Nearly eliminate bignum consing in the x86-64 disassembler.
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / represent.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains the implementation-independent code for the
2 ;;;; representation selection phase in the compiler. Representation
3 ;;;; selection decides whether to use non-descriptor representations
4 ;;;; for objects and emits the appropriate representation-specific move
5 ;;;; and coerce vops.
7 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
8 ;;;; more information.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
11 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
12 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
13 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
14 ;;;; files for more information.
16 (in-package "SB!C")
18 ;;;; error routines
19 ;;;;
20 ;;;; Problems in the VM definition often show up here, so we try to be
21 ;;;; as implementor-friendly as possible.
23 ;;; Given a TN ref for a VOP argument or result, return these values:
24 ;;; 1. True if the operand is an argument, false otherwise.
25 ;;; 2. The ordinal position of the operand.
26 ;;; 3. True if the operand is a more operand, false otherwise.
27 ;;; 4. The costs for this operand.
28 ;;; 5. The load-scs vector for this operand (NIL if more-p.)
29 ;;; 6. True if the costs or SCs in the VOP-INFO are inconsistent with
30 ;;; the currently recorded ones.
31 (defun get-operand-info (ref)
32 (declare (type tn-ref ref))
33 (let* ((arg-p (not (tn-ref-write-p ref)))
34 (vop (tn-ref-vop ref))
35 (info (vop-info vop)))
36 (flet ((frob (refs costs load more-cost)
37 (do ((refs refs (tn-ref-across refs))
38 (costs costs (cdr costs))
39 (load load (cdr load))
40 (n 0 (1+ n)))
41 ((null costs)
42 (aver more-cost)
43 (values arg-p
44 (+ n
45 (or (position-in #'tn-ref-across ref refs)
46 (error "couldn't find REF?"))
49 more-cost
50 nil
51 nil))
52 (when (eq refs ref)
53 (let ((parse (vop-parse-or-lose (vop-info-name info))))
54 (multiple-value-bind (ccosts cscs)
55 (compute-loading-costs
56 (elt (if arg-p
57 (vop-parse-args parse)
58 (vop-parse-results parse))
60 arg-p)
62 (return
63 (values arg-p
64 (1+ n)
65 nil
66 (car costs)
67 (car load)
68 (not (and (equalp ccosts (car costs))
69 (equalp cscs (car load))))))))))))
70 (if arg-p
71 (frob (vop-args vop) (vop-info-arg-costs info)
72 (vop-info-arg-load-scs info)
73 (vop-info-more-arg-costs info))
74 (frob (vop-results vop) (vop-info-result-costs info)
75 (vop-info-result-load-scs info)
76 (vop-info-more-result-costs info))))))
78 ;;; Convert a load-costs vector to the list of SCs allowed by the
79 ;;; operand restriction.
80 (defun listify-restrictions (restr)
81 (declare (type sc-vector restr))
82 (collect ((res))
83 (dotimes (i sc-number-limit)
84 (when (eq (svref restr i) t)
85 (res (svref *backend-sc-numbers* i))))
86 (res)))
88 ;;; Try to give a helpful error message when REF has no cost specified
89 ;;; for some SC allowed by the TN's PRIMITIVE-TYPE.
90 (defun bad-costs-error (ref)
91 (declare (type tn-ref ref))
92 (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref))
93 (ptype (tn-primitive-type tn)))
94 (multiple-value-bind (arg-p pos more-p costs load-scs incon)
95 (get-operand-info ref)
96 (collect ((losers))
97 (dolist (scn (primitive-type-scs ptype))
98 (unless (svref costs scn)
99 (losers (svref *backend-sc-numbers* scn))))
101 (unless (losers)
102 (error "Representation selection flamed out for no obvious reason.~@
103 Try again after recompiling the VM definition."))
105 (error "~S is not valid as the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] to the~@
106 ~S VOP, since the TN's primitive type ~S allows SCs:~% ~S~@
107 ~:[which cannot be coerced or loaded into the allowed SCs:~
108 ~% ~S~;~*~]~:[~;~@
109 Current cost info inconsistent with that in effect at compile ~
110 time. Recompile.~%Compilation order may be incorrect.~]"
111 tn pos arg-p
112 (template-name (vop-info (tn-ref-vop ref)))
113 (primitive-type-name ptype)
114 (mapcar #'sc-name (losers))
115 more-p
116 (unless more-p
117 (mapcar #'sc-name (listify-restrictions load-scs)))
118 incon)))))
120 ;;; Try to give a helpful error message when we fail to do a coercion
121 ;;; for some reason.
