Fix #+(and immobile-space (not compact-instance-header)) some more
[sbcl.git] / tools-for-build / pending-deprecations.lisp
1 ;;;; Determine how long things been in their current deprecation
2 ;;;; states and whether it is time to move them to the respective
3 ;;;; successor states.
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; Use like this
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; ./ --noinform --no-userinit \
8 ;;;; --script tools-for-build/pending-deprecations.lisp \
9 ;;;; [-- -a]
10 ;;;;
11 ;;;; When invoked without additional commandline arguments, the output
12 ;;;; only contains actionable things, i.e. deprecations that should be
13 ;;;; moved to the respective successor states. The optional -a, --all
14 ;;;; commandline option causes information to be printed for all
15 ;;;; deprecated things, not just actionable ones.
16 ;;;;
17 ;;;; The output format for individual items is as follows:
18 ;;;;
19 ;;;; Namespace Name of deprecated thing Version/time of deprecation successor state
20 ;;;; v v v v
23 ;;;; ^ current state when to move
24 ;;;; Source file
27 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
28 ;;;; more information.
29 ;;;;
30 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
31 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
32 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
33 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
34 ;;;; files for more information.
36 (cl:require 'sb-introspect)
38 (cl:in-package #:cl-user)
40 ;;; Git utilities
42 (defun split (separator string)
43 (loop :for char :across string
44 :with component = (make-string-output-stream)
45 :if (char= char separator)
46 :collect (prog1
47 (get-output-stream-string component)
48 (setf component (make-string-output-stream)))
49 :into components
50 :else :do (write-char char component)
51 :finally (return (append
52 components
53 (list (get-output-stream-string component))))))
55 (defun version-tag (version)
56 ;; Try to handle old and new tagging schemes.
57 (let* ((without-fourth (if (= 3 (count #\. version))
58 (subseq version 0 (position #\. version
59 :from-end t))
60 version)))
61 (destructuring-bind (a b c)
62 (mapcar #'parse-integer (split #\. without-fourth))
63 (if (or (= a 0)
64 (and (= a 1) (= b 0) (< c 50)))
65 (format nil "sbcl_~A_~A_~A" a b c)
66 (format nil "sbcl-~A" without-fourth)))))
68 (defun tag-time (tag)
69 (let* ((range (format nil "~A^..~:*~A" tag))
70 (directory (make-pathname
71 :directory (append
72 (pathname-directory *load-pathname*)
73 '(:up))))
74 (process (run-program "git" `("--no-pager" "log" "--pretty=format:%at" ,range)
75 :search t
76 :directory directory
77 :output :stream
78 :error :stream)))
79 (unless (zerop (process-exit-code process))
80 (warn "~@<Failed to run git log for range ~S:~@:_~A.~@:>"
81 range (read-line (process-error process))))
82 (parse-integer (read-line (process-output process)))))
84 (defun seconds-since-release (version)
85 (let* ((tag (version-tag version))
86 (tag-time (tag-time tag))
87 (now (nth-value 1 (sb-unix:unix-gettimeofday))))
88 (- now tag-time)))
90 (defun seconds-since-earliest-tagged-release ()
91 (seconds-since-release ""))
93 ;;; Time utilities
95 (defun print-universal-time (stream time &optional colonp atp)
96 (declare (ignore colonp atp))
97 (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year)
98 (decode-universal-time time)
99 (declare (ignore second minute hour))
100 (format stream "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D" year month date)))
102 ;;; Deprecation utilities
104 (defun next-state (state)
105 (ecase state
106 (:early :late)
107 (:late :final)
108 (:final :remove)))
110 (defparameter *seconds-in-deprecation-state*
111 `((:early . ,(* 90 24 3600))
112 (:late . ,(* 90 24 3600))
113 (:final . ,(* 90 24 3600))))
115 (defun seconds-to-state (goal)
116 (loop :for (state . time) :in *seconds-in-deprecation-state*
117 :until (eq state goal)
118 :sum time))
120 (defun process-deprecated-thing (namespace name state since
121 &key force)
122 (let* ((version (second since))
123 (now (get-universal-time))
124 (age (ignore-errors (seconds-since-release version)))
125 (next (next-state state))
126 (time-to-next (seconds-to-state next))
127 (next-time (when age (+ (- now age) time-to-next))))
128 (when (or force (and next-time (>= now next-time)))
129 (let ((source (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name
130 name (ecase namespace
131 (function :function)
132 (variable :variable)
133 (type :type)))))
134 (format t "- ~8A ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/~56T~
135 ~9@A/~:[??????????~:;~:*~/cl-user::print-universal-time/~] ~
136 ~6A ~
137 -> ~6A ~:[??????????~:;~:*~/cl-user::print-universal-time/~]~%~
138 ~2@T~{~A~^, ~}~2%"
139 namespace name
140 version (when age (- now age))
141 state
142 next (when next-time next-time)
143 (mapcar #'sb-introspect:definition-source-pathname source))))))
145 (defun print-deprecation-info (&key (only-actionable t))
146 (do-all-symbols (name1)
147 (loop :for (namespace . name) :in (list (cons 'function name1)
148 (cons 'function `(setf ,name1))
149 (cons 'variable name1)
150 (cons 'type name1)) :do
151 (multiple-value-bind (state since)
152 (sb-int:deprecated-thing-p namespace name)
153 (when state
154 (process-deprecated-thing namespace name state since
155 :force (not only-actionable)))))))
157 (flet ((optionp (option)
158 (find option *posix-argv* :test 'string=)))
159 (let ((allp (or (optionp "-a") (optionp "--all"))))
160 (print-deprecation-info :only-actionable allp)))