Autogenerate some bitmasks for testing sets of widetags.
[sbcl.git] / src / pcl / wrapper.lisp
1 ;;;; Bits and pieces of the wrapper machninery. This used to live in cache.lisp,
2 ;;;; but doesn't really logically belong there.
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox
8 ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications
9 ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with
10 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more
11 ;;;; information.
13 ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources:
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation.
16 ;;;; All rights reserved.
17 ;;;;
18 ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
19 ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
20 ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
21 ;;;; control laws.
22 ;;;;
23 ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
24 ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
25 ;;;; specification.
27 (in-package "SB-PCL")
29 (defmacro wrapper-class (wrapper)
30 `(classoid-pcl-class (layout-classoid ,wrapper)))
32 (declaim (inline make-wrapper-internal))
33 (defun make-wrapper-internal (&key (bitmap -1) length classoid)
34 (make-layout :length length :classoid classoid :invalid nil
35 :%for-std-class-b 1 :bitmap bitmap))
37 ;;; With compact-instance-header and immobile-code, the primitive object has
38 ;;; 2 descriptor slots (fin-fun and CLOS slot vector) and 2 non-desriptor slots
39 ;;; containing machine instructions, after the self-pointer (trampoline) slot.
40 ;;; Scavenging the self-pointer is unnecessary though harmless.
41 ;;; This intricate calculation of #b110 makes it insensitive to the
42 ;;; index of the trampoline slot.
43 #+(and immobile-code compact-instance-header)
44 (defconstant +fsc-layout-bitmap+
45 (logxor (1- (ash 1 sb-vm:funcallable-instance-info-offset))
46 (ash 1 (1- sb-vm:funcallable-instance-trampoline-slot))))
48 ;;; This is called in BRAID when we are making wrappers for classes
49 ;;; whose slots are not initialized yet, and which may be built-in
50 ;;; classes. We pass in the class name in addition to the class.
51 (defun !boot-make-wrapper (length name &optional class)
52 (let ((found (find-classoid name nil)))
53 (cond
54 (found
55 (unless (classoid-pcl-class found)
56 (setf (classoid-pcl-class found) class))
57 (aver (eq (classoid-pcl-class found) class))
58 (let ((layout (classoid-layout found)))
59 (aver layout)
60 layout))
62 (make-wrapper-internal
63 :bitmap (cond #+(and immobile-code compact-instance-header)
64 ((member name '(generic-function
65 standard-generic-function))
66 +fsc-layout-bitmap+)
67 (t -1))
68 :length length
69 :classoid (make-standard-classoid
70 :name name :pcl-class class))))))
72 ;;; In SBCL, as in CMU CL, the layouts (a.k.a wrappers) for built-in
73 ;;; and structure classes already exist when PCL is initialized, so we
74 ;;; don't necessarily always make a wrapper. Also, we help maintain
75 ;;; the mapping between CL:CLASS and SB-KERNEL:CLASSOID objects.
76 (defun make-wrapper (length class)
77 ;; SLOT-VALUE can't be inlined because we don't have the machinery
78 ;; to perform ENSURE-ACCESSOR as yet.
79 (declare (notinline slot-value))
80 (cond
81 ((or (typep class 'std-class)
82 (typep class 'forward-referenced-class))
83 (make-wrapper-internal
84 :bitmap (cond #+(and immobile-code compact-instance-header)
85 ((eq (class-of class) *the-class-funcallable-standard-class*)
86 +fsc-layout-bitmap+)
87 (t -1))
88 :length length
89 :classoid
90 (let ((owrap (class-wrapper class)))
91 (cond (owrap
92 (layout-classoid owrap))
93 ((or (*subtypep (class-of class) *the-class-standard-class*)
94 (*subtypep (class-of class) *the-class-funcallable-standard-class*)
95 (typep class 'forward-referenced-class))
96 (let ((name (slot-value class 'name)))
97 (make-standard-classoid :pcl-class class
98 :name (and (symbolp name) name))))
100 (bug "Got to T branch in ~S" 'make-wrapper))))))
102 (let* ((found (find-classoid (slot-value class 'name)))
103 (layout (classoid-layout found)))
104 (unless (classoid-pcl-class found)
105 (setf (classoid-pcl-class found) class))
106 (aver (eq (classoid-pcl-class found) class))
107 (aver layout)
108 layout))))
110 (declaim (inline wrapper-class*))
111 (defun wrapper-class* (wrapper)
112 (or (wrapper-class wrapper)
113 ;; FIXME: this branch seems unreachable.