122 (defun bad-coerce-error (op)
123 (declare (type tn-ref op))
124 (let* ((op-tn (tn-ref-tn op))
125 (op-sc (tn-sc op-tn))
126 (op-scn (sc-number op-sc))
127 (ptype (tn-primitive-type op-tn))
128 (write-p (tn-ref-write-p op)))
129 (multiple-value-bind (arg-p pos more-p costs load-scs incon)
130 (get-operand-info op)
131 (declare (ignore costs more-p))
132 (collect ((load-lose)
133 (no-move-scs)
134 (move-lose))
135 (dotimes (i sc-number-limit)
136 (let ((i-sc (svref *backend-sc-numbers* i)))
137 (when (eq (svref load-scs i) t)
138 (cond ((not (sc-allowed-by-primitive-type i-sc ptype))
139 (load-lose i-sc))
140 ((not (find-move-vop op-tn write-p i-sc ptype
141 #'sc-move-vops))
142 (let ((vops (if write-p
143 (svref (sc-move-vops op-sc) i)
144 (svref (sc-move-vops i-sc) op-scn))))
145 (if vops
146 (dolist (vop vops) (move-lose (template-name vop)))
147 (no-move-scs i-sc))))
149 (error "Representation selection flamed out for no ~
150 obvious reason."))))))
152 (unless (or (load-lose) (no-move-scs) (move-lose))
153 (error "Representation selection flamed out for no obvious reason.~@
154 Try again after recompiling the VM definition."))
156 (error "~S is not valid as the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] to VOP:~
157 ~% ~S~%Primitive type: ~S~@
158 SC restrictions:~% ~S~@
159 ~@[The primitive type disallows these loadable SCs:~% ~S~%~]~
160 ~@[No move VOPs are defined to coerce to these allowed SCs:~
161 ~% ~S~%~]~
162 ~@[These move VOPs couldn't be used due to operand type ~
163 restrictions:~% ~S~%~]~
164 ~:[~;~@
165 Current cost info inconsistent with that in effect at compile ~
166 time. Recompile.~%Compilation order may be incorrect.~]"
167 op-tn pos arg-p
168 (template-name (vop-info (tn-ref-vop op)))
169 (primitive-type-name ptype)
170 (mapcar #'sc-name (listify-restrictions load-scs))
171 (mapcar #'sc-name (load-lose))
172 (mapcar #'sc-name (no-move-scs))
173 (move-lose)
174 incon)))))
176 (defun bad-move-arg-error (val pass)
177 (declare (type tn val pass))
178 (error "no :MOVE-ARG VOP defined to move ~S (SC ~S) to ~
179 ~S (SC ~S)"
180 val (sc-name (tn-sc val))
181 pass (sc-name (tn-sc pass))))
183 ;;;; VM consistency checking
184 ;;;;
185 ;;;; We do some checking of the consistency of the VM definition at
186 ;;;; load time.
188 ;;; FIXME: should probably be conditional on #!+SB-SHOW
189 (defun check-move-fun-consistency ()
190 (dotimes (i sc-number-limit)
191 (let ((sc (svref *backend-sc-numbers* i)))
192 (when sc
193 (let ((moves (sc-move-funs sc)))
194 (dolist (const (sc-constant-scs sc))
195 (unless (svref moves (sc-number const))
196 (warn "no move function defined to load SC ~S from constant ~
197 SC ~S"
198 (sc-name sc) (sc-name const))))
200 (dolist (alt (sc-alternate-scs sc))
201 (unless (svref moves (sc-number alt))
202 (warn "no move function defined to load SC ~S from alternate ~
203 SC ~S"
204 (sc-name sc) (sc-name alt)))
205 (unless (svref (sc-move-funs alt) i)
206 (warn "no move function defined to save SC ~S to alternate ~
207 SC ~S"
208 (sc-name sc) (sc-name alt)))))))))
210 ;;;; representation selection
212 ;;; VOPs that we ignore in initial cost computation. We ignore SET in
213 ;;; the hopes that nobody is setting specials inside of loops. We
214 ;;; ignore TYPE-CHECK-ERROR because we don't want the possibility of
215 ;;; error to bias the result. Notes are suppressed for T-C-E as well,
216 ;;; since we don't need to worry about the efficiency of that case.
