expected-type c))))
167 (assert (eq (type-error-datum c) t)))
168 (:no-error (&rest rest) (error "no error: ~S" rest))))
170 ;;; ANSI specifies TYPE-ERROR if datum and arguments of ERROR are not
171 ;;; designators for a condition. Reported by Bruno Haible on cmucl-imp
172 ;;; 2004-10-12.
173 (with-test (:name (error :invalid-arguments type-error))
174 (flet ((test (&rest args)
175 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
176 (ignore-errors (apply #'error args))
177 (assert (not res))
178 (assert (typep err 'type-error))
179 (assert-no-signal (type-error-datum err))
180 (assert-no-signal (type-error-expected-type err)))))
181 (test '#:no-such-condition)
182 (test nil)
183 (test t)
184 (test 42)
185 (test (make-instance 'standard-object))))
187 ;;; If CERROR is given a condition, any remaining arguments are only
188 ;;; used for the continue format control.
189 (with-test (:name (cerror :condition-object-and-format-arguments))
190 (let ((x 0))
191 (handler-bind
192 ((simple-error (lambda (c) (incf x) (continue c))))
193 (cerror "Continue from ~A at ~A"
194 (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control "foo"
195 :format-arguments nil)
196 'cerror (get-universal-time))
197 (assert (= x 1)))))
199 ;; Test some of the variations permitted by the RESTART-CASE syntax.
200 (with-test (:name (restart-case :smoke))
201 (macrolet
202 ((test (clause &optional (expected ''(:ok)) (args '(:ok)))
203 `(assert (equal ,expected
204 (multiple-value-list
205 (restart-case
206 (handler-bind
207 ((error (lambda (c)
208 (declare (ignore c))
209 (invoke-restart ',(first clause) ,@args))))
210 (error "foo"))
211 ,clause))))))
213 (test (foo (quux) quux))
214 (test (foo (&optional quux) quux))
215 ;; Multiple values should work.
216 (test (foo (a b) (values a b)) '(1 2) (1 2))
217 ;; Although somewhat unlikely, these should be legal and return
218 ;; the respective keyword when the restart is invoked.
219 (test (foo () :report) '(:report) ())
220 (test (foo () :interactive) '(:interactive) ())
221 (test (foo () :test) '(:test) ())
222 ;; Declarations should work normally as part of the restart body.
223 (test (foo (quux) :declare ()) '(nil))
224 (test (foo () :declare () :report "quux") '("quux") ())))
226 (with-test (:name (restart-case :malformed-clauses))
227 (macrolet
228 ((test (clause &optional (expected clause))
229 `(assert (eq :ok
230 (handler-case
231 (macroexpand
232 `(restart-case (error "foo") ,',clause))
233 (simple-error (e)
234 (assert (equal '(restart-case ,expected)
235 (simple-condition-format-arguments e)))
236 :ok))))))
238 (test :report) ; not even a list
239 (test ()) ; empty
240 (test (foo)) ; no lambda-list
241 (test (foo :report)) ; no lambda-list
242 (test (foo :report "quux")) ; no lambda-list
243 (test (foo :report "quux" (quux))) ; confused report and lambda list
246 (with-test (:name :simple-condition-without-args)
247 (let ((sc (make-condition 'simple-condition)))
248 (assert (not (simple-condition-format-control sc)))
249 (assert (not (simple-condition-format-arguments sc)))
250 (assert (stringp (prin1-to-string sc)))
251 (assert
252 (eq :ok
253 (handler-case
254 (princ-to-string sc)
255 (simple-error (c)
256 (when (and (equal "No format-control for ~S"
257 (simple-condition-format-control c))
258 (eq sc (car
259 (simple-condition-format-arguments c))))
260 :ok)))))))
262 (with-test (:name :malformed-simple-condition-printing-type-error)
263 (assert (eq :type-error
264 (handler-case
265 (princ-to-string
266 (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control "" :format-arguments 8))
267 (type-error (e)
268 (when (and (eq 'list (type-error-expected-type e))
269 (eql 8 (type-error-datum e)))
270 :type-error))))))
272 (with-test (:name (:printing-unintitialized-condition :bug-1184586))
273 (prin1-to-string (make-condition 'simple-type-error)))
275 (with-test (:name (:print-undefined-function-condition))
276 (handler-case (funcall '#:foo)
277 (undefined-function (c) (princ-to-string c))))
279 ;; Printing a READER-ERROR while the underlying stream is still open
280 ;; should print the stream position information.
