Fix flaky hopscotch hash test
[sbcl.git] / tests / test-util.lisp
1 (defpackage :test-util
2 (:use :cl :sb-ext)
3 (:export #:with-test #:report-test-status #:*failures*
4 #:really-invoke-debugger
5 #:*break-on-failure* #:*break-on-expected-failure*
6 #:make-kill-thread #:make-join-thread
7 #:checked-compile #:checked-compile-capturing-source-paths
8 #:checked-compile-condition-source-paths
9 #:runtime #:split-string #:shuffle))
11 (in-package :test-util)
13 (defvar *test-count* 0)
14 (defvar *test-file* nil)
15 (defvar *failures* nil)
16 (defvar *break-on-failure* nil)
17 (defvar *break-on-expected-failure* nil)
19 (defvar *threads-to-kill*)
20 (defvar *threads-to-join*)
22 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
23 (require :sb-posix))
25 (sb-posix:putenv (format nil "SBCL_MACHINE_TYPE=~A" (machine-type)))
26 (sb-posix:putenv (format nil "SBCL_SOFTWARE_TYPE=~A" (software-type)))
28 #+sb-thread
29 (defun make-kill-thread (&rest args)
30 (let ((thread (apply #'sb-thread:make-thread args)))
31 (when (boundp '*threads-to-kill*)
32 (push thread *threads-to-kill*))
33 thread))
35 #+sb-thread
36 (defun make-join-thread (&rest args)
37 (let ((thread (apply #'sb-thread:make-thread args)))
38 (when (boundp '*threads-to-join*)
39 (push thread *threads-to-join*))
40 thread))
42 (defun log-msg (&rest args)
43 (apply #'format *trace-output* "~&::: ~@?~%" args)
44 (force-output *trace-output*))
46 (defun log-msg/non-pretty (&rest args)
47 (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
48 (apply #'log-msg args)))
50 (defmacro with-test ((&key fails-on broken-on skipped-on name)
51 &body body)
52 (let ((block-name (gensym))
53 #+sb-thread (threads (gensym "THREADS")))
54 (flet ((name-ok (x y)
55 (declare (ignore y))
56 (typecase x
57 (symbol (let ((package (symbol-package x)))
58 (or (null package)
59 (eql package (find-package "CL"))
60 (eql package (find-package "KEYWORD"))
61 (eql (mismatch "SB-" (package-name package)) 3))))
62 (integer t))))
63 (unless (tree-equal name name :test #'name-ok)
64 (error "test name must be all-keywords: ~S" name)))
65 `(progn
66 (start-test)
67 (cond
68 ((broken-p ,broken-on)
69 (fail-test :skipped-broken ',name "Test broken on this platform"))
70 ((skipped-p ,skipped-on)
71 (fail-test :skipped-disabled ',name "Test disabled for this combination of platform and features"))
73 (let (#+sb-thread (,threads (sb-thread:list-all-threads))
74 (*threads-to-join* nil)
75 (*threads-to-kill* nil))
76 (block ,block-name
77 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (error)
78 (if (expected-failure-p ,fails-on)
79 (fail-test :expected-failure ',name error)
80 (fail-test :unexpected-failure ',name error))
81 (return-from ,block-name))))
82 (progn
83 ;; Non-pretty is for cases like (with-test (:name (let ...)) ...
84 (log-msg/non-pretty "Running ~S" ',name)
85 ,@body
86 #+sb-thread
87 (let ((any-leftover nil))
88 (dolist (thread *threads-to-join*)
89 (ignore-errors (sb-thread:join-thread thread)))
90 (dolist (thread *threads-to-kill*)
91 (ignore-errors (sb-thread:terminate-thread thread)))
92 (setf ,threads (union (union *threads-to-kill*
93 *threads-to-join*)
94 ,threads))
95 #+(and sb-safepoint-strictly (not win32))
96 (dolist (thread (sb-thread:list-all-threads))
97 (when (typep thread 'sb-thread:signal-handling-thread)
98 (ignore-errors (sb-thread:join-thread thread))))
99 (dolist (thread (sb-thread:list-all-threads))
100 (unless (or (not (sb-thread:thread-alive-p thread))
101 (eql (the sb-thread:thread thread)
102 sb-thread:*current-thread*)
103 (member thread ,threads)
104 (sb-thread:thread-ephemeral-p thread))
105 (setf any-leftover thread)
106 (ignore-errors (sb-thread:terminate-thread thread))))
107 (when any-leftover
108 (fail-test :leftover-thread ',name any-leftover)
109 (return-from ,block-name)))
110 (if (expected-failure-p ,fails-on)
111 (fail-test :unexpected-success ',name nil)
112 ;; Non-pretty is for cases like (with-test (:name (let ...)) ...