217 (defparameter *ignore-cost-vops* '(set type-check-error))
218 (defparameter *suppress-note-vops* '(type-check-error))
220 ;;; We special-case the move VOP, since using this costs for the
221 ;;; normal MOVE would spuriously encourage descriptor representations.
222 ;;; We won't actually need to coerce to descriptor and back, since we
223 ;;; will replace the MOVE with a specialized move VOP. What we do is
224 ;;; look at the other operand. If its representation has already been
225 ;;; chosen (e.g. if it is wired), then we use the appropriate move
226 ;;; costs, otherwise we just ignore the references.
227 (defun add-representation-costs (refs scs costs
228 ops-slot costs-slot more-costs-slot
229 write-p)
230 (declare (type function ops-slot costs-slot more-costs-slot))
231 (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-next ref)))
232 ((null ref))
233 (flet ((add-costs (cost)
234 (dolist (scn scs)
235 (let ((res (svref cost scn)))
236 (unless res
237 (bad-costs-error ref))
238 (incf (svref costs scn) res)))))
239 (let* ((vop (tn-ref-vop ref))
240 (info (vop-info vop)))
241 (unless (find (vop-info-name info) *ignore-cost-vops*)
242 (case (vop-info-name info)
243 (move
244 (let ((rep (tn-sc
245 (tn-ref-tn
246 (if write-p
247 (vop-args vop)
248 (vop-results vop))))))
249 (when rep
250 (if write-p
251 (dolist (scn scs)
252 (let ((res (svref (sc-move-costs
253 (svref *backend-sc-numbers* scn))
254 (sc-number rep))))
255 (when res
256 (incf (svref costs scn) res))))
257 (dolist (scn scs)
258 (let ((res (svref (sc-move-costs rep) scn)))
259 (when res
260 (incf (svref costs scn) res))))))))
262 (do ((cost (funcall costs-slot info) (cdr cost))
263 (op (funcall ops-slot vop) (tn-ref-across op)))
264 ((null cost)
265 (add-costs (funcall more-costs-slot info)))
266 (when (eq op ref)
267 (add-costs (car cost))
268 (return)))))))))
269 (values))
271 ;;; Return the best representation for a normal TN. SCs is a list
272 ;;; of the SC numbers of the SCs to select from. Costs is a scratch
273 ;;; vector.
275 ;;; What we do is sum the costs for each reference to TN in each of
276 ;;; the SCs, and then return the SC having the lowest cost. A second
277 ;;; value is returned which is true when the selection is unique which
278 ;;; is often not the case for the MOVE VOP.
279 (defun select-tn-representation (tn scs costs)
280 (declare (type tn tn) (type sc-vector costs))
281 (dolist (scn scs)
282 (setf (svref costs scn) 0))
284 (add-representation-costs (tn-reads tn) scs costs
285 #'vop-args #'vop-info-arg-costs
286 #'vop-info-more-arg-costs
287 nil)
288 (add-representation-costs (tn-writes tn) scs costs
289 #'vop-results #'vop-info-result-costs
290 #'vop-info-more-result-costs
293 (let ((min most-positive-fixnum)
294 (min-scn nil)
295 (unique nil))
296 (dolist (scn scs)
297 (let ((cost (svref costs scn)))
298 (cond ((= cost min)
299 (setf unique nil))
300 ((< cost min)
301 (setq min cost)
302 (setq min-scn scn)
303 (setq unique t)))))
304 (values (svref *backend-sc-numbers* min-scn) unique)))
306 ;;; Prepare for the possibility of a TN being allocated on the number
307 ;;; stack by setting NUMBER-STACK-P in all functions that TN is
308 ;;; referenced in and in all the functions in their tail sets. REFS is
309 ;;; a TN-REFS list of references to the TN.