114 ;; It would be nice to eliminate WRAPPER-CLASS* if we can show that it
115 ;; is only a holdover from an earlier way of bootstrapping that resulted
116 ;; in the temporary absence of a PCL-CLASS for some non-standard-class.
117 ;; Certainly no test gets here [changing it to (BUG "got here") worked].
118 ;; Note however that
120 ;; which can be resolved by just ensuring one time that it has a CLASS.
121 ;; And nothing else seems to be problematic.
122 (let ((classoid (layout-classoid wrapper)))
123 (ensure-non-standard-class
124 (classoid-name classoid)
125 classoid))))
127 ;;; The wrapper cache machinery provides general mechanism for
128 ;;; trapping on the next access to any instance of a given class. This
129 ;;; mechanism is used to implement the updating of instances when the
130 ;;; class is redefined (MAKE-INSTANCES-OBSOLETE). The same mechanism
131 ;;; is also used to update generic function caches when there is a
132 ;;; change to the superclasses of a class.
134 ;;; Basically, a given wrapper can be valid or invalid. If it is
135 ;;; invalid, it means that any attempt to do a wrapper cache lookup
136 ;;; using the wrapper should trap. Also, methods on
137 ;;; SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS check the wrapper validity as well. This is
138 ;;; done by calling CHECK-WRAPPER-VALIDITY.
140 (declaim (inline invalid-wrapper-p))
141 (defun invalid-wrapper-p (wrapper)
142 (not (null (layout-invalid wrapper))))
144 ;;; We only use this inside INVALIDATE-WRAPPER.
145 (defvar *previous-nwrappers* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
147 (defun %invalidate-wrapper (owrapper state nwrapper)
148 (aver (member state '(:flush :obsolete) :test #'eq))
149 (let ((new-previous ()))
150 ;; First off, a previous call to INVALIDATE-WRAPPER may have
151 ;; recorded OWRAPPER as an NWRAPPER to update to. Since OWRAPPER
152 ;; is about to be invalid, it no longer makes sense to update to
153 ;; it.
155 ;; We go back and change the previously invalidated wrappers so
156 ;; that they will now update directly to NWRAPPER. This
157 ;; corresponds to a kind of transitivity of wrapper updates.
158 (dolist (previous (gethash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*))
159 (when (eq state :obsolete)
160 (setf (car previous) :obsolete))
161 (setf (cadr previous) nwrapper)
162 (push previous new-previous))
164 ;; FIXME: We are here inside PCL lock, but might someone be
165 ;; accessing the wrapper at the same time from outside the lock?
166 (setf (layout-clos-hash owrapper) 0)
168 ;; FIXME: We could save a whopping cons by using (STATE . WRAPPER)
169 ;; instead
170 (push (setf (layout-invalid owrapper) (list state nwrapper))
171 new-previous)
173 (remhash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*)
174 (setf (gethash nwrapper *previous-nwrappers*) new-previous)))
176 ;;; FIXME: This is not a good name: part of the contract here is that
177 ;;; we return the valid wrapper, which is not obvious from the name
178 ;;; (or the names of our callees.)
179 (defun check-wrapper-validity (instance)
180 (with-world-lock ()
181 (let* ((owrapper (layout-of instance))
182 (state (layout-invalid owrapper)))
183 (aver (not (eq state :uninitialized)))
184 (cond ((not state)
185 owrapper)
186 ((not (layout-for-std-class-p owrapper))
187 ;; Obsolete structure trap.
