run-program: support I/O redirection to binary streams on win32.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / fdefinition.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains functions that hack on the global function
2 ;;;; namespace (primarily concerned with SETF functions here). Also,
3 ;;;; function encapsulation and routines that set and return
4 ;;;; definitions disregarding whether they might be encapsulated.
6 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
7 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
10 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
11 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
12 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
13 ;;;; files for more information.
15 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
17 (sb!int::/show0 "fdefinition.lisp 22")
19 ;;;; fdefinition (fdefn) objects
21 (defun make-fdefn (name)
22 (make-fdefn name))
24 (defun fdefn-name (fdefn)
25 (declare (type fdefn fdefn))
26 (fdefn-name fdefn))
28 (defun fdefn-fun (fdefn)
29 (declare (type fdefn fdefn)
30 (values (or function null)))
31 (fdefn-fun fdefn))
33 (defun (setf fdefn-fun) (fun fdefn)
34 (declare (type function fun)
35 (type fdefn fdefn)
36 (values function))
37 (setf (fdefn-fun fdefn) fun))
39 (defun fdefn-makunbound (fdefn)
40 (declare (type fdefn fdefn))
41 (fdefn-makunbound fdefn))
43 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline symbol-fdefn))
44 ;; Return SYMBOL's fdefinition, if any, or NIL. SYMBOL must already
45 ;; have been verified to be a symbol by the caller.
46 (defun symbol-fdefn (symbol)
47 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
48 (info-vector-fdefn (symbol-info-vector symbol)))
50 ;; Return the fdefn object for NAME, or NIL if there is no fdefn.
51 ;; Signal an error if name isn't valid.
52 ;; Assume that exists-p implies LEGAL-FUN-NAME-P.
54 (declaim (ftype (sfunction ((or symbol list)) (or fdefn null)) find-fdefn))
55 (defun find-fdefn (name)
56 (declare (explicit-check))
57 (when (symbolp name) ; Don't need LEGAL-FUN-NAME-P check
58 (return-from find-fdefn (symbol-fdefn name)))
59 ;; Technically the ALLOW-ATOM argument of NIL isn't needed, but
60 ;; the compiler isn't figuring out not to test SYMBOLP twice in a row.
61 (with-globaldb-name (key1 key2 nil) name
62 :hairy
63 ;; INFO-GETHASH returns NIL or a vector. INFO-VECTOR-FDEFN accepts
64 ;; either. If fdefn isn't found, fall through to the legality test.
65 (awhen (info-vector-fdefn (info-gethash name *info-environment*))
66 (return-from find-fdefn it))
67 :simple
68 (progn
69 (awhen (symbol-info-vector key1)
70 (multiple-value-bind (data-idx descriptor-idx field-idx)
71 (info-find-aux-key/packed it key2)
72 (declare (type index descriptor-idx)
73 (type (integer 0 #.+infos-per-word+) field-idx))
74 ;; Secondary names must have at least one info, so if a descriptor
75 ;; exists, there's no need to extract the n-infos field.
76 (when data-idx
77 (when (eql (incf field-idx) +infos-per-word+)
78 (setq field-idx 0 descriptor-idx (1+ descriptor-idx)))
79 (when (eql (packed-info-field it descriptor-idx field-idx)
80 +fdefn-info-num+)
81 (return-from find-fdefn
82 (aref it (1- (the index data-idx))))))))
83 (when (eq key1 'setf) ; bypass the legality test
84 (return-from find-fdefn nil))))
85 (legal-fun-name-or-type-error name))
87 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (t) fdefn) find-or-create-fdefn))
88 (defun find-or-create-fdefn (name)
89 (or (find-fdefn name)
90 ;; We won't reach here if the name was not legal
91 (get-info-value-initializing :function :definition name
92 (make-fdefn name))))
94 ;;; Remove NAME's FTYPE information unless it was explicitly PROCLAIMED.
95 ;;; The NEW-FUNCTION argument is presently unused, but could be used
96 ;;; for checking compatibility of the NEW-FUNCTION against a proclamation.
97 ;;; (We could issue a warning and/or remove the type if incompatible.)