310 (defun note-number-stack-tn (refs)
311 (declare (type (or tn-ref null) refs))
313 (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-next ref)))
314 ((null ref))
315 (let* ((lambda (block-home-lambda
316 (ir2-block-block
317 (vop-block (tn-ref-vop ref)))))
318 (tails (lambda-tail-set lambda)))
319 (flet ((frob (fun)
320 (setf (ir2-physenv-number-stack-p
321 (physenv-info
322 (lambda-physenv fun)))
323 t)))
324 (frob lambda)
325 (when tails
326 (dolist (fun (tail-set-funs tails))
327 (frob fun))))))
329 (values))
331 ;;; If TN is a variable, return the name. If TN is used by a VOP
332 ;;; emitted for a return, then return a string indicating this.
333 ;;; Otherwise, return NIL.
334 (defun get-operand-name (tn arg-p)
335 (declare (type tn tn))
336 (let* ((actual (if (eq (tn-kind tn) :alias) (tn-save-tn tn) tn))
337 (reads (tn-reads tn))
338 (leaf (tn-leaf actual)))
339 (cond ((lambda-var-p leaf) (leaf-source-name leaf))
340 ((and (not arg-p) reads
341 (return-p (vop-node (tn-ref-vop reads))))
342 "<return value>")
344 nil))))
346 ;;; If policy indicates, give an efficiency note for doing the
347 ;;; coercion VOP, where OP is the operand we are coercing for and
348 ;;; DEST-TN is the distinct destination in a move.
349 (defun maybe-emit-coerce-efficiency-note (vop op dest-tn)
350 (declare (type vop-info vop) (type tn-ref op) (type (or tn null) dest-tn))
351 (let* ((note (or (template-note vop) (template-name vop)))
352 (cost (template-cost vop))
353 (op-vop (tn-ref-vop op))
354 (op-node (vop-node op-vop))
355 (op-tn (tn-ref-tn op))
356 (*compiler-error-context* op-node))
357 (cond ((eq (tn-kind op-tn) :constant))
358 ((policy op-node (and (<= speed inhibit-warnings)
359 (<= space inhibit-warnings))))
360 ((member (template-name (vop-info op-vop)) *suppress-note-vops*))
361 ((null dest-tn)
362 (let* ((op-info (vop-info op-vop))
363 (op-note (or (template-note op-info)
364 (template-name op-info)))
365 (arg-p (not (tn-ref-write-p op)))
366 (name (get-operand-name op-tn arg-p))
367 (pos (1+ (or (position-in #'tn-ref-across op
368 (if arg-p
369 (vop-args op-vop)
370 (vop-results op-vop)))
371 (error "couldn't find op? bug!")))))
372 (compiler-notify
373 "doing ~A (cost ~W)~:[~2*~; ~:[to~;from~] ~S~], for:~%~6T~
374 the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] of ~A"
375 note cost name arg-p name
376 pos arg-p op-note)))
378 (compiler-notify "doing ~A (cost ~W)~@[ from ~S~]~@[ to ~S~]"
379 note cost (get-operand-name op-tn t)
380 (get-operand-name dest-tn nil)))))
381 (values))
383 ;;; Find a move VOP to move from the operand OP-TN to some other
384 ;;; representation corresponding to OTHER-SC and OTHER-PTYPE. SLOT is
385 ;;; the SC slot that we grab from (move or move-arg). WRITE-P
386 ;;; indicates that OP is a VOP result, so OP is the move result and
387 ;;; other is the arg, otherwise OP is the arg and other is the result.
389 ;;; If an operand is of primitive type T, then we use the type of the
390 ;;; other operand instead, effectively intersecting the argument and
391 ;;; result type assertions. This way, a move VOP can restrict
392 ;;; whichever operand makes more sense, without worrying about which
393 ;;; operand has the type info.
