A test no longer fails.
[sbcl.git] / tests / load.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous side-effectful tests of LOAD
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (defvar *tmp-filename* (scratch-file-name "tmp"))
16 ;;; These tests are essentially the same as in compiler.pure.lisp
17 ;;; They have to be run before we mess up *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*
18 (with-test (:name :load-as-source-error-position-reporting)
19 ;; These test errors that occur during READ
20 (dolist (input '("data/wonky1.lisp" "data/wonky2.lisp" "data/wonky3.lisp"))
21 (let ((expect (with-open-file (f input) (read f))))
22 (assert (stringp expect))
23 (let ((err-string
24 (block foo
25 ;; you can't query the stream position with HANDLER-CASE
26 ;; because it closes before the condition is formatted.
27 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
28 (return-from foo
29 (write-to-string c :escape nil)))))
30 (load input)))))
31 (assert (search expect err-string)))))
33 ;; This tests an error that occur during EVAL
34 (let ((s (with-output-to-string (*error-output*)
35 (handler-bind ((error #'abort)) (load "data/wonky4.lisp")))))
36 (assert (search "While evaluating the form starting at line 16, column 1"
37 s))))
39 ;;; Save this because we're going to mess up the path in the following SETQ.
40 (defvar *parallel-load-source-file* (truename "parallel-fasl-load-test.lisp"))
42 ;;; Tests in this file make assertions about behavior of LOAD or OPEN when given
43 ;;; partial pathnames. As such, fully qualifying the pathname arguments with the
44 ;;; temp dir would totally defeat the point of the tests. While we can't assume
45 ;;; that the current directory is writable, we can change the defaults to the temp
46 ;;; dir which doesn't affect the meaning of the tests, since they don't care where
47 ;;; their files are, with the one exception being "parallel-load".
48 ;;; I'm not doing this for win32 since I don't know what works there.
49 #-win32 (setq *default-pathname-defaults*
50 (truename (make-pathname :directory
51 (pathname-directory (scratch-file-name)))))
53 ;;; Loading from Lisp should set the TOPLEVEL-FORM-NUMBER slot
54 (with-test (:name :load-lisp-assigns-tlf-num)
55 (with-open-file (f *tmp-filename* :direction :output
56 :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
57 (write '(defvar *var0* 'this-is-form-0) :stream f)
58 (write '(defvar *var1* 'this-is-form-1) :stream f))
59 (load *tmp-filename*)
60 (assert (eql 0 (sb-c:definition-source-location-toplevel-form-number
61 (sb-int:info :source-location :variable '*var0*))))
62 (assert (eql 1 (sb-c:definition-source-location-toplevel-form-number
63 (sb-int:info :source-location :variable '*var1*))))
64 (delete-file *tmp-filename*))
66 ;;; Bug reported by Sean Ross: FASL loader set fill pointer to loaded
67 ;;; simple arrays.
69 (defvar *array*)
71 (progn
72 (with-open-file (s *tmp-filename*
73 :direction :output
74 :if-exists :supersede
75 :if-does-not-exist :create)
76 (print '(setq *array* #3a(((1 2) (2 1)) ((3 4) (4 3)))) s))
77 (let (tmp-fasl)
78 (unwind-protect
79 (progn
80 (setq tmp-fasl (compile-file *tmp-filename*))
81 (let ((*array* nil))
82 (load tmp-fasl)
83 (assert (arrayp *array*))
84 (assert (= (array-rank *array*) 3))
85 (assert (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p *array*)))))
86 (when tmp-fasl (delete-file tmp-fasl))
87 (delete-file *tmp-filename*))))
89 ;;; rudimentary external-format test
90 (dolist (ef '(:default :ascii :latin-1 :utf-8))
91 (with-open-file (s *tmp-filename*
92 :direction :output
93 :if-exists :supersede
94 :if-does-not-exist :create)
95 (print '(defun foo (x) (1+ x)) s))
96 (fmakunbound 'foo)
97 (let (tmp-fasl)
98 (unwind-protect
99 (progn
100 (setq tmp-fasl (compile-file *tmp-filename* :external-format ef))
101 (load tmp-fasl)
102 (assert (= (foo 1) 2)))
103 (when tmp-fasl (delete-file tmp-fasl))
104 (delete-file *tmp-filename*))))
106 ;;; As reported by David Tolpin *LOAD-PATHNAME* was not merged.
107 (progn
108 (defparameter *saved-load-pathname* nil)
109 (with-open-file (s *tmp-filename*
110 :direction :output
111 :if-exists :supersede
112 :if-does-not-exist :create)
113 (print '(setq *saved-load-pathname* *load-pathname*) s))
114 (unwind-protect
115 (progn
116 (load *tmp-filename*)
117 (assert (equal (merge-pathnames *tmp-filename*) *saved-load-pathname*)))
118 (delete-file *tmp-filename*)))
120 ;;; Test many, many variations on LOAD.
