Make *uncompacted-fun-maps* synchronized.
[sbcl.git] / tests / loop.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous tests of LOOP-related stuff
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;; The bug reported by Alexei Dejneka on sbcl-devel 2001-09-03
15 ;;; is fixed now.
16 (assert (equal (let ((hash (make-hash-table)))
17 (setf (gethash 'key1 hash) 'val1)
18 (setf (gethash 'key2 hash) 'val2)
19 (sort (loop for key being each hash-key in hash
20 collect key)
21 #'string<))
22 '(key1 key2)))
24 ;;; Bug 81, reported by Wolfhard Buss on cmucl-help 2001-02-14, was
25 ;;; fixed by Alexey Dejneka's patch on sbcl-devel 2001-09-30.
26 (with-test (:name :loop-destructuring-bind)
27 ;; FIXME: should this produce a warning? I don't see why.
28 ;; caught STYLE-WARNING:
29 ;; This is not a FLOAT:
30 ;; NIL
31 (declare (muffle-conditions style-warning))
32 (assert (equal '(0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0)
33 (loop with (a . b) of-type float = '(0.0 . 1.0)
34 and (c . d) of-type float = '(2.0 . 3.0)
35 return (list a b c d)))))
37 ;;; a bug reported and fixed by Alexey Dejneka sbcl-devel 2001-10-05:
38 ;;; The type declarations should apply, hence under Python's
39 ;;; declarations-are-assertions rule, the code should signal a type
40 ;;; error. (Except when running interpreted code)
41 #+#.(cl:if (cl:eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile) '(and) '(or))
42 (with-test (:name :loop-type-decl)
43 (declare (muffle-conditions style-warning))
44 (assert (typep (nth-value 1
45 (ignore-errors
46 (funcall (lambda ()
47 (loop with (a . b)
48 of-type float = '(5 . 5)
49 return (list a b))))))
50 'type-error)))
52 ;;; bug 103, reported by Arthur Lemmens sbcl-devel 2001-05-05,
53 ;;; fixed by Alexey Dejneka patch sbcl-devel 2001-10-05:
54 ;;; LOOP syntax requires that forms after INITIALLY, FINALLY, and DO
55 ;;; must be compound forms.
56 (with-test (:name :loop-syntax-err)
57 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
58 (compile nil
59 '(lambda ()
60 (loop while t do
61 *print-level*
62 (print t))))
63 (declare (ignore function warnings-p))
64 (assert failure-p)))
66 ;;; a bug reported by Paul F. Dietz (in his ANSI test suite):
67 ;;; duplicate bindings in LOOP must signal errors of type
69 (with-test (:name :loop-duplicate-binding)
70 (assert (typep (nth-value 1
71 (ignore-errors
72 (funcall (lambda ()
73 (loop for (a . a) in '((1 . 2) (3 . 4))
74 return a)))))
75 'program-error)))
77 ;;; similar to gcl/ansi-test LOOP.1.27, and fixed at the same time:
78 (assert (equal (loop for x downto 7 by 2 from 13 collect x) '(13 11 9 7)))
80 ;;; some more from gcl/ansi-test:
81 (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
82 (setf (gethash 'foo table) '(bar baz))
83 (assert (= (loop for nil being the hash-keys of table count t) 1))
84 (assert (equal (loop for nil being the hash-keys of table
85 using (hash-value (v1 . v2))
86 when v1
87 return v2)
88 '(baz))))
90 (assert (= (loop for nil being the external-symbols of :cl count t) 978))
91 (assert (= (loop for x being the external-symbols of :cl count x) 977))
93 (let ((cl:*package* (find-package :cl)))
94 (assert (= (loop for x being each external-symbol count t) 978)))
96 (assert (eq (loop for a = (return t) return nil) t))
98 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
99 (ignore-errors
100 (loop for nil being the external-symbols of :nonexistent-package
101 count t))
102 (assert (null result))
103 (assert (typep error 'package-error)))
105 (assert (equal (loop for i from 1 repeat (the (integer 7 7) 7) collect i)
106 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
108 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
109 (ignore-errors
110 (eval '(loop for i from 1 repeat 7 of-type fixnum collect i)))
111 (assert (null result))
112 (assert (typep error 'program-error)))
114 (assert (equal
115 (ignore-errors (loop for i from 1 repeat 6.5 collect i))
116 (ignore-errors (loop for i from 1 repeat (eval '6.5) collect i))))
118 (assert (eq (block nil
119 (loop named foo do (loop-finish) finally (return :good))
120 :bad)
121 :good))
123 (assert (= (loop with (a nil) = '(1 2) return a) 1))
124 (assert (= (loop with (nil a) = '(1 2) return a) 2))
125 (assert (= (loop with (a . nil) = '(1 2) return a) 1))
126 (assert (equal (loop with (nil . a) = '(1 2) return a) '(2)))
128 (with-test (:name :loop-invalid-collector-1)
129 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
130 (ignore-errors
