hppa: Prevent XEP-ALLOCATE-FRAME from trashing NARGS
[sbcl.git] / tests / lambda-list.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; lambda-list parsing tests with no side-effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (let ((*macroexpand-hook*
15 (compile nil
16 (lambda (fun form env)
17 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
18 (when (eq 'destructuring-bind (car form))
19 (throw 'd-b-error c)))))
20 (funcall fun form env))))))
21 (macrolet ((maybe-funcall (&rest args)
22 ;; The interpreters will delay lambda-list checks until
23 ;; the lambda is actually called.
24 (if (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile)
25 `(progn ,@args)
26 `(funcall ,@args)))
27 (error-p (ll)
28 `(progn
29 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
30 (ignore-errors (maybe-funcall (eval `(lambda ,',ll 'ok))))
31 (unless (and (not result) error)
32 (error "No error from lambda ~S." ',ll)))
33 (catch 'd-b-error
34 (maybe-funcall
35 (eval `(lambda (x) (destructuring-bind ,',ll x 'ok)))
36 nil)
37 (error "No error from d-b ~S." ',ll)))))
38 (error-p (&aux (foo 1) &aux (bar 2)))
39 (error-p (&aux (foo 1) &key bar))
40 (error-p (&aux (foo 1) &optional bar))
41 (error-p (&aux (foo 1) &rest bar))
42 (error-p (&key foo &allow-other-keys &allow-other-keys))
43 (error-p (&key foo &key bar))
44 (error-p (&key foo &optional bar))
45 (error-p (&key foo &rest bar))
46 (error-p (&optional foo &optional bar))
47 (error-p (&rest foo &rest bar))
48 (error-p (&rest foo &optional bar))))
50 (with-test (:name :supplied-p-order)
51 (let ((* 10))
52 (assert (eql ((lambda (&key (x * *)) () x)) 10))
53 (assert (eql ((lambda (&key (y * *) (x *)) () x) :y 1) t))
54 (assert (eql ((lambda (&key (x *) (y * *)) () x) :y 1) 10))
56 (assert (eql (destructuring-bind (&key (x * *)) () x) 10))
57 (assert (eql (destructuring-bind (&key (y * *) (x *)) '(:y 1) x) t))
58 (assert (eql (destructuring-bind (&key (x *) (y * *)) '(:y 1) x) 10))
60 (assert (eql ((lambda (&optional (x * *)) () x)) 10))
61 (assert (eql ((lambda (&optional (y * *) (x *)) () x) 1) t))
62 (assert (eql ((lambda (&optional (x *) (y * *)) () x)) 10))
64 (assert (eql (destructuring-bind (&optional (x * *)) () x) 10))
65 (assert (eql (destructuring-bind (&optional (y * *) (x *)) '(1) x) t))
66 (assert (eql (destructuring-bind (&optional (x *) (y * *)) () x) 10))))
68 (with-test (:name :supplied-p-order)
69 (assert-no-signal
70 (compile nil '(lambda ()
71 (destructuring-bind (&optional (x nil xp)) '()
72 (declare (ignore x xp))
73 nil)))
74 warning))
76 (with-test (:name :aux-not-destructured)
77 (assert-error (sb-c::parse-lambda-list
78 '(a &aux ((foo)))
79 :context 'destructuring-bind
80 :accept (sb-int:lambda-list-keyword-mask 'destructuring-bind))))
82 (with-test (:name :exact-unparse)
83 (labels ((round-trip (list)
84 (multiple-value-bind (llks req opt rest keys aux)
85 (sb-c::parse-lambda-list
86 list
87 :accept (sb-c::lambda-list-keyword-mask 'destructuring-bind)
88 :context 'destructuring-bind)
89 (sb-c::make-lambda-list llks nil req opt rest keys aux)))
90 (try (list)
91 (assert (equal list (round-trip list)))))
92 (try '(a b . c))
93 (try '(a b &rest r))
94 (try '(a b &body b))
95 (try '(a b &body b &key foo))))
97 (with-test (:name :fun-type-from-lambda-list)
98 (assert (equal
99 (sb-c::type-specifier
100 (sb-c::ftype-from-lambda-list
101 '(&key (size 1) color ((secret foo) 3 ssp) ((:what baz) nil)
102 &allow-other-keys)))
103 '(function (&key (:size t) (:color t) (secret t) (:what t)
104 &allow-other-keys) *))))
106 ;; CLHS 3.4.4 says
107 ;; "&whole is followed by a single variable that is bound to the entire
108 ;; macro-call form; this is the value that the macro function receives
109 ;; as its first argument."