281 (with-test (:name (reader-error :stream-error-position-info :open-stream
282 :bug-1264902))
283 (assert
284 (search
285 "Line: 1, Column: 22, File-Position: 22"
286 (with-input-from-string (stream "no-such-package::symbol")
287 (handler-case
288 (read stream)
289 (reader-error (condition) (princ-to-string condition)))))))
291 ;; Printing a READER-ERROR when the underlying stream has been closed
292 ;; should still work, but the stream information will not be printed.
293 (with-test (:name (reader-error :stream-error-position-info :closed-stream
294 :bug-1264902))
295 (assert
296 (search
297 "Package NO-SUCH-PACKAGE does not exist"
298 (handler-case
299 (with-input-from-string (stream "no-such-package::symbol")
300 (read stream))
301 (reader-error (condition) (princ-to-string condition))))))
303 (with-test (:name (make-condition :non-condition-class))
304 (assert (search "does not designate a condition class"
305 (handler-case
306 (make-condition 'standard-class)
307 (type-error (condition)
308 (princ-to-string condition))))))
310 ;; When called with a symbol not designating a condition class,
311 ;; MAKE-CONDITION used to signal an error which printed as "NIL does
312 ;; not designate a condition class.".
313 (with-test (:name (make-condition :correct-error-for-undefined-condition
314 :bug-1199223))
315 (assert (search (string 'no-such-condition)
316 (handler-case
317 (make-condition 'no-such-condition)
318 (type-error (condition)
319 (princ-to-string condition))))))
321 ;; Using an undefined condition type in a HANDLER-BIND clause should
322 ;; signal an ERROR at runtime. Bug 1378939 was about landing in LDB
323 ;; because of infinite recursion in SIGNAL instead.
325 ;; We suppress the compile-time WARNING to avoid noise when running
326 ;; tests.
327 (locally (declare (muffle-conditions warning))
328 (with-test (:name (handler-bind :undefined-condition-type
329 :bug-1378939))
330 (assert-error
331 (handler-bind ((no-such-condition-class #'print))
332 (error "does not matter"))
333 simple-error)))
335 ;; Using an undefined condition type in a HANDLER-BIND clause should
336 ;; signal a [STYLE-]WARNING at compile time.
337 (with-test (:name (handler-bind :undefined-condition-type
338 :compile-time-warning))
339 (assert-signal
340 (compile nil '(lambda () (handler-bind
341 ((no-such-condition-class #'print)))))
342 warning))
344 ;; Empty bindings in HANDLER-BIND pushed an empty cluster onto
345 ;; *HANDLER-CLUSTERS* which was not expected by SIGNAL (and wasteful).
346 (with-test (:name (handler-bind :empty-bindings :bug-1388707))
347 (assert-error (handler-bind () (error "Foo")) simple-error))
349 ;; Parsing of #'FUNCTION in %HANDLER-BIND was too liberal.
350 ;; This code should not compile.
351 (with-test (:name (handler-bind :no-sloppy-semantics))
352 (assert
353 (nth-value 2 ; errorp
354 (let ((*error-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
355 (compile nil '(lambda (x)
356 (sb-impl::%handler-bind
357 ((condition (function (lambda (c) (print c)) garb)))
358 (print x)))))))
359 (assert
360 (nth-value 2 ; errorp
361 (let ((*error-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
362 (compile nil '(lambda (x)
363 (handler-bind ((warning "woot")) (print x))))))))
365 (with-test (:name :handler-bind-satisfies-pred-style-warn)
366 (multiple-value-bind (f warnp errorp)
367 (let ((*error-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
368 (compile nil
369 '(lambda ()
370 ;; Just in case we ever change the meaning of #'F in
371 ;; high safety so that it evals #'F, this test will break,
372 ;; indicating that HANDLER-BIND will have to be changed.
373 (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
374 (declare (notinline +))
375 (handler-bind (((satisfies snorky) #'abort)) (+ 2 2)))))
376 (assert (and f warnp (not errorp)))
377 (assert (= (funcall f) 4)))) ; there is no runtime error either
379 (with-test (:name :with-condition-restarts-evaluation-order)
380 (let (result)
381 (with-condition-restarts (progn
382 (push 1 result)
383 (make-condition 'error))
384 (progn (push 2 result) nil)
385 (push 3 result))
386 (assert (equal result '(3 2 1)))))