Reduce number of source files needed to write C headers
[sbcl.git] / tests / call-into-lisp.impure.lisp
2 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
3 ;;;; more information.
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
6 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
7 ;;;; from CMU CL.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
10 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
11 ;;;; more information.
13 (in-package sb-vm)
15 (test-util:with-test (:name :unparse-alien-niladic-function)
16 (let* ((type (parse-alien-type '(function long) nil))
17 (val (%sap-alien (int-sap #x4000) type)))
18 (assert (not (search "#'" (write-to-string type :pretty t))))
19 (assert (not (search "#'" (write-to-string val :pretty t))))))
21 ;; This test shows (well, sorta) that call_into_lisp didn't read beyond
22 ;; the Nth item in its argument vector with N being the specified argc.
23 ;; As it happens, we zeroize the unused passing registers, so can check for that.
24 (defun monkeybiz (a1 a2 a3)
25 ;; grr. what if a safety policy restriction is in effect?
26 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
27 (declare (special monkeybiz-result))
28 (setq monkeybiz-result (list a1 a2 a3)))
29 (compile 'monkeybiz) ; in case somebody runs this test with the interpreter
31 (defun try-call-into-lisp (c-prog) ; er, assembly program, but whatever
32 (flet ((assemble-it (n)
33 (let ((segment (sb-assem:make-segment :type :regular)))
34 (sb-assem:assemble (segment)
35 (dolist (instruction (subst n :ARGC c-prog)
36 (sb-assem::segment-buffer segment))
37 (apply (sb-assem::op-encoder-name (car instruction))
38 (cdr instruction)))))))
39 (dotimes (n-args 4)
40 (let ((the-code (assemble-it n-args)))
41 ;; in case we change the way the assembler output works ...
42 (assert (typep the-code '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 1)))
43 (with-pinned-objects (the-code)
44 (let ((my-little-alien
45 (%sap-alien (vector-sap the-code)
46 (parse-alien-type '(function long) nil)))
47 (expect (concatenate 'list (subseq '(#\A 311 T) 0 n-args)
48 (subseq '(0 0 0) n-args 3)))
49 (monkeybiz-result))
50 (declare (special monkeybiz-result))
51 (alien-funcall my-little-alien)
52 (format t "Call with ~D arg~:P: ~S~%" n-args monkeybiz-result)
53 (assert (equal monkeybiz-result expect))))))))
55 #+X86-64
56 (test-util:with-test (:name :call-into-lisp)
57 ;; Obviously we need a C function to call the Lisp function, so here's one,
58 ;; carefully hand-crafted so as to need no input arguments,
59 ;; using only a static Lisp symbol, two non-pointers, and a pinned function.
60 (with-pinned-objects (#'monkeybiz)
61 (try-call-into-lisp
62 ;; Making room for 3 args aligns the stack to a 16-byte boundary
63 ;; presuming it was at CALL to me. Darwin requires the alignment, others don't care.
64 `((sub ,rsp-tn 24)
65 (mov ,(make-ea :qword :base rsp-tn :disp 16) ,(get-lisp-obj-address T))
66 (mov ,(make-ea :qword :base rsp-tn :disp 8) ,(fixnumize 311))
67 (mov ,(make-ea :qword :base rsp-tn :disp 0) ,(get-lisp-obj-address #\A))
68 (mov ,rdi-tn ,(get-lisp-obj-address #'monkeybiz)) ; C arg 0 = Lisp function
69 (mov ,rsi-tn ,rsp-tn) ; C arg 1 = argv
70 (mov ,rdx-tn :ARGC) ; C arg 2 = argc
71 (mov ,rax-tn ,(sap-int
72 (alien-value-sap
73 (extern-alien "call_into_lisp"
74 (function long long long long)))))
75 (call ,rax-tn)
76 (add ,rsp-tn 24)
77 (ret)))))