121 (defparameter *counter* 0)
122 (defparameter *loaded-pathname* nil)
123 (defparameter *loaded-truename* nil)
125 (defparameter *test-program-string* (format nil "~
126 (incf *counter*)
127 (setf *loaded-pathname* *load-pathname*)
128 (setf *loaded-truename* *load-truename*)"))
130 (defmacro load-and-assert (load-argument pathname truename)
131 (let ((before (gensym)))
132 `(let ((,before *counter*)
133 *loaded-pathname* *loaded-truename*)
134 (load ,load-argument :print 'yes :verbose t)
135 (assert (and (= (1+ ,before) *counter*)
136 #-win32 ;kludge
137 (equal ,(if pathname `(merge-pathnames ,pathname))
138 *loaded-pathname*)
139 #-win32 ;kludge
140 (equal ,(if pathname `(merge-pathnames ,truename))
141 *loaded-truename*))))))
143 (defmacro with-test-program (source fasl &body body)
144 (let ((src (gensym))
145 (fsl (gensym)))
146 `(let ((,src ,source)
147 (,fsl ,fasl))
148 (with-open-file (*standard-output* ,src :direction :output
149 :if-exists :supersede)
150 (princ *test-program-string*))
151 (when ,fsl
152 (compile-file ,src :output-file ,fsl))
153 (unwind-protect
154 (progn
155 ,@body)
156 (when (probe-file ,src)
157 (delete-file ,src))
158 (when (and ,fsl (probe-file ,fsl))
159 (delete-file ,fsl))))))
161 ;;; Loading from streams.
163 ;; string-stream
164 (with-test (:name :load-string-stream)
165 (with-input-from-string (s *test-program-string*)
166 (load-and-assert s nil nil)))
168 ;; file-stream associated with a source file
169 (with-test (:name :load-lisp-file-stream)
170 (let ((source (scratch-file-name "lisp")))
171 (with-test-program source nil
172 (with-open-file (stream source)
173 (load-and-assert stream source source)))))
175 ;; file-stream associated with a fasl file
176 (with-test (:name :load-fasl-file-stream)
177 (let* ((source (scratch-file-name "lisp"))
178 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source)))
179 (with-test-program source fasl
180 (with-open-file (stream fasl :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
181 (load-and-assert fasl fasl fasl)))))
183 ;; Develop a simple Gray stream to test loading from.
184 (defclass load-impure-gray-stream (fundamental-character-input-stream)
185 ((pointer :initform 0 :accessor load-impure-gray-stream-pointer)))
187 (defmethod stream-read-char ((stream load-impure-gray-stream))
188 (with-accessors ((pointer load-impure-gray-stream-pointer)) stream
189 (prog1
190 (if (>= pointer (length *test-program-string*))
191 :eof
192 (char *test-program-string* pointer))
193 (incf pointer))))
195 (defmethod stream-unread-char ((stream load-impure-gray-stream) char)
196 (with-accessors ((pointer load-impure-gray-stream-pointer)) stream
197 (if (<= pointer 0)
198 (error "fibber! you never read from this stream ~S" stream)
199 (decf pointer)))
200 nil)
202 (with-test (:name :load-gray-stream)
203 (with-open-stream (stream (make-instance 'load-impure-gray-stream))
204 (load-and-assert stream nil nil)))
206 ;;; Loading from things named by pathname designators.
208 (defvar *tmp-lisp-filename* (scratch-file-name "lisp"))
210 ;; Test loading a source file by supplying a complete pathname.
211 (with-test (:name :load-source-file-full-pathname)
212 (let ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*))
213 (with-test-program source nil
214 (load-and-assert source source source))))
216 ;; Test loading a source file when supplying a partial pathname.
217 (with-test (:name :load-source-file-partial-pathname)
218 (let ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
219 (partial (make-pathname :defaults *tmp-lisp-filename*
220 :type nil)))
221 (with-test-program source nil
222 (load-and-assert partial source source))))
224 (when (find-symbol "%LOAD-TRUENAME" "SB-FASL") (push :no-test-load-truename *features*))
226 ;; Test loading a source file whose name lacks a type when supplying a
227 ;; partial pathname.
228 (with-test (:name :load-source-file-default-type :skipped-on :no-test-load-truename)
229 (let ((source (make-pathname :type :unspecific
230 :defaults *tmp-lisp-filename*))
231 (partial (make-pathname :defaults *tmp-lisp-filename*
232 :type nil)))
233 (with-test-program source nil
234 (load-and-assert partial partial partial))))
236 ;; Test loading a fasl
237 (with-test (:name :load-fasl-file)
238 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
239 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source)))
240 (with-test-program source fasl
241 (load-and-assert fasl fasl fasl))))
243 ;; Test loading a fasl when supplying a partial pathname.