111 ;; but says
112 ;; "&whole - The next element is a destructuring pattern that matches
113 ;; the entire form in a macro, or the entire subexpression at inner levels."
115 ;; So one paragraph says "a single variable" and the other "a pattern".
117 ;; If it can be a pattern, then it constrains the expected shape of input
118 ;; in a way that can conflict with the remainder of the pattern.
119 ;; e.g. Given (FOO (&WHOLE (BAZ BAR) X &OPTIONAL Y) MUM), would the
120 ;; outer list's second element need to be a list that matches both
121 ;; (BAZ BAR) and (X &OPTIONAL Y)? Implementations disagree on this.
123 ;; Further 3.4.4 says "&whole can appear at any level of a macro
124 ;; lambda list. At inner levels, the &whole variable is bound to the
125 ;; corresponding part of the argument, as with &rest, but unlike &rest,
126 ;; other arguments are also allowed."
127 ;; This makes a strange implication that "&rest" does NOT allow
128 ;; "other arguments", when clearly &REST can be followed by &KEY and
129 ;; &AUX (if it means "formal" arguments), and followed by anything at
130 ;; all if it means "actual" arguments. So it's not obvious from this
131 ;; how &whole is supposed to be "unlike" &rest.
133 ;; And finally
134 ;; "The use of &whole does not affect the pattern of arguments specified."
135 ;; which is is inconsistent in the case where you write
136 ;; (&WHOLE (A B) ...) which certainly seems to require that the whole
137 ;; form be exactly a 2-list. What it was trying to clarify - reasonably
138 ;; in the case where &whole binds one symbol - is that
140 ;; in terms of the pattern accepted, is exactly the same as
141 ;; (DEFMACRO MUMBLE () ...)
142 ;; which means that MUMBLE accepts zero arguments.
143 ;; This is a justified point because the equivalence of &WHOLE
144 ;; and &REST at inner levels suggests that (&WHOLE FOO) actually means that
145 ;; MUMBLE accepts anything when in fact it does not.
147 ;; To resolve these problems, we'll say that &WHOLE at the outermost level
148 ;; of a macro can only bind one symbol, which fits the mental model that it
149 ;; receives the input form and nothing but that.
150 ;; Whoever uses &WHOLE with a non-symbol after it deserves a kick in the head.
152 (with-test (:name :destructuring-whole)
153 (let* ((accept-inner
154 (sb-int:lambda-list-keyword-mask 'destructuring-bind))
155 (accept-outer
156 (logior (sb-int:lambda-list-keyword-mask '&environment)
157 accept-inner)))
158 (sb-c::parse-lambda-list '(&whole w a b x) :accept accept-outer)
159 (sb-c::parse-lambda-list '(&whole (w) a b x) :accept accept-inner)
160 (assert-error
161 (sb-c::parse-lambda-list '(&whole 5 a b x) :accept accept-outer))
162 (assert-error
163 (sb-c::parse-lambda-list '(&whole (w) a b x) :accept accept-outer))))
165 ;; Unparsing a destructuring lambda list does not retain default values,
166 ;; supplied-p variables, or &AUX.
167 ;; This has a practical benefit of not saving source code unwittingly
168 ;; in (X &OPTIONAL (A (MOAR-BIG-FN (DO-ALL-THE-THINGS (...)))))
169 ;; as well as showing just what the lambda list expects as an interface.
