Better checking of package locks when declaring variables.
[sbcl.git] / src / interpreter / checkfuns.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB-INTERPRETER")
12 ;;; The same as TYPE-ERROR but also show the variable name.
13 (define-condition interpreter-type-error (type-error)
14 ((operation :reader type-error-operation :initarg :operation)
15 (symbol :reader type-error-symbol :initarg :symbol))
16 (:report
17 (lambda (condition stream)
18 (format stream
19 (ecase (type-error-operation condition)
20 (write "~@<The value ~S for ~A is not of type ~2I~_~S.~:>")
21 (read "~@<The value of ~*~A, ~0@*~S, is not of type ~2I~_~*~S.~:>"))
22 (type-error-datum condition)
23 (type-error-symbol condition)
24 (type-error-expected-type condition)))))
26 ;;; We need a bidirectional mapping between "important" CTYPEs and
27 ;;; functions that efficiently test the type, so that we aren't forced
28 ;;; to redundantly store both.
29 ;;; For example if X is declared of type INTEGER and we represented
30 ;;; that as #'INTEGERP, it should be possible to locally declare
31 ;;; that X is (MOD n) and compute that the intersection is just (MOD n),
32 ;;; which requires that we know that #'INTEGERP is the test for INTEGER.
33 ;;;
34 ;;; We also need to ensure that TYPE is checkable at all,
35 ;;; because FUNCTION types are not good for answering questions about
36 ;;; the type of an object, only for declaring the type.
37 ;;; Passing ":STRICT NIL" to %%TYPEP won't work, because interpreted functions
38 ;;; know nothing about their type, and the non-strict test uses %FUN-TYPE.
39 ;;;
40 ;;; The easy way of simplifying hairy FUNCTION types, namely
41 ;;; binding *UNPARSE-FUN-TYPE-SIMPLIFY* to T and then doing:
43 ;;; does not work, because ALIEN-TYPE-TYPES are incompatibly altered -
44 ;;; they fail to retain correct offsets that were manually specified.
45 ;;; Probably nobody ever cared that round-tripping was not possible,
46 ;;; because that is not an operation that the compiler needs to do,
47 ;;; though that's surprising because plenty of code exists that normalizes
48 ;;; types by unparsing and re-parsing.
49 ;;;
50 (defun type-checker (type)
51 (labels
52 ((get-unary-predicate (type)
53 (dolist (entry sb-c::*backend-type-predicates*)
54 ;; Slowish, because there's no hashtable for TYPE=, but better
55 ;; than the alternative of not using these at all!
56 (when (type= type (car entry))
57 (return (symbol-function (cdr entry))))))
58 (simplify (type)
59 (etypecase type
60 ((or named-type numeric-type member-type classoid
61 character-set-type unknown-type hairy-type
62 alien-type-type #+sb-simd-pack simd-pack-type)
63 type)
64 (fun-type (specifier-type 'function))
65 (compound-type
66 (let* ((original (compound-type-types type))
67 (new (mapcar #'simplify original)))
68 (if (every #'eq original new)
69 type
70 (apply (if (union-type-p type) #'type-union #'type-intersection)
71 new))))
72 (cons-type
73 (let* ((old-car (cons-type-car-type type))
74 (new-car (simplify old-car))
75 (old-cdr (cons-type-cdr-type type))
76 (new-cdr (simplify old-cdr)))
77 (if (and (eq old-car new-car) (eq old-cdr new-cdr))
78 type
79 (make-cons-type new-car new-cdr))))
80 (values-type
81 (let* ((old-req (values-type-required type))
82 (new-req (mapcar #'simplify old-req))
83 (old-opt (values-type-optional type))
84 (new-opt (mapcar #'simplify old-opt))
85 (old-rest (values-type-rest type))
86 (new-rest (when old-rest (simplify old-rest))))
87 ;; VALUES types that are not fun-types can't have &KEY.
