fix typo in structure!object definition
[sbcl.git] / tests / timer.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
5 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
6 ;;;; from CMU CL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
9 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
10 ;;;; more information.
12 (in-package "CL-USER")
14 (use-package :test-util)
16 (with-test (:name :heap)
17 (let* ((size 1000)
18 (heap (make-array size :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
19 (unsorted (loop for i below size collect (random size)))
20 (sorted (sort (copy-list unsorted) #'>=))
21 heap-sorted)
22 (map nil #'(lambda (val) (sb-impl::heap-insert heap val)) unsorted)
23 (setf heap-sorted (loop for i below size
24 collect (sb-impl::heap-extract-maximum heap)))
25 (unless (equal sorted heap-sorted)
26 (error "Heap sort failure ~S" heap-sorted))))
28 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine "check_deferrables_blocked_or_lose"
29 void
30 (where sb-alien:unsigned-long))
31 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine "check_deferrables_unblocked_or_lose"
32 void
33 (where sb-alien:unsigned-long))
35 (defun make-limited-timer (fn n &rest args)
36 (let (timer)
37 (setq timer
38 (apply #'sb-ext:make-timer
39 (lambda ()
40 (sb-sys:without-interrupts
41 (decf n)
42 (cond ((minusp n)
43 (warn "Unscheduling timer ~A ~
44 upon reaching run limit. System too slow?"
45 timer)
46 (sb-ext:unschedule-timer timer))
48 (sb-sys:allow-with-interrupts
49 (funcall fn))))))
50 args))))
52 (defun make-and-schedule-and-wait (fn time)
53 (let ((finishedp nil))
54 (sb-ext:schedule-timer (sb-ext:make-timer
55 (lambda ()
56 (sb-sys:without-interrupts
57 (unwind-protect
58 (sb-sys:allow-with-interrupts
59 (funcall fn))
60 (setq finishedp t)))))
61 time)
62 (loop until finishedp)))
64 (with-test (:name (:timer :deferrables-blocked) :skipped-on :win32)
65 (make-and-schedule-and-wait (lambda ()
66 (check-deferrables-blocked-or-lose 0))
67 (random 0.1))
68 (check-deferrables-unblocked-or-lose 0))
70 (with-test (:name (:timer :deferrables-unblocked) :skipped-on :win32)
71 (make-and-schedule-and-wait (lambda ()
72 (sb-sys:with-interrupts
73 (check-deferrables-unblocked-or-lose 0)))
74 (random 0.1))
75 (check-deferrables-unblocked-or-lose 0))
77 (with-test (:name (:timer :deferrables-unblocked :unwind) :skipped-on :win32)
78 (catch 'xxx
79 (make-and-schedule-and-wait (lambda ()
80 (check-deferrables-blocked-or-lose 0)
81 (throw 'xxx nil))
82 (random 0.1))
83 (sleep 1))
84 (check-deferrables-unblocked-or-lose 0))
86 (defmacro raises-timeout-p (&body body)
87 `(handler-case (progn (progn ,@body) nil)
88 (sb-ext:timeout () t)))
90 (with-test (:name (:timer :relative)
91 :fails-on '(and :sparc :linux)
92 :skipped-on :win32)
93 (let* ((has-run-p nil)
94 (timer (make-timer (lambda () (setq has-run-p t))
95 :name "simple timer")))
96 (schedule-timer timer 0.5)
97 (sleep 0.2)
98 (assert (not has-run-p))
99 (sleep 0.5)
100 (assert has-run-p)
101 (assert (zerop (length (sb-impl::%pqueue-contents sb-impl::*schedule*))))))
103 (with-test (:name (:timer :absolute)
104 :fails-on '(and :sparc :linux)
105 :skipped-on :win32)
106 (let* ((has-run-p nil)
107 (timer (make-timer (lambda () (setq has-run-p t))
108 :name "simple timer")))
109 (schedule-timer timer (+ 1/2 (get-universal-time)) :absolute-p t)
110 (sleep 0.2)
111 (assert (not has-run-p))
112 (sleep 0.5)
113 (assert has-run-p)
114 (assert (zerop (length (sb-impl::%pqueue-contents sb-impl::*schedule*))))))
116 (with-test (:name (:timer :other-thread) :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
117 (let* ((thread (make-kill-thread (lambda () (sleep 2))))
118 (timer (make-timer (lambda ()
119 (assert (eq thread sb-thread:*current-thread*)))
120 :thread thread)))
121 (schedule-timer timer 0.1)))
123 (with-test (:name (:timer :new-thread) :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
124 (let* ((original-thread sb-thread:*current-thread*)
125 (timer (make-timer
126 (lambda ()
127 (assert (not (eq original-thread