98 (defun maybe-clobber-ftype (name new-function)
99 (declare (ignore new-function))
100 (unless (eq :declared (info :function :where-from name))
101 (clear-info :function :type name)))
103 ;;; Return the fdefn-fun of NAME's fdefinition including any encapsulations.
104 ;;; LOOKUP-FN, defaulting to FIND-FDEFN, specifies how to lookup the fdefn.
105 ;;; As a special case it can be given as SYMBOL-FDEFN which is slightly quicker.
106 ;;; This is the core of the implementation of the standard FDEFINITION function,
107 ;;; but as we've defined FDEFINITION, that strips encapsulations.
108 (defmacro %coerce-name-to-fun (name &optional (lookup-fn 'find-fdefn))
109 `(let* ((name ,name) (fdefn (,lookup-fn name)))
110 (if fdefn
111 (sb!c:safe-fdefn-fun fdefn)
112 (error 'undefined-function :name name))))
114 ;; Coerce CALLABLE (a function-designator) to a FUNCTION.
115 ;; The compiler emits this when someone tries to FUNCALL something.
116 ;; Extended-function-designators are not accepted,
117 ;; This function declares EXPLICIT-CHECK, and we avoid calling
118 ;; SYMBOL-FUNCTION because that would do another check.
119 ;; It would be great if this could change its error message
120 ;; depending on the input to either:
121 ;; "foo is not a function designator" if not a CALLABLE
122 ;; "foo does not designate a currently defined function"
123 ;; if a symbol does not satisfy FBOUNDP.
124 (defun %coerce-callable-to-fun (callable)
125 (declare (explicit-check))
126 (etypecase callable
127 (function callable)
128 (symbol (%coerce-name-to-fun callable symbol-fdefn))))
131 ;;;; definition encapsulation
133 (defstruct (encapsulation-info (:constructor make-encapsulation-info
134 (type definition))
135 (:copier nil))
136 ;; This is definition's encapsulation type. The encapsulated
137 ;; definition is in the previous ENCAPSULATION-INFO element or
138 ;; installed as the global definition of some function name.
139 type
140 ;; the previous, encapsulated definition. This used to be installed
141 ;; as a global definition for some function name, but it was
142 ;; replaced by an encapsulation of type TYPE.
143 (definition nil :type function))
145 ;;; Replace the definition of NAME with a function that calls FUNCTION
146 ;;; with the original function and its arguments.
147 ;;; TYPE is whatever you would like to associate with this
148 ;;; encapsulation for identification in case you need multiple
149 ;;; encapsulations of the same name.
150 (defun encapsulate (name type function)
151 (let* ((fdefn (find-fdefn name))
152 (underlying-fun (sb!c:safe-fdefn-fun fdefn)))
153 (when (typep underlying-fun 'generic-function)
154 (return-from encapsulate
155 (encapsulate-generic-function underlying-fun type function)))
156 ;; We must bind and close over INFO. Consider the case where we
157 ;; encapsulate (the second) an encapsulated (the first)
158 ;; definition, and later someone unencapsulates the encapsulated
159 ;; (first) definition. We don't want our encapsulation (second) to
160 ;; bind basic-definition to the encapsulated (first) definition
161 ;; when it no longer exists. When unencapsulating, we make sure to
162 ;; clobber the appropriate INFO structure to allow
163 ;; basic-definition to be bound to the next definition instead of
164 ;; an encapsulation that no longer exists.
165 (let ((info (make-encapsulation-info type underlying-fun)))
166 (setf (fdefn-fun fdefn)
167 (named-lambda encapsulation (&rest args)
168 (apply function (encapsulation-info-definition info)
169 args))))))
171 ;;; This is like FIND-IF, except that we do it on a compiled closure's
172 ;;; environment.
173 (defun find-if-in-closure (test closure)
174 (declare (closure closure))
175 (do-closure-values (value closure)
176 (when (funcall test value)
177 (return value))))
179 ;;; Find the encapsulation info that has been closed over.
180 (defun encapsulation-info (fun)
181 (when (closurep fun)
182 (find-if-in-closure #'encapsulation-info-p fun)))
184 ;;; When removing an encapsulation, we must remember that
185 ;;; encapsulating definitions close over a reference to the
186 ;;; ENCAPSULATION-INFO that describes the encapsulating definition.