131 (loop for i in '(1 2 3) collect i always (< i 4)))
132 (assert (null result))
133 (assert (typep error 'program-error))))
134 (with-test (:name :loop-invalid-collector-2)
135 (assert (equal
136 (loop for i in '(1 2 3) collect i into foo always (< i 4)
137 finally (return foo))
138 '(1 2 3))))
139 (with-test (:name :loop-invalid-collector-3)
140 (assert (equal
141 (loop for i in '(1 2 3) collect i into foo always (= i 4)
142 finally (return foo))
143 nil)))
144 (with-test (:name :loop-invalid-collector-4)
145 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
146 (ignore-errors
147 (loop for i in '(1 2 3) always (< i 4) collect i))
148 (assert (null result))
149 (assert (typep error 'program-error))))
150 (assert (equal
151 (loop for i in '(1 2 3) always (< i 4) collect i into foo
152 finally (return foo))
153 '(1 2 3)))
154 (assert (equal
155 (loop for i in '(1 2 3) always (= i 4) collect i into foo
156 finally (return foo))
157 nil))
158 (with-test (:name :loop-invalid-collector-5)
159 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
160 (ignore-errors
161 (loop for i in '(1 2 3) thereis (= i 3) collect i))
162 (assert (null result))
163 (assert (typep error 'program-error))))
165 (with-test (:name :loop-invalid-collector-6)
166 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
167 (ignore-errors
168 (loop with i = 1 for x from 1 to 3 collect x into i))
169 (assert (null result))
170 (assert (typep error 'program-error))))
171 (with-test (:name :loop-invalid-collector-7)
172 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
173 ;; this one has a plausible interpretation in terms of LET*, but
174 ;; ANSI seems specifically to disallow it
175 (ignore-errors
176 (loop with i = 1 with i = (1+ i)
177 for x from 1 to 3
178 collect (+ x i)))
179 (assert (null result))
180 (assert (typep error 'program-error))))
182 (let ((it 'z))
183 (assert (equal
184 ;; this one just seems weird. Nevertheless...
185 (loop for i in '(a b c d)
186 when i
187 collect it
188 and collect it)
189 '(a z b z c z d z))))
191 (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
192 (setf (gethash 1 ht) 3)
193 (setf (gethash 7 ht) 15)
194 (assert (= (loop for v fixnum being each hash-key in ht sum v) 8))
195 (assert (= (loop for v fixnum being each hash-value in ht sum v) 18))
196 #+#.(cl:if (cl:eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile) '(and) '(or))
197 (assert-error (loop for v float being each hash-value in ht sum v)
198 type-error))
200 ;; arithmetic indexes can be NIL or symbols.
201 (with-test (:name :loop-anonymous-arithmetic-index)
202 ;; FIXME: these produce style-warnings. If they're acceptable, they should not warn.
203 (declare (muffle-conditions style-warning))
204 (assert (equal (loop for nil from 0 to 2 collect nil)
205 '(nil nil nil)))
206 (assert (equal (loop for nil to 2 collect nil)
207 '(nil nil nil))))
209 ;; although allowed by the loop syntax definition in 6.2/LOOP,
210 ;; says: "The variable var is bound to the value of form1 in
211 ;; the first iteration[...]"; since we can't bind (i j) to anything,
212 ;; we give a program error.
213 (with-test (:name :statically-observable-destructuring-problem-1)
214 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
215 (compile nil
216 `(lambda ()
217 (loop for (i j) from 4 to 6 collect nil)))
218 (declare (ignore function warnings-p))
219 (assert failure-p)))
221 ;; ...and another for indexes without FROM forms (these are treated
222 ;; differently by the loop code right now
223 (with-test (:name :statically-observable-destructuring-problem-2)
224 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
225 (compile nil
226 `(lambda ()
227 (loop for (i j) to 6 collect nil)))
228 (declare (ignore function warnings-p))
229 (assert failure-p)))
231 (assert
232 (equal
233 (let ((x 2d0))
234 (loop for d of-type double-float from 0d0 to 10d0 by x collect d))
235 '(0d0 2d0 4d0 6d0 8d0 10d0)))
236 (assert
237 (equal
238 (let ((x 2d0))
239 (loop for d of-type double-float downfrom 10d0 to 0d0 by x collect d))
240 '(10d0 8d0 6d0 4d0 2d0 0d0)))
242 (let ((fn (handler-case
243 (compile nil '(lambda ()
244 (declare (special x y))
245 (loop thereis (pop x) thereis (pop y))))
246 (warning (c) (error "Warned: ~S" c)))))
247 (let ((x (list nil nil 1))
248 (y (list nil 2 nil)))
249 (declare (special x y))
250 (assert (= (funcall fn) 2))))
252 ;;; Incorrect LIST type declaration, reported and patched by Teemu
253 ;;; Kalvas: end testing is done "as if by atom" so this is supposed
254 ;;; to work.
