Delete redundant object sizing functions
[sbcl.git] / tests / compiler-2.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; various compiler tests without side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;;; This file of tests was added because the tests in 'compiler.pure.lisp'
15 ;;;; are a total hodgepodge- there is often no hugely compelling reason for
16 ;;;; their being tests of the compiler per se, such as whether
18 ;;;; in addition to which it is near impossible to wade through the
19 ;;;; ton of nameless, slow, and noisy tests.
21 ;;;; This file strives to do better on all fronts:
22 ;;;; the tests should be fast, named, and not noisy.
24 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
26 (load "compiler-test-util.lisp")
28 (with-test (:name :ldb-recognize-local-macros)
29 ;; Should not call %LDB
30 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees
31 (compile nil
32 '(lambda (x)
33 (declare (optimize speed))
34 (macrolet ((b () '(byte 2 2)))
35 (ldb (b) (the fixnum x)))))))))
37 ;; lp#1458190
38 (with-test (:name :dbp-eval-order)
39 (sb-int:collect ((calls))
40 (flet ((f (new old)
41 (dpb (progn (calls 'eval-new) new)
42 (progn (calls 'eval-byte) (byte 10 10))
43 (progn (calls 'eval-old) old))))
44 (f 20 0)
45 (assert (equal (calls)
46 '(eval-new eval-byte eval-old))))))
48 ;; Best practice treats TRULY-THE as a special operator, not a macro,
49 ;; in a context such as (DPB X (TRULY-THE SB-KERNEL:BYTE-SPECIFIER ...) Y).
50 ;; DPB used to expand its second argument using MACROEXPAND and lose
51 ;; the nuance of TRULY-THE. Strictly speaking, byte-specifier is not a
52 ;; type specifier that users are supposed to know about, so portable code
53 ;; should not care, but this might affect internal code.
54 (with-test (:name :dpb-inner-macro)
55 (flet ((source-xform (sexpr)
56 (funcall (sb-int:info :function :source-transform (car sexpr))
57 sexpr (sb-kernel:make-null-lexenv))))
58 (assert (equal-mod-gensyms
59 (source-xform
60 '(dpb (new) (truly-the sb-kernel:byte-specifier bspec) (old)))
61 '(let ((new (new))
62 (byte (truly-the sb-kernel:byte-specifier bspec)))
63 (sb-kernel:%dpb new (byte-size byte) (byte-position byte)
64 (old)))))))
66 (with-test (:name :inline-satisfies-predicate)
67 ;; If we remove the indirections in these functions,
68 ;; this test should visibly break so that we can write a new test
69 ;; that asserts that inlining F works in (THE (SATISFIES F) obj).
70 (assert (equal (sb-ext:typexpand 'sb-impl::function-name)
71 '(satisfies sb-int:legal-fun-name-p)))
72 (let ((f (compile nil '(lambda (x) (the sb-impl::function-name x)))))
73 (assert (equal (list (symbol-function 'sb-int:valid-function-name-p))
74 (ctu:find-named-callees f))))
75 (let ((f (compile nil '(lambda (x)
76 (declare (notinline sb-int:legal-fun-name-p))
77 (the sb-impl::function-name x)))))
78 (assert (equal (list (symbol-function 'sb-int:legal-fun-name-p))
79 (ctu:find-named-callees f)))))
81 (with-test (:name :make-array-untestable-type-no-warning)
82 (assert-no-signal
83 (compile nil `(lambda () (make-array '(2 2)
84 :element-type `(satisfies foofa))))))
86 (with-test (:name :make-array-nil-no-warning)
87 (assert-no-signal
88 (compile nil '(lambda () (make-array '(2 2) :element-type nil)))))
90 (with-test (:name :nth-value-huge-n-works)
91 (flet ((return-a-ton-of-values ()
92 (values-list (loop for i below 5000 collect i))))
93 (assert (= (nth-value 1 (return-a-ton-of-values)) 1))
94 (assert (= (nth-value 4000 (return-a-ton-of-values)) 4000))))
96 (defstruct (a-test-structure-foo
97 (:constructor make-a-foo-1)
98 (:constructor make-a-foo-2 (b &optional a)))
99 (a 0 :type symbol)
100 (b nil :type integer))
102 (with-test (:name :improperly-initialized-slot-warns)
103 (with-open-stream (*error-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
104 (multiple-value-bind (f warn err)
105 (compile nil '(lambda () (make-a-foo-1 :a 'what)))
106 ;; should warn because B's default is NIL, not an integer.
