get-defined-fun: handle :declared-verify.
[sbcl.git] / tests / bivalent-stream.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; This file is for testing bivalent stream functionality, using
2 ;;;; test machinery which might have side effects (e.g. executing
3 ;;;; DEFUN, writing files). Note that the tests here might reach into
4 ;;;; unexported functionality, and should not be used as a guide for
5 ;;;; users.
7 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
8 ;;;; more information.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
11 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
12 ;;;; from CMU CL.
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
15 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
16 ;;;; more information.
18 ;;; Test character decode restarts.
20 (defun bvector (&rest elements)
21 (make-array (length elements) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
22 :initial-contents elements))
24 (defun cvector (&rest elements)
25 (make-array (length elements) :element-type 'character
26 :initial-contents elements))
28 (defmacro with-bivalent-io-setup ((file) &body body)
29 (declare (ignore file))
30 (let ((file-var (gensym)))
31 `(let ((,file-var (scratch-file-name)))
32 (unwind-protect
33 (macrolet
34 ((with-stream ((stream &rest args &key &allow-other-keys) &body body)
35 `(with-open-file (,stream ,',file-var ,@args
36 :element-type :default :external-format :utf-8)
37 ,@body)))
38 ,@body)
39 (when (probe-file ,file-var)
40 (delete-file ,file-var))))))
42 (defun assert-roundtrip (write-call read-call result expected)
43 (unless (equalp result expected)
44 (error "~@<Writing via ~S and reading back via ~S produced ~S, ~
45 expected ~S.~@:>"
46 write-call read-call result expected)))
48 (defun zero-string (n) (make-string n :initial-element #\nul))
50 (defvar *read/write-sequence-pairs*
51 `(;; List source and destination sequence.
52 ((65) () ,(list 0) () 1 (#\A))
53 ((#\B) () ,(list 0) () 1 (#\B))
54 ((#x7e) () ,(list 0) () 1 (,(code-char #x7e)))
55 ((66 #\C) () ,(list 0 0) () 2 (#\B #\C))
56 ((#\B 67) () ,(list 0 0) () 2 (#\B #\C))
57 ((#\B #\C) (:start 1) ,(list 0) () 1 (#\C))
58 ((#\B #\C) (:end 1) ,(list 0) () 1 (#\B))
59 ((#\B) () ,(list 0 0) (:start 1) 2 (0 #\B))
60 ((#\B) () ,(list 0 0) (:end 1) 1 (#\B 0))
61 ;; Vector source sequence.
62 (#(65) () ,(list 0) () 1 (#\A))
63 (#(#\B) () ,(list 0) () 1 (#\B))
64 (#(#x7e) () ,(list 0) () 1 (,(code-char #x7e)))
65 (#(66 #\C) () ,(list 0 0) () 2 (#\B #\C))
66 (#(#\B 67) () ,(list 0 0) () 2 (#\B #\C))
67 (#(#\B #\C) (:end 1) ,(list 0) () 1 (#\B))
68 (#(#\B #\C) (:start 1) ,(list 0) () 1 (#\C))
69 ;; String source sequence.
70 ("A" () ,(list 0) () 1 (#\A))
71 ("B" () ,(list 0) () 1 (#\B))
72 ("BC" (:start 1) ,(list 0) () 1 (#\C))
73 ("BC" (:end 1) ,(list 0) () 1 (#\B))
74 ;; Generic vector destination sequence.
75 (#(65) () ,(vector 0) () 1 #(#\A))
76 (#(#\B) () ,(vector 0) () 1 #(#\B))
77 (#(#x7e) () ,(vector 0) () 1 #(,(code-char #x7e)))
78 (#(66 #\C) () ,(vector 0 0) () 2 #(#\B #\C))
79 (#(#\B 67) () ,(vector 0 0) () 2 #(#\B #\C))
80 (#(#\B) () ,(vector 0 0) (:end 1) 1 #(#\B 0))
81 (#(#\B) () ,(vector 0 0) (:start 1) 2 #(0 #\B))
82 ;; Byte-vector destination sequence.
83 (#(65) () ,(bvector 0) () 1 #(65))
84 (#(#\B) () ,(bvector 0) () 1 #(66))
85 (#(#xe0) () ,(bvector 0) () 1 #(#xe0))
86 (#(66 #\C) () ,(bvector 0 0) () 2 #(66 67))
87 (#(#\B 67) () ,(bvector 0 0) () 2 #(66 67))
88 (#(#\B) () ,(bvector 0 0) (:end 1) 1 #(66 0))
89 (#(#\B) () ,(bvector 0 0) (:start 1) 2 #(0 66))
90 ;; Character-vector destination sequence.
91 (#(65) () ,(cvector #\_) () 1 #(#\A))
92 (#(#\B) () ,(cvector #\_) () 1 #(#\B))
93 (#(#x7e) () ,(cvector #\_) () 1 #(,(code-char #x7e)))
94 (#(66 #\C) () ,(cvector #\_ #\_) () 2 #(#\B #\C))
95 (#(#\B 67) () ,(cvector #\_ #\_) () 2 #(#\B #\C))
96 (#(#\B) () ,(cvector #\_ #\_) (:end 1) 1 #(#\B #\_))
97 (#(#\B) () ,(cvector #\_ #\_) (:start 1) 2 #(#\_ #\B))
98 ;; String destination sequence.
