get-defined-fun: handle :declared-verify.
[sbcl.git] / tests / heapwalk.impure.lisp
2 (defun mul (x y) (declare (sb-vm:signed-word x y)) (* x y))
3 (compile 'mul)
5 (defun manymul (n &aux res)
6 (dotimes (i n res)
7 (setq res (mul (floor (- (expt 2 (- sb-vm:n-word-bits 2))) 1000)
8 (+ i 1000)))))
9 (compile 'manymul)
11 (defun walk ()
12 (let ((v (make-array 1000))
13 (ct 0))
14 (sb-vm:map-allocated-objects
15 (lambda (obj type size)
16 (declare (ignore size))
17 (when (and (= type sb-vm:list-pointer-lowtag)
18 (= (sb-kernel:generation-of obj) 0)
19 (< ct 1000))
20 (setf (aref v ct) obj)
21 (incf ct)))
22 :dynamic)
23 (let ((*print-level* 2)
24 (*print-length* 4)
25 (*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
26 (dotimes (i ct)
27 (princ (aref v i))))))
28 (compile 'walk)
30 ;;; As a precondition to asserting that heap walking did not
31 ;;; visit an alleged cons that is a filler object,
32 ;;; assert that there is the telltale pattern (if applicable).
33 ;;; x86-64 no longer leaves a stray 0xFF..FFF word in the heap.
34 ;;; That bit pattern came from signed integer multiplication where the final result
35 ;;; was a bignum having 1 payload word, but the intermediate result was a bignum
36 ;;; whose trailing word was all 1s. Being a redundant copy of the sign bit from the
37 ;;; prior word, the bignum gets shortened. Only arm64 overallocates the bignum now.
38 #+arm64
39 (let ((product (manymul 1)))
40 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (product)
41 (let ((word (sb-sys:sap-ref-word
42 (sb-sys:int-sap (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address product))
43 (- (ash 2 sb-vm:word-shift) sb-vm:other-pointer-lowtag))))
44 (assert (= word sb-ext:most-positive-word)))))
46 (manymul 100)
48 ;;; Granted it's not a great idea to assume that anything in the heap
49 ;;; can be printed, but this test was a fairly easy way to get
50 ;;; "Unhandled memory fault at #xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0."
51 ;;; The should print approximately one cons (for GC epoch)
52 (with-test (:name :heapwalk-safety)
53 (progn (gc :gen 1) (manymul 100) (walk)))