107 (assert (and f warn err)))
108 (multiple-value-bind (f warn err)
109 (compile nil '(lambda () (make-a-foo-2 3)))
110 ;; should warn because A's default is 0
111 (assert (and f warn err)))))
113 (with-test (:name :inline-structure-ctor-no-declaim)
114 (let ((f (compile nil
115 '(lambda ()
116 (make-a-foo-1 :a 'wat :b 3)))))
117 (assert (ctu:find-named-callees f)))
118 (let ((f (compile nil
119 '(lambda ()
120 (declare (inline make-a-foo-1))
121 (make-a-foo-1 :a 'wat :b 3)))))
122 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees f)))))
124 (with-test (:name :internal-name-p :skipped-on :sb-xref-for-internals)
125 (assert (sb-c::internal-name-p 'sb-int:neq)))
127 (with-test (:name :coerce-callable-to-fun-note)
128 (macrolet ((try (form what)
129 `(assert
130 (search ,(format nil "~A is not known to be" what)
131 (with-output-to-string (*error-output*)
132 (compile nil '(lambda (x)
133 (declare (optimize speed))
134 (funcall ,form))))))))
136 (try (eval `(work-with ,x)) "callable expression")
137 (try x "X")
138 ;; For this I'd accept either Z or X in the message.
139 (try (progn (let ((z x)) (identity z))) "X")))
141 (with-test (:name :princ-to-string-unflushable)
142 ;; Ordinary we'll flush it
143 (let ((f (compile nil '(lambda (x) (princ-to-string x) x))))
144 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees f :name 'princ-to-string))))
145 ;; But in high safety it should be called for effect
146 (let ((f (compile nil '(lambda (x)
147 (declare (optimize safety)) (princ-to-string x) x))))
148 (assert (ctu:find-named-callees f :name 'princ-to-string))))
150 (with-test (:name :map-allocated-objects-no-consing
151 :skipped-on :sb-fasteval
152 :fails-on :ppc)
153 (let ((n 0))
154 (sb-int:dx-flet ((f (obj type size)
155 (declare (ignore obj type size))
156 (incf n)))
157 (ctu:assert-no-consing
158 (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects #'f :dynamic)
159 5))))
161 (with-test (:name :pack-varints-as-bignum)
162 (dotimes (i 500) ; do some random testing this many times
163 (let* ((random-numbers (loop repeat (+ (random 20) 3)
164 collect (1+ (random 4000))))
165 (test-list (sort (delete-duplicates random-numbers) #'<))
166 (packed-int (sb-c::pack-code-fixup-locs test-list))
167 (result (make-array 1 :element-type 'sb-ext:word)))
168 ;; The packer intrinsically self-checks the packing
169 ;; so we don't need to assert anything about that.
170 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (packed-int result)
171 ;; Now exercise the C unpacker.
172 ;; This hack of allocating 4 longs is terrible, but whatever.
173 (let ((unpacker (make-alien long 4))
174 (prev-loc 0))
175 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "varint_unpacker_init"
176 (function void (* long) unsigned))
177 unpacker
178 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address packed-int))
179 (sb-int:collect ((unpacked))
180 (loop
181 (let ((status
182 (alien-funcall
183 (extern-alien "varint_unpack"
184 (function int (* long) system-area-pointer))
185 unpacker (sb-sys:vector-sap result))))
186 (let ((val (aref result 0)))
187 ;; status of 0 is EOF, val = 0 means a decoded value was 0,
188 ;; which can't happen, so it's effectively EOF.
189 (when (or (eql status 0) (eql val 0)) (return))
190 (let ((loc (+ prev-loc val)))
191 (unpacked loc)
192 (setq prev-loc loc)))))
193 (assert (equal (unpacked) test-list))))))))