Use unknown returns for local functions in the presence of XEPs.
[sbcl.git] / tests / setf.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to setf
3 ;;;; This file is impure because we want to be able to use DEFUN.
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
9 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
10 ;;;; from CMU CL.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
13 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
14 ;;;; more information.
16 (in-package :cl-user)
18 (defvar *foo* nil)
19 (defun (setf foo) (bar)
20 (setf *foo* bar))
22 ;;; Regression test for get-setf-expansion without explicit
23 ;;; environment object.
24 (assert (multiple-value-list (get-setf-expansion '(foo))))
26 ;;; Regression test for SHIFTF of values.
27 (let ((x (list 1))
28 (y (list 2)))
29 (shiftf (values (car x) (car y)) (values (car y) (car x)))
30 (assert (equal (list x y) '((2) (1)))))
32 ;;; SETF of values with multiple-value place forms
33 (let ((a t) (b t) (c t) (d t))
34 (let ((list (multiple-value-list
35 (setf (values (values a b) (values c d)) (values 1 2 3 4)))))
36 (assert (equal list '(1 2)))
37 (assert (eql a 1))
38 (assert (eql c 2))
39 (assert (null b))
40 (assert (null d))))
42 ;;; SETF of THE with VALUES.
43 (let (x y)
44 (setf (the (values fixnum fixnum) (values x y))
45 (values 1 2))
46 (assert (= x 1))
47 (assert (= y 2)))
49 ;;; SETF of MACRO-FUNCTION must accept a NIL environment
50 (let ((fun (constantly 'ok)))
51 (setf (macro-function 'nothing-at-all nil) fun)
52 (assert (eq fun (macro-function 'nothing-at-all nil))))
55 ;;; DEFSETF accepts &ENVIRONMENT but not &AUX
56 (defsetf test-defsetf-env-1 (&environment env) (new)
57 (declare (ignore new))
58 (if (macro-function 'defsetf-env-trick env)
59 :local
60 :global))
62 (defsetf test-defsetf-env-2 (local global &environment env) (new)
63 (declare (ignore new))
64 (if (macro-function 'defsetf-env-trick env)
65 local
66 global))
68 (assert (eq :local (macrolet ((defsetf-env-trick ()))
69 (setf (test-defsetf-env-1) 13))))
71 (assert (eq :global (setf (test-defsetf-env-1) 13)))
73 (assert (eq :local (macrolet ((defsetf-env-trick ()))
74 (setf (test-defsetf-env-2 :local :oops) 13))))
76 (assert (eq :global (setf (test-defsetf-env-2 :oops :global) 13)))
78 (assert (eq :error
79 (handler-case
80 (eval '(defsetf test-defsetf-aux (&aux aux) (new) nil))
81 (error ()
82 :error))))
84 (handler-bind ((style-warning #'error))
85 (compile nil '(lambda ()
86 (defsetf test-defsetf-no-env (foo) (new)
87 `(set-foo ,foo ,new))))
88 (compile nil '(lambda ()
89 (defsetf test-defsetf-ignore-env (foo &environment env) (new)
90 (declare (ignore env))
91 `(set-foo ,foo ,new)))))
93 ;;; Not required by the spec, but allowes compiler-macros for SETF-functiosn
94 ;;; to see their constant argument forms.
95 (with-test (:name :constantp-aware-get-setf-expansion)
96 (multiple-value-bind (temps values stores set get)
97 (get-setf-expansion '(foo 1 2 3))
98 (assert (not temps))
99 (assert (not values))
100 (assert (equal `(funcall #'(setf foo) ,@stores 1 2 3) set))
101 (assert (equal '(foo 1 2 3) get))))
103 (with-test (:name :update-fn-should-be-a-symbol-in-defsetf)
104 (assert (eq :error
105 (handler-case
106 (eval '(defsetf access-fn 5))
107 (error ()
108 :error)))))
110 (with-test (:name :getf-unused-default-variable)
111 (handler-bind ((style-warning #'error))
112 (compile nil `(lambda (x y)
113 (setf (gethash :x x 0) 4)
114 (setf (getf y :y 0) 4)
115 (setf (get 'z :z 0) 4)))))
117 (with-test (:name :setf-fun-and-macro-full-warn)
118 (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p)
119 (compile nil '(lambda (x) (setf (shoe-color x) 'cordovan)))
120 (assert (and fun warnings-p (not failure-p))))
121 (assert (typep (handler-case (eval '(defsetf shoe-color set-shoe-color))
122 (warning (c) c))
123 '(and warning (not style-warning)))))
125 (with-test (:name :setf-fun-and-macro-style-1)
126 (eval '(defun (setf shoe-size) (new x) x new))
127 (assert (typep (handler-case (eval '(defsetf shoe-size set-shoe-size))
128 (warning (c) c))
129 'style-warning)))
131 ;; This is a test of the compiler, but it belongs with the above.
132 (defvar *tmpfile* "setf-tmp.lisp")
133 (with-test (:name :setf-fun-and-macro-style-2)
134 (unwind-protect
135 (progn
136 ;; verify the test's precondition, for sanity
137 (assert (not (fboundp '(setf shoe-count))))
138 (with-open-file (f *tmpfile* :direction :output
139 :if-exists :supersede)
140 (prin1 '(defun (setf shoe-count) (new x) (print x) new) f)
141 (prin1 '(defsetf shoe-count set-shoe-count) f))
142 ;; Expect a warning because the compiler knows about
143 ;; (SETF SHOE-COUNT), which isn't yet FBOUNDP,
144 ;; and then we also compile a SETF inverse.
145 (multiple-value-bind (output warnings-p failure-p)
146 (compile-file *tmpfile*)
147 (ignore-errors (delete-file output))
148 (assert (and output warnings-p (not failure-p)))))
149 (ignore-errors (delete-file *tmpfile*))))
151 ;; Make sure that the second values of INFO :SETF :EXPANDER/:INVERSE
152 ;; are not both T. Each of :EXPANDER and :INVERSE set the other one
153 ;; to NIL but the WINP return value from INFO was still T so could not
154 ;; reliably be used to test existence or non-existence.
155 (defsetf foo1 set-foo1)
156 (define-setf-expander foo1 (a b) (declare (ignore a b)))
158 (define-setf-expander foo2 (a b) (declare (ignore a b)))
159 (defsetf foo2 set-foo2)
161 (with-test (:name :setf-inverse-clears-expander-and-vice-versa)
162 (multiple-value-bind (val winp) (sb-int:info :setf :inverse 'foo1)
163 (assert (and (not val) (not winp))))
164 (multiple-value-bind (val winp) (sb-int:info :setf :expander 'foo2)
165 (assert (and (not val) (not winp)))))
167 ;;; success