244 (with-test (:name :load-fasl-file-partial-pathname)
245 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
246 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source))
247 (partial (make-pathname :defaults *tmp-lisp-filename*
248 :type nil)))
249 (with-test-program source fasl
250 (load-and-assert partial fasl fasl))))
252 ;; Test loading a fasl whose name lacks a type when supplying a
253 ;; partial pathname.
254 (with-test (:name :load-fasl-file-default-type :skipped-on :no-test-load-truename)
255 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
256 (fasl (make-pathname :type :unspecific
257 :defaults (compile-file-pathname source)))
258 (partial (make-pathname :defaults *tmp-lisp-filename*
259 :type nil)))
260 (with-test-program source fasl
261 (load-and-assert partial partial partial))))
263 ;; Test loading a fasl with a strange type
264 (with-test (:name :load-fasl-file-strange-type :skipped-on :no-test-load-truename)
265 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
266 (fasl (make-pathname :defaults (compile-file-pathname source)
267 :type "compiled-lisp")))
268 (with-test-program source fasl
269 (load-and-assert fasl fasl fasl))))
271 ;;; Errors
273 ;; Ensure that loading a fasl specified with a type checks for the
274 ;; header.
275 (with-test (:name :load-fasl-header-missing-1
276 ;; somehow the header needs to get tested without a pre-test of the file length
277 :skipped-on :no-test-load-truename)
278 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
279 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source)))
280 (with-test-program source fasl
281 (with-open-file (f fasl :direction :io :if-exists :overwrite
282 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
283 (write-byte 0 f))
284 (handler-case (load fasl)
285 (sb-fasl::fasl-header-missing () :ok)))))
287 ;; Ensure that loading a fasl specified without a type checks for the
288 ;; header. Note: this wasn't the behavior in
289 ;; src/code/target-load.lisp v1.40 and earlier (SBCL version
290 ;; or so). If target-load.lisp is reverted to that state eventually,
291 ;; this test should be removed (or that definition of LOAD altered).
292 (with-test (:name :load-fasl-header-missing-2
293 ;; this test is probably bad for for the same reason the STRANGE-TYPE test is
294 :skipped-on :no-test-load-truename)
295 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
296 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source))
297 (fasl-spec (make-pathname :type nil
298 :defaults (compile-file-pathname source))))
299 (with-test-program source fasl
300 (with-open-file (f fasl :direction :io :if-exists :overwrite
301 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
302 (write-byte 0 f))
303 (handler-case (load fasl-spec)
304 (sb-fasl::fasl-header-missing () :ok)))))
306 ;; Ensure that we get an error when the source file is newer than the
307 ;; fasl and the supplied argument is an incomplete pathname.
308 (with-test (:name :load-default-obsolete-fasl)
309 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
310 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source))
311 (spec (make-pathname :type nil :defaults source)))
312 (with-test-program source fasl
313 (sleep 1)
314 (with-open-file (*standard-output* source :direction :output
315 :if-exists :append)
316 (write-line ";;comment"))
317 (handler-case (load spec)
318 ;; IWBNI the error signalled here were more specific than
320 (error () :|well, we got an error!|)))))
322 ;; Ensure that we can invoke the restart SOURCE in the above case.
323 (with-test (:name :load-default-obsolete-fasl-restart-source)
324 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
325 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source))
326 (spec (make-pathname :type nil :defaults source)))
327 (with-test-program source fasl
328 (sleep 1)
329 (with-open-file (*standard-output* source :direction :output
330 :if-exists :append)
331 (write-line ";;comment"))
332 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (error)
333 (declare (ignore error))
334 (when (find-restart 'sb-fasl::source)
335 (invoke-restart 'sb-fasl::source)))))
336 (load-and-assert spec source source)))))
338 ;; Ensure that we can invoke the restart OBJECT in the above case.