113 (log-msg/non-pretty "Success ~S" ',name)))))))))))
115 (defun report-test-status ()
116 (with-standard-io-syntax
117 (with-open-file (stream "test-status.lisp-expr"
118 :direction :output
119 :if-exists :supersede)
120 (format stream "~s~%" *failures*))))
122 (defun start-test ()
123 (unless (eq *test-file* *load-pathname*)
124 (setf *test-file* *load-pathname*)
125 (setf *test-count* 0))
126 (incf *test-count*))
128 (defun really-invoke-debugger (condition)
129 (with-simple-restart (continue "Continue")
130 (let ((*invoke-debugger-hook* *invoke-debugger-hook*))
131 (enable-debugger)
132 (invoke-debugger condition))))
134 (defun fail-test (type test-name condition)
135 (if (stringp condition)
136 (log-msg "~@<~A ~S ~:_~A~:>"
137 type test-name condition)
138 (log-msg "~@<~A ~S ~:_due to ~S: ~4I~:_\"~A\"~:>"
139 type test-name condition condition))
140 (push (list type *test-file* (or test-name *test-count*))
141 *failures*)
142 (unless (stringp condition)
143 (when (or (and *break-on-failure*
144 (not (eq type :expected-failure)))
145 *break-on-expected-failure*)
146 (really-invoke-debugger condition))))
148 (defun expected-failure-p (fails-on)
149 (sb-impl::featurep fails-on))
151 (defun broken-p (broken-on)
152 (sb-impl::featurep broken-on))
154 (defun skipped-p (skipped-on)
155 (sb-impl::featurep skipped-on))
157 ;;; Compile FORM capturing and muffling all [style-]warnings and notes
158 ;;; and return six values: 1) the compiled function 2) a Boolean
159 ;;; indicating whether compilation failed 3) a list of warnings 4) a
160 ;;; list of style-warnings 5) a list of notes 6) a list of
161 ;;; SB-C:COMPILER-ERROR conditions.
163 ;;; An error can be signaled when COMPILE indicates failure as well as
164 ;;; in case [style-]warning or note conditions are signaled. The
165 ;;; keyword parameters
167 ;;; this behavior. All but ALLOW-NOTES default to NIL.
169 ;;; Arguments to the
171 ;;; parameters are interpreted as type specifiers restricting the
172 ;;; allowed conditions of the respective kind.
174 ;;; When supplied, the value of CONDITION-TRANSFORM has to be a
175 ;;; function of one argument, the condition currently being
176 ;;; captured. The returned value is captured and later returned in
177 ;;; place of the condition.
178 (defun checked-compile (form
179 &key
180 name
181 allow-failure
182 allow-warnings
183 allow-style-warnings
184 (allow-notes t)
185 (allow-compiler-errors allow-failure)
186 condition-transform)
187 (let ((warnings '())
188 (style-warnings '())
189 (notes '())
190 (compiler-errors '())
191 (error-output (make-string-output-stream)))
192 (flet ((maybe-transform (condition)
193 (if condition-transform
194 (funcall condition-transform condition)
195 condition)))
196 (handler-bind ((sb-ext:compiler-note
197 (lambda (condition)
198 (push (maybe-transform condition) notes)
199 (muffle-warning condition)))
200 (style-warning
201 (lambda (condition)
202 (push (maybe-transform condition) style-warnings)
203 (muffle-warning condition)))
204 (warning
205 (lambda (condition)
206 (push (maybe-transform condition) warnings)
207 (muffle-warning condition)))
208 (sb-c:compiler-error
209 (lambda (condition)
210 (push (maybe-transform condition) compiler-errors))))
211 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
212 (let ((*error-output* error-output))
213 (compile name form))
214 (declare (ignore warnings-p))
215 (labels ((fail (kind conditions &optional allowed-type)
216 (error "~@<Compilation of ~S signaled ~A~P:~
217 ~{~@:_~@:_~{~/sb-impl:print-symbol-with-prefix/: ~A~}~}~
218 ~@[~@:_~@:_Allowed type is ~S.~]~@:>"
219 form kind (length conditions)
220 (mapcar (lambda (condition)
221 (list (type-of condition) condition))
222 conditions)
223 allowed-type))
224 (check-conditions (kind conditions allow)
225 (cond
226 (allow
227 (let ((offenders (remove-if (lambda (condition)
228 (typep condition allow))
229 conditions)))
230 (when offenders
231 (fail kind offenders allow))))
232 (conditions
233 (fail kind conditions)))))
235 (when (and (not allow-failure) failure-p)
236 (let ((output (get-output-stream-string error-output)))
237 (error "~@<Compilation of ~S failed~@[ with ~
238 output~@:_~@:_~A~@:_~@:_~].~@:>"
239 form (when (plusp (length output)) output))))
241 (check-conditions "warning" warnings allow-warnings)
242 (check-conditions "style-warning" style-warnings allow-style-warnings)
243 (check-conditions "note" notes allow-notes)
244 (check-conditions "compiler-error" compiler-errors allow-compiler-errors)
246 ;; Since we may have prevented warnings from being taken
247 ;; into account for FAILURE-P by muffling them, adjust the
248 ;; second return value accordingly.
