get-defined-fun: handle :declared-verify.
[sbcl.git] / tests / defglobal.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; DEFGLOBAL and related tests
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (proclaim '(special *foo*))
16 (defun eval* (form)
17 (let ((*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
18 (eval form)))
20 (defun assert-foo-not-checked (fun)
21 (let* ((marker (sb-kernel:make-unbound-marker))
22 (*foo* marker))
23 (assert (eq marker (funcall fun)))))
25 (defun assert-foo-checked (fun)
26 (let* ((marker (sb-kernel:make-unbound-marker))
27 (*foo* marker))
28 (assert (eq :error
29 (handler-case
30 (funcall fun)
31 (unbound-variable (e)
32 (assert (eq '*foo* (cell-error-name e)))
33 :error))))))
35 (with-test (:name :unbound-cannot-be-always-bound)
36 (assert-error (proclaim '(sb-ext:always-bound *foo*))))
38 (set '*foo* t)
39 (proclaim '(sb-ext:always-bound *foo*))
41 (defun foo-safe ()
42 (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
43 *foo*)
44 ;; When run interpreted, FOO-SAFE cannot help but check BOUNDP on *foo*
45 ;; so the assertion would fail.
46 (compile 'foo-safe)
48 (with-test (:name :always-bound-elides-boundness-checking)
49 (assert-foo-not-checked #'foo-safe))
51 (with-test (:name :cannot-unbind-always-bound)
52 (assert (eq :oops
53 (handler-case
54 (makunbound '*foo*)
55 (error () :oops)))))
57 (defun can-globalize-p (x)
58 (handler-case
59 (progn (proclaim `(sb-ext:global ,x)) t)
60 (error () nil)))
62 (with-test (:name :cannot-proclaim-special-global)
63 (assert (not (can-globalize-p '*foo*))))
65 (define-symbol-macro sm 42)
66 (with-test (:name :cannot-proclaim-symbol-macro-global)
67 (assert (not (can-globalize-p 'sm))))
69 (defconstant con 13)
70 (with-test (:name :cannot-proclaim-constant-global)
71 (assert (not (can-globalize-p 'con))))
73 (with-test (:name :proclaim-global)
74 (assert (can-globalize-p '.bar.)))
76 (defun bar1 () .bar.)
77 (with-test (:name :global-does-not-imply-always-bound)
78 (assert (eq '.bar.
79 (handler-case
80 (bar1)
81 (unbound-variable (e)
82 (cell-error-name e))))))
84 (with-test (:name :set-global)
85 (setf .bar. 7)
86 (assert (= 7 (bar1)))
87 (setf .bar. 123)
88 (assert (= 123 (bar1))))
90 (with-test (:name :cannot-bind-globals)
91 (assert-error (eval* '(let ((.bar. 6)) .bar.)))
92 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p)
93 (checked-compile `(lambda ()
94 (let ((.bar. 5)) .bar.))
95 :allow-failure t)
96 (assert failure-p)
97 (assert-error (funcall fun))))
99 (with-test (:name :cannot-define-globals-as-symmacs)
100 (assert-error (eval* '(define-symbol-macro .bar. 0)))
101 (assert-error (eval* `(symbol-macrolet ((.bar. 11)) .bar.)))
102 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p)
103 (checked-compile `(lambda ()
104 (symbol-macrolet ((.bar. 11)) .bar.))
105 :allow-failure t)
106 (assert failure-p)
107 (assert-error (funcall fun))))
109 ;;; Cannot proclaim or declare a global as special
110 (with-test (:name :cannot-declare-global-special)
111 (assert-error (proclaim '(special .bar. 666)))
112 (assert-error (eval `(locally (declare (special .bar.)) .bar.)))
113 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p)
114 (checked-compile `(lambda ()
115 (declare (special .bar.))
116 .bar.)
117 :allow-failure t)
118 (assert failure-p)
119 (assert-error (funcall fun))))
121 ;;; Dead globals get bound checks
122 (declaim (global this-is-unbound))
123 (with-test (:name :dead-unbound-global)
124 (let ((fun (checked-compile '(lambda ()
125 (declare (optimize safety))
126 this-is-unbound
127 42))))
128 (assert-error (funcall fun) unbound-variable)))
130 (defun compile-form (form)
131 (with-scratch-file (lisp "lisp")
132 (with-open-file (f lisp :direction :output)
133 (prin1 form f))
134 (let ((fasl (scratch-file-name "fasl")))
135 (multiple-value-bind (fasl warn fail) (compile-file lisp :output-file fasl)
136 (declare (ignore warn))
137 (when fail
138 (error "compiling ~S failed" form))
139 fasl))))
141 (defvar *counter*)
142 (with-test (:name :defconstant-evals)
143 (let* ((*counter* 0)
144 (fasl (compile-form `(defglobal .counter-1. (incf *counter*)))))
145 (assert (= 1 *counter*))
146 (assert (= 1 (symbol-value '.counter-1.)))
147 (assert (eq :global (sb-int:info :variable :kind '.counter-1.)))
148 (unwind-protect
149 (load fasl)
150 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl)))
151 (assert (= 1 *counter*))
152 (assert (= 1 (symbol-value '.counter-1.))))
154 (set '.counter-2. :bound)
155 (let* ((*counter* 0)
156 (fasl (compile-form `(defglobal .counter-2. (incf *counter*)))))
157 (assert (= 0 *counter*))
158 (assert (eq :bound (symbol-value '.counter-2.)))
159 (assert (eq :global (sb-int:info :variable :kind '.counter-2.)))
160 (unwind-protect
161 (load fasl)
162 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl)))
163 (assert (= 0 *counter*))
164 (assert (eq :bound (symbol-value '.counter-2.))))
166 ;; This is a *really* dirty trick...
167 (let* ((*counter* 0)
168 (fasl (let ((.counter-3. :nasty))
169 (declare (special .counter-3.))
170 (compile-form `(defglobal .counter-3. (incf *counter*))))))
171 (assert (= 0 *counter*))
172 (assert (not (boundp '.counter-3.)))
173 (assert (eq :global (sb-int:info :variable :kind '.counter-3.)))
174 (unwind-protect
175 (load fasl)
176 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl)))
177 (assert (= 1 *counter*))
178 (assert (= 1 (symbol-value '.counter-3.)))))
180 (with-test (:name :defglobal-refers-to-defglobal)
181 (let ((fasl (compile-form `(progn
182 (defglobal **global-1** :fii)
183 (defglobal **global-2** **global-1**)))))
184 (load fasl)
185 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl))
186 (assert (eq (symbol-value '**global-1**) (symbol-value '**global-2**)))
187 (assert (eq :fii (symbol-value '**global-1**)))))