Fix critical spelling bug in ALLOCATION-INFORMATION.1
[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-introspect / test-driver.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (defpackage :sb-introspect-test
11 (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL" "SB-RT"))
13 (in-package :sb-introspect-test)
15 (defmacro deftest* ((name &key fails-on) form &rest results)
16 `(progn
17 (when (sb-impl::featurep ',fails-on)
18 (pushnew ',name sb-rt::*expected-failures*))
19 (deftest ,name ,form ,@results)))
21 ;; When running the tests which query for a function type, sb-interpreter
22 ;; can return an answer if there were type declarations for the arguments,
23 ;; except that return type is always unknown. The compiler returns a
24 ;; definitive answer, and sb-eval always answers with just FUNCTION.
25 (defun expect-wild-return-type-p (f)
26 (declare (ignorable f))
27 (or #+sb-fasteval (typep f 'sb-interpreter:interpreted-function)))
29 (deftest function-lambda-list.1
30 (function-lambda-list 'cl-user::one)
31 (cl-user::a cl-user::b cl-user::c))
33 (deftest function-lambda-list.2
34 (function-lambda-list 'the)
35 (sb-c::value-type sb-c::form))
37 (deftest function-lambda-list.3
38 (function-lambda-list #'(sb-pcl::slow-method cl-user::j (t)))
39 (sb-pcl::method-args sb-pcl::next-methods))
41 (deftest macro-lambda-list.1
42 (equal (function-lambda-list (defmacro macro-lambda-list.1-m (x b)
43 `(x b)))
44 '(x b))
47 #+sb-eval
48 (deftest macro-lambda-list.2
49 (equal (function-lambda-list (interpret (defmacro macro-lambda-list.2-m (x)
50 x)))
51 '(x))
54 (deftest macro-lambda-list.3
55 (equal (function-lambda-list (defmacro macro-lambda-list.1-m (x &optional (b "abc"))
56 `(x b)))
57 '(x &optional (b "abc")))
60 (deftest macro-lambda-list.4
61 (equal (function-lambda-list (defmacro macro-lambda-list.1-m (x &key (b "abc"))
62 `(x b)))
63 '(x &key (b "abc")))
66 (deftest definition-source.1
67 (values (consp (find-definition-sources-by-name 'vectorp :vop))
68 (consp (find-definition-sources-by-name 'check-type :macro)))
69 t t)
71 (deftest definition-source-plist.1
72 (let* ((source (find-definition-source #'cl-user::one))
73 (plist (definition-source-plist source))
74 (pathname (definition-source-pathname source)))
75 (values (equalp pathname #p"SYS:CONTRIB;SB-INTROSPECT;TEST.LISP.NEWEST")
76 (= (definition-source-file-write-date source)
77 (file-write-date pathname))
78 (or (equal (getf plist :test-outer)
79 "OUT")
80 plist)))
81 t t t)
83 ;; Not sure why this fails when interpreted, and don't really care too much.
84 ;; The behavior seems right to me anyway.
85 #.(if (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile)
86 '(deftest definition-source-plist.2
87 (let ((plist (definition-source-plist
88 (find-definition-source #'cl-user::four))))
89 (values (or (equal (getf plist :test-outer) "OUT")
90 plist)
91 (or (equal (getf plist :test-inner) "IN")
92 plist)))
93 t t)
94 (values))
96 (defun matchp (object form-number)
97 (let ((ds (sb-introspect:find-definition-source object)))
98 (and (pathnamep (sb-introspect:definition-source-pathname ds))
99 (= form-number
100 (first (sb-introspect:definition-source-form-path ds))))))
102 (defun matchp-name (type object form-number)
103 (let ((ds (car (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name object type))))
104 (and (pathnamep (sb-introspect:definition-source-pathname ds))
105 (= form-number
106 (first (sb-introspect:definition-source-form-path ds))))))
108 (defun matchp-length (type object form-numbers)
109 (let ((ds (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name object type)))
110 (= (length ds) form-numbers)))
112 (deftest find-source-stuff.1
113 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2)
116 (deftest find-source-stuff.2
117 (matchp #'cl-user::one 2)
120 (deftest find-source-stuff.3
121 (matchp-name :generic-function 'cl-user::two 3)
124 (deftest find-source-stuff.4
125 (matchp (car (sb-pcl:generic-function-methods #'cl-user::two)) 4)
