getrandstring(): use HAVE_POSIX_RANDOM if available (Bob Tennent)..
[s-mailx.git] / mime.types
1 #@ mime.types(5)
2 #@ This is the set of MIME types that will become compiled into S-nail.
3 #@ Official MIME types are registered at and managed by IANA.
4 #@ A more complete list of actually used MIME types can be found at
5 #@ <\
6 #@ org/apache/tika/mime/tika-mimetypes.xml>.
7 #@ S-nail adds some more, search EXTENSION comments below.
8 #@ S-nail changes some TIKA things, search CHANGE comments below.
10 # Lines starting with a number sign (#) (after possible whitespace) are
11 # comments and discarded, empty lines are ignored, remaining ones are
12 # interpreted according to the scheme
13 #    [TYPEMARKER ]MIMETYPE whitespace EXTENSION(S, whitespace separated)
14 # MIMETYPE may occur several times, values are joined.
16 # Syntax extensions:
17 # - Follow lines may be used: instead of repeating MIMETYPE, start the next
18 #   line with whitespace.  (Intervening comment lines may be used.)
19 # - TYPEMARKER: an at sign (@) will tag the MIME type as plain text (unless
20 #   the user installs a specific pipe handler for the type in question).
21 #   . "@t@" is identical to plain "@".
22 #   . "@h@" will tag the MIME type as HTML tagsoup.
23 #   . "@H@" is identical to "@h@", but won't treat the MIME type as plain
24 #      text if the builtin HTML tagsoup parser isn't available, i.e., it
25 #      requires an explicit pipe-MIMETYPE (or pipe-EXTENSION) handler.
26 #   [Maybe later: . "@x@" and "@X@" are like h/H, but for XML tagsoup.]
28 # Syntax restrictions:
29 # - Comments must be lines of their own.
30 # - Only MIME types for which we have mime.c:enum mime_type constants are
31 #   allowed in this file here.
32 # - MIME types without any plain extensions are not handled by
33 # - Note that the order of types and extensions is preserved ...
34 # - Note that at least one builtin type is required (empty C array)
36 # Expected frequent use
37 # text/plain CHANGE: m4->text/x-m4, pod->text/x-pod; rc<-
38 @ text/plain                  txt text conf cfg def list log in properties
39                               rc
40 @ text/x-diff                 diff patch
41 @ text/troff                  t tr roff man me ms
42                               tmac
43                               1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
44 application/pdf               pdf
45 @h@ application/xhtml+xml     xhtml xht
46 @h@ text/html                 html htm
47 application/xml               xml xsl xsd
49 @ application/x-sh            sh bash
50 @ text/x-awk                  awk
51 @ text/x-chdr                 h
52 @ text/x-csrc                 c
53 @ text/x-c++hdr               hpp hxx hh h++ hp
54 @ text/x-c++src               cpp cxx cc c++
55 @ text/x-ini                  ini
56 @ text/x-perl                 pl pm al perl
57 # CHANGE (tika: text/plain)
58 @ text/x-pod                  pod
60 application/gzip              tgz gz emz
61 application/x-bzip2           bz2 tbz2 boz
62 # EXTENSION .tbz
63 application/x-xz              xz tbz
64 application/x-tar             tar
65 application/zip               zip
67 application/pgp-encrypted     pgp
68 application/pgp-signature     sig asc
69 application/pkcs7-mime        p7m p7c
70 application/pkcs7-signature   p7s
71 application/postscript        ps eps epsf epsi
73 image/gif                     gif
74 image/jp2                     jp2
75 image/jpeg                    jpg jpeg jpe jif jfif jfi
76 image/png                     png
78 application/cbor              cbor
80 # Remains alphabetically
81 @ application/javascript      js
82 @ application/json            json
83 @ application/mbox            mbox
84 application/rdf+xml           rdf owl
85 application/rss+xml           rss
86 application/x-bcpio           bcpio
87 application/x-bittorrent      torrent
88 application/x-bzip            bz tbz
89 application/x-compress        z
90 application/x-cpio            cpio
91 @ application/x-csh           csh tcsh
92 application/x-dvi             dvi
93 @ application/x-latex         latex
94 application/x-shar            shar
95 @ application/x-tex           tex
96 @ application/x-texinfo       texinfo texi
97 application/x-x509-ca-cert    der crt
98 application/x-xfig            fig
99 application/xml-dtd           dtd
100 application/xquery            xq xquery
101 application/xslt+xml          xslt
102 audio/basic                   au snd
103 audio/midi                    mid midi kar rmi
104 audio/mp4                     mp4a m4a m4b
105 audio/mpeg                    mpga mp2 mp2a mp3 m2a m3a
106 audio/ogg                     oga ogg
107 audio/speex                   spx
108 audio/x-flac                  flac
109 audio/x-mpegurl               m3u
110 audio/x-ms-wma                wma
111 audio/x-pn-realaudio          ram ra
112 audio/x-wav                   wav
113 image/svg+xml                 svg svgz
114 image/tiff                    tiff tif
115 image/x-ms-bmp                bmp dib
116 image/x-rgb                   rgb
117 image/x-xbitmap               xbm
118 image/x-xpixmap               xpm
119 image/x-xwindowdump           xwd
120 message/rfc822                eml mime mht mhtml
121 @ text/calendar               ics ifb
122 @ text/css                    css
123 @ text/csv                    csv
124 @ text/sgml                   sgml sgm
125 @ text/x-assembly             s S asm
126 # (Note that the tuple extensions will never match since text/plain wins!)
127 @ text/x-asciidoc             asciidoc adoc ad ad.txt adoc.txt
128 @ text/x-csharp               cs
129 # (I have assembler .cgi's written myself, don't "@ " mark that one)
130 text/x-cgi                    cgi
131 @ text/x-d                    d
132 @ text/x-go                   go
133 @ text/x-java                 java
134 text/x-jsp                    jsp
135 @ text/x-lex                  l
136 # EXTENSION nim
137 @ text/x-nimrod               nim
138 # CHANGE (tika: text/plain)
139 @ text/x-m4                   m4
140 @ text/x-objcsrc              m
141 @ text/x-php                  php php3 php4
142 @ text/x-python               py
143 @ text/x-rst                  rst rest restx
144 @ text/x-ruby                 rb
145 @ text/x-sql                  sql
146 text/x-uuencode               uu
147 @ text/x-vcalendar            vcs
148 @ text/x-vcard                vcf
149 @ text/x-web-markdown         md mdtext mkd markdown
150 @ text/x-yacc                 y
151 @ text/x-yaml                 yaml
153 # s-it-mode