[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-introspect / xref-test-data.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (defpackage :sb-introspect-test/xref
11 (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL" "SB-RT"))
13 (in-package :sb-introspect-test/xref)
15 (defvar *a* nil)
16 (defconstant +z+ 'zzz)
18 (defun foo () 1)
19 (defun bar (x) x)
21 ;; Should:
22 ;; reference *a*
23 ;; call bar
24 ;; not call foo
25 ;; not call xref/2
26 (defun xref/1 ()
27 (flet ((foo ()
28 (bar *a*)))
29 (flet ((xref/2 ()
30 1))
31 (foo)
32 (xref/2))))
34 ;; Should:
35 ;; reference *a*, set *a*, bind *a*
36 ;; call xref/1
37 ;; not bind b
38 (defun xref/2 ()
39 (setf *a* *a*)
40 (let* ((b 1)
41 (*a* b))
42 (when nil
43 (xref/1))))
45 (let ((x 1))
46 ;; Should:
47 ;; call bar
48 ;; not reference *a*
49 (defun xref/3 ()
50 (bar x))
51 ;; Should:
52 ;; not call bar
53 ;; reference *a*
54 (defun xref/4 ()
55 (setf x *a*)))
58 (flet ((z ()
59 (xref/2)))
60 ;; Should:
61 ;; call xref/2
62 ;; not call z
63 (defun xref/5 ()
64 (z))
65 ;; Should:
66 ;; call xref/2
67 ;; not call z
68 (defun xref/6 ()
69 (z)))
71 (defun xref/7 ()
72 (flet ((a ()
73 (xref/6)))
74 #'a))
76 ;; call xref/2
77 (let ((a 1))
78 (defvar *b* (or (xref/2) a)))
80 ;; call xref/6
81 (defvar *c* (xref/6))
83 ;; call xref/2 twice (not three times)
84 (defun xref/8 ()
85 (flet ((a ()
86 (xref/2)))
87 (a)
88 (a)
89 (xref/2)))
91 ;; Methods work, even ones with lots of arguments.
92 (defmethod xref/10 (a b c d e f g h (i fixnum))
93 (xref/2))
95 ;; Separate methods are indeed separate
96 (defmethod xref/11 ((a fixnum))
97 (declare (ignore a))
98 (xref/2))
100 (defmethod xref/11 ((a float))
101 (declare (ignore a))
102 (xref/3))
104 (declaim (inline inline/1))
105 (defun inline/1 ()
106 (xref/3)
107 (values +z+ *a*))
109 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
110 (defun xref/12 ()
111 (flet ((a ()
112 ;; Counts as calling xref/2
113 (xref/2)))
114 (declare (inline a))
116 ;; Doesn't count as calling xref/3, or referring to +z+ / *a*
117 (inline/1))))
119 ;; last node of block should also be taken into account
120 (defun xref/13 (x)
121 (setf *a* x))
123 (defun xref/14 ()
124 *a*)
126 ;; calling a function in a macro body
127 (defmacro macro/1 ()
128 (when nil
129 (xref/12))
130 nil)
132 ;; expanding a macro
133 (defun macro-use/1 ()
134 (macro/1))
136 ;; expanding a macro in an flet/labels
137 (defun macro-use/2 ()
138 (flet ((inner-flet ()
139 (macro/1)))
140 (inner-flet)))
142 ;; expanding a macro in an toplevel flet/labels
143 (flet ((outer-flet ()
144 (macro/1)))
145 (defun macro-use/3 ()
146 (outer-flet)))
148 ;; expanding a macro in an inlined flet/labels
149 (defun macro-use/4 ()
150 (flet ((inner-flet ()
151 (macro/1)))
152 (declare (inline inner-flet))
153 (inner-flet)))
155 (declaim (inline inline/2))
156 (defun inline/2 ()
157 (macro/1))
159 ;; Inlining inline/3 doesn't count as macroexpanding macro/1
160 (defun macro-use/5 ()
161 (inline/2))
163 ;;; Code in the macrolet definition bodies is currently not considered
164 ;;; at all for XREF. Maybe it should be, but it's slightly tricky to
165 ;;; implement.
166 #+nil
167 (progn
168 (defun macrolet/1 ()
169 (macrolet ((a ()
170 (inline/2)
172 (a)))
173 (defun macrolet/2 ()
174 (macrolet ((inner-m ()
175 (macro/1)))
176 (inner-m))))
178 ;;; Inlining functions with non-trivial lambda-lists.
179 (declaim (inline inline/3))
180 (defun inline/3 (a &optional b &key c d)
181 (list a b c d))
182 (defun inline/3-user/1 (a)
183 (inline/3 a))
184 (defun inline/3-user/2 (a b)
185 (inline/3 a b))
186 (defun inline/3-user/3 (a b c)
187 (inline/3 a b :c c))
188 (defun inline/3-user/4 (a b c d)
189 (inline/3 a b :d d :c c))
191 (declaim (inline inline/4))
192 (defun inline/4 (a &rest more)
193 (cons a more))
194 (defun inline/4-user ()
195 (inline/4 :a :b :c))
197 ;;; Test references to / from compiler-macros and source-transforms
199 (define-compiler-macro cmacro (x)
200 `(+ ,x 42))
201 (defstruct struct slot)
202 (defun source-user (x)
203 (cmacro (struct-slot x)))
205 ;;; Test specialization
207 (defclass a-class () ())
208 (defclass a-subclass (a-class) ())
210 (defstruct a-structure)
211 (defstruct (a-substructure (:include a-structure)))
213 (defvar *an-instance-of-a-class* (make-instance 'a-class))
214 (defvar *an-instance-of-a-subclass* (make-instance 'a-subclass))
216 (defvar *an-instance-of-a-structure* (make-a-structure))
217 (defvar *an-instance-of-a-substructure* (make-a-substructure))
219 (defmethod a-gf-1 ((x a-class)))
220 (defmethod a-gf-1 ((x a-structure)))
222 (defmethod a-gf-2 ((x (eql *an-instance-of-a-class*))))
223 (defmethod a-gf-2 ((x (eql *an-instance-of-a-structure*))))
225 (defmethod a-gf-3 ((x (eql *an-instance-of-a-subclass*))))
226 (defmethod a-gf-3 ((x (eql *an-instance-of-a-substructure*))))