If extracting creates a single top-level directory, remove it.
[rox-archive.git] / support.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 import sys, os
5 class ChildError(Exception):
6 "Raised when the child process reports an error."
7 pass
9 def escape(text):
10 """Return text with \ and ' escaped"""
11 return text.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'")
13 def Tmp(mode = 'w+b'):
14 "Create a seekable, randomly named temp file (deleted automatically after use)."
15 import tempfile
16 import random
17 name = tempfile.mktemp(`random.randint(1, 1000000)` + '-archive')
19 fd = os.open(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0700)
20 tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFileWrapper(os.fdopen(fd, mode), name)
21 tmp.name = name
22 return tmp
24 def pipe_through_command(command, src, dst):
25 """Execute 'command' with src as stdin (if any) and writing to
26 stream dst. src must be a fileno() stream, but dst need not be.
27 Either stream may be None if input or output is not required.
28 Raises an Exception with a suitable message if the command
29 writes to stderr or returns a non-zero exit status."""
31 assert src is None or hasattr(src, 'fileno')
33 # Output to 'dst' directly if it's a fileno stream. Otherwise,
34 # send output to a temporary file.
35 if dst:
36 if hasattr(dst, 'fileno'):
37 dst.flush()
38 tmp_stream = dst
39 else:
40 tmp_stream = Tmp()
41 fd = tmp_stream.fileno()
42 else:
43 fd = -1
45 # Create a pipe to collect stderr from child
46 stderr_r, stderr_w = os.pipe()
47 try:
48 child = os.fork()
49 except:
50 os.close(stderr_r)
51 os.close(stderr_w)
52 raise
54 if child == 0:
55 # This is the child process
56 try:
57 os.close(stderr_r)
58 os.dup2(stderr_w, 2)
59 if src:
60 os.dup2(src.fileno(), 0)
61 if fd != -1:
62 os.dup2(fd, 1)
63 if os.system(command) == 0:
64 os._exit(0) # No error code or signal
65 finally:
66 os._exit(1)
67 assert 0
69 # This is the parent process
70 os.close(stderr_w)
72 # Read until child closes stderr (by quitting)
73 errors = ""
74 while 1:
75 got = os.read(stderr_r, 100)
76 if not got:
77 break
78 errors += got
79 errors = errors.strip()
81 # Reap zombie
82 pid, status = os.waitpid(child, 0)
84 if errors:
85 raise ChildError("Errors from command '%s':\n%s" % (command, errors))
86 if status != 0:
87 raise ChildError("Command '%s' returned an error code!" % command)
89 # If dst wasn't a fileno stream, copy from the temp file to it
90 if dst and tmp_stream is not dst:
91 tmp_stream.seek(0)
92 dst.write(tmp_stream.read())
94 def test():
95 "Check that this module works."
97 def show():
98 error = sys.exc_info()[1]
99 print "(error reported was '%s')" % error
101 print "Test escape()..."
103 assert escape(''' a test ''') == ' a test '
104 assert escape(''' "a's test" ''') == ''' "a\\'s test" '''
105 assert escape(''' "a\\'s test" ''') == ''' "a\\\\\\'s test" '''
107 print "Test Tmp()..."
109 file = Tmp()
110 file.write('Hello')
111 print >>file, ' ',
112 file.flush()
113 os.write(file.fileno(), 'World')
115 file.seek(0)
116 assert file.read() == 'Hello World'
118 print "Test pipe_through_command():"
120 print "Try an invalid command..."
121 try:
122 pipe_through_command('bad_command_1234', None, None)
123 assert 0
124 except ChildError:
125 show()
126 else:
127 assert 0
129 print "Try a valid command..."
130 pipe_through_command('exit 0', None, None)
132 print "Writing to a non-fileno stream..."
133 from cStringIO import StringIO
134 a = StringIO()
135 pipe_through_command('echo Hello', None, a)
136 assert a.getvalue() == 'Hello\n'
138 print "Reading from a stream to a StringIO..."
139 file.seek(1)
140 pipe_through_command('cat', file, a)
141 assert a.getvalue() == 'Hello\nello World'
143 print "Writing to a fileno stream..."
144 file.seek(0)
145 file.truncate(0)
146 pipe_through_command('echo Foo', None, file)
147 file.seek(0)
148 assert file.read() == 'Foo\n'
150 print "Read and write fileno streams..."
151 src = Tmp()
152 src.write('123')
153 src.seek(0)
154 file.seek(0)
155 file.truncate(0)
156 pipe_through_command('cat', src, file)
157 file.seek(0)
158 assert file.read() == '123'
160 print "Detect non-zero exit value..."
161 try:
162 pipe_through_command('exit 1', None, None)
163 except ChildError:
164 show()
165 else:
166 assert 0
168 print "Detect writes to stderr..."
169 try:
170 pipe_through_command('echo one >&2; sleep 2; echo two >&2', None, None)
171 except ChildError:
172 show()
173 else:
174 assert 0
176 print "Check tmp file is deleted..."
177 name = file.name
178 assert os.path.exists(name)
179 file = None
180 assert not os.path.exists(name)
182 print "All tests passed!"
184 if __name__ == '__main__':
185 test()