Make *uncompacted-fun-maps* synchronized.
[sbcl.git] / tests / do-refs.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
5 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
6 ;;;; from CMU CL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
9 ;;;; absoluely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
10 ;;;; more information.
12 (in-package sb-vm)
14 (test-util:with-test (:name :safe-layoutless-instance)
15 (assert (not (sb-vm::references-p (sb-kernel:%make-instance 5) '(foo)))))
17 (defun collect-slot-values (obj &aux result)
18 (flet ((slots (x)
19 (push x result)))
20 (do-referenced-object (obj slots))
21 (nreverse result)))
23 (defun walk-slots-test (obj expect)
24 (assert (equal (collect-slot-values obj) expect)))
25 (defun walk-slots-test* (obj test)
26 (assert (funcall test (collect-slot-values obj))))
28 (defstruct foo (z 0 :type sb-ext:word) (x 'x) (y 'y))
30 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-trivial ; lists and vectors
31 :fails-on :interpreter)
32 (walk-slots-test '(a . b) '(a b))
33 (walk-slots-test #(a b c) '(a b c))
34 (walk-slots-test #(a b c d) '(a b c d))
35 (walk-slots-test (make-foo) `(,(find-layout 'foo) x y))
38 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-numbers
39 :fails-on :interpreter)
40 (let ((c #c(45d0 33d0)))
41 (walk-slots-test c nil))
42 (let ((r 22/7))
43 (walk-slots-test r '(22 7))))
45 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-fancy-array)
46 (let* ((inner (make-array 10 :element-type 'character))
47 (a (make-array 10 :element-type 'character :displaced-to inner)))
48 (walk-slots-test a (list inner t nil))))
50 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-symbol
51 :fails-on :interpreter)
52 (let* ((name "ZOT")
53 (s (make-symbol name))
54 (info '((bork 42))))
55 (import s "CL-USER")
56 (set s 'hi)
57 (setf (symbol-plist s) (car info) info (sb-kernel:symbol-%info s))
58 ;; ASSUMPTION: slot ordering
59 (walk-slots-test s `(hi ,info ,name ,(find-package "CL-USER")))))
61 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-closure)
62 (let ((c (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (a b c)
63 (lambda (x) (+ x (incf a) (incf b) (incf c)))))
64 8 9 10)))
65 (walk-slots-test* c
66 (lambda (x)
67 (and (= (length x) 4)
68 (functionp (first x))
69 (not (find sb-vm:value-cell-widetag (cdr x)
70 :key 'widetag-of :test #'/=)))))))
72 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-fdefn)
73 (let* ((closure (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (x) (lambda () x))) t))
74 (fname `(cas ,(gensym))))
75 (setf (fdefinition fname) closure)
76 (walk-slots-test*
77 (sb-int:find-fdefn fname)
78 (lambda (slots)
79 #+(and immobile-code x86-64)
80 (and (= (length slots) 3)
81 (equal (first slots) fname)
82 (closurep (second slots))
83 (funcallable-instance-p (third slots)))
84 #-(and immobile-code x86-64)
85 (and (= (length slots) 2)
86 (equal (first slots) fname)
87 (closurep (second slots)))))))
89 (defclass mystdinst ()
90 ((a :initform 1) (b :initform 2)
91 (c :initform 3) (d :initform 4) (e :initform 5)))
93 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-standard-instance
94 :fails-on :interpreter)
95 (let ((o (make-instance 'mystdinst)))
96 (walk-slots-test* o
97 (lambda (slots)
98 (destructuring-bind (layout clos-slots) slots
99 (and (eq layout (%instance-layout o))
100 (eq clos-slots (sb-pcl::std-instance-slots o))))))))
102 (define-condition cfoo (simple-condition) ((a :initarg :a) (b :initarg :b) (c :initform 'c)))
103 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-condition-instance
104 :fails-on :interpreter)
105 (let ((instance (make-condition 'cfoo :a 'ay :b 'bee :format-arguments "wat")))
106 (walk-slots-test instance
107 `(,(find-layout 'cfoo) ((c . c) (format-control . nil))
108 :a ay :b bee :format-arguments "wat"))))
110 (defun make-random-funinstance (&rest values)
111 (let* ((ctor (apply #'sb-pcl::%make-ctor values))
112 (layout (sb-kernel:%fun-layout ctor)))
113 ;; If the number of payload words is even, then there's a padding word
114 ;; because adding the header makes the unaligned total an odd number.
115 ;; Fill that padding word with something - it should not be visible.
116 ;; Whether GC should trace the word is a different question,
117 ;; on whose correct answer I waver back and forth.
118 (when (evenp (sb-kernel:get-closure-length ctor)) ; payload length
119 (let ((max (reduce #'max (sb-kernel:dd-slots (sb-kernel:layout-dd layout))
120 :key 'sb-kernel:dsd-index)))
121 (setf (sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-info ctor (1+ max))
122 (elt sb-vm:+static-symbols+ 0))))
123 ;; stuff in a random function as the implementation
124 (setf (sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-fun ctor) #'error)
125 ctor))
126 (compile 'make-random-funinstance)
128 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-pcl-ctor)
129 (let* ((slot-vals '("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F"))
130 (f (apply #'make-random-funinstance slot-vals)))
131 (walk-slots-test f `(,(find-layout 'sb-pcl::ctor) ,#'error ,@slot-vals))))
133 #+sb-fasteval
134 (test-util:with-test (:name :walk-slots-interpreted-fun)
135 (let ((f (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
136 (eval '(lambda (x y z))))))
137 (funcall f 1 2 3) ; compute the digested slots
138 (walk-slots-test* f
139 (lambda (slots)
140 (destructuring-bind (type fin-fun a b c d) slots
141 (declare (ignore a b c))
142 (and (typep type 'layout)
143 (typep fin-fun 'closure)
144 (typep d '(and integer (not (eql 0))))))))))
146 (test-util:with-test (:name :deep-sizer)
147 (multiple-value-bind (tot-bytes n-kids)
148 (test-util:deep-size #(a b c d (e f) #*0101))
149 ;; 8 words for the vector
150 ;; 4 words for 2 conses
151 ;; 4 words for a bit-vector: header/length/bits/padding
152 (assert (= tot-bytes (* 16 n-word-bytes)))
153 ;; 2 conses and 1 bit-vector
154 (assert (= n-kids 3))))
156 (defvar *some-symbol* 'a)
157 (test-util:with-test (:name :symbol-refs
158 :fails-on :interpreter)
159 (sb-int:collect ((results))
160 (let ((*some-symbol* 'b))
161 (do-referenced-object ('*some-symbol* results)))
162 (assert (eq (first (results)) #+sb-thread 'a
163 #-sb-thread 'b))))