170 (with-test (:name :destructuring-parse/unparse)
171 (flet ((try (input &optional (expect input))
172 (let ((parse (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list input)))
173 (assert (equal (sb-c::unparse-ds-lambda-list parse) expect)))))
175 (try '((a (b c)) . d)) ; parse/unparse undergoes no change
177 (try '(a &optional ((&optional)))) ; likewise
179 (try '(&optional . rest)) ; ... and even wackier
181 (try '(a (&rest foo) (&whole baz x y))
182 '(a (&rest foo) (x y)))
184 (try '((&body foo) (&whole (a . d) x y) &aux)
185 '((&body foo) (&whole (a . d) x y)))
187 (try '(&optional a ((bb1 bb2) (f)) (c 'c) (d 'd dsp) &aux foo (baz))
188 '(&optional a ((bb1 bb2)) (c 'c) (d 'd)))
190 (try '(&key ((:bork (zook mook)) def bsp) (e 'e esp)
191 ((:name fred)) (color x csp))
192 '(&key ((:bork (zook mook))) (e 'e) ((:name fred)) (color)))
194 (try '(x &optional (y) (((&whole (&whole w z . r) &body b) (c)) (def)))
195 ;; ^ this &WHOLE variable is irrelevant
196 ;; ^ but this one isn't
197 '(x &optional (y) (((&whole (z . r) &body b) (c)))))
199 ;; Expanding a ds-bind of (((X))) re-conses the innermost list
200 ;; list thrice, to generate code which produces three distinct
201 ;; messages: "problem in (((X)))", "... in ((X))", "... in (X)"
202 ;; This isn't great. Ideally the code should entail at most one
203 ;; error message, but in general it's not easy to have a single point
204 ;; at which the error is signaled, if you must already have pulled apart
205 ;; the input to find the error. Thus, ds-bind expands into a sequence
206 ;; of checks whether at each level, the structure is right.
207 ;; In this limited case, it seems a particularly stupid technique.
209 ;; At any rate, the unparser memoizes intermediate results,
210 ;; since the cost of doing that is virtually nothing.
211 ;; This asserts that sharing works during re-construction.
212 (let ((parse (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list '(((a)))))
213 (cache (list nil)))
214 (assert (eq (sb-c::unparse-ds-lambda-list parse cache)
215 (sb-c::unparse-ds-lambda-list parse cache))))))
217 (with-test (:name :macro-lambda-list)
218 ;; This only parses the surface level, which suffices to check for
219 ;; some edge cases at the toplevel of a macro lambda list.
220 (flet ((parse (list)
221 sb-c::
222 (multiple-value-list
223 (parse-lambda-list
224 list :accept (logior (lambda-list-keyword-mask 'destructuring-bind)
225 (lambda-list-keyword-mask '&environment))))))
226 ;; The bitmasks of lambda-list-keywords differ, so don't compare them.
227 (assert (equal (cdr (parse '(&environment e &rest rest)))
228 (cdr (parse '(&environment e . rest)))))
229 (assert (equal (cdr (parse '(&whole w &rest r)))
230 (cdr (parse '(&whole w . r)))))
231 (assert (equal (cdr (parse '(&whole w &environment e &rest r)))
232 (cdr (parse '(&whole w &environment e . r)))))
233 (assert (equal (cdr (parse '(a b c &environment foo &rest rest)))
234 (cdr (parse '(a b c &environment foo . rest)))))
235 (assert (equal (cdr (parse '(a b c &environment foo &body rest)))
236 (cdr (parse '(a b c &environment foo . rest)))))
237 (assert-error (parse '(a b c &environment foo &rest r . rest)))
239 ;; lp# 707556
240 (assert-error (parse '(a &key b &allow-other-keys c)))))
242 (with-test (:name :ds-lambda-list-symbols)
243 (flet ((try (list expect)
244 (assert (equal sb-c::(ds-lambda-list-variables
245 (parse-ds-lambda-list list))
246 expect))))
247 (try '(a ((b c))
248 &rest (r1 r2)
249 &key k1 (k2) (k3 'foo) (k4 'baz k4p) ((:boo (k5 k6)) '(1 2) k56p))
250 '(a b c r1 r2 k1 k2 k3 k4 k4p k5 k6 k56p))
252 (try '(a &optional x (y) (z 'foo zp) ((w1 w2) (f)) &aux foo (bar) (baz 3))
253 '(a x y z zp w1 w2 foo bar baz))))
255 (with-test (:name :ds-lambda-list-possible-mismatch-warning)
256 (assert-signal (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list '(a &optional ((b c) 'foo)))
257 style-warning)
258 ;; Suppose this meant: one required arg followed by one optional arg
259 ;; which is a list of one required and one optional arg.
