get-defined-fun: handle :declared-verify.
[sbcl.git] / tests / disassem.impure.lisp
2 ;;; Assert that save-lisp-and-die didn't accidentally recreate the inst space.
3 ;;; Fails in parallel-exec which uses PURE-RUNNER which performs ENCAPSULATE
4 ;;; which calls UNDO-STATIC-LINKAGE which invokes the disassembler
5 ;;; which constructs the inst-space.
6 (with-test (:name :inst-space-jit-constructed
7 :fails-on :parallel-test-runner)
8 (assert (null sb-disassem::*disassem-inst-space*)))
10 (with-test (:name :disassemble-macro)
11 (with-output-to-string (s)
12 (disassemble 'and :stream s)))
14 (with-test (:name :disassemble-special-form-fails)
15 (assert-error (disassemble 'progn)))
17 (with-test (:name :disassemble-sap)
18 (with-output-to-string (s)
19 (sb-c:dis (sb-sys:int-sap (+ (- (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address #'car)
20 sb-vm:fun-pointer-lowtag)
21 (* 2 sb-vm:n-word-bytes)))
23 s)))
25 ;;; CLISP:
26 ;;; [1]> (disassemble (defmethod hello ((self cons)) "here i am"))
27 ;;; Disassembly of function :LAMBDA
28 ;;; (CONST 0) = "here i am"
29 ;;; 2 required arguments
30 ;;; 0 optional arguments
31 ;;; No rest parameter
32 ;;; No keyword parameters
33 ;;; 2 byte-code instructions:
34 ;;; 0 (CONST 0) ; "here i am"
35 ;;; 1 (SKIP&RET 3)
37 ;;; ABCL:
38 ;;; CL-USER(1): (disassemble (defmethod hello ((self cons)) "here i am"))
39 ;;; /* Java disassembler */
40 ;;; ...
42 ;;; I'm not sure how to implement CLISP-compatibility and ABCL-compatibility
43 ;;; via the standard interface now, so test the nonstandard interface.
44 (with-test (:name :disassemble-method
45 :skipped-on :interpreter)
46 (with-output-to-string (s)
47 (sb-c:dis (defmethod hello ((self cons)) "here i am") s)))
49 (with-test (:name :lp-bug-1861418)
50 (disassemble '(lambda ()
51 (let* ((*s* 692985202))
52 (declare (special *s*))
53 0))
54 :stream (make-string-output-stream)))
56 ;;; This can be used to verify that all of the instruction printers respond
57 ;;; correctly (or at least, produce no characters on *standard-output*)
58 ;;; when given NIL as a stream.
59 ;;; If there is any junk between "Start" and "End" other than the animation
60 ;;; then something is wrong.
61 ;;; Unfortunately I think is too slow to make part of the test suite,
62 ;;; which speaks to the terrible performance of our disassembler.
63 (in-package "SB-DISASSEM")
64 (defun list-all-code ()
65 (sb-vm::list-allocated-objects :all :type sb-vm:code-header-widetag))
67 (defun disassemble-everything (objects
68 &optional (show-progress t)
69 &aux (dstate (make-dstate)) (i 0))
70 (declare (inline %make-segment))
71 (when show-progress
72 (format t "~&Start ... ")
73 (force-output))
74 (dolist (code objects)
75 (when show-progress
76 (write-char #\backspace)
77 (write-char (aref "\\|/-" (mod (incf i) 4)))
78 (force-output))
79 (dotimes (j (sb-kernel:code-n-entries code))
80 (let* ((f (sb-kernel:%code-entry-point code j))
81 (sap (sb-vm:simple-fun-entry-sap f))
82 (start (sap-int sap))
83 (len (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-text-len f j)))
84 ;; we won't - but should - dxify (lambda () start) when so declared
85 (dx-flet ((sap-maker () sap))
86 (dx-let ((seg (%make-segment :sap-maker #'sap-maker
87 :virtual-location start
88 :length len)))
89 (map-segment-instructions
90 (lambda (chunk inst)
91 (declare (type dchunk chunk) (type instruction inst))
92 (awhen (inst-printer inst)
93 (funcall it chunk inst nil dstate)
94 (setf (dstate-n-operands dstate) 0)))
95 seg dstate nil))))))
96 (when show-progress
97 (format t " done~%")))
98 (compile 'disassemble-everything)
100 (defun install-counting-wrapper (discount)
101 (declare (ignorable discount))
102 #+x86-64
103 (sb-int:encapsulate
104 'sb-x86-64-asm::print-mem-ref 'test
105 (lambda (realfun &rest args)
106 ;; Each mem ref disassembled is one cons cell
107 (incf (car discount) (* sb-vm:cons-size sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
108 (apply realfun args))))
109 (compile 'install-counting-wrapper)
111 ;;; Disassembling everything takes around .8 seconds and conses ~14MB for me.
112 ;;; To ensure that things don't get drastically worse, assert that we're within
113 ;;; some fuzz factor of the expected consing. One small mistake in target-disassem
114 ;;; could leave the disassembler totally working, but consing 10x too much.
115 (test-util:with-test (:name :disassemble-everything
116 ;; Only the x86-64 disassembler is able to disassemble
117 ;; with output into the dstate rather than a stream.
118 ;; The others choke with "NIL is not of type STREAM"
119 :skipped-on (:not :x86-64)
120 :broken-on :gc-stress)
121 (let ((code (list-all-code)) ;; Avoid counting bytes consed in the list
122 (discount (list 0)))
123 (install-counting-wrapper discount)
124 ;; Build the inst space outside the test to avoid influencing bytes consed
125 (sb-disassem:get-inst-space)
126 (multiple-value-bind (before after)
127 (sb-sys:without-gcing
128 (values (get-bytes-consed)
129 (progn
130 (disassemble-everything code nil)
131 (get-bytes-consed))))
132 (let* ((after (- after (car discount)))
133 (delta (- after before)))
134 (format t "~&Consed ~D bytes discounting ~D bytes~%" delta (car discount))
135 ;; Should be less than this amount of overhead
136 (assert (< delta 500000))))))