128 sb-thread:*current-thread*))))
129 :thread t)))
130 (schedule-timer timer 0.1)))
132 (with-test (:name (:timer :repeat-and-unschedule)
133 :fails-on '(and :sparc :linux)
134 :skipped-on :win32)
135 (let* ((run-count 0)
136 timer)
137 (setq timer
138 (make-timer (lambda ()
139 (when (= 5 (incf run-count))
140 (unschedule-timer timer)))))
141 (schedule-timer timer 0 :repeat-interval 0.2)
142 (assert (timer-scheduled-p timer :delta 0.3))
143 (sleep 1.3)
144 (assert (= 5 run-count))
145 (assert (not (timer-scheduled-p timer)))
146 (assert (zerop (length (sb-impl::%pqueue-contents sb-impl::*schedule*))))))
148 (with-test (:name (:timer :reschedule) :skipped-on :win32)
149 (let* ((has-run-p nil)
150 (timer (make-timer (lambda ()
151 (setq has-run-p t)))))
152 (schedule-timer timer 0.2)
153 (schedule-timer timer 0.3)
154 (sleep 0.5)
155 (assert has-run-p)
156 (assert (zerop (length (sb-impl::%pqueue-contents sb-impl::*schedule*))))))
158 (with-test (:name (:timer :stress) :skipped-on :win32)
159 (let ((time (1+ (get-universal-time))))
160 (loop repeat 200 do
161 (schedule-timer (make-timer (lambda ())) time :absolute-p t))
162 (sleep 2)
163 (assert (zerop (length (sb-impl::%pqueue-contents sb-impl::*schedule*))))))
165 (with-test (:name (:timer :stress2) :skipped-on :win32)
166 (let ((time (1+ (get-universal-time)))
167 (n 0))
168 (loop for time-n from time upto (+ 1/10 time) by (/ 1/10 200)
169 do (schedule-timer (make-timer (lambda ())) time-n :absolute-p t)
170 (incf n))
171 (sleep 2)
172 (assert (zerop (length (sb-impl::%pqueue-contents sb-impl::*schedule*))))))
174 (with-test (:name (:with-timeout :timeout) :skipped-on :win32)
175 (assert (raises-timeout-p
176 (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.2
177 (sleep 1)))))
179 (with-test (:name (:with-timeout :fall-through) :skipped-on :win32)
180 (assert (not (raises-timeout-p
181 (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.3
182 (sleep 0.1))))))
184 (with-test (:name (:with-timeout :nested-timeout-smaller) :skipped-on :win32)
185 (assert(raises-timeout-p
186 (sb-ext:with-timeout 10
187 (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.5
188 (sleep 2))))))
190 (with-test (:name (:with-timeout :nested-timeout-bigger) :skipped-on :win32)
191 (assert(raises-timeout-p
192 (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.5
193 (sb-ext:with-timeout 2
194 (sleep 2))))))
196 (defun wait-for-threads (threads)
197 (loop while (some #'sb-thread:thread-alive-p threads) do (sleep 0.01)))
199 (with-test (:name (:with-timeout :many-at-the-same-time)
200 :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
201 (let ((ok t))
202 (let ((threads (loop repeat 10 collect
203 (sb-thread:make-thread
204 (lambda ()
205 (handler-case
206 (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.5
207 (sleep 5)
208 (setf ok nil)
209 (format t "~%not ok~%"))
210 (timeout ()
211 )))))))
212 (assert (not (raises-timeout-p
213 (sb-ext:with-timeout 20
214 (wait-for-threads threads)))))
215 (assert ok))))
217 (with-test (:name (:with-timeout :dead-thread) :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
218 (make-join-thread
219 (lambda ()
220 (let ((timer (make-timer (lambda ()))))
221 (schedule-timer timer 3)
222 (assert t))))
223 (sleep 6)
224 (assert t))
227 (defun random-type (n)
228 `(integer ,(random n) ,(+ n (random n))))
230 ;;; FIXME: Since timeouts do not work on Windows this would loop
231 ;;; forever.
232 (with-test (:name (:hash-cache :interrupt) :skipped-on :win32)
233 (let* ((type1 (random-type 500))
234 (type2 (random-type 500))
235 (wanted (subtypep type1 type2)))
236 (dotimes (i 100)
237 (block foo
238 (sb-ext:schedule-timer (sb-ext:make-timer
239 (lambda ()
240 (assert (eq wanted (subtypep type1 type2)))
241 (return-from foo)))
242 0.05)
243 (loop
244 (assert (eq wanted (subtypep type1 type2))))))))
246 ;;; Used to hang occasionally at least on x86. Two bugs caused it:
247 ;;; running out of stack (due to repeating timers being rescheduled
248 ;;; before they ran) and dying threads were open interrupts.