99 (#(65) () ,(zero-string 1) () 1 "A")
100 (#(#\B) () ,(zero-string 1) () 1 "B")
101 (#(66 #\C) () ,(zero-string 2) () 2 "BC")
102 (#(#\B 67) () ,(zero-string 2) () 2 "BC")
103 (#(#\B) () ,(zero-string 2) (:end 1) 1 ,(coerce '(#\B #\Nul) 'string))
104 (#(#\B) () ,(zero-string 2) (:start 1) 2 ,(coerce '(#\Nul #\B) 'string))))
106 (defun do-writes (stream pairs)
107 (loop :for (sequence args) :in pairs
108 :do (apply #'write-sequence sequence stream args)))
110 (defun do-reads (stream pairs)
111 (loop :for (source source-args into into-args
112 expected-position expected-sequence) :in pairs
113 :do (let ((into/old (copy-seq into))
114 (position (apply #'read-sequence into stream into-args)))
115 (unless (= position expected-position)
116 (error "~@<~S returned ~S, expected ~S.~@:>"
117 `(read-sequence ,into/old ,@into-args)
118 position expected-position))
119 (assert-roundtrip `(write-sequence ,source ,@source-args)
120 `(read-sequence ,into/old ,@into-args)
121 into expected-sequence))))
123 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent :roundtrip :element))
124 (let ((pairs '((write-byte 65 read-char #\A)
125 (write-char #\B read-byte 66)
126 (write-byte #xe0 read-byte #xe0)
127 (write-char #\C read-char #\C))))
128 (with-bivalent-io-setup ("bivalent-stream-test.txt")
129 (with-stream (stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
130 (loop :for (function argument) :in pairs
131 :do (funcall function argument stream)))
133 (with-stream (stream :direction :input)
134 (loop :for (write-function write-arg read-function expected) :in pairs
135 :do (let ((result (funcall read-function stream)))
136 (assert-roundtrip `(,write-function ,write-arg)
137 `(,read-function)
138 result expected)))))))
140 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent :roundtrip sequence))
141 (with-bivalent-io-setup ("bivalent-stream-test.txt")
142 ;; Write sequence.
143 (with-stream (stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
144 (do-writes stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*))
145 ;; Read sequence and compare.
146 (with-stream (stream :direction :input)
147 (do-reads stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*))))
149 (defvar *synonym-stream-stream*)
150 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent :roundtrip sequence synonym-stream))
151 (with-bivalent-io-setup ("bivalent-stream-test.txt")
152 ;; Write sequence.
153 (with-stream (stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
154 (let ((*synonym-stream-stream* stream)
155 (stream (make-synonym-stream '*synonym-stream-stream*)))
156 (do-writes stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*)))
157 ;; Read sequence and compare.
158 (with-stream (stream :direction :input)
159 (let ((*synonym-stream-stream* stream)
160 (stream (make-synonym-stream '*synonym-stream-stream*)))
161 (do-reads stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*)))))
163 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent :roundtrip sequence broadcast-stream))
164 (with-bivalent-io-setup ("bivalent-stream-test.txt")
165 ;; Write sequence.
166 (with-stream (stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
167 (let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream stream)))
168 (do-writes stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*)))
169 ;; Read sequence and compare.
170 (with-stream (stream :direction :input)
171 (do-reads stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*))))
173 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent :roundtrip sequence echo-stream))
174 (with-bivalent-io-setup ("bivalent-stream-test.txt")
175 ;; Write sequence.
176 (with-stream (stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
177 (do-writes stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*))
178 ;; Read sequence and compare.
179 (with-stream (stream :direction :input)
180 (let ((stream (make-echo-stream stream (make-broadcast-stream))))
181 (do-reads stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*)))))
183 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent :roundtrip sequence two-way-stream))
184 (with-bivalent-io-setup ("bivalent-stream-test.txt")
185 ;; Write sequence.
186 (with-stream (stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
187 (let ((stream (make-two-way-stream (make-concatenated-stream) stream)))
188 (do-writes stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*)))
189 ;; Read sequence and compare.
190 (with-stream (stream :direction :input)
191 (let ((stream (make-two-way-stream stream (make-broadcast-stream))))
192 (do-reads stream *read/write-sequence-pairs*)))))
194 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent synonym-stream *standard-input* *standard-output*))
195 (assert (eq (sb-impl::stream-element-mode *standard-input*) :bivalent))
196 (assert (eq (sb-impl::stream-element-mode *standard-output*) :bivalent)))
198 (with-test (:name (stream :bivalent :no-unknown-type-condition))
199 (assert-no-signal
200 (with-bivalent-io-setup ("bivalent-stream-test.txt")
201 (with-stream (stream :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)))
202 sb-kernel:parse-unknown-type))