188 (%obsolete-instance-trap owrapper nil instance))
189 ((eq t state)
190 ;; FIXME: I can't help thinking that, while this does cure
191 ;; the symptoms observed from some class redefinitions,
192 ;; this isn't the place to be doing this flushing.
193 ;; Nevertheless... -- CSR, 2003-05-31
195 ;; CMUCL comment:
196 ;; We assume in this case, that the :INVALID is from a
197 ;; previous call to REGISTER-LAYOUT for a superclass of
198 ;; INSTANCE's class. See also the comment above
199 ;; FORCE-CACHE-FLUSHES. Paul Dietz has test cases for this.
200 (let ((class (wrapper-class* owrapper)))
201 (%force-cache-flushes class)
202 ;; KLUDGE: avoid an infinite recursion, it's still better to
203 ;; bail out with an error for server softwares. see FIXME above.
204 ;; details:
206 ;; Error message here is trying to figure out a bit more about the
207 ;; situation, since we don't have anything approaching a test-case
208 ;; for the bug.
209 (let ((new-state (layout-invalid (layout-of instance))))
210 (when (eq new-state t)
211 (cerror "Nevermind and recurse." 'bug
212 :format-control "~@<~4IProblem forcing cache flushes. Please report ~
213 to sbcl-devel.~
214 ~% Owrapper: ~S~
215 ~% Wrapper-of: ~S~
216 ~% Class-wrapper: ~S~%~:@>"
217 :format-arguments (mapcar (lambda (x)
218 (cons x (layout-invalid x)))
219 (list owrapper
220 (layout-of instance)
221 (class-wrapper class)))))))
222 (check-wrapper-validity instance))
223 ((consp state)
224 (ecase (car state)
225 (:flush
226 (let ((new (cadr state)))
227 (cond ((std-instance-p instance)
228 (setf (%instance-layout instance) new))
229 ((fsc-instance-p instance)
230 (setf (%funcallable-instance-layout instance) new))
232 (bug "unrecognized instance type")))))
233 (:obsolete
234 (%obsolete-instance-trap owrapper (cadr state) instance))))))))
236 (declaim (inline check-obsolete-instance))
237 (defun check-obsolete-instance (instance)
238 (when (invalid-wrapper-p (layout-of instance))
239 (check-wrapper-validity instance)))
241 (defun valid-wrapper-of (instance)
242 (let ((wrapper (layout-of instance)))
243 (if (invalid-wrapper-p wrapper)
244 (check-wrapper-validity instance)
245 wrapper)))
247 ;;; NIL: means nothing so far, no actual arg info has NILs in the
248 ;;; metatype.
250 ;;; CLASS: seen all sorts of metaclasses (specifically, more than one
251 ;;; of the next 5 values) or else have seen something which doesn't
252 ;;; fall into a single category (SLOT-INSTANCE, FORWARD). Also used
253 ;;; when seen a non-standard specializer.
255 ;;; T: means everything so far is the class T.
257 ;;; The above three are the really important ones, as they affect how
258 ;;; discriminating functions are computed. There are some other
259 ;;; possible metatypes:
261 ;;; * STANDARD-INSTANCE: seen only standard classes
262 ;;; * BUILT-IN-INSTANCE: seen only built in classes
263 ;;; * STRUCTURE-INSTANCE: seen only structure classes
264 ;;; * CONDITION-INSTANCE: seen only condition classes
266 ;;; but these are largely unexploited as of 2007-05-10. The
267 ;;; distinction between STANDARD-INSTANCE and the others is used in
268 ;;; emitting wrapper/slot-getting code in accessor discriminating
269 ;;; functions (see EMIT-FETCH-WRAPPER and EMIT-READER/WRITER); it is
270 ;;; possible that there was an intention to use these metatypes to
271 ;;; specialize cache implementation or discrimination nets, but this
272 ;;; has not occurred as yet.
