[sbcl.git] / src / code / time.lisp
1 ;;;; low-level time functions
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
14 (defun time-reinit ()
15 (reinit-internal-real-time))
17 ;;; Implemented in unix.lisp and win32.lisp.
18 #!+sb-doc
19 (setf (fdocumentation 'get-internal-real-time 'function)
20 "Return the real time (\"wallclock time\") since startup in the internal
21 time format. (See INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND.)")
23 (defun get-internal-run-time ()
24 #!+sb-doc
25 "Return the run time used by the process in the internal time format. (See
26 INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND.) This is useful for finding CPU usage.
27 Includes both \"system\" and \"user\" time."
28 (system-internal-run-time))
30 ;;;; Encode and decode universal times.
32 ;;; In August 2003, work was done in this file for more plausible
33 ;;; timezone handling after the unix timezone database runs out in
34 ;;; 2038. We assume that timezone rules are trending sane rather than
35 ;;; insane, so for all years after the end of time_t we apply the
36 ;;; rules for 2035/2036 instead of the actual date asked for. Making
37 ;;; the same assumption about the early 1900s would be less
38 ;;; reasonable, however, so please note that we're still broken for
39 ;;; local time between 1900-1-1 and 1901-12-13
41 ;;; It should be noted that 64 bit machines don't actually fix this
42 ;;; problem, at least as of 2003, because the Unix zonefiles are
43 ;;; specified in terms of 32 bit fields even on, say, the Alpha. So,
44 ;;; references to the range of time_t elsewhere in this file should
45 ;;; rightly be read as shorthand for the range of an signed 32 bit
46 ;;; number of seconds since 1970-01-01
48 ;;; I'm obliged to Erik Naggum's "Long, Painful History of Time" paper
49 ;;; <> for the choice of epoch here.
50 ;;; By starting the year in March, we avoid having to test the month
51 ;;; whenever deciding whether to account for a leap day. 2000 is
52 ;;; especially special, because it's divisible by 400, hence the start
53 ;;; of a 400 year leap year cycle
55 ;;; If a universal-time is after time_t runs out, we find its offset
56 ;;; from 1st March of whichever year it falls in, then add that to
57 ;;; 2035-3-1. This date has two relevant properties: (1) somewhere
58 ;;; near the end of time_t, and (2) preceding a leap year. Thus a
59 ;;; date which is e.g. 365.5 days from March 1st in its year will be
60 ;;; treated for timezone lookup as if it were Feb 29th 2036
62 ;;; This epoch is used only for fixing the timezones-outside-time_t
63 ;;; problem. Someday it would be nice to come back to this code and
64 ;;; see if the rest of the file and its references to Spice Lisp
65 ;;; history (Perq time base?) could be cleaned up any on this basis.
66 ;;; -- dan, 2003-08-08
68 ;;; In order to accomodate universal times between January 1st 1900
69 ;;; and sometime on December 13th 1901, I'm doing the same calculation
70 ;;; as described above in order to handle dates in that interval, by
71 ;;; normalizing them to March 1st 1903, which shares the same special
72 ;;; properties described above (except for the 400-year property, but
73 ;;; this isn't an issue for the limited range we need to handle).
75 ;;; One open issue is whether to pass UNIX a 64-bit time_t value on
76 ;;; 64-bit platforms. I don't know if time_t is always 64-bit on those
77 ;;; platforms, and looking at this file reveals a scary amount of
78 ;;; literal 31 and 32s.
79 ;;; -- bem, 2005-08-09
81 ;;; Subtract from the returned Internal-Time to get the universal
82 ;;; time. The offset between our time base and the Perq one is 2145
83 ;;; weeks and five days.
84 (defconstant seconds-in-week (* 60 60 24 7))
85 (defconstant weeks-offset 2145)
86 (defconstant seconds-offset 432000)
87 (defconstant minutes-per-day (* 24 60))
88 (defconstant quarter-days-per-year (1+ (* 365 4)))
89 (defconstant quarter-days-per-century 146097)
90 (defconstant november-17-1858 678882)
91 (defconstant weekday-november-17-1858 2)
92 (defconstant unix-to-universal-time 2208988800)
94 (defun get-universal-time ()
95 #!+sb-doc
96 "Return a single integer for the current time of day in universal time
97 format."