128 (deftest find-source-stuff.5
129 (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*a* 8)
132 (deftest find-source-stuff.6
133 (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*b* 9)
136 (deftest find-source-stuff.7
137 (matchp-name :class 'cl-user::a 10)
140 (deftest find-source-stuff.8
141 (matchp-name :condition 'cl-user::b 11)
144 (deftest find-source-stuff.9
145 (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::c 12)
148 (deftest find-source-stuff.10
149 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-c 12)
152 (deftest find-source-stuff.11
153 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::c-e 12)
156 (deftest find-source-stuff.12
157 (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::d 13)
160 (deftest find-source-stuff.13
161 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-d 13)
164 (deftest find-source-stuff.14
165 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::d-e 13)
168 (deftest find-source-stuff.15
169 (matchp-name :package 'cl-user::e 14)
172 (deftest find-source-stuff.16
173 (matchp-name :symbol-macro 'cl-user::f 15)
176 (deftest find-source-stuff.17
177 (matchp-name :type 'cl-user::g 16)
180 (deftest find-source-stuff.18
181 (matchp-name :constant 'cl-user::+h+ 17)
184 (deftest find-source-stuff.19
185 (matchp-length :method 'cl-user::j 2)
188 (deftest find-source-stuff.20
189 (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::l 20)
192 (deftest find-source-stuff.21
193 (matchp-name :compiler-macro 'cl-user::m 21)
196 (deftest find-source-stuff.22
197 (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::n 22)
200 (deftest find-source-stuff.23
201 (matchp-name :function '(setf cl-user::o) 23)
204 (deftest find-source-stuff.24
205 (matchp-name :method '(setf cl-user::p) 24)
208 (deftest find-source-stuff.25
209 (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::q 25)
213 (deftest find-source-stuff.26
214 (matchp-name :method-combination 'cl-user::r 26)
218 (deftest find-source-stuff.27
219 (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::s 27)
222 (deftest find-source-stuff.28
223 (let ((fin (make-instance 'sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object)))
224 (sb-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function fin #'cl-user::one)
225 (matchp fin 2))
228 (deftest find-source-stuff.29
229 (unwind-protect
230 (progn
231 (sb-profile:profile cl-user::one)
232 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2))
233 (sb-profile:unprofile cl-user::one))
236 (deftest find-source-stuff.30
237 ;; Test finding a type that isn't one
238 (not (find-definition-sources-by-name 'fboundp :type))
241 (deftest find-source-stuff.31
242 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::compile-time-too-fun 28)
245 (deftest find-source-stuff.32
246 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::loaded-as-source-fun 3)
249 (deftest find-source-stuff.33
250 (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::**global** 29)
253 ;;; Check wrt. interplay of generic functions and their methods.
255 (defgeneric xuuq (gf.a gf.b &rest &key gf.k-X))
256 (defmethod xuuq ((m1.a number) m1.b &rest &key gf.k-X m1.k-Y m1.k-Z)
257 (declare (ignore m1.a m1.b gf.k-X m1.k-Y m1.k-Z))
258 'm1)
259 (defmethod xuuq ((m2.a string) m2.b &rest &key gf.k-X m1.k-Y m2.k-Q)
260 (declare (ignore m2.a m2.b gf.k-X m1.k-Y m2.k-Q))
261 'm2)
263 ;; XUUQ's lambda list should look similiar to
265 ;; (GF.A GF.B &REST GF.REST &KEY GF.K-X M1.K-Z M1.K-Y M2.K-Q)
267 (deftest gf-interplay.1
268 (multiple-value-bind (llks required optional rest keys aux more)
269 (sb-int:parse-lambda-list (function-lambda-list #'xuuq))
270 (and (equal required '(gf.a gf.b))
271 (null optional)
272 (eq (car rest) '
273 (and (sb-int:ll-kwds-keyp llks)
274 (member 'gf.k-X keys)
275 (member 'm1.k-Y keys)
276 (member 'm1.k-Z keys)
277 (member 'm2.k-Q keys))
278 (not (sb-int:ll-kwds-allowp llks))
279 (null aux)
280 (null more)))
283 ;;; Check what happens when there's no explicit DEFGENERIC.