187 ;;; When you find an info with the target type, the previous info in
188 ;;; the chain has the ensulating definition of that type. We take the
189 ;;; encapsulated definition from the info with the target type, and we
190 ;;; store it in the previous info structure whose encapsulating
191 ;;; definition it describes looks to this previous info structure for
192 ;;; a definition to bind (see ENCAPSULATE). When removing the first
193 ;;; info structure, we do something conceptually equal, but
194 ;;; mechanically it is different.
195 (defun unencapsulate (name type)
196 #!+sb-doc
197 "Removes NAME's most recent encapsulation of the specified TYPE."
198 (let* ((fdefn (find-fdefn name))
199 (encap-info (encapsulation-info (fdefn-fun fdefn))))
200 (declare (type (or encapsulation-info null) encap-info))
201 (when (and fdefn (typep (fdefn-fun fdefn) 'generic-function))
202 (return-from unencapsulate
203 (unencapsulate-generic-function (fdefn-fun fdefn) type)))
204 (cond ((not encap-info)
205 ;; It disappeared on us, so don't worry about it.
207 ((eq (encapsulation-info-type encap-info) type)
208 ;; It's the first one, so change the fdefn object.
209 (setf (fdefn-fun fdefn)
210 (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info)))
212 ;; It must be an interior one, so find it.
213 (loop
214 (let ((next-info (encapsulation-info
215 (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info))))
216 (unless next-info
217 ;; Not there, so don't worry about it.
218 (return))
219 (when (eq (encapsulation-info-type next-info) type)
220 ;; This is it, so unlink us.
221 (setf (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info)
222 (encapsulation-info-definition next-info))
223 (return))
224 (setf encap-info next-info))))))
227 ;;; Does NAME have an encapsulation of the given TYPE?
228 (defun encapsulated-p (name type)
229 (let ((fdefn (find-fdefn name)))
230 (when (and fdefn (typep (fdefn-fun fdefn) 'generic-function))
231 (return-from encapsulated-p
232 (encapsulated-generic-function-p (fdefn-fun fdefn) type)))
233 (do ((encap-info (encapsulation-info (fdefn-fun fdefn))
234 (encapsulation-info
235 (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info))))
236 ((null encap-info) nil)
237 (declare (type (or encapsulation-info null) encap-info))
238 (when (eq (encapsulation-info-type encap-info) type)
239 (return t)))))
243 ;;; KLUDGE: Er, it looks as though this means that
245 ;;; doesn't do the same thing as
246 ;;; (FUNCALL 'FOO),
247 ;;; and (SYMBOL-FUNCTION 'FOO) isn't in general the same thing
248 ;;; as (FDEFINITION 'FOO). That doesn't look like ANSI behavior to me.
249 ;;; Look e.g. at the ANSI definition of TRACE: "Whenever a traced
250 ;;; function is invoked, information about the call, ..". Try this:
251 ;;; (DEFUN FOO () (PRINT "foo"))
252 ;;; (TRACE FOO)
253 ;;; (FUNCALL 'FOO)
255 ;;; What to do? ANSI says TRACE "Might change the definitions of the
256 ;;; functions named by function-names." Might it be OK to just get
257 ;;; punt all this encapsulation stuff and go back to a simple but
258 ;;; correct implementation of TRACE? We'd lose the ability to redefine
259 ;;; a TRACEd function and keep the trace in place, but that seems
260 ;;; tolerable to me. (Is the wrapper stuff needed for anything else
261 ;;; besides TRACE?)
263 ;;; The only problem I can see with not having a wrapper: If tracing
264 ;;; EQ, EQL, EQUAL, or EQUALP causes its function address to change,
265 ;;; it will mess up the MAKE-HASH-TABLE logic which uses EQ tests
266 ;;; on those function values. But given the ANSI statement about
267 ;;; TRACE causing things to change, that doesn't seem too unreasonable;
268 ;;; and we might even be able to forbid tracing these functions.
269 ;;; -- WHN 2001-11-02
270 (defun fdefinition (name)
271 #!+sb-doc
272 "Return name's global function definition taking care to respect any
273 encapsulations and to return the innermost encapsulated definition.
