Eliminate style-warning about undefined type GLOBAL-VAR
[sbcl.git] / src / code / quantifiers.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
12 ;;;; quantifiers
14 ;;; We borrow the logic from (MAP NIL ..) to handle iteration over
15 ;;; arbitrary sequence arguments, both in the full call case and in
16 ;;; the open code case.
17 (flet ((expand (pred sequences test found-result unfound-result)
18 (unless (proper-list-of-length-p sequences 1 call-arguments-limit)
19 (return-from expand (values nil t))) ; give up
20 (binding* ((elements (make-gensym-list (length sequences)))
21 ((bind-fun call-it) (funarg-bind/call-forms pred elements))
22 (blockname (sb!xc:gensym "BLOCK"))
23 (wrapper (sb!xc:gensym "WRAPPER"))
24 (value (sb!xc:gensym "VAL")))
25 (let ((form
26 `(block ,blockname
27 (dx-flet ((,wrapper (,@elements)
28 (declare (optimize
29 (sb!c::check-tag-existence 0)))
30 (let ((,value ,call-it))
31 (,test ,value
32 (return-from ,blockname
33 ,(if (eq found-result :value)
34 value
35 found-result))))))
36 (declare (inline ,wrapper))
37 (%map nil #',wrapper ,@sequences)
38 ,unfound-result))))
39 (values (if bind-fun `(let ,bind-fun ,form) form) nil)))))
40 (macrolet ((defquantifier (name found-test found-result
41 &key doc (unfound-result (not found-result)))
42 (declare (ignorable doc))
43 `(progn
44 ;; KLUDGE: It would be really nice if we could simply
45 ;; do something like this
46 ;; (declaim (inline ,name))
47 ;; (defun ,name (pred first-seq &rest more-seqs)
48 ;; ,doc
49 ;; (flet ((map-me (&rest rest)
50 ;; (let ((pred-value (apply pred rest)))
51 ;; (,found-test pred-value
52 ;; (return-from ,name
53 ;; ,found-result)))))
54 ;; (declare (inline map-me))
55 ;; (apply #'map nil #'map-me first-seq more-seqs)
56 ;; ,unfound-result))
57 ;; but Python doesn't seem to be smart enough about
58 ;; inlining and APPLY to recognize that it can use
59 ;; the DEFTRANSFORM for MAP in the resulting inline
60 ;; expansion. I don't have any appetite for deep
61 ;; compiler hacking right now, so I'll just work
62 ;; around the apparent problem by using a compiler
63 ;; macro instead. -- WHN 20000410
64 (sb!c:define-source-transform ,name (pred &rest sequences)
65 (expand pred sequences
66 ',found-test ',found-result ',unfound-result))
67 #-sb-xc-host ; don't redefine CL builtins!
68 (defun ,name (pred first-seq &rest more-seqs)
69 #!+sb-doc ,doc
70 (flet ((map-me (&rest rest)
71 (let ((value (apply pred rest)))
72 (,found-test value
73 (return-from ,name
74 ,(if (eq found-result :value)
75 'value
76 found-result))))))
77 (declare (inline map-me))
78 (apply #'%map nil #'map-me first-seq more-seqs)
79 ,unfound-result)))))
81 (defquantifier some when :value :unfound-result nil
82 :doc "Apply PREDICATE to the 0-indexed elements of the sequences, then
83 possibly to those with index 1, and so on. Return the first
84 non-NIL value encountered, or NIL if the end of any sequence is reached.")
85 (defquantifier every unless nil
86 :doc "Apply PREDICATE to the 0-indexed elements of the sequences, then
87 possibly to those with index 1, and so on. Return NIL as soon
88 as any invocation of PREDICATE returns NIL, or T if every invocation
89 is non-NIL.")
90 (defquantifier notany when nil
91 :doc "Apply PREDICATE to the 0-indexed elements of the sequences, then
92 possibly to those with index 1, and so on. Return NIL as soon
93 as any invocation of PREDICATE returns a non-NIL value, or T if the end
94 of any sequence is reached.")
95 (defquantifier notevery unless t
96 :doc "Apply PREDICATE to 0-indexed elements of the sequences, then
97 possibly to those with index 1, and so on. Return T as soon
98 as any invocation of PREDICATE returns NIL, or NIL if every invocation
99 is non-NIL.")))