88 (aver (and (null (sb-kernel::values-type-keyp type))
89 (null (sb-kernel::values-type-keywords type))
90 (null (sb-kernel::values-type-allowp type))))
91 (if (and (every #'eq old-req new-req)
92 (every #'eq old-opt new-opt)
93 (eq old-rest new-rest))
94 type
95 (make-values-type :required new-req
96 :optional new-opt
97 :rest new-rest))))
98 (array-type
99 (let* ((original (array-type-element-type type))
100 (new (simplify original)))
101 (cond ((eq new original) type)
103 ;; It must have been an (ARRAY T).
104 (aver (eq (array-type-specialized-element-type type)
105 *universal-type*))
106 (sb-kernel::%make-array-type (array-type-dimensions type)
107 (array-type-complexp type)
108 new *universal-type*)))))
109 (negation-type
110 (let* ((original (negation-type-type type))
111 (new (simplify original)))
112 (if (eq new original) type (make-negation-type new)))))))
113 (or (get-unary-predicate type)
114 ;; If we simplify, try again for a predicate.
115 (let ((simplified (simplify type)))
116 (or (get-unary-predicate simplified) simplified)))))
118 (defun specifier-from-checkfun (fun-or-ctype)
119 (type-specifier
120 (if (functionp fun-or-ctype)
121 (or (gethash (%fun-name fun-or-ctype)
122 sb-c::*backend-predicate-types*)
123 (bug "No type specifier for function ~S" fun-or-ctype))
124 fun-or-ctype)))
126 (defun typecheck-fail (symbol value type)
127 (error 'interpreter-type-error
128 :datum value :expected-type (specifier-from-checkfun type)
129 :symbol symbol :operation 'write))
131 (defun typecheck-fail/ref (symbol value type)
132 (error 'interpreter-type-error
133 :datum value :expected-type (specifier-from-checkfun type)
134 :symbol symbol :operation 'read))
136 ;; Signal an error about a form that was expected to produce multiple values
137 ;; that did not accord with their type restriction.
138 (defun values-typecheck-fail (type &rest values)
139 ;; Maybe want to say "Received N but the VALUES type specifies M" ?
140 (let ((spec (type-specifier type)))
141 (cond ((not values)
142 (error 'simple-type-error
143 :format-control "Received no value for ~S"
144 :format-arguments (list spec)))
145 ((not (cdr values))
146 (error 'simple-type-error
147 :format-control
148 "The value ~S does not match the specifier ~_~S"
149 :format-arguments (list (car values) spec)))
151 (error 'simple-type-error
152 :datum values
153 :expected-type spec
154 :format-control
155 "The values ~{~S~^, ~} do not match the specifier ~_~S"
156 :format-arguments (list values spec))))))
158 (declaim (inline itypep)) ; Interpreter TYPEP
159 ;;; A test "function" can be be either genuinely a function, or a CTYPE.
160 (defun itypep (object test)
161 (if (functionp test)
162 (funcall test object)
163 (%%typep object test)))
165 ;; Check that VALUE is of the expected type and return it or signal an error.
166 (declaim (inline enforce-type))
167 (defun enforce-type (value type-vector index symbol-vector)
168 (unless (eql type-vector +none+)
169 (let ((type (svref type-vector index)))
170 (unless (eql type +none+)
171 (unless (itypep value type)
172 (typecheck-fail (car (svref symbol-vector index)) value type)))))
173 value)
175 ;;;; Copy-and-pasted from sb-eval:
177 ;;; We need separate conditions for the different *-TOO-COMPLEX-ERRORs to
178 ;;; avoid spuriously triggering the handler in EVAL-IN-NATIVE-ENVIRONMENT
179 ;;; on code like:
181 ;;; (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
182 ;;; (let ((fun (eval '(let ((a 1)) (lambda () a)))))
183 ;;; (eval `(compile nil ,fun))))
185 ;;; FIXME: should these be exported?
186 (define-condition interpreter-environment-too-complex-error (simple-error)
188 (define-condition compiler-environment-too-complex-error (simple-error)
191 (defun ip-error (format-control &rest format-arguments)
192 (error 'sb-int:simple-program-error
193 :format-control format-control
194 :format-arguments format-arguments))