98 (+ (get-time-of-day) unix-to-universal-time))
100 (defun get-decoded-time ()
101 #!+sb-doc
102 "Return nine values specifying the current time as follows:
103 second, minute, hour, date, month, year, day of week (0 = Monday), T
104 (daylight savings times) or NIL (standard time), and timezone."
105 (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)))
107 (defconstant +mar-1-2000+ #.(encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 3 2000 0))
108 (defconstant +mar-1-2035+ #.(encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 3 2035 0))
110 (defconstant +mar-1-1903+ #.(encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 3 1903 0))
112 (defun years-since-mar-2000 (utime)
113 #!+sb-doc
114 "Returns number of complete years since March 1st 2000, and remainder in seconds"
115 (let* ((days-in-year (* 86400 365))
116 (days-in-4year (+ (* 4 days-in-year) 86400))
117 (days-in-100year (- (* 25 days-in-4year) 86400))
118 (days-in-400year (+ (* 4 days-in-100year) 86400))
119 (offset (- utime +mar-1-2000+))
120 (year 0))
121 (labels ((whole-num (x y inc max)
122 (let ((w (truncate x y)))
123 (when (and max (> w max)) (setf w max))
124 (incf year (* w inc))
125 (* w y))))
126 (decf offset (whole-num offset days-in-400year 400 nil))
127 (decf offset (whole-num offset days-in-100year 100 3))
128 (decf offset (whole-num offset days-in-4year 4 25))
129 (decf offset (whole-num offset days-in-year 1 3))
130 (values year offset))))
132 (defun truncate-to-unix-range (utime)
133 (let ((unix-time (- utime unix-to-universal-time)))
134 (cond
135 ((< unix-time (- (ash 1 31)))
136 (multiple-value-bind (year offset) (years-since-mar-2000 utime)
137 (declare (ignore year))
138 (+ +mar-1-1903+ (- unix-to-universal-time) offset)))
139 ((>= unix-time (ash 1 31))
140 (multiple-value-bind (year offset) (years-since-mar-2000 utime)
141 (declare (ignore year))
142 (+ +mar-1-2035+ (- unix-to-universal-time) offset)))
143 (t unix-time))))
145 (defun decode-universal-time (universal-time &optional time-zone)
146 #!+sb-doc
147 "Converts a universal-time to decoded time format returning the following
148 nine values: second, minute, hour, date, month, year, day of week (0 =
149 Monday), T (daylight savings time) or NIL (standard time), and timezone.
150 Completely ignores daylight-savings-time when time-zone is supplied."
151 (multiple-value-bind (daylight seconds-west)
152 (if time-zone
153 (values nil (* time-zone 60 60))
154 (multiple-value-bind (ignore seconds-west daylight)
155 (sb!unix::get-timezone (truncate-to-unix-range universal-time))
156 (declare (ignore ignore))
157 (declare (fixnum seconds-west))
158 (values daylight seconds-west)))
159 (declare (fixnum seconds-west))
160 (multiple-value-bind (weeks secs)
161 (truncate (+ (- universal-time seconds-west) seconds-offset)
162 seconds-in-week)
163 (let ((weeks (+ weeks weeks-offset)))
164 (multiple-value-bind (t1 second)
165 (truncate secs 60)
166 (let ((tday (truncate t1 minutes-per-day)))
167 (multiple-value-bind (hour minute)
168 (truncate (- t1 (* tday minutes-per-day)) 60)
169 (let* ((t2 (1- (* (+ (* weeks 7) tday november-17-1858) 4)))
170 (tcent (truncate t2 quarter-days-per-century)))
171 (setq t2 (mod t2 quarter-days-per-century))
172 (setq t2 (+ (- t2 (mod t2 4)) 3))
173 (let* ((year (+ (* tcent 100)
174 (truncate t2 quarter-days-per-year)))
175 (days-since-mar0
176 (1+ (truncate (mod t2 quarter-days-per-year) 4)))
177 (day (mod (+ tday weekday-november-17-1858) 7))
178 (t3 (+ (* days-since-mar0 5) 456)))
179 (cond ((>= t3 1989)
180 (setq t3 (- t3 1836))
181 (setq year (1+ year))))
182 (multiple-value-bind (month t3)
183 (truncate t3 153)
184 (let ((date (1+ (truncate t3 5))))
185 (values second minute hour date month year day
186 daylight
187 (if daylight
188 (1+ (/ seconds-west 60 60))
189 (/ seconds-west 60 60))))))))))))))
191 (defun pick-obvious-year (year)
192 (declare (type (mod 100) year))
193 (let* ((current-year (nth-value 5 (get-decoded-time)))
194 (guess (+ year (* (truncate (- current-year 50) 100) 100))))
195 (declare (type (integer 1900 9999) current-year guess))
196 (if (> (- current-year guess) 50)
197 (+ guess 100)
198 guess)))
200 (defun leap-years-before (year)
201 (let ((years (- year 1901)))
202 (+ (- (truncate years 4)
203 (truncate years 100))
204 (truncate (+ years 300) 400))))
206 (defvar *days-before-month*
207 #.(let ((reversed-result nil)
208 (sum 0))
209 (push nil reversed-result)
210 (dolist (days-in-month '(31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
211 (push sum reversed-result)
212 (incf sum days-in-month))
213 (coerce (nreverse reversed-result) 'simple-vector)))
216 (defun encode-universal-time (second minute hour date month year
217 &optional time-zone)
218 #!+sb-doc
219 "The time values specified in decoded format are converted to
220 universal time, which is returned."