285 (defmethod kroolz (r1 r2 &optional opt &aux aux)
286 (declare (ignore r1 r2 opt aux))
287 'kroolz)
289 (deftest gf-interplay.2
290 (equal (function-lambda-list #'kroolz) '(r1 r2 &optional opt))
293 ;;;; Check correctness of DEFTYPE-LAMBDA-LIST.
294 (deftype foobar-type
295 (&whole w &environment e r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3)
296 (declare (ignore w e r1 r2 o rest k1 k2 k3))
297 nil)
299 (deftest deftype-lambda-list.1
300 (deftype-lambda-list 'foobar-type)
301 (r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3)
304 (deftest deftype-lambda-list.2
305 (deftype-lambda-list (gensym))
307 nil)
309 ;; ARRAY is a primitive type with associated translator function.
310 (deftest deftype-lambda-list.3
311 (deftype-lambda-list 'array)
312 (&optional (sb-kernel::element-type '*) (sb-kernel::dimensions '*))
315 ;; VECTOR is a primitive type that is defined by means of DEFTYPE.
316 (deftest deftype-lambda-list.4
317 (deftype-lambda-list 'vector)
318 (&optional sb-kernel::element-type sb-kernel::size)
321 ;;; Test allocation-information
323 (defun tai (x kind info &key ignore)
324 (multiple-value-bind (kind2 info2) (sb-introspect:allocation-information x)
325 (unless (eq kind kind2)
326 (error "wanted ~S, got ~S" kind kind2))
327 (when (not (null ignore))
328 (setf info2 (copy-list info2))
329 (dolist (key ignore)
330 (remf info2 key))
331 (setf info (copy-list info))
332 (dolist (key ignore)
333 (remf info key)))
334 (equal info info2)))
337 (deftest allocation-information.1
338 (tai nil :heap '(:space :static))
341 (deftest allocation-information.2
342 (tai t :heap '(:space :static))
345 #+immobile-space
346 (deftest allocation-information.2b
347 (tai '*print-base* :heap '(:space :immobile))
350 (deftest allocation-information.2c
351 ;; This is a a test of SBCL genesis that leverages sb-introspect.
352 (tai (sb-kernel::find-fdefn (elt sb-vm:+static-fdefns+ 0))
353 :heap '(:space #-immobile-space :static #+immobile-space :immobile))
356 (deftest allocation-information.3
357 (tai 42 :immediate nil)
360 #+x86-64
361 (deftest allocation-information.3b
362 (tai 42s0 :immediate nil)
365 ;;; -- It appears that this test can also fail due to systematic issues
366 ;;; (possibly with the C compiler used) which we cannot detect based on
367 ;;; *features*. Until this issue has been fixed, I am marking this test
368 ;;; as failing on Windows to allow installation of the contrib on
369 ;;; affected builds, even if the underlying issue is (possibly?) not even
370 ;;; strictly related to windows. C.f. lp1057631. --DFL
372 (deftest* (allocation-information.4
373 ;; Ignored as per the comment above, even though it seems
374 ;; unlikely that this is the right condition.
375 :fails-on (or :win32 (and :sparc :gencgc)))
376 #+gencgc
377 (tai (make-list 1) :heap
378 `(:space :dynamic :generation 0 :write-protected nil
379 :boxed t :pinned nil :large nil)
380 :ignore (list :page))
381 #-gencgc
382 (tai :cons :heap
383 ;; FIXME: Figure out what's the right cheney-result. SPARC at least
384 ;; has exhibited both :READ-ONLY and :DYNAMIC, which seems wrong.
386 :ignore '(:space))
389 (setq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile)
390 (sb-ext:defglobal *large-obj* nil)
392 #+(and gencgc (or x86 x86-64 ppc) (not win32))
393 (progn
394 (setq *print-array* nil)
395 (setq *large-obj* (make-array (* sb-vm:gencgc-card-bytes 4)
396 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
397 (sb-ext:gc :gen 1) ; Array won't move to a large unboxed page until GC'd
398 (deftest allocation-information.5
399 (tai *large-obj* :heap
400 `(:space :dynamic :generation 1 :boxed nil :pinned nil :large t)
401 :ignore (list :page :write-protected))
404 (defun page-and-gen (thing)
405 (let ((props (nth-value 1 (allocation-information thing))))
406 (values (getf props :page)
407 (getf props :generation))))
409 (defun assert-large-page/gen/boxedp (thing-name page gen boxedp)
410 (sb-ext:gc :gen gen)
411 (let ((props (nth-value 1 (allocation-information (symbol-value thing-name)))))
412 ;; This FORMAT call has the effect of consuming enough stack space
413 ;; to clobber a lingering pointer to THING from the stack.
