[rubygems/rubygems] Use a constant empty tar header to avoid extra allocations
[ruby.git] / gems / bundled_gems
1 # gem-name version repository-url [revision]
3 # - gem-name: gem name to bundle
4 # - version: released version to bundle
5 # - repository-url: URL from where clone for test
6 # - revision: revision in repository-url to test
7 #   if `revision` is not given, "v"+`version` or `version` will be used.
9 minitest        5.22.3  https://github.com/minitest/minitest ea9caafc0754b1d6236a490d59e624b53209734a
10 power_assert    2.0.3   https://github.com/ruby/power_assert 84e85124c5014a139af39161d484156cfe87a9ed
11 rake            13.2.1  https://github.com/ruby/rake
12 test-unit       3.6.2   https://github.com/test-unit/test-unit
13 rexml           3.2.6   https://github.com/ruby/rexml
14 rss             0.3.0   https://github.com/ruby/rss
15 net-ftp         0.3.4   https://github.com/ruby/net-ftp
16 net-imap        0.4.11  https://github.com/ruby/net-imap
17 net-pop         0.1.2   https://github.com/ruby/net-pop
18 net-smtp        0.5.0   https://github.com/ruby/net-smtp
19 matrix          0.4.2   https://github.com/ruby/matrix
20 prime           0.1.2   https://github.com/ruby/prime
21 rbs             3.4.4   https://github.com/ruby/rbs ba7872795d5de04adb8ff500c0e6afdc81a041dd
22 typeprof        0.21.11 https://github.com/ruby/typeprof b19a6416da3a05d57fadd6ffdadb382b6d236ca5
23 debug           1.9.2   https://github.com/ruby/debug
24 racc            1.7.3   https://github.com/ruby/racc
25 mutex_m         0.2.0   https://github.com/ruby/mutex_m
26 getoptlong      0.2.1   https://github.com/ruby/getoptlong
27 base64          0.2.0   https://github.com/ruby/base64
28 bigdecimal      3.1.8   https://github.com/ruby/bigdecimal
29 observer        0.1.2   https://github.com/ruby/observer
30 abbrev          0.1.2   https://github.com/ruby/abbrev
31 resolv-replace  0.1.1   https://github.com/ruby/resolv-replace
32 rinda           0.2.0   https://github.com/ruby/rinda
33 drb             2.2.1   https://github.com/ruby/drb
34 nkf             0.2.0   https://github.com/ruby/nkf
35 syslog          0.1.2   https://github.com/ruby/syslog
36 csv             3.3.0   https://github.com/ruby/csv