221 (declare (type (mod 60) second)
222 (type (mod 60) minute)
223 (type (mod 24) hour)
224 (type (integer 1 31) date)
225 (type (integer 1 12) month)
226 (type (or (integer 0 99) (integer 1899)) year)
227 ;; that type used to say (integer 1900), but that's
228 ;; incorrect when a time-zone is specified: we should be
229 ;; able to encode to produce 0 when a non-zero timezone is
230 ;; specified - bem, 2005-08-09
231 (type (or null rational) time-zone))
232 (let* ((year (if (< year 100)
233 (pick-obvious-year year)
234 year))
235 (days (+ (1- date)
236 (aref *days-before-month* month)
237 (if (> month 2)
238 (leap-years-before (1+ year))
239 (leap-years-before year))
240 (* (- year 1900) 365)))
241 (hours (+ hour (* days 24)))
242 (encoded-time 0))
243 (if time-zone
244 (setf encoded-time (+ second (* (+ minute (* (+ hours time-zone) 60)) 60)))
245 (let* ((secwest-guess
246 (sb!unix::unix-get-seconds-west
247 (truncate-to-unix-range (* hours 60 60))))
248 (guess (+ second (* 60 (+ minute (* hours 60)))
249 secwest-guess))
250 (secwest
251 (sb!unix::unix-get-seconds-west
252 (truncate-to-unix-range guess))))
253 (setf encoded-time (+ guess (- secwest secwest-guess)))))
254 (assert (typep encoded-time '(integer 0)))
255 encoded-time))
257 ;;;; TIME
259 (defvar *gc-run-time* 0
260 #!+sb-doc
261 "Total CPU time spent doing garbage collection (as reported by
262 GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME.) Initialized to zero on startup. It is safe to bind
263 this to zero in order to measure GC time inside a certain section of code, but
264 doing so may interfere with results reported by eg. TIME.")
265 (declaim (type index *gc-run-time*))
267 (defun print-time (&key real-time-ms user-run-time-us system-run-time-us
268 gc-run-time-ms processor-cycles eval-calls
269 lambdas-converted page-faults bytes-consed
270 aborted)
271 (let ((total-run-time-us (+ user-run-time-us system-run-time-us)))
272 (format *trace-output*
273 "~&Evaluation took:~%~
274 ~@< ~@;~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ of real time~%~
275 ~/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ of total run time ~
276 (~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ user, ~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ system)~%~
277 ~[[ Run times consist of ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ GC time, ~
278 and ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ non-GC time. ]~%~;~2*~]~
279 ~,2F% CPU~%~
280 ~@[~:D form~:P interpreted~%~]~
281 ~@[~:D lambda~:P converted~%~]~
282 ~@[~:D processor cycles~%~]~
283 ~@[~:D page fault~:P~%~]~
284 ~:D bytes consed~%~
285 ~@[~%before it was aborted by a non-local transfer of control.~%~]~:>~%"
286 real-time-ms
287 total-run-time-us
288 user-run-time-us
289 system-run-time-us
290 (if (zerop gc-run-time-ms) 1 0)
291 gc-run-time-ms
292 ;; Round up so we don't mislead by saying 0.0 seconds of non-GC time...
