Transpose lines.
[sbcl.git] / tests / ebcdic-us.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; This file is for testing external-format functionality for
2 ;;;; EBCDIC-US, using test machinery which does not have side effects.
3 ;;;; Note that the tests here reach into unexported functionality, and
4 ;;;; should not be used as a guide for users.
6 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
7 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
10 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
11 ;;;; from CMU CL.
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
14 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
15 ;;;; more information.
17 #+unicode-lite (invoke-restart 'run-tests::skip-file)
19 (defvar *test-path* (scratch-file-name))
21 (macrolet ((input-test (inxf expected &environment env)
22 `(progn
23 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) :file ,inxf))
24 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :external-format ',inxf)
25 (let* ((string (make-string 20))
26 (count (read-sequence string s)))
27 (assert (equal (map 'list 'identity (subseq string 0 count)) ,expected)))))
28 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) :octets ,inxf))
29 (let ((octets (coerce bytes '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 1))))
30 (assert (equal (sb-ext:octets-to-string octets :external-format ',inxf)
31 (coerce ,expected 'string)))))))
32 (with-input-bytes ((id bytes) &body body)
33 `(let ((bytes ,bytes))
34 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
35 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
36 (dolist (byte bytes)
37 (write-byte byte s)))
38 (symbol-macrolet ((name ,id))
39 (macrolet ((test (inxf expected)
40 `(input-test ,inxf ,expected)))
41 ,@body))))
42 (output-test (chars outxf expected &environment env)
43 `(progn
44 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :element-type 'character
45 :external-format ',outxf
46 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
47 (write-sequence ,chars s))
48 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) :file ,outxf))
49 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
50 (let* ((vector (make-array 20 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
51 (count (read-sequence vector s)))
52 (assert (equal (map 'list 'identity (subseq vector 0 count)) ,expected)))))
53 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) :octets ,outxf))
54 (let* ((string (coerce chars 'string))
55 (octets (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format ',outxf)))
56 (assert (typep octets '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 1)))
57 (assert (equal (coerce octets 'list) ,expected))))))
58 (with-output-characters ((id chars) &body body)
59 `(let ((chars ,chars))
60 (symbol-macrolet ((name ,id))
61 (macrolet ((test (outxf expected)
62 `(output-test chars ,outxf ,expected)))
63 ,@body)))))
64 (with-input-bytes ((:input :lf) '(#xF5 #x25 #xF7))
65 (test :ebcdic-us '(#\5 #\Newline #\7))
66 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) '(#\5 #\Newline #\7))
67 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) '(#\5 #\Newline #\7))
68 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(#\5 #\Newline #\7)))
69 (with-output-characters ((:output :lf) '(#\5 #\Linefeed #\7))
70 (test :ebcdic-us '(#xF5 #x25 #xF7))
71 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) '(#xF5 #x25 #xF7))
72 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) '(#xF5 #x0d #xF7))
73 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(#xF5 #x0d #x25 #xF7)))
74 (with-input-bytes ((:input :cr) '(#xF5 #x0d #xF7))
75 (test :ebcdic-us '(#\5 #\Return #\7))
76 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) '(#\5 #\Return #\7))
77 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) '(#\5 #\Newline #\7))
78 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(#\5 #\Return #\7)))
79 (with-output-characters ((:output :cr) '(#\5 #\Return #\7))
80 (test :ebcdic-us '(#xF5 #x0d #xF7))
81 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) '(#xF5 #x0d #xF7))
82 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) '(#xF5 #x0d #xF7))
83 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(#xF5 #x0d #xF7)))
84 (with-input-bytes ((:input :crlf) '(#xF5 #x0d #x25 #xF7))
85 (test :ebcdic-us '(#\5 #\Return #\Newline #\7))
86 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) '(#\5 #\Return #\Newline #\7))
87 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) '(#\5 #\Newline #\Newline #\7))
88 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(#\5 #\Newline #\7)))
89 (with-output-characters ((:output :crlf) '(#\5 #\Return #\Linefeed #\7))
90 (test :ebcdic-us '(#xF5 #x0d #x25 #xF7))
91 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) '(#xF5 #x0d #x25 #xF7))
92 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) '(#xF5 #x0d #x0d #xF7))
93 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(#xF5 #x0d #x0d #x25 #xF7))))
95 #+sb-unicode
96 (macrolet ((output-test (chars outxf expected &environment env)
97 `(progn
98 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :element-type 'character
99 :external-format ',outxf
100 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
101 (handler-bind ((sb-int:character-encoding-error
102 (lambda (c) (use-value "" c))))
103 (write-sequence ,chars s)))
104 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) :file ,outxf))
105 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
106 (let* ((vector (make-array 20 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
107 (count (read-sequence vector s)))
108 (assert (equal (map 'list 'identity (subseq vector 0 count)) ,expected)))))
109 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) :octets ,outxf))
110 (handler-bind ((sb-int:character-encoding-error
111 (lambda (c) (use-value "" c))))
112 (let* ((string (coerce chars 'string))
113 (octets (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format ',outxf)))
114 (assert (typep octets '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 1)))
115 (assert (equal (coerce octets 'list) ,expected)))))))