255 (assert (equal '(1 2) (loop for (a . b) on '(1 2 . 3) collect a)))
257 ;;; Detection of duplicate bindings, reported by Bruno Haible for CMUCL.
258 (multiple-value-bind (_ condition)
259 (ignore-errors
260 (macroexpand '(LOOP WITH A = 0 FOR A DOWNFROM 10 TO 0 DO (PRINT A))))
261 (declare (ignore _))
262 (assert (typep condition 'program-error)))
264 ;;; Loop variable with a range excluding 0, reported by Andras Simon.
265 ;;; (Used to signal an error during macroexpansion.)
266 (with-test (:name :loop-var-range-excludes-zero)
267 (assert (not (loop with foo of-type (single-float 1.0 2.0) = 1.5
268 do (progn foo (return))))))
270 ;;; used to signal a bogus type error for this.
271 (loop with x of-type (simple-vector 1) = (make-array '(1))
272 repeat 1
273 return x)
275 (with-test (:name :bug-540186)
276 (let ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
277 (loop for i from 0 below (length x)
278 for vec of-type vector = (aref x i)
279 collect vec)))))
280 (assert (equal '("foo" "bar")
281 (funcall fun
282 (vector "foo" "bar"))))))
284 (with-test (:name :bug-lp613871)
285 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
286 (compile nil '(lambda () (loop with nil = 1 repeat 2 collect t)))
287 (assert (null warnings-p))
288 (assert (null failure-p))
289 (assert (equal '(t t) (funcall function))))
290 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
291 (compile nil '(lambda () (loop with nil repeat 2 collect t)))
292 (assert (null warnings-p))
293 (assert (null failure-p))
294 (assert (equal '(t t) (funcall function)))))
296 (with-test (:name :bug-654220-regression)
297 (assert (= 32640 (loop for i to 255
298 sum i into sum of-type fixnum
299 finally (return sum)))))
301 (with-test (:name :of-type-character-init)
302 ;; The intention here is to if we initialize C to NIL before iteration start
303 ;; by looking for tell-tale types such as (OR NULL CHARACTER). ...not the
304 ;; most robust test ever, no.
305 (let* ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
306 (loop for c of-type character in x
307 collect (char-code c)))))
308 (consts (ctu:find-code-constants fun :type '(or symbol list))))
309 (assert (or (null consts) (equal 'character consts)))))
311 (with-test (:name :type-of-nilled-vars)
312 (assert (equal (loop for (a b) float = '(1.0 2.0)
313 return (list a b))
314 '(1.0 2.0)))
315 (assert (equal (loop for (a nil b) float = '(1.0 3.0 2.0)
316 return (list a b))
317 '(1.0 2.0))))
319 (with-test (:name :misplaced-declarations)
320 (assert-no-signal
321 (compile nil `(lambda ()
322 (loop with (a) = '(1.0)
323 and (nil f)
324 return (list a f))))
325 warning))
327 (with-test (:name :duplicate-bindings)
328 (assert-error
329 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
330 (loop with (a b) = '(1.0 2.0)
331 and (c a) = '(3.0 4.0)
332 return (list a b c))))))
333 (assert-error
334 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
335 (loop with a = 10
336 with ((a) b) = '((1.0) 2.0)
337 return (list a b))))))
338 (assert-error
339 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
340 (loop with (b) = '(10)
341 with (a) = '(3)
342 for b to 10
343 collect a)))))
344 (assert-error
345 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
346 (loop with (a) = '(3)
347 for b to 10
348 collect a into b))))))
350 (with-test (:name :multiple-maximize)
351 (assert-no-signal
352 (compile nil `(lambda ()
353 (loop for x to 10 maximize x minimize x)))
354 warning)
355 (assert-no-signal
356 (compile nil `(lambda ()
357 (loop for x to 10 minimize x minimize x)))
358 warning)
359 (assert-no-signal
360 (compile nil `(lambda ()
361 (loop for x to 10 minimize x into z minimize x into z finally (return z))))
362 warning))
364 (with-test (:name :destructuring-less)