260 ;; But it's accidentally missing a pair of disambiguating parentheses.
261 (assert-signal (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list '(a &optional (b &optional c)))
262 style-warning)
263 ;; Similarly...
264 (assert-signal (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list '(a &optional (b c &key)))
265 style-warning))
267 (with-test (:name :ds-bind-list-checkers)
268 (labels ((gen-check (lambda-list macro-context)
269 (sb-c::emit-ds-bind-check (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list lambda-list)
270 :ignore macro-context nil))
271 (try (winp lambda-list input)
272 (let ((check (gen-check lambda-list nil)))
273 (if winp
274 (apply (car check) input (cddr check))
275 (assert-error (apply (car check) input (cddr check)))))))
276 (try t '(a b . rest) '(1 2))
277 (try t '(a b . rest) '(1 2 3))
278 (try t '(a b . rest) '(1 2 . foo))
279 (try nil '(a b . rest) '(1))
280 (try t '(a &optional b . rest) '(1 2))
281 (try nil '(a &key b) '(1 :b)) ; odd
282 (try nil '(a &key b) '(1 :b . bar)) ; dotted
283 (try nil '(a &key b) '(1 :b bar . baz)) ; dotted
284 (try t '(a &key b) '(1 :b bar :allow-other-keys nil))
286 (let ((check (gen-check '(bar &key ((secret v)))
287 '(:macro whatever . define-compiler-macro))))
288 (apply (car check) '(a secret 3) (cddr check))
289 (assert-signal (apply (car check) '(a secret 3) (cddr check))
290 sb-c::compiler-macro-keyword-problem))))
292 ;; The same lambda lists and test inputs are each run two different ways.
293 (macrolet ((with-test-ll ((name lambda-list) &body body)
294 `(with-test (:name (:ds-bind-shape ,name))
295 (let ((fun
296 (lambda (args)
297 (sb-int:binding*
298 ,(sb-c::expand-ds-bind lambda-list 'args nil 'the)
299 (list ,@(sb-c::ds-lambda-list-variables
300 (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list lambda-list))))))
301 (ast (sb-c::meta-abstractify-ds-lambda-list
302 (sb-c::parse-ds-lambda-list ',lambda-list))))
303 ,@body)))
304 (win (x &optional expect)
305 `(progn (assert (sb-c::ds-lambda-list-match-p ,x ast))
306 ,(if expect
307 `(assert (equal (funcall fun ,x) ,expect))
308 `(funcall fun ,x)))) ; don't crash is all
309 (lose (x)
310 `(progn (assert (not (sb-c::ds-lambda-list-match-p ,x ast)))
311 (assert-error (funcall fun ,x)))))
313 (with-test-ll (:want-0-args ()) ; this only allows NIL as its input
314 (win '())
315 (lose 'foo)
316 (lose '(a)))
318 (with-test-ll (:want-1-arg (a))
319 (lose '())
320 (lose 'foo)
321 (win '(a))
322 (lose '(a . b))
323 (lose '(a b)))
325 (with-test-ll (:want-1-or-2-args (a &optional b))
326 (lose '())
327 (lose 'foo)
328 (win '(a))
329 (lose '(a . b))
330 (win '(a b))
331 (lose '(a b . c))
332 (lose '(a b c)))
334 (with-test-ll (:want-3-args (a b c))
335 (lose '())
336 (lose '(a))
337 (lose '(a b))
338 (lose '(a b . c))
339 (win '(a b c))
340 (lose '(a b c . d))
341 (lose '(a b c d)))
343 (with-test-ll (:want-3-or-4-args (a b c &optional d))
344 (lose '())
345 (lose '(a))
346 (lose '(a b))
347 (lose '(a b . c))
348 (win '(a b c))
349 (lose '(a b c . d))
350 (win '(a b c d))
351 (lose '(a b c d . e))
352 (lose '(a b c d ee)))
354 (with-test-ll (:want-3-or-more-args (a b c &optional d . r))
355 (lose '())
356 (lose '(a))
357 (lose '(a b))
358 (lose '(a b . c))
359 (win '(a b c))
360 (lose '(a b c . d))
361 (win '(a b c d))
362 (win '(a b c d . e))
363 (win '(a b c d ee)))
365 (with-test-ll (:destructured-rest (a b &rest (c d)))
366 (lose '())
367 (lose '(a b))
368 (lose '(a b . c))
369 (lose '(a b c . d))
370 (win '(a b c d))
371 (lose '(a b c d . e))
372 (lose '(a b c d ee)))
374 (with-test-ll (:hairy-1 ((a) ((b . c)) &optional ((x y) '(vx vy))))
375 (win '((1) ((2 . whatever)) (3 4)))
376 (win '((1) ((2 . whatever)) (3 4)))
377 (lose '((1) ((2)) (3))))
379 (with-test-ll (:hairy-2 ((a) ((b . c)) &optional ((x &optional y) '(f))))
380 (win '((1) ((2 . whatever)) (3)))
381 (win '((1) ((2 . whatever))))
382 (lose '((1) ((2 . whatever)) 3)))
384 ;; This destructuring &WHOLE pattern demands at least 2 args,
385 ;; despite that the containing pattern otherwise accepts 0 or more.