116 (with-output-characters ((id chars) &body body)
117 `(let ((chars ,chars))
118 (symbol-macrolet ((name ,id))
119 (macrolet ((test (outxf expected)
120 `(output-test chars ,outxf ,expected)))
121 ,@body)))))
122 (with-output-characters ((:output :invalid :lf) (list #\5 (code-char 512) #\Linefeed #\7))
123 (test :ebcdic-us '(#xF5 #x25 #xF7))
124 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) '(#xF5 #x25 #xF7))
125 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) '(#xF5 #x0d #xF7))
126 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(#xF5 #x0d #x25 #xF7))))
128 (macrolet ((test (inxf expected &environment env)
129 `(with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) ,inxf))
130 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :external-format ',inxf)
131 (let* ((string (make-string 10000))
132 (count (read-sequence string s)))
133 (assert (equal (map 'list 'char-code (subseq string 0 count)) ,expected))))))
134 (with-test-file ((id bytes) &body body)
135 `(progn
136 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
137 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
138 (dolist (byte ,bytes)
139 (write-byte byte s)))
140 (symbol-macrolet ((name ,id))
141 ,@body)))
142 (tests (size)
143 `(progn
144 (with-test-file ((:input :lf ,size) (contents ,size #x61 '(#x25)))
145 (test :ebcdic-us (contents ,size #x2F '(10)))
146 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) (contents ,size #x2F '(10)))
147 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) (contents ,size #x2F '(10)))
148 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) (contents ,size #x2F '(10))))
149 (with-test-file ((:input :cr ,size) (contents ,size #x61 '(#x0d)))
150 (test :ebcdic-us (contents ,size #x2F '(13)))
151 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) (contents ,size #x2F '(13)))
152 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) (contents ,size #x2F '(10)))
153 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) (contents ,size #x2F '(13))))
154 (with-test-file ((:input :crlf ,size) (contents ,size #x61 '(#x0d #x25)))
155 (test :ebcdic-us (contents ,size #x2F '(13 10)))
156 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) (contents ,size #x2F '(13 10)))
157 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) (contents ,size #x2F '(10 10)))
158 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) (contents ,(1- size) #x2F '(10)))))))
159 (flet ((contents (size byte nl)
160 (let ((bytes (make-array size :initial-element byte)))
161 (loop for x in nl
162 for j from (- (length bytes) (length nl))
163 do (setf (aref bytes j) x))
164 (coerce bytes 'list))))
165 (tests 2)
167 (with-test (:name :ansi-stream-cin-buffer-length)
168 (assert (= sb-impl::+ansi-stream-in-buffer-length+ 512)))
170 (tests 511)
171 (tests 512)
172 (tests 513)
174 ;; +ANSI-STREAM-IN-BUFFER-EXTRA+ is possibly also relevant. Can't
175 ;; test for it as the constant gets shaken out, but it's currently
176 ;; 4.
177 (tests 515)
178 (tests 516)
179 (tests 517)
181 (with-test (:name :fd-stream-bytes-per-buffer)
182 (assert (= sb-impl::+bytes-per-buffer+ 8192)))
184 (tests 8190)
185 (tests 8191)
186 (tests 8192)
187 (tests 8193)
188 (tests 8194)))
190 (macrolet ((test (inxf expected &environment env)
191 `(progn
192 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) ,inxf))
193 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :external-format ',inxf)
194 (let ((actual
195 (cons (file-position s)
196 (loop for char = (read-char s nil nil)
197 while char
198 collect (file-position s)))))
199 (assert (equal actual ,expected)))))
200 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) unread-char ,inxf))
201 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :external-format ',inxf)
202 (assert (sb-impl::ansi-stream-cin-buffer s))
203 (let ((actual (loop for char = (read-char s nil nil)
204 if (null char) collect (file-position s) and do (loop-finish)
205 do (unread-char char s)
206 collect (file-position s)
207 do (read-char s))))
208 (assert (equal actual ,expected)))))
209 (with-test (:name (,(macroexpand 'name env) unread-char :io ,inxf))
210 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :external-format ',inxf
211 :direction :io :if-exists :overwrite)
212 ;; if we reinstate in character buffers for :io character streams,
213 ;; make a stream that is unbuffered some other way
214 (assert (not (sb-impl::ansi-stream-cin-buffer s)))
215 (let ((actual (loop for char = (read-char s nil nil)
216 if (null char) collect (file-position s) and do (loop-finish)
217 do (unread-char char s)
218 collect (file-position s)
219 do (read-char s))))
220 (assert (equal actual ,expected)))))))
221 (with-test-file ((id bytes) &body body)
222 `(progn
223 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
224 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
225 (dolist (byte ,bytes)
226 (write-byte byte s)))
227 (symbol-macrolet ((name ,id))
228 ,@body))))
229 (with-test-file ((file-position :lf) '(#x35 #x25 #x37 #x38 #x25 #x39 #x3a #x25 #x3b))
230 (test :ebcdic-us (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i))
231 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i))
232 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i))
233 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i)))
234 (with-test-file ((file-position :cr) '(#x35 #x0d #x37 #x38 #x0d #x39 #x3a #x0d #x3b))
235 (test :ebcdic-us (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i))
236 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i))
237 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i))
238 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i)))
239 (with-test-file ((file-position :crlf) '(#x35 #x0d #x25 #x37 #x38 #x0d #x25 #x39 #x3a #x0d #x25 #x3b))
240 (test :ebcdic-us (loop for i from 0 to 12 collect i))
241 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :lf) (loop for i from 0 to 12 collect i))
242 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :cr) (loop for i from 0 to 12 collect i))
243 (test (:ebcdic-us :newline :crlf) '(0 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12))))
245 (delete-file *test-path*)