A test no longer fails.
[sbcl.git] / tests / compiler-test-util.lisp
1 ;;;; Utilities for verifying features of compiled code
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (defpackage :compiler-test-util
15 (:nicknames :ctu)
16 (:use :cl :sb-c :sb-kernel)
17 (:import-from #:sb-c #:*compile-component-hook*)
18 (:export #:asm-search
19 #:assert-consing
20 #:assert-no-consing
21 #:compiler-derived-type
22 #:count-full-calls
23 #:find-code-constants
24 #:find-named-callees
25 #:find-anonymous-callees
26 #:file-compile
27 #:inspect-ir
28 #:ir1-named-calls
29 #:ir1-funargs
30 #:disassembly-lines))
32 (cl:in-package :ctu)
34 (unless (fboundp 'compiler-derived-type)
35 (defknown compiler-derived-type (t) (values t t) (flushable))
36 (deftransform compiler-derived-type ((x) * * :node node)
37 (sb-c::delay-ir1-transform node :ir1-phases)
38 `(values ',(type-specifier (sb-c::lvar-type x)) t))
39 (defun compiler-derived-type (x)
40 (declare (ignore x))
41 (values t nil)))
43 ;;; New tests should use INSPECT-IR or ASM-SEARCH rather than FIND-NAMED-CALLEES
44 ;;; unless you are 100% certain that there will be an fdefn of the given name.
45 ;;; (negative assertions may yield falsely passing tests)
46 (defun asm-search (expect lambda)
47 (let* ((code (etypecase lambda
48 (cons (test-util:checked-compile lambda))
49 (function lambda)))
50 (disassembly
51 (with-output-to-string (s)
52 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0)
53 (*print-pretty* nil))
54 (sb-c:dis code s)))))
55 (loop for line in (test-util:split-string disassembly #\newline)
56 when (and (search expect line)
57 (not (search "; Origin" line)))
58 collect line)))
60 (defun inspect-ir (form fun &rest checked-compile-args)
61 (let ((*compile-component-hook* fun))
62 (apply #'test-util:checked-compile form checked-compile-args)))
64 (defun ir1-named-calls (lambda-expression &optional (full t))
65 (declare (ignorable lambda-expression full))
66 #-sb-devel
67 (throw 'test-util::skip-test t)
68 #+sb-devel
69 (let* ((calls)
70 (compiled-fun
71 (inspect-ir
72 lambda-expression
73 (lambda (component)
74 (sb-c::do-blocks (block component)
75 (sb-c::do-nodes (node nil block)
76 (when (and (sb-c::basic-combination-p node)
77 (if full
78 (eq (sb-c::basic-combination-info node) :full)
79 t))
80 (push (sb-c::combination-fun-debug-name node) calls))))))))
81 (values calls compiled-fun)))
83 ;;; For any call that passes a global constant funarg - as in (FOO #'EQ) -
84 ;;; return the name of the caller and the names of all such funargs.
85 (defun ir1-funargs (lambda-expression)
86 (declare (ignorable lambda-expression))
87 #-sb-devel
88 (throw 'test-util::skip-test t)
89 #+sb-devel
90 (let* ((calls)
91 (compiled-fun
92 (inspect-ir
93 lambda-expression
94 (lambda (component)
95 (sb-c::do-blocks (block component)
96 (sb-c::do-nodes (node nil block)
97 (when (and (sb-c::basic-combination-p node)
98 (eq (sb-c::basic-combination-info node) :full))
99 (let ((filtered
100 (mapcan
101 (lambda (arg &aux (uses (sb-c::lvar-uses arg)))
102 (when (sb-c::ref-p uses)
103 (let ((leaf (sb-c::ref-leaf uses)))
104 (when (and (sb-c::global-var-p leaf)
105 (eq (sb-c::global-var-kind leaf) :global-function))
106 (list (sb-c::leaf-source-name leaf))))))
107 (sb-c::combination-args node))))
108 (when filtered
109 (push (cons (sb-c::combination-fun-debug-name node) filtered)
110 calls))))))))))
111 (values calls compiled-fun)))
113 (defun find-named-callees (fun &key (name nil namep))
114 (sb-int:binding* ((code (fun-code-header (%fun-fun fun)))
115 ((start count) (sb-kernel:code-header-fdefn-range code)))
116 (loop for i from start repeat count
117 for c = (code-header-ref code i)
118 when (or (not namep) (equal name (sb-kernel:fdefn-name c)))
119 collect (sb-kernel:fdefn-fun c))))
121 (defun find-anonymous-callees (fun &key (type 'function))
122 (let ((code (fun-code-header (%fun-fun fun))))
123 (loop for i from sb-vm:code-constants-offset below (code-header-words code)
124 for fun = (code-header-ref code i)
125 when (typep fun type)
126 collect fun)))
128 ;;; Return a subset of the code constants for FUN's code but excluding
129 ;;; constants that are present on behalf of %SIMPLE-FUN-foo accessors.