386 (with-test-ll (:destructured-whole (&whole (a b . c) &optional x &rest y))
387 (lose '())
388 (lose '(a))
389 (lose '(a . b))
390 (win '(a b))
391 (win '(a b c)))
393 (with-test-ll (:destructured-key (a b &rest r
394 &key ((:point (x y &optional z))
395 (list 'foo 'bar))))
396 (lose '(a b . foo))
397 (win '(a b :point (1 2)))
398 (lose '(a b :point (1 2 . 3)))
399 (win '(a b :point (1 2 3)))
400 (lose '(a b :point (1 2 3 4)))
401 (lose '(a b :point (1 2 3) :baz 9))
402 (win '(a b :point (1 2 3) :baz 9 :allow-other-keys t))
403 (win '(a b :point (1 2 3) :baz 9 :allow-other-keys t
404 :allow-other-keys nil)))
406 ;; This bizarro lambda lists expects that if you give the :FRUITS keyword,
407 ;; then its value is NIL, because it has to match a lambda list that
408 ;; accepts exactly zero required arguments, zero optionals, and no &REST.
409 (with-test-ll (:fruity (&key ((:fruits (&optional)))))
410 (win '())
411 (lose 'a)
412 (lose '(a))
413 (lose '(a . b))
414 (lose '(:fruits))
415 (lose '(:fruits 3))
416 (lose '(:fruits (3)))
417 (win '(:fruits nil)))
419 ;; Test an EXPAND-DS-BIND that is hairier than you should ever write.
420 (with-test-ll (:insane-hair
421 ((a ((b) &key)) &optional (((c &rest r)) '((wat)) csp)
422 &aux (bork 'end)))
423 (win '((1 ((2)))) '(1 2 wat nil nil end))
424 (win '((1 ((2) :size 3 :allow-other-keys t)))
425 '(1 2 wat nil nil end))
426 (win '((1 ((2))) ((3 . more))) '(1 2 3 more t end))
427 (lose '((1 ((2 3)))))
428 (lose '((1 ((2) 3))))
429 (lose '((1 ((2)) 3)))
430 (lose '((1 ((2))) wat))
431 (lose '((1 ((2))) (wat))))
434 (with-test (:name :arg-count-error-tail-calls-error)
435 (assert
436 (null
437 (block found
438 (handler-bind ((error
439 (lambda (c)
440 (declare (ignore c))
441 (return-from found
442 (assoc 'sb-c::ds-bind-error
443 (sb-debug::list-backtrace))))))
444 (sb-c::ds-bind-error '(foo) 2 3 '((:macro baz . deftype))))))))
446 (with-test (:name :destructuring-optional/key-warn-once-only)
447 (let ((count 0))
448 (handler-bind ((warning (lambda (c) (incf count) (muffle-warning c))))
449 (macroexpand-1
450 '(defmacro defx (name ll &optional (types '*) &key node) 1)))
451 (assert (= count 1))))
453 (with-test (:name :silent-pcl-internals)
454 (assert-no-signal
455 (sb-int:parse-lambda-list
456 '(sb-pcl::.pv. sb-pcl::.next-method-call. self &optional o &key k
457 &allow-other-keys))))