414 ;; Without it, the next test iteration (after next GC) will fail.
415 (format (make-string-output-stream) "~S~%" props)
416 ;; Check that uncopyableness isn't due to pin,
417 ;; or else the test proves nothing.
418 (and (eq (getf props :pinned :missing) nil)
419 (eq (getf props :large) t)
420 (= (getf props :page) page)
421 (= (getf props :generation) gen)
422 (eq (getf props :boxed :missing) boxedp))))
423 #+gencgc
424 (deftest* (allocation-information.6 :fails-on (or :sparc))
425 ;; Remember, all tests run after all toplevel forms have executed,
426 ;; so if this were (DEFGLOBAL *LARGE-CODE* ... ) or something,
427 ;; the garbage collection explicitly requested for ALLOCATION-INFORMATION.5
428 ;; would have already happened, and thus affected this test as well.
429 ;; So we need to make the objects within each test,
430 ;; while avoiding use of lexical vars that would cause conservative pinning.
431 (multiple-value-bind (page gen)
432 (page-and-gen
433 (setq *large-obj*
434 ;; To get a large-object page, a code object has to exceed
435 ;; LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE and not fit within an open region.
436 ;; (This is a minor bug, because one should be able to
437 ;; create regions as large as desired without affecting
438 ;; determination of whether an object is large.
439 ;; Practically it means is that a small object region
440 ;; is limited to at most 3 pages)
441 ;; 32-bit machines use 64K for code allocation regions,
442 ;; but the large object size can be as small as 16K.
443 ;; 16K might fit in the free space of an open region,
444 ;; and by accident would not go on a large object page.
445 (sb-c:allocate-code-object nil 0
446 (max (* 4 sb-vm:gencgc-card-bytes) #-64-bit 65536))))
447 (declare (notinline format))
448 (format (make-string-output-stream) "~%")
449 (loop for i from 1 to 5
450 always (assert-large-page/gen/boxedp '*large-obj* page i t)))
452 (sb-ext:defglobal *b* nil)
453 (sb-ext:defglobal *negb* nil)
454 (sb-ext:defglobal *small-bignum* nil)
455 (defun get-small-bignum-allocation-information ()
456 (setq *small-bignum* (+ (+ *b* (ash 1 100)) *negb*))
457 (nth-value 1 (allocation-information *small-bignum*)))
458 #+gencgc
459 (deftest allocation-information.7
460 (locally
461 (declare (notinline format))
462 ;; Create a bignum using 4 GC cards
463 (setq *b* (ash 1 (* sb-vm:gencgc-card-bytes sb-vm:n-byte-bits 4)))
464 (setq *negb* (- *b*))
465 (and (let ((props (get-small-bignum-allocation-information)))
466 ;; *SMALL-BIGNUM* was created as a large boxed object
467 (and (eq (getf props :large) t)
468 (eq (getf props :boxed) t)))
469 (multiple-value-bind (page gen) (page-and-gen *b*)
470 (format (make-string-output-stream) "~%")
471 (loop for i from 1 to 5
472 always
473 (and (assert-large-page/gen/boxedp '*b* page i nil)
474 (let ((props (nth-value 1 (allocation-information *small-bignum*))))
475 ;; Scrub away the ref to *small-bignum* by making a random call
476 (format (make-broadcast-stream) "~S" props)
477 ;; Assert that *SMALL-BIGNUM* got moved to a small unboxed page
478 (and (not (getf props :pinned :fail))
479 (not (getf props :large :fail))
480 (not (getf props :boxed :fail)))))))))
483 #.(if (and (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile) (member :sb-thread *features*))
484 '(deftest allocation-information.thread.1
485 (let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
486 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
487 (tai x :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*))
489 (values))
491 #+sb-thread
492 (progn
493 (defun thread-tai ()
494 (let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
495 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
496 (let ((child (sb-thread:make-thread
497 (lambda ()
498 (sb-introspect:allocation-information x)))))
499 (equal (list :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*)
500 (multiple-value-list (sb-thread:join-thread child))))))
502 (deftest allocation-information.thread.2
503 (thread-tai)
506 (defun thread-tai2 ()
507 (let* ((sem (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
508 (obj nil)
509 (child (sb-thread:make-thread
510 (lambda ()
511 (let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
512 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
513 (setf obj x)
514 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem)))
515 :name "child")))
516 (loop until obj)
517 (unwind-protect
518 (equal (list :stack child)
519 (multiple-value-list
520 (sb-introspect:allocation-information obj)))
521 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem)
522 (sb-thread:join-thread child))))
524 (deftest allocation-information.thread.3
525 (thread-tai2)
528 ;;;; Test FUNCTION-TYPE
530 (defun type-equal (typespec1 typespec2)
531 (or (equal typespec1 typespec2) ; TYPE= punts on &keywords in FTYPEs.