365 (assert (equal (loop with (a b) = '() repeat 1 collect (list a b))
366 '((NIL NIL)))))
368 (with-test (:name :count-with-sum)
369 (assert (= (loop repeat 1 count 1 sum #c(1 2))
370 #c(2 2)))
371 (assert (= (loop repeat 1 sum 1 count 1)
372 2)))
374 (with-test (:name :iterate-over-complex)
375 (assert
376 (equal
377 (loop for c from #c(0 1) repeat 5 collect c)
378 '(#C(0 1) #C(1 1) #C(2 1) #C(3 1) #C(4 1)))))
380 (with-test (:name :side-effecting-start-form)
381 (assert (equal (let ((n 0))
382 (loop for x from (incf n) to (+ n 5) collect x))
383 '(1 2 3 4 5 6))))
385 (with-test (:name :summing-complex)
386 (assert (equal (loop for i from 1 to 4
387 sum (complex i (1+ i)) of-type complex)
388 #c(10 14))))
390 (with-test (:name :negative-repeat)
391 (assert (zerop (let ((z 0))
392 (loop repeat 0 do (incf z))
393 z)))
394 (assert (zerop (let ((z 0))
395 (loop repeat -1.5 do (incf z))
396 z)))
397 (assert (zerop (let ((z 0))
398 (loop repeat -1.5 do (incf z))
399 z)))
400 (assert (zerop (let ((z 0))
401 (loop repeat -1000000 do (incf z))
402 z))))
404 (with-test (:name :of-type-character)
405 (assert (null (loop with a t return a)))
406 #+sb-unicode
407 (assert (typep (loop with a of-type extended-char return a) 'extended-char))
408 (assert (typep (loop with a of-type character return a) 'character))
409 (assert (typep (loop with a of-type base-char return a) 'base-char))
410 (assert (typep (loop with a of-type standard-char return a) 'standard-char)))
412 (with-test (:name :empty-type)
413 (assert-signal
414 (compile nil `(lambda ()
415 (loop with a of-type (and fixnum string) return a)))
416 warning)
417 (assert-signal
418 (compile nil `(lambda ()
419 (loop for i to 10 sum i of-type (and fixnum string))))
420 warning))
422 (with-test (:name :loop-repeat-const)
423 ;; without explicit constant-folding in LOOP-DO-REPEAT, the type of this loop's
424 ;; counter is INTEGER which unfortunately resulted in generic math throughout,
425 ;; since a FOR/THEN clause interacts badly with type inference.
426 ;; [if there is no FOR/THEN, the compiler understands the code better,
427 ;; and is able to infer a lower bound on decrementing from (+ 1 5)]
428 (assert-no-signal
429 (compile nil '(lambda ()
430 (declare (optimize speed))
431 (loop for baz = 'this then 'that repeat (+ 1 5)
432 do (print baz))))))
434 (with-test (:name :loop-default-init-type)
435 (assert-no-signal (compile nil
436 '(lambda (list)
437 (declare (optimize speed))
438 (loop for a of-type (simple-vector 4) in list
439 collect (aref a 2))))
440 sb-ext:compiler-note))
442 (with-test (:name :with-destructuring)
443 (declare (muffle-conditions style-warning)) ; why?
444 (assert (= (loop with ((a . b)) = '((1 . 2))
445 return (+ a b))
447 (assert (= (loop with (((a) b)) = '(((1) 3))
448 return (+ a b))
449 4)))
451 (with-test (:name :destructuring-m-v-list :skipped-on :interpreter)
452 (flet ((f (n-iter)
453 (loop for i from 0 below n-iter
454 for (a b) = (multiple-value-list (floor i 5))
455 sum (+ a b))))
456 (ctu:assert-no-consing (f 1000))))
458 (with-test (:name :destructuring-m-v-list-with-nil)
459 (assert (equal-mod-gensyms
460 (macroexpand-1 '(sb-loop::loop-desetq (x nil z) (multiple-value-list (foo))))
461 '(multiple-value-bind (g1 g2 g3) (foo)
462 (declare (ignore g2))
463 (sb-loop::loop-desetq x g1)
464 (sb-loop::loop-desetq z g3)))))
466 (with-test (:name :collect-list-type)
467 (assert
468 (equal (third (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
469 (checked-compile
470 '(lambda (l)
471 (loop for x in l
472 collect x into m
473 finally (return m))))))
474 '(values list &optional)))
475 (assert
476 (equal (third (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
477 (checked-compile
478 '(lambda (l)
479 (loop for x in l
480 collect x)))))
481 '(values list &optional))))