273 (defun raise-metatype (metatype new-specializer)
274 (let ((slot *the-class-slot-class*)
275 (standard *the-class-standard-class*)
276 (fsc *the-class-funcallable-standard-class*)
277 (condition *the-class-condition-class*)
278 (structure *the-class-structure-class*)
279 (system *the-class-system-class*)
280 (frc *the-class-forward-referenced-class*))
281 (flet ((specializer->metatype (x)
282 (let* ((specializer-class (if (eq **boot-state** 'complete)
283 (specializer-class-or-nil x)
285 (meta-specializer (class-of specializer-class)))
286 (cond
287 ((eq x *the-class-t*) t)
288 ((not specializer-class) 'non-standard)
289 ((*subtypep meta-specializer standard) 'standard-instance)
290 ((*subtypep meta-specializer fsc) 'standard-instance)
291 ((*subtypep meta-specializer condition) 'condition-instance)
292 ((*subtypep meta-specializer structure) 'structure-instance)
293 ((*subtypep meta-specializer system) 'system-instance)
294 ((*subtypep meta-specializer slot) 'slot-instance)
295 ((*subtypep meta-specializer frc) 'forward)
296 (t (error "~@<PCL cannot handle the specializer ~S ~
297 (meta-specializer ~S).~@:>"
298 new-specializer meta-specializer))))))
299 ;; We implement the following table. The notation is
300 ;; that X and Y are distinct meta specializer names.
302 ;; NIL <anything> ===> <anything>
303 ;; X X ===> X
304 ;; X Y ===> CLASS
305 (let ((new-metatype (specializer->metatype new-specializer)))
306 (cond ((eq new-metatype 'slot-instance) 'class)
307 ((eq new-metatype 'forward) 'class)
308 ((eq new-metatype 'non-standard) 'class)
309 ((null metatype) new-metatype)
310 ((eq metatype new-metatype) new-metatype)
311 (t 'class))))))
313 (defmacro with-dfun-wrappers ((args metatypes)
314 (dfun-wrappers invalid-wrapper-p
315 &optional wrappers classes types)
316 invalid-arguments-form
317 &body body)
318 `(let* ((args-tail ,args) (,invalid-wrapper-p nil) (invalid-arguments-p nil)
319 (,dfun-wrappers nil) (dfun-wrappers-tail nil)
320 ,@(when wrappers
321 `((wrappers-rev nil) (types-rev nil) (classes-rev nil))))
322 (dolist (mt ,metatypes)
323 (unless args-tail
324 (setq invalid-arguments-p t)
325 (return nil))
326 (let* ((arg (pop args-tail))
327 (wrapper nil)
328 ,@(when wrappers
329 `((class *the-class-t*)
330 (type t))))
331 (unless (eq mt t)
332 (setq wrapper (layout-of arg))
333 (when (invalid-wrapper-p wrapper)
334 (setq ,invalid-wrapper-p t)
335 (setq wrapper (check-wrapper-validity arg)))
336 (cond ((null ,dfun-wrappers)
337 (setq ,dfun-wrappers wrapper))
338 ((not (consp ,dfun-wrappers))
339 (setq dfun-wrappers-tail (list wrapper))
340 (setq ,dfun-wrappers (cons ,dfun-wrappers dfun-wrappers-tail)))
342 (let ((new-dfun-wrappers-tail (list wrapper)))
343 (setf (cdr dfun-wrappers-tail) new-dfun-wrappers-tail)
344 (setf dfun-wrappers-tail new-dfun-wrappers-tail))))
345 ,@(when wrappers
346 `((setq class (wrapper-class* wrapper))
347 (setq type `(class-eq ,class)))))
348 ,@(when wrappers
349 `((push wrapper wrappers-rev)
350 (push class classes-rev)
351 (push type types-rev)))))
352 (if invalid-arguments-p
353 ,invalid-arguments-form
354 (let* (,@(when wrappers
355 `((,wrappers (nreverse wrappers-rev))
356 (,classes (nreverse classes-rev))
357 (,types (mapcar (lambda (class)
358 `(class-eq ,class))
359 ,classes)))))
360 ,@body))))