532 (sb-kernel:type= (sb-kernel:values-specifier-type typespec1)
533 (sb-kernel:values-specifier-type typespec2))))
535 (defmacro interpret (form)
536 `(let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
537 (eval ',form)))
539 ;; Functions
541 (declaim (ftype (function (integer &optional string) string) moon))
542 (defun moon (int &optional suffix)
543 (concatenate 'string (princ-to-string int) suffix))
545 (deftest function-type.1
546 (values (type-equal (function-type 'moon) (function-type #'moon))
547 (type-equal (function-type #'moon)
548 '(function (integer &optional string)
549 (values string &rest t))))
550 t t)
552 (defun sun (x y &key k1)
553 (declare (fixnum x y))
554 (declare (boolean k1))
555 (declare (ignore x y k1))
558 (deftest function-type.2
559 (values (type-equal (function-type 'sun) (function-type #'sun))
560 (type-equal (function-type #'sun)
561 '(function (fixnum fixnum &key (:k1 (member nil t)))
562 (values (member t) &optional))))
563 t t)
565 ;; Local functions
567 (deftest function-type.5
568 (flet ((f (s)
569 (declare (symbol s))
570 (values (symbol-name s))))
571 (type-equal (function-type #'f)
572 (if (expect-wild-return-type-p #'f)
573 '(function (symbol) *)
574 '(function (symbol) (values simple-string &optional)))))
577 ;; Closures
579 (deftest function-type.6
580 (let ((x 10))
581 (declare (fixnum x))
582 (flet ((closure (y)
583 (declare (fixnum y))
584 (setq x (+ x y))))
585 (type-equal (function-type #'closure)
586 (if (expect-wild-return-type-p #'closure)
587 '(function (fixnum) *)
588 '(function (fixnum) (values fixnum &optional))))))
591 ;; Anonymous functions
593 (deftest function-type.7
594 (let ((f #'(lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x)))
595 (type-equal (function-type f)
596 (if (expect-wild-return-type-p f)
597 '(function (fixnum) *)
598 '(function (fixnum) (values fixnum &optional)))))
601 ;; Interpreted functions
603 #+sb-eval
604 (deftest function-type.8
605 (type-equal (function-type (interpret (lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x)))
606 '(function (&rest t) *))
609 ;; Generic functions
611 (defgeneric earth (x y))
613 (deftest function-type+gfs.1
614 (values (type-equal (function-type 'earth) (function-type #'earth))
615 (type-equal (function-type 'earth) '(function (t t) *)))
616 t t)
618 ;; Implicitly created generic functions.
620 ;; (FUNCTION-TYPE 'MARS) => FUNCTION at the moment. (
622 ;; See LP #520695.
624 (defmethod mars (x y) (+ x y))
626 #+ nil
627 (deftest function-type+gfs.2
628 (values (type-equal (function-type 'mars) (function-type #'mars))
629 (type-equal (function-type 'mars) '(function (t t) *)))
630 t t)
632 (progn
634 (defstruct (struct (:predicate our-struct-p)
635 (:copier copy-our-struct))
636 (a 42 :type fixnum))
638 ;; This test doesn't work because the XEP for the out-of-line accessor
639 ;; does not include the type test, and the function gets a signature
640 ;; of (FUNCTION (T) (VALUES FIXNUM &OPTIONAL)). This can easily be fixed
641 ;; by deleting (THE <struct> INSTANCE) from the access form
642 ;; and correspondingly adding a declaration on the type of INSTANCE.