293 (- (ceiling total-run-time-us 1000) gc-run-time-ms)
294 (if (zerop real-time-ms)
295 100.0
296 (float (* 100 (/ (round total-run-time-us 1000) real-time-ms))))
297 eval-calls
298 lambdas-converted
299 processor-cycles
300 page-faults
301 bytes-consed
302 aborted)))
304 (defmacro time (form)
305 #!+sb-doc
306 "Execute FORM and print timing information on *TRACE-OUTPUT*.
308 On some hardware platforms estimated processor cycle counts are
309 included in this output; this number is slightly inflated, since it
310 includes the pipeline involved in reading the cycle counter --
311 executing \(TIME NIL) a few times will give you an idea of the
312 overhead, and its variance. The cycle counters are also per processor,
313 not per thread: if multiple threads are running on the same processor,
314 the reported counts will include cycles taken up by all threads
315 running on the processor where TIME was executed. Furthermore, if the
316 operating system migrates the thread to another processor between
317 reads of the cycle counter, the results will be completely bogus.
318 Finally, the counter is cycle counter, incremented by the hardware
319 even when the process is halted -- which is to say that cycles pass
320 normally during operations like SLEEP."
321 `(call-with-timing #'print-time (lambda () ,form)))
323 ;;; Return all the data that we want TIME to report.
324 (defun time-get-sys-info ()
325 (multiple-value-bind (user sys faults) (sb!sys:get-system-info)
326 (values user sys faults (get-bytes-consed))))
328 (defun elapsed-cycles (h0 l0 h1 l1)
329 (declare (ignorable h0 l0 h1 l1))
330 #!+cycle-counter
331 (+ (ash (- h1 h0) 32)
332 (- l1 l0))
333 #!-cycle-counter
334 nil)
335 (declaim (inline read-cycle-counter))
336 (defun read-cycle-counter ()
337 #!+cycle-counter
338 (sb!vm::%read-cycle-counter)
339 #!-cycle-counter
340 (values 0 0))
342 ;;; This is so that we don't have to worry about the vagaries of
343 ;;; floating point printing, or about conversions to floats dropping
344 ;;; or introducing decimals, which are liable to imply wrong precision.
345 (defun format-microseconds (stream usec &optional colonp atp)
346 (declare (ignore colonp))
347 (%format-decimal stream usec 6)
348 (unless atp
349 (write-string " seconds" stream)))
351 (defun format-milliseconds (stream usec &optional colonp atp)
352 (declare (ignore colonp))
353 (%format-decimal stream usec 3)
354 (unless atp
355 (write-string " seconds" stream)))
357 (defun %format-decimal (stream number power)
358 (declare (stream stream)
359 (integer number power))
360 (when (minusp number)
361 (write-char #\- stream)
362 (setf number (- number)))
363 (let ((scale (expt 10 power)))
364 (labels ((%fraction (fraction)
365 (if (zerop fraction)
366 (%zeroes)
367 (let ((scaled (* 10 fraction)))
368 (loop while (< scaled scale)
369 do (write-char #\0 stream)
370 (setf scaled (* scaled 10)))))
371 (format stream "~D" fraction))
372 (%zeroes ()
373 (let ((scaled (/ scale 10)))
374 (write-char #\0 stream)
375 (loop while (> scaled 1)
376 do (write-char #\0 stream)
377 (setf scaled (/ scaled 10))))))
378 (cond ((zerop number)
379 (write-string "0." stream)
380 (%zeroes))
381 ((< number scale)
382 (write-string "0." stream)
383 (%fraction number))
384 ((= number scale)
385 (write-string "1." stream)
386 (%zeroes))
387 ((> number scale)
388 (multiple-value-bind (whole fraction) (floor number scale)
389 (format stream "~D." whole)
390 (%fraction fraction))))))
391 nil)
393 ;;; The guts of the TIME macro. Compute overheads, run the (compiled)
394 ;;; function, report the times.
395 (defun call-with-timing (timer function &rest arguments)
396 #!+sb-doc
397 "Calls FUNCTION with ARGUMENTS, and gathers timing information about it.
398 Then calls TIMER with keyword arguments describing the information collected.
399 Calls TIMER even if FUNCTION performs a non-local transfer of control. Finally
400 returns values returned by FUNCTION.
