nail.1: fix URL ref (was: review until URL)
[s-mailx.git] / mime.types
1 # mime.types(5)
2 # This is the set of MIME types that will become compiled into S-nail;
3 # they are used as a fallback registry in case that there is no ~/.mime.types
4 # or /etc/mime.types.
5 # Lines starting with the number sign '#' are comments and ignored, empty lines
6 # are ignored, others must look like 'TYPEwhitespaceEXTENSION'.
7 # Note that these lines will be compiled AS IS, so each byte counts!
8 # <\
9 # org/apache/tika/mime/tika-mimetypes.xml> is a good place to look for a rather
10 # complete list of IANA registered and unregistered MIME types.
11 # XXX Maybe write an extractor that converts the tika content to our own
12 # XXX mime.types?  Maybe extend our parser to support the extension that adds
13 # XXX function() rules.  Then, fully map the tika DB and S-nail woul have its
14 # XXX own magic detection!!
15 # XXX Anyway, it would be nice to an additional "is-text" flag, so that S-nail
16 # XXX could itself choose wether something is text / displayable or not; yet
17 # XXX text/ is used to decide, but sh,json,js,tex etc. are all application/..
18 # XXX And: do we need alias support?
20 application/cbor        cbor
21 application/gzip        tgz gz emz
22 application/javascript  js
23 application/json        json
24 application/mbox        mbox
25 application/pdf pdf
26 application/pgp-encrypted       pgp
27 application/pgp-signature       sig asc
28 application/pkcs7-mime  p7m p7c
29 application/pkcs7-signature     p7s
30 application/postscript  ps eps epsf epsi
31 application/rdf+xml     rdf owl
32 application/rss+xml     rss
33 application/x-bcpio     bcpio
34 application/x-bittorrent        torrent
35 application/x-bzip      bz tbz
36 application/x-bzip2     bz2 tbz2 boz
37 application/x-compress  z
38 application/x-cpio      cpio
39 application/x-csh       csh tcsh
40 application/x-dvi       dvi
41 application/x-latex     latex
42 application/x-perl      pl pm perl
43 application/x-sh        sh bash
44 application/x-shar      shar
45 application/x-tar       tar
46 application/x-tex       tex
47 application/x-texinfo   texinfo texi
48 application/x-x509-ca-cert      der crt
49 application/x-xfig      fig
50 application/x-xz        xz
51 application/xhtml+xml   xhtml xht
52 application/xml xml xsl xsd
53 application/xml-dtd     dtd
54 application/xquery      xq xquery
55 application/xslt+xml    xslt
56 application/zip         zip
57 audio/basic     au snd
58 audio/midi      mid midi kar rmi
59 audio/mp4       mp4a m4a m4b
60 audio/mpeg      mpga mp2 mp2a mp3 m2a m3a
61 audio/ogg       oga ogg
62 audio/speex     spx
63 audio/x-flac    flac
64 audio/x-mpegurl m3u
65 audio/x-ms-wma  wma
66 audio/x-pn-realaudio    ram ra
67 audio/x-wav     wav
68 image/gif       gif
69 image/jp2       jp2
70 image/jpeg      jpg jpeg jpe jif jfif jfi
71 image/png       png
72 image/svg+xml   svg svgz
73 image/tiff      tiff tif
74 image/x-ms-bmp  bmp dib
75 image/x-rgb     rgb
76 image/x-xbitmap xbm
77 image/x-xpixmap xpm
78 image/x-xwindowdump     xwd
79 message/rfc822  eml mime mht mhtml
80 text/calendar   ics ifb
81 text/css        css
82 text/csv        csv
83 text/html       html htm
84 text/plain      txt text conf cfg def list log in  m4 pod MF properties
85 text/sgml       sgml sgm
86 text/troff      t tr roff man me ms
87 text/x-assembly s S asm
88 text/x-asciidoc asciidoc adoc ad ad.txt adoc.txt
89 text/x-awk      awk
90 text/x-c++hdr   hpp hxx hh h++ hp
91 text/x-c++src   cpp cxx cc c++
92 text/x-chdr     h
93 text/x-csrc     c
94 text/x-csharp   cs
95 text/x-cgi      cgi
96 text/x-d        d
97 text/x-diff     diff patch
98 text/x-go       go
99 text/x-ini      ini
100 text/x-java     java
101 text/x-jsp      jsp
102 text/x-lex      l
103 # Extension of mine
104 text/x-nimrod   nim
105 text/x-objcsrc  m
106 text/x-perl     pl pm al perl
107 text/x-php      php php3 php4
108 text/x-python   py
109 text/x-rst      rst rest restx
110 text/x-ruby     rb
111 text/x-sql      sql
112 text/x-uuencode uu
113 text/x-vcalendar        vcs
114 text/x-vcard    vcf
115 text/x-web-markdown     md mdtext mkd markdown
116 text/x-yacc     y
117 text/x-yaml     yaml