644 ;; Yes, it can be fixed, but it is done this way because it produces
645 ;; smaller code.
646 #+nil
647 (deftest function-type+defstruct.1
648 (values (type-equal (function-type 'struct-a)
649 (function-type #'struct-a))
650 (type-equal (function-type 'struct-a)
651 '(function (struct) (values fixnum &optional))))
652 t t)
654 (deftest function-type+defstruct.2
655 (values (type-equal (function-type 'our-struct-p)
656 (function-type #'our-struct-p))
657 (type-equal (function-type 'our-struct-p)
658 '(function (t) (values (member t nil) &optional))))
659 t t)
661 (deftest function-type+defstruct.3
662 (values (type-equal (function-type 'copy-our-struct)
663 (function-type #'copy-our-struct))
664 (type-equal (function-type 'copy-our-struct)
665 '(function (struct) (values struct &optional))))
666 t t)
668 (defstruct (typed-struct :named (:type list)
669 (:predicate typed-struct-p))
670 (a 42 :type fixnum))
672 (deftest function-type+defstruct.4
673 (values (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-a)
674 (function-type #'typed-struct-a))
675 (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-a)
676 '(function (list) (values fixnum &optional))))
677 t t)
679 (deftest function-type+defstruct.5
680 (values (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-p)
681 (function-type #'typed-struct-p))
682 (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-p)
683 '(function (t) (values (member t nil) &optional))))
684 t t)
688 ;; SETF functions
690 (defun (setf sun) (value x y &key k1)
691 (declare (boolean value))
692 (declare (fixnum x y))
693 (declare (boolean k1))
694 (declare (ignore x y k1))
695 value)
697 (deftest function-type+setf.1
698 (values (type-equal (function-type '(setf sun))
699 (function-type #'(setf sun)))
700 (type-equal (function-type '(setf sun))
701 '(function ((member nil t)
702 fixnum fixnum
703 &key (:k1 (member nil t)))
704 (values (member nil t) &optional))))
705 t t)
707 ;; Misc
709 (deftest function-type+misc.1
710 (flet ((nullary ()))
711 (type-equal (function-type #'nullary)
712 (if (expect-wild-return-type-p #'nullary)
713 '(function () *)
714 '(function () (values null &optional)))))
717 ;;; Defstruct accessor, copier, and predicate
719 (deftest defstruct-fun-sources
720 (let ((copier (find-definition-source #'cl-user::copy-three))
721 (accessor (find-definition-source #'cl-user::three-four))
722 (predicate (find-definition-source #'cl-user::three-p)))
723 (values (and (equalp copier accessor)
724 (equalp copier predicate))
725 (equal "TEST.LISP.NEWEST"
726 (file-namestring (definition-source-pathname copier)))
727 (equal '(5)
728 (definition-source-form-path copier))))
733 (deftest defstruct-fun-sources-by-name
734 (let ((copier (car (find-definition-sources-by-name 'cl-user::copy-three :function)))
735 (accessor (car (find-definition-sources-by-name 'cl-user::three-four :function)))
736 (predicate (car (find-definition-sources-by-name 'cl-user::three-p :function))))
737 (values (and (equalp copier accessor)
738 (equalp copier predicate))
739 (equal "TEST.LISP.NEWEST"
740 (file-namestring (definition-source-pathname copier)))
741 (equal '(5)
742 (definition-source-form-path copier))))
747 (deftest alien-type.1
748 (matchp-name :alien-type 'cl-user::test-alien-type 30)
751 (deftest alien-type.2
752 (matchp-name :alien-type 'cl-user::test-alien-struct 31)
755 (deftest alien-variable
756 (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::test-alien-var 32)
759 (deftest condition-slot-reader
760 (matchp-name :method 'cl-user::condition-slot-reader 33)
763 (deftest condition-slot-writer
764 (matchp-name :method 'cl-user::condition-slot-writer 33)
767 (deftest function-with-a-local-function
768 (sb-introspect:definition-source-form-number
769 (car (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name
770 'cl-user::with-a-local-function :function)))