249 (with-test (:name (:timer :parallel-unschedule)
250 :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread)
251 :broken-on ':ppc)
252 (let ((timer (sb-ext:make-timer (lambda () 42) :name "parallel schedulers"))
253 (other nil))
254 (flet ((flop ()
255 (sleep (random 0.01))
256 (loop repeat 10000
257 do (sb-ext:unschedule-timer timer))))
258 (sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds 30)
259 (loop repeat 5
260 do (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread
261 (loop for i from 1 upto 10
262 collect (let* ((thread (sb-thread:make-thread #'flop
263 :name (format nil "scheduler ~A" i)))
264 (ticker (make-limited-timer (lambda () 13)
265 1000
266 :thread (or other thread)
267 :name (format nil "ticker ~A" i))))
268 (setf other thread)
269 (sb-ext:schedule-timer ticker 0 :repeat-interval 0.00001)
270 thread))))))))
272 ;;;; FIXME: OS X 10.4 doesn't like these being at all, and gives us a SIGSEGV
273 ;;;; instead of using the Mach expection system! 10.5 on the other tends to
274 ;;;; lose() here with interrupt already pending. :/
275 ;;;;
276 ;;;; Used to have problems in genereal, see comment on (:TIMER
278 (with-test (:name (:timer :schedule-stress) :skipped-on :win32)
279 (flet ((test ()
280 (let* ((slow-timers
281 (loop for i from 1 upto 1
282 collect (make-limited-timer
283 (lambda () 13)
284 1000
285 :name (format nil "slow ~A" i))))
286 (fast-timer (make-limited-timer (lambda () 42) 1000
287 :name "fast")))
288 (sb-ext:schedule-timer fast-timer 0.0001 :repeat-interval 0.0001)
289 (dolist (timer slow-timers)
290 (sb-ext:schedule-timer timer (random 0.1)
291 :repeat-interval (random 0.1)))
292 (dolist (timer slow-timers)
293 (sb-ext:unschedule-timer timer))
294 (sb-ext:unschedule-timer fast-timer))))
295 #+sb-thread
296 (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread
297 (loop repeat 10 collect (sb-thread:make-thread #'test)))
298 #-sb-thread
299 (loop repeat 10 do (test))))
301 (with-test (:name (:timer :threaded-stress)
302 :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread)
303 :fails-on :win32)
304 #+win32
305 (error "fixme")
306 (let ((barrier (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
307 (goal 100))
308 (flet ((wait-for-goal ()
309 (let ((*n* 0))
310 (declare (special *n*))
311 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore barrier)
312 (loop until (eql *n* goal))))
313 (one ()
314 (declare (special *n*))
315 (incf *n*)))
316 (let ((threads (list (sb-thread:make-thread #'wait-for-goal)
317 (sb-thread:make-thread #'wait-for-goal)
318 (sb-thread:make-thread #'wait-for-goal))))
319 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore barrier)
320 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore barrier)
321 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore barrier)
322 (flet ((sched (thread)
323 (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda ()
324 (loop repeat goal
325 do (sb-ext:schedule-timer (make-timer #'one :thread thread) 0.001))))))
326 (dolist (thread threads)
327 (sched thread)))
328 (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread threads)))))
331 ;; before entering WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS. When a thread which was
332 ;; executing SB-THREAD:MAKE-THREAD was interrupted with code which
333 ;; also called SB-THREAD:MAKE-THREAD, it could happen that the first
334 ;; thread already owned SB-THREAD:*MAKE-THREAD-LOCK* and the
335 ;; interrupting code thus made a recursive lock attempt. A timer with
336 ;; :THREAD T or :THREAD <some thread spawning child threads> could
337 ;; also trigger this problem.
340 ;; threads.pure.lisp.
341 (with-test (:name (:timer :dispatch-thread :make-thread :bug-1180102)
342 :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
343 (flet ((test (thread)
344 (let ((timer (make-timer (lambda ()) :thread thread)))
345 (schedule-timer timer .01 :repeat-interval 0.1)
346 (dotimes (i 100)
347 (let ((threads '()))
348 (dotimes (i 100)
349 (push (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (sleep .01)))
350 threads))
351 (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread threads)))
352 (unschedule-timer timer))))
353 (test t)
354 (test sb-thread:*current-thread*)))