(SETF %FUN-NAME) on closures, now with fewer restrictions.
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / deftype.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
12 (defun constant-type-expander (name expansion)
13 (declare (optimize safety))
14 ;; Dummy implementation of SET-CLOSURE-NAME for the host.
15 (flet (#+sb-xc-host (set-closure-name (f junk name) (declare (ignore junk name)) f))
16 (set-closure-name
17 (lambda (whole)
18 ;; NB: It does not in general work to set the lambda-list of a closure,
19 ;; but all constant-type-expanders have NIL as the lambda-list
20 ;; because if they didn't, they wouldn't be constant.
21 (declare (sb!c::lambda-list ()))
22 (if (cdr whole)
23 (error 'sb!kernel::arg-count-error
24 :kind 'deftype :name (car whole) :args (cdr whole)
25 :lambda-list '() :minimum 0 :maximum 0)
26 expansion))
28 `(type-expander ,name))))
30 ;; Can't have a function called SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR or TYPE-ERROR...
31 ;; FUNCTION returning NIL is as good as SFUNCTION returning NIL,
32 ;; so we don't care that this can't use (FTYPE (SFUNCTION ...)).
33 ;; But do we really need this? It's not highly useful.
34 (declaim (ftype (function (t t t &rest t) #+(and sb-xc-host ccl) *
35 #-(and sb-xc-host ccl) nil) bad-type))
36 (defun bad-type (datum type control &rest arguments)
37 (error 'simple-type-error
38 :datum datum
39 :expected-type type
40 :format-control control
41 :format-arguments arguments))
43 (defmacro sb!xc:deftype (&whole form name lambda-list &body body
44 &environment env)
45 "Define a new type, with syntax like DEFMACRO."
46 (declare (ignore env))
47 (unless (symbolp name)
48 (bad-type name 'symbol "Type name is not a symbol:~% ~S"
49 form))
50 (multiple-value-bind (expander-form doc source-location-form)
51 (multiple-value-bind (forms decls doc) (parse-body body t)
52 (acond ((and (not lambda-list) (not decls)
53 (let ((expr `(progn ,@forms)))
54 ;; While CONSTANTP works early, %MACROEXPAND does not,
55 ;; so we can't pass ENV because it'd try to macroexpand.
56 (if (sb!xc:constantp expr) expr)))
57 #-sb-xc-host
58 (check-deprecated-type (constant-form-value it))
59 (values `(constant-type-expander ',name ,it) doc
60 '(sb!c:source-location)))
62 ;; FIXME: it seems non-ANSI-compliant to pretend every lexenv
63 ;; is nil. See also lp#309140.
64 ;; Source-location and docstring are associated with the lambda
65 ;; so we don't store them separately.
66 (make-macro-lambda `(type-expander ,name)
67 lambda-list body 'deftype name
68 :doc-string-allowed :external
69 :environment :ignore))))
70 ;; Maybe kill docstring, but only under the cross-compiler.
71 #!+(and (not sb-doc) (host-feature sb-xc-host)) (setq doc nil)
72 `(progn
73 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
74 (%compiler-deftype ',name ,expander-form ,source-location-form
75 ,@(when doc `(,doc)))))))