249 (values function (when (or failure-p warnings) t)
250 warnings style-warnings notes compiler-errors)))))))
252 ;;; Like CHECKED-COMPILE, but for each captured condition, capture and
253 ;;; later return a cons
257 ;;; instead. SOURCE-PATH is the path of the source form associated to
258 ;;; CONDITION.
259 (defun checked-compile-capturing-source-paths (form &rest args)
260 (labels ((context-source-path ()
261 (let ((context (sb-c::find-error-context nil)))
262 (sb-c::compiler-error-context-original-source-path
263 context)))
264 (add-source-path (condition)
265 (cons condition (context-source-path))))
266 (apply #'checked-compile form :condition-transform #'add-source-path
267 args)))
269 ;;; Similar to CHECKED-COMPILE, but allow compilation failure and
270 ;;; warnings and only return source paths associated to those
271 ;;; conditions.
272 (defun checked-compile-condition-source-paths (form)
273 (let ((source-paths '()))
274 (labels ((context-source-path ()
275 (let ((context (sb-c::find-error-context nil)))
276 (sb-c::compiler-error-context-original-source-path
277 context)))
278 (push-source-path (condition)
279 (declare (ignore condition))
280 (push (context-source-path) source-paths)))
281 (checked-compile form
282 :allow-failure t
283 :allow-warnings t
284 :allow-style-warnings t
285 :condition-transform #'push-source-path))
286 (nreverse source-paths)))
288 ;;; Repeat calling THUNK until its cumulated runtime, measured using
289 ;;; GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME, is larger than PRECISION. Repeat this
290 ;;; REPETITIONS many times and return the time one call to THUNK took
291 ;;; in seconds as a float, according to the minimum of the cumulated
292 ;;; runtimes over the repetitions.
293 ;;; This allows to easily measure the runtime of expressions that take
294 ;;; much less time than one internal time unit. Also, the results are
295 ;;; unaffected, modulo quantization effects, by changes to
297 ;;; Taking the minimum is intended to reduce the error introduced by
298 ;;; garbage collections occurring at unpredictable times. The inner
299 ;;; loop doubles the number of calls to THUNK each time before again
300 ;;; measuring the time spent, so that the time measurement overhead
301 ;;; doesn't distort the result if calling THUNK takes very little time.
302 (defun runtime* (thunk repetitions precision)
303 (loop repeat repetitions
304 minimize
305 (loop with start = (get-internal-run-time)
306 with duration = 0
307 for n = 1 then (* n 2)
308 for total-runs = n then (+ total-runs n)
309 do (dotimes (i n)
310 (funcall thunk))
311 (setf duration (- (get-internal-run-time) start))
312 when (> duration precision)
313 return (/ (float duration) (float total-runs)))
314 into min-internal-time-units-per-call
315 finally (return (/ min-internal-time-units-per-call
316 (float internal-time-units-per-second)))))
318 (defmacro runtime (form &key (repetitions 3) (precision 10))
319 `(runtime* (lambda () ,form) ,repetitions ,precision))
321 (defun split-string (string delimiter)
322 (loop for begin = 0 then (1+ end)
323 for end = (position delimiter string) then (position delimiter string :start begin)
324 collect (subseq string begin end)
325 while end))
327 (defun shuffle (sequence)
328 (typecase sequence
329 (list
330 (coerce (shuffle (coerce sequence 'vector)) 'list))
331 (vector ; destructive
332 (let ((vector sequence))
333 (loop for lim from (1- (length vector)) downto 0
334 for chosen = (random (1+ lim))
335 unless (= chosen lim)
336 do (rotatef (aref vector chosen) (aref vector lim)))
337 vector))))