130 (defun find-code-constants (fun &key (type t))
131 (let ((code (fun-code-header (%fun-fun fun))))
132 (loop for i from (+ sb-vm:code-constants-offset
133 (* (code-n-entries code) sb-vm:code-slots-per-simple-fun))
134 below (code-header-words code)
135 for c = (code-header-ref code i)
136 for value = (if (= (widetag-of c) sb-vm:value-cell-widetag)
137 (value-cell-ref c)
139 when (and (not (eql value 0)) ;; alignment zeros
140 (typep value type))
141 collect value)))
143 (defun collect-consing-stats (thunk times)
144 (declare (type function thunk))
145 (declare (type fixnum times))
146 #+(and sb-thread gencgc) (sb-vm::close-thread-alloc-region)
147 (setf sb-int:*n-bytes-freed-or-purified* 0)
148 (let ((before (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed)))
149 (dotimes (i times)
150 (funcall thunk))
151 (values before (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed))))
153 (defun check-consing (yes/no form thunk times)
154 (multiple-value-bind (before after)
155 (collect-consing-stats thunk times)
156 (let* ((consed-bytes (- after before))
157 (bytes-per-iteration (float (/ consed-bytes times))))
158 (assert (progn
159 (funcall (if yes/no #'not #'identity)
160 ;; If allocation really happened, it can't have been less than one cons cell
161 ;; per iteration (unless the test is nondeterministic - but in that case
162 ;; we can't really use this strategy anyway). So consider it to have consed
163 ;; nothing if the fraction is too small.
164 (< bytes-per-iteration (* 2 sb-vm:n-word-bytes)))
165 #+gc-stress t)
167 "~@<Expected the form ~
168 ~4I~@:_~A ~0I~@:_~
169 ~:[NOT to cons~;to cons~], yet running it for ~
170 ~D times resulted in the allocation of ~
171 ~D bytes~:[ (~,3F per run)~;~].~@:>"
172 form yes/no times consed-bytes
173 (zerop consed-bytes) bytes-per-iteration))
174 (values before after)))
176 (defparameter +times+ 10000)
178 (defmacro assert-no-consing (form &optional (times '+times+))
179 `(check-consing nil ',form (lambda () ,form) ,times))
181 (defmacro assert-consing (form &optional (times '+times+))
182 `(check-consing t ',form (lambda () ,form) ,times))
184 (defun file-compile (toplevel-forms &key load
185 before-load
186 block-compile)
187 (let* ((lisp (test-util:scratch-file-name "lisp"))
188 (fasl (compile-file-pathname lisp))
189 (error-stream (make-string-output-stream)))
190 (unwind-protect
191 (progn
192 (with-open-file (f lisp :direction :output)
193 (if (stringp toplevel-forms)
194 (write-line toplevel-forms f)
195 (dolist (form toplevel-forms)
196 (prin1 form f))))
197 (multiple-value-bind (fasl warn fail)
198 (let ((*error-output* error-stream))
199 (compile-file lisp :print nil :verbose nil
200 :block-compile block-compile))
201 (when load
202 (when before-load
203 (funcall before-load))
204 (let ((*error-output* error-stream))
205 (load fasl :print nil :verbose nil)))
206 (values warn fail error-stream)))
207 (ignore-errors (delete-file lisp))
208 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl)))))
210 ;;; TODO: this would be better done as LIST-FULL-CALLS so that you could
211 ;;; make an assertion that the list EQUALs something in particular.
212 ;;; Negative assertions (essentially "count = 0") are silently susceptible
213 ;;; to spelling mistakes or a change in how we name nodes.
214 (defun count-full-calls (function-name lambda-expression)
215 (declare (ignorable function-name lambda-expression))
216 #-sb-devel
217 (throw 'test-util::skip-test t)
218 #+sb-devel
219 (let ((n 0))
220 (inspect-ir
221 lambda-expression
222 (lambda (component)
223 (sb-c::do-blocks (block component)
224 (sb-c::do-nodes (node nil block)
225 (when (and (sb-c::basic-combination-p node)
226 (eq (sb-c::basic-combination-info node) :full)
227 (equal (sb-c::combination-fun-debug-name node)
228 function-name))
229 (incf n))))))
232 (defun disassembly-lines (fun)
233 ;; FIXME: I don't remember what this override of the hook is for.
234 (sb-int:encapsulate 'sb-disassem::add-debugging-hooks 'test
235 (lambda (f &rest args) (declare (ignore f args))))
236 (prog1
237 (mapcar (lambda (x) (string-left-trim " ;" x))
238 (cddr
239 (test-util:split-string
240 (with-output-to-string (s)
241 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0)
242 (*print-pretty* nil))
243 (disassemble fun :stream s)))
244 #\newline)))
245 (sb-int:unencapsulate 'sb-disassem::add-debugging-hooks 'test)))