394 (defun find-move-vop (op-tn write-p other-sc other-ptype slot)
395 (declare (type tn op-tn) (type sc other-sc)
396 (type primitive-type other-ptype)
397 (type function slot))
398 (let* ((op-sc (tn-sc op-tn))
399 (op-scn (sc-number op-sc))
400 (other-scn (sc-number other-sc))
401 (any-ptype *backend-t-primitive-type*)
402 (op-ptype (tn-primitive-type op-tn)))
403 (let ((other-ptype (if (eq other-ptype any-ptype) op-ptype other-ptype))
404 (op-ptype (if (eq op-ptype any-ptype) other-ptype op-ptype)))
405 (dolist (info (if write-p
406 (svref (funcall slot op-sc) other-scn)
407 (svref (funcall slot other-sc) op-scn))
408 nil)
409 (when (and (operand-restriction-ok
410 (first (template-arg-types info))
411 (if write-p other-ptype op-ptype)
412 :tn op-tn :t-ok nil)
413 (operand-restriction-ok
414 (first (template-result-types info))
415 (if write-p op-ptype other-ptype)
416 :t-ok nil))
417 (return info))))))
419 ;;; Emit a coercion VOP for OP BEFORE the specified VOP or die trying.
420 ;;; SCS is the operand's LOAD-SCS vector, which we use to determine
421 ;;; what SCs the VOP will accept. We pick any acceptable coerce VOP,
422 ;;; since it practice it seems uninteresting to have more than one
423 ;;; applicable.
425 ;;; On the X86 port, stack SCs may be placed in the list of operand
426 ;;; preferred SCs, and to prevent these stack SCs being selected when
427 ;;; a register SC is available the non-stack SCs are searched first.
429 ;;; What we do is look at each SC allowed by both the operand
430 ;;; restriction and the operand primitive-type, and see whether there
431 ;;; is a move VOP which moves between the operand's SC and load SC. If
432 ;;; we find such a VOP, then we make a TN having the load SC as the
433 ;;; representation.
435 ;;; DEST-TN is the TN that we are moving to, for a move or move-arg.
436 ;;; This is only for efficiency notes.
438 ;;; If the TN is an unused result TN, then we don't actually emit the
439 ;;; move; we just change to the right kind of TN.
440 (defun emit-coerce-vop (op dest-tn scs before)
441 (declare (type tn-ref op) (type sc-vector scs) (type (or vop null) before)
442 (type (or tn null) dest-tn))
443 (let* ((op-tn (tn-ref-tn op))
444 (ptype (tn-primitive-type op-tn))
445 (write-p (tn-ref-write-p op))
446 (vop (tn-ref-vop op))
447 (node (vop-node vop))
448 (block (vop-block vop)))
449 (flet ((check-sc (scn sc)
450 (when (sc-allowed-by-primitive-type sc ptype)
451 (let ((res (find-move-vop op-tn write-p sc ptype
452 #'sc-move-vops)))
453 (when res
454 (when (>= (vop-info-cost res)
455 *efficiency-note-cost-threshold*)
456 (maybe-emit-coerce-efficiency-note res op dest-tn))
457 (let ((temp (make-representation-tn ptype scn)))
458 (change-tn-ref-tn op temp)
459 (cond
460 ((not write-p)
461 (emit-move-template node block res op-tn temp before))
462 ((and (null (tn-reads op-tn))
463 (eq (tn-kind op-tn) :normal)))
465 (emit-move-template node block res temp op-tn
466 before))))
467 t)))))
468 ;; Search the non-stack load SCs first.
469 (dotimes (scn sc-number-limit)
470 (let ((sc (svref *backend-sc-numbers* scn)))
471 (when (and (eq (svref scs scn) t)
472 (not (eq (sb-kind (sc-sb sc)) :unbounded))
473 (check-sc scn sc))
474 (return-from emit-coerce-vop))))
475 ;; Search the stack SCs if the above failed.
476 (dotimes (scn sc-number-limit (bad-coerce-error op))
477 (let ((sc (svref *backend-sc-numbers* scn)))
478 (when (and (eq (svref scs scn) t)
479 (eq (sb-kind (sc-sb sc)) :unbounded)
480 (check-sc scn sc))
481 (return)))))))
483 ;;; Scan some operands and call EMIT-COERCE-VOP on any for which we
484 ;;; can't load the operand. The coerce VOP is inserted Before the
485 ;;; specified VOP. Dest-TN is the destination TN if we are doing a
486 ;;; move or move-arg, and is NIL otherwise. This is only used for
487 ;;; efficiency notes.