274 This is SETF'able."
275 (declare (explicit-check))
276 (let ((fun (%coerce-name-to-fun name)))
277 (loop
278 (let ((encap-info (encapsulation-info fun)))
279 (if encap-info
280 (setf fun (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info))
281 (return fun))))))
283 (defvar *setf-fdefinition-hook* nil
284 #!+sb-doc
285 "A list of functions that (SETF FDEFINITION) invokes before storing the
286 new value. The functions take the function name and the new value.")
288 ;; Return T if FUNCTION is the error-signaling trampoline
289 ;; for a macro or a special operator. Test for this by seeing
290 ;; whether FUNCTION is the same closure as for a known macro.
291 ;; For cold-init to work, this must pick any macro defined before
292 ;; this function is. A safe choice is a macro from this same file.
293 (defun macro/special-guard-fun-p (function)
294 (and (closurep function)
295 ;; Prior to cold-init fixing up the load-time-value, this compares
296 ;; %closure-fun to 0, which is ok - it returns NIL.
297 (eq (load-time-value
298 (%closure-fun (symbol-function '%coerce-name-to-fun)) t)
299 (%closure-fun function))))
301 ;; Reject any "object of implementation-dependent nature" that
302 ;; so happens to be a function in SBCL, but which must not be
303 ;; bound to a function-name by way of (SETF FEDFINITION).
304 (defun err-if-unacceptable-function (object setter)
305 (when (macro/special-guard-fun-p object)
306 (error 'simple-reference-error
307 :references (list '(:ansi-cl :function fdefinition))
308 :format-control "~S is not acceptable to ~S."
309 :format-arguments (list object setter))))
311 (defun %set-fdefinition (name new-value)
312 #!+sb-doc
313 "Set NAME's global function definition."
314 (declare (type function new-value) (optimize (safety 1)))
315 (declare (explicit-check))
316 (err-if-unacceptable-function new-value '(setf fdefinition))
317 (with-single-package-locked-error (:symbol name "setting fdefinition of ~A")
318 (maybe-clobber-ftype name new-value)
320 ;; Check for hash-table stuff. Woe onto him that mixes encapsulation
321 ;; with this.
322 (when (and (symbolp name) (fboundp name)
323 (boundp '*user-hash-table-tests*))
324 (let ((old (symbol-function name)))
325 (declare (special *user-hash-table-tests*))
326 (dolist (spec *user-hash-table-tests*)
327 (cond ((eq old (second spec))
328 ;; test-function
329 (setf (second spec) new-value))
330 ((eq old (third spec))
331 ;; hash-function
332 (setf (third spec) new-value))))))
334 ;; FIXME: This is a good hook to have, but we should probably
335 ;; reserve it for users.
336 (let ((fdefn (find-or-create-fdefn name)))
337 ;; *SETF-FDEFINITION-HOOK* won't be bound when initially running
338 ;; top level forms in the kernel core startup.
339 (when (boundp '*setf-fdefinition-hook*)
340 (dolist (f *setf-fdefinition-hook*)
341 (declare (type function f))
342 (funcall f name new-value)))
344 (let ((encap-info (encapsulation-info (fdefn-fun fdefn))))
345 (cond (encap-info
346 (loop
347 (let ((more-info
348 (encapsulation-info
349 (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info))))
350 (if more-info
351 (setf encap-info more-info)
352 (return
353 (setf (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info)
354 new-value))))))
356 (setf (fdefn-fun fdefn) new-value)))))))
360 (defun fboundp (name)
361 #!+sb-doc
362 "Return true if name has a global function definition."
363 (declare (explicit-check))
364 (let ((fdefn (find-fdefn name)))
365 (and fdefn (fdefn-fun fdefn) t)))
367 (defun fmakunbound (name)
368 #!+sb-doc
369 "Make NAME have no global function definition."
370 (declare (explicit-check))
371 (with-single-package-locked-error
372 (:symbol name "removing the function or macro definition of ~A")
373 (let ((fdefn (find-fdefn name)))
374 (when fdefn
375 (fdefn-makunbound fdefn)))
376 (undefine-fun-name name)
377 name))