339 (with-test (:name :load-defaulted-obsolete-fasl-restart-object)
340 (let* ((source *tmp-lisp-filename*)
341 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source))
342 (spec (make-pathname :type nil :defaults source)))
343 (with-test-program source fasl
344 (sleep 1)
345 (with-open-file (*standard-output* source :direction :output
346 :if-exists :append)
347 (write-line ";;comment"))
348 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (error)
349 (declare (ignore error))
350 (when (find-restart 'sb-fasl::object)
351 (invoke-restart 'sb-fasl::object)))))
352 (load-and-assert spec fasl fasl)))))
354 (with-test (:name :bug-332)
355 (flet ((stimulate-sbcl ()
356 ;; compile and load the file, then invoke the continue restart on
357 ;; the structure redefinition error
358 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) (continue c))))
359 (let ((fasl (compile-file "bug-332.lisp")))
360 (load fasl)
361 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl))))))
362 (stimulate-sbcl)
363 (stimulate-sbcl)
364 (stimulate-sbcl)))
366 (defun load-empty-file (type)
367 (let ((pathname (scratch-file-name type)))
368 (unwind-protect
369 (progn
370 (with-open-file (f pathname
371 :if-exists :supersede
372 :direction :output))
373 (handler-case
374 (progn (load pathname) t)
375 (error () nil)))
376 (ignore-errors (delete-file pathname)))))
378 (with-test (:name (load :empty.lisp))
379 (assert (load-empty-file "lisp")))
381 (with-test (:name (load :empty.fasl))
382 (assert (not (load-empty-file "fasl"))))
384 ;; There is a concurrency bug in ALLOCATE-CODE-OBJECT leading to deadlock.
385 ;; Some changes to the compiler caused it to more often compile a TLF into
386 ;; a callable lamda - as contrasted with a sequence of operations performed
387 ;; entirely by the fasl interpreter - which exacerbated the problem.
388 ;; A meager attempt at a fix of mutex-guarding ALLOCATE-CODE-OBJECT did not
389 ;; resolve the deadlock, and was not ideal anyway.
390 (with-test (:name :parallel-fasl-load
391 :skipped-on :sb-safepoint)
392 #+sb-thread
393 (with-scratch-file (fasl "fasl")
394 (let ((ready nil))
395 (multiple-value-bind (compiled warned failed)
396 (compile-file *parallel-load-source-file* :output-file fasl)
397 (assert (not warned))
398 (assert (not failed)))
399 (labels ((load-loop ()
400 (let* ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
401 (*error-output* *standard-output*))
402 (sb-ext:wait-for ready)
403 (handler-case (dotimes (i 1000 t)
404 (load fasl)
405 (test-it))
406 (error (e) e))))
407 (test-it ()
408 (assert (= 1 (one-fun)))
409 (assert (= 2 (two-fun)))
410 (assert (= 42 (symbol-value '*var*)))
411 (assert (= 13 (symbol-value '*quux*)))))
412 (let ((t1 (sb-thread:make-thread #'load-loop))
413 (t2 (sb-thread:make-thread #'load-loop))
414 (t3 (sb-thread:make-thread #'load-loop)))
415 (setf ready t)
416 (let ((r1 (sb-thread:join-thread t1))
417 (r2 (sb-thread:join-thread t2))
418 (r3 (sb-thread:join-thread t3)))
419 (unless (and (eq t r1) (eq t r2) (eq t r3))
420 (error "R1: ~A~2%R2: ~A~2%R2: ~A" r1 r2 r3))
421 ;; These ones cannot be tested while redefinitions are running:
422 ;; adding a method implies REMOVE-METHOD, so a call would be racy.
423 (assert (eq :ok (a-slot (make-instance 'a-class :slot :ok))))
424 (assert (eq 'cons (gen-fun '(foo))))
425 (assert (eq 'a-class (gen-fun (make-instance 'a-class)))))
426 (test-it))))))
428 ;; Check that ':load print' on a fasl has some non-null effect
429 (with-test (:name :fasloader-print)
430 (with-open-file (stream *tmp-filename*
431 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
432 (dolist (form '((defmacro some-fancy-macro (x) `(car ,x))
433 (defvar *some-var* () nil)
434 (deftype my-favorite-type () '(integer -1 8))
435 (defun fred (x) (- x))
436 (push (some-fancy-macro '(a . b)) *some-var*)))
437 (write form :stream stream)))
438 (let* ((s (make-string-output-stream))
439 (output (compile-file *tmp-filename*)))
440 (let ((*standard-output* s))
441 (load output :print 0))
442 (delete-file output)
443 (assert (not (string= (get-output-stream-string s) "")))
444 (delete-file *tmp-filename*)))
446 (with-test (:name :load-reader-error)
447 (unwind-protect
448 (block result
449 (with-open-file (f *tmp-filename* :direction :output
450 :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :supersede)
451 (write-string "(defun fool () (nosuchpackage: " f))
452 (handler-bind
453 ((condition
454 (lambda (e)
455 (if (eql (search "READ error during LOAD:"
456 (write-to-string e :escape nil))
458 (return-from result t)
459 (error "Unexpectedly erred: ~S" e)))))
460 (load *tmp-filename* :verbose nil)))
461 (delete-file *tmp-filename*))
462 ;; Not really a test of the bugfix, but a reminder that asdf-dependency-grovel
463 ;; uses this internal macro and that we should endeavor not to break the syntax.
464 (macroexpand '(sb-c:do-forms-from-info
465 ((myform myindex) my-source-info) (something))))