488 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline coerce-some-operands))
489 (defun coerce-some-operands (ops dest-tn load-scs before)
490 (declare (type (or tn-ref null) ops) (list load-scs)
491 (type (or tn null) dest-tn) (type (or vop null) before))
492 (do ((op ops (tn-ref-across op))
493 (scs load-scs (cdr scs)))
494 ((null scs))
495 (unless (svref (car scs)
496 (sc-number (tn-sc (tn-ref-tn op))))
497 (emit-coerce-vop op dest-tn (car scs) before)))
498 (values))
500 ;;; Emit coerce VOPs for the args and results, as needed.
501 (defun coerce-vop-operands (vop)
502 (declare (type vop vop))
503 (let ((info (vop-info vop)))
504 (coerce-some-operands (vop-args vop) nil (vop-info-arg-load-scs info) vop)
505 (coerce-some-operands (vop-results vop) nil (vop-info-result-load-scs info)
506 (vop-next vop)))
507 (values))
509 ;;; Iterate over the more operands to a call VOP, emitting move-arg
510 ;;; VOPs and any necessary coercions. We determine which FP to use by
511 ;;; looking at the MOVE-ARGS annotation. If the vop is a :LOCAL-CALL,
512 ;;; we insert any needed coercions before the ALLOCATE-FRAME so that
513 ;;; lifetime analysis doesn't get confused (since otherwise, only
514 ;;; passing locations are written between A-F and call.)
515 (defun emit-arg-moves (vop)
516 (let* ((info (vop-info vop))
517 (node (vop-node vop))
518 (block (vop-block vop))
519 (how (vop-info-move-args info))
520 (args (vop-args vop))
521 (fp-tn (tn-ref-tn args))
522 (nfp-tn (if (eq how :local-call)
523 (tn-ref-tn (tn-ref-across args))
524 nil))
525 (pass-locs (first (vop-codegen-info vop)))
526 (prev (vop-prev vop)))
527 (do ((val (do ((arg args (tn-ref-across arg))
528 (req (template-arg-types info) (cdr req)))
529 ((null req) arg))
530 (tn-ref-across val))
531 (pass pass-locs (cdr pass)))
532 ((null val)
533 (aver (null pass)))
534 (let* ((val-tn (tn-ref-tn val))
535 (pass-tn (first pass))
536 (pass-sc (tn-sc pass-tn))
537 (res (find-move-vop val-tn nil pass-sc
538 (tn-primitive-type pass-tn)
539 #'sc-move-arg-vops)))
540 (unless res
541 (bad-move-arg-error val-tn pass-tn))
543 (change-tn-ref-tn val pass-tn)
544 (let* ((this-fp
545 (cond ((not (sc-number-stack-p pass-sc)) fp-tn)
546 (nfp-tn)
548 (aver (eq how :known-return))
549 (setq nfp-tn (make-number-stack-pointer-tn))
550 (setf (tn-sc nfp-tn)
551 (svref *backend-sc-numbers*
552 (first (primitive-type-scs
553 (tn-primitive-type nfp-tn)))))
554 (emit-context-template
555 node block
556 (template-or-lose 'compute-old-nfp)
557 nfp-tn vop)
558 (aver (not (sc-number-stack-p (tn-sc nfp-tn))))
559 nfp-tn)))
560 (new (emit-move-arg-template node block res val-tn this-fp
561 pass-tn vop))
562 (after
563 (cond ((eq how :local-call)
564 (aver (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info prev))
565 'allocate-frame))
566 prev)
567 (prev (vop-next prev))
569 (ir2-block-start-vop block)))))
570 (coerce-some-operands (vop-args new) pass-tn
571 (vop-info-arg-load-scs res)
572 after)))))
573 (values))
575 ;;; Scan the IR2 looking for move operations that need to be replaced
576 ;;; with special-case VOPs and emitting coercion VOPs for operands of
577 ;;; normal VOPs. We delete moves to TNs that are never read at this
578 ;;; point, rather than possibly converting them to some expensive move
579 ;;; operation.
