3 Lithium is an applet for the ROX Desktop. It shows the battery state on systems
4 that support ACPI, APM (or for PowerMacs PMU) interfaces.
6 Lithium is written in pure Python, compiling is not needed.
7 It is based on Baroque 0.5.1, by Rds and Tilo Riemer.
11 The default icon set is Horizontal in orientation and is stored in the 'images'
12 directory. There are two alternate sets provided if you do not like this look.
14 If you replace 'images' with 'images-v', you will get the same set of icons but
15 Vertically oriented. This may look nicer in Vertical Panels. There is a 3rd
16 (older) set that are PNG files instead of SVG (for those that don't like or have
17 support for SVG). These are only Vertical, but are easily converted using GIMP
18 or other bitmap tools. Since these are PNG, the battery.py file will need to be
19 edited to replace the string "+'.svg'" with "+'.png'".
21 Feel free to make your own icons if mine don't suit your tastes.