403 User run time in microseconds.
406 System run time in microseconds.
409 Real time in milliseconds.
412 GC run time in milliseconds (included in user and system run time.)
415 Approximate number of processor cycles used. (Omitted if not supported on
416 the platform -- currently available on x86 and x86-64 only.)
419 Number of calls to EVAL. (Omitted if zero.)
422 Number of lambdas converted. (Omitted if zero.)
425 Number of page faults. (Omitted if zero.)
428 Approximate number of bytes consed.
431 True if FUNCTION caused a non-local transfer of control. (Omitted if
432 NIL.)
434 EXPERIMENTAL: Interface subject to change."
435 (let (old-run-utime
436 new-run-utime
437 old-run-stime
438 new-run-stime
439 old-real-time
440 new-real-time
441 old-page-faults
442 new-page-faults
443 real-time-overhead
444 run-utime-overhead
445 run-stime-overhead
446 page-faults-overhead
447 old-bytes-consed
448 new-bytes-consed
449 cons-overhead
450 (fun (if (functionp function) function (fdefinition function))))
451 (declare (function fun))
452 ;; Calculate the overhead...
453 (multiple-value-setq
454 (old-run-utime old-run-stime old-page-faults old-bytes-consed)
455 (time-get-sys-info))
456 ;; Do it a second time to make sure everything is faulted in.
457 (multiple-value-setq
458 (old-run-utime old-run-stime old-page-faults old-bytes-consed)
459 (time-get-sys-info))
460 (multiple-value-setq
461 (new-run-utime new-run-stime new-page-faults new-bytes-consed)
462 (time-get-sys-info))
463 (setq run-utime-overhead (- new-run-utime old-run-utime))
464 (setq run-stime-overhead (- new-run-stime old-run-stime))
465 (setq page-faults-overhead (- new-page-faults old-page-faults))
466 (setq old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
467 (setq old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
468 (setq new-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
469 (setq real-time-overhead (- new-real-time old-real-time))
470 (setq cons-overhead (- new-bytes-consed old-bytes-consed))
471 ;; Now get the initial times.
472 (multiple-value-setq
473 (old-run-utime old-run-stime old-page-faults old-bytes-consed)
474 (time-get-sys-info))
475 (setq old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
476 (let ((start-gc-internal-run-time *gc-run-time*)
477 (*eval-calls* 0)
478 (sb!c::*lambda-conversions* 0)
479 (aborted t))
480 (declare (special *eval-calls* sb!c::*lambda-conversions*))
481 (multiple-value-bind (h0 l0) (read-cycle-counter)
482 (unwind-protect
483 (multiple-value-prog1 (apply fun arguments)
484 (setf aborted nil))
485 (multiple-value-bind (h1 l1) (read-cycle-counter)
486 (let ((stop-gc-internal-run-time *gc-run-time*))
487 (multiple-value-setq
488 (new-run-utime new-run-stime new-page-faults new-bytes-consed)
489 (time-get-sys-info))
490 (setq new-real-time (- (get-internal-real-time) real-time-overhead))
491 (let* ((gc-internal-run-time (max (- stop-gc-internal-run-time start-gc-internal-run-time) 0))
492 (real-time (max (- new-real-time old-real-time) 0))
493 (user-run-time (max (- new-run-utime old-run-utime) 0))
494 (system-run-time (max (- new-run-stime old-run-stime) 0))
495 (cycles (elapsed-cycles h0 l0 h1 l1))
496 (page-faults (max (- new-page-faults old-page-faults) 0)))
497 (let (plist)
498 (flet ((note (name value &optional test)
499 (unless (and test (funcall test value))
500 (setf plist (list* name value plist)))))
501 (note :aborted aborted #'not)
502 (note :bytes-consed (max (- new-bytes-consed old-bytes-consed) 0))
503 (note :page-faults page-faults #'zerop)
504 ;; cycle counting isn't supported everywhere.
505 (when cycles
506 (note :processor-cycles cycles #'zerop)
507 (note :lambdas-converted sb!c::*lambda-conversions* #'zerop))
508 (note :eval-calls *eval-calls* #'zerop)
509 (note :gc-run-time-ms gc-internal-run-time)
510 (note :system-run-time-us system-run-time)
511 (note :user-run-time-us user-run-time)
512 (note :real-time-ms real-time))
513 (apply timer plist))))))))))