580 (defun emit-moves-and-coercions (block)
581 (declare (type ir2-block block))
582 (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block)
583 (vop-next vop)))
584 ((null vop))
585 (let ((info (vop-info vop))
586 (node (vop-node vop))
587 (block (vop-block vop)))
588 (cond
589 ((eq (vop-info-name info) 'move)
590 (let* ((args (vop-args vop))
591 (x (tn-ref-tn args))
592 (y (tn-ref-tn (vop-results vop)))
593 (res (find-move-vop x nil (tn-sc y) (tn-primitive-type y)
594 #'sc-move-vops)))
595 (cond ((and (null (tn-reads y))
596 (eq (tn-kind y) :normal))
597 (delete-vop vop))
598 ((eq res info))
599 (res
600 (when (>= (vop-info-cost res)
601 *efficiency-note-cost-threshold*)
602 (maybe-emit-coerce-efficiency-note res args y))
603 (emit-move-template node block res x y vop)
604 (delete-vop vop))
606 (coerce-vop-operands vop)))))
607 ((vop-info-move-args info)
608 (emit-arg-moves vop))
610 (coerce-vop-operands vop))))))
612 ;;; If TN is in a number stack SC, make all the right annotations.
613 ;;; Note that this should be called after TN has been referenced,
614 ;;; since it must iterate over the referencing environments.
615 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline note-if-number-stack))
616 (defun note-if-number-stack (tn 2comp restricted)
617 (declare (type tn tn) (type ir2-component 2comp))
618 (when (if restricted
619 (eq (sb-name (sc-sb (tn-sc tn))) 'non-descriptor-stack)
620 (sc-number-stack-p (tn-sc tn)))
621 (unless (ir2-component-nfp 2comp)
622 (setf (ir2-component-nfp 2comp) (make-nfp-tn)))
623 (note-number-stack-tn (tn-reads tn))
624 (note-number-stack-tn (tn-writes tn)))
625 (values))
627 ;;; This is the entry to representation selection. First we select the
628 ;;; representation for all normal TNs, setting the TN-SC. After
629 ;;; selecting the TN representations, we set the SC for all :ALIAS TNs
630 ;;; to be the representation chosen for the original TN. We then scan
631 ;;; all the IR2, emitting any necessary coerce and move-arg VOPs.
632 ;;; Finally, we scan all TNs looking for ones that might be placed on
633 ;;; the number stack, noting this so that the number-FP can be
634 ;;; allocated. This must be done last, since references in new
635 ;;; environments may be introduced by MOVE-ARG insertion.
636 (defun select-representations (component)
637 (let ((costs (make-array sc-number-limit))
638 (2comp (component-info component)))
640 ;; First pass; only allocate SCs where there is a distinct choice.
641 (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp)
642 (tn-next tn)))
643 ((null tn))
644 (aver (tn-primitive-type tn))
645 (unless (tn-sc tn)
646 (let* ((scs (primitive-type-scs (tn-primitive-type tn))))
647 (cond ((rest scs)
648 (multiple-value-bind (sc unique)
649 (select-tn-representation tn scs costs)
650 (when unique
651 (setf (tn-sc tn) sc))))
653 (setf (tn-sc tn)
654 (svref *backend-sc-numbers* (first scs))))))))
656 (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp)
657 (tn-next tn)))
658 ((null tn))
659 (aver (tn-primitive-type tn))
660 (unless (tn-sc tn)
661 (let* ((scs (primitive-type-scs (tn-primitive-type tn)))
662 (sc (if (rest scs)
663 (select-tn-representation tn scs costs)
664 (svref *backend-sc-numbers* (first scs)))))
665 (aver sc)
666 (setf (tn-sc tn) sc))))
668 (do ((alias (ir2-component-alias-tns 2comp)
669 (tn-next alias)))
670 ((null alias))
671 (setf (tn-sc alias) (tn-sc (tn-save-tn alias))))
673 (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
674 (emit-moves-and-coercions block))
676 (macrolet ((frob (slot restricted)
677 `(do ((tn (,slot 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
678 ((null tn))
679 (note-if-number-stack tn 2comp ,restricted))))
680 (frob ir2-component-normal-tns nil)
681 (frob ir2-component-wired-tns t)
682 (frob ir2-component-restricted-tns t)))
684 (values))