Check that multiUpdate affects linkValueSquared uniformly
[rootstock.git] / ValueSimplex.hs
1 module ValueSimplex where
2 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
3 import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
4 import Data.Map (Map)
5 import qualified Data.Map as Map
6 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
7 import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
8 import Data.Set (Set)
9 import qualified Data.Set as Set
10 import Data.Tuple (swap)
11 import IndexedMatrix
12 import Numeric.Matrix (MatrixElement)
13 import Util.Function ((...))
14 import qualified Util.Map as Map
15 import Util.Set (allSet, anySet)
17 newtype ValueSimplex a b = VS {vsMap :: Map (a, a) b} deriving (Eq, Show)
19 data VSStatus
20 = OK
21 | WrongPairs
22 | NonPositive
23 | CyclesWrong
24 | Empty
25 deriving (Show, Eq)
27 nodes :: Ord a => ValueSimplex a b -> Set a
28 nodes vs = fst $ Map.keysSet $ vsMap vs
30 pairUp :: a -> b -> (a, b)
31 pairUp = curry id
33 distinctPairsOneWay :: Ord a => Set a -> Set (a, a)
34 distinctPairsOneWay xs =
35 case Set.minView xs of
36 Nothing -> Set.empty
37 Just (x, xs') -> Set.union
38 (distinctPairsOneWay xs') $
39 (pairUp x) xs'
41 distinctPairs :: Ord a => Set a -> Set (a, a)
42 distinctPairs xs =
43 let dpow = distinctPairsOneWay xs in
44 Set.union dpow $ swap dpow
46 vsLookupMaybe :: Ord a => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> Maybe b
47 vsLookupMaybe vs x y = Map.lookup (x, y) $ vsMap vs
49 vsLookup :: (Ord a, Num b) => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> b
50 vsLookup = fromMaybe 0 ... vsLookupMaybe
52 fromFunction :: Ord a => (a -> a -> b) -> Set a -> ValueSimplex a b
53 fromFunction f xs = VS $ Map.fromSet (uncurry f) $ distinctPairs xs
55 validTriangle :: (Ord a, Num b) =>
56 (b -> b -> Bool) -> ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> a -> Bool
57 validTriangle eq vs x y z =
58 (vsLookup vs x y * vsLookup vs y z * vsLookup vs z x)
59 `eq` (vsLookup vs z y * vsLookup vs y x * vsLookup vs x z)
61 status :: (Ord a, Ord b, Num b) =>
62 (b -> b -> Bool) -> ValueSimplex a b -> VSStatus
63 status eq vs =
64 let dPairs = distinctPairs $ nodes vs in
65 if Map.keysSet (vsMap vs) /= dPairs
66 then WrongPairs
67 else if anySet ((<= 0) . (uncurry $ vsLookup vs)) dPairs
68 then NonPositive
69 else
70 case Set.minView $ nodes vs of
71 Nothing -> Empty
72 Just (x, xs) ->
73 if allSet (uncurry $ validTriangle eq vs x) $ distinctPairsOneWay xs
74 then OK
75 else CyclesWrong
77 -- price vs x y is the number of ys required to equal one x in value, according
78 -- to the internal state of the ValueSimplex vs
79 price :: (Ord a, Fractional b) => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> Maybe b
80 price vs x y = (/) <$> vsLookupMaybe vs y x <*> vsLookupMaybe vs x y
82 nodeValue :: (Ord a, Num b) => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> b
83 {- This might be faster if it was
84 implemented in a more complicated way, maybe using Map.splitLookup,
85 but I think it might be O(n log n) either way.
87 nodeValue vs x =
88 getSum $ foldMap (Sum . vsLookup vs x) $ Set.delete x $ nodes vs
90 linkValueSquared :: (Ord a, Num b) => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> b
91 linkValueSquared vs x y = vsLookup vs x y * vsLookup vs y x
93 distributionProportions :: (Ord a, Fractional b, MatrixElement b)
94 => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> a -> b
95 distributionProportions vs x0 x1 = let xs = nodes vs in
96 case
97 inverse $ indexedMatrix (Set.delete x1 xs) (Set.delete x0 xs) $ \x y ->
98 if x == y
99 then - nodeValue vs x
100 else vsLookup vs x y
102 Nothing -> error "ValueSimplex with non-invertible first minor matrix"
103 Just m -> flip (at' m) x0
105 supremumSellable :: (Ord a, Fractional b, MatrixElement b)
106 => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> b
107 supremumSellable vs x0 x1 = recip $ distributionProportions vs x0 x1 x1
109 breakEven :: (Ord a, Fractional b, MatrixElement b)
110 => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> b -> a -> b
111 breakEven vs x0 q0 x1 =
113 s = vsLookup vs
114 qM = supremumSellable vs x0 x1
116 -q0 * (s x1 x0 / s x0 x1) * qM / (q0 + qM)
118 update :: (Ord a, Ord b, Fractional b, MatrixElement b)
119 => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> b -> a -> b -> ValueSimplex a b
120 {- Suppose the following all hold for some suitable approximate equality (~=):
121 status (~=) vs == OK
122 for each i in {0, 1}:
123 xi is in nodes vs
124 qMi == supremumSellable vs xi x(1-i)
125 qi > -qMi
126 vs' == update vs x0 q0 x1 q1
127 ss == linkValueSquared vs
128 ss' == linkValueSquared vs'
129 Then the following should also hold (unless rounding errors have compounded a
130 little too much):
131 status (~=) vs' == OK
132 nodes vs' == nodes vs
133 for each i in {0, 1}:
134 nodeValue vs' xi ~= nodeValue vs xi + qi
135 for each x in nodes vs other than x0 and x1:
136 nodeValue vs' x ~= nodeValue vs x
137 for all distinct x and y in nodes vs:
138 ss' x y ~= ss x y
139 || compare (ss' x y) (ss x y) == compare (ss' x0 x1) (ss x0 x1)
140 If it is additionally the case that
141 q1 / s x1 x0 >= -q0 / s x0 x1 * qM0 / (q0 + qM0)
142 where s = vsLookup vs
143 then it should also be the case that for all distinct x and y in nodes vs,
144 ss' x y ~= ss x y || ss' x y > ss x y
146 update vs x0 q0 x1 q1 =
148 s = vsLookup vs
149 w = distributionProportions vs x0 x1
150 r i j
151 | i == x0 = 1 + q0 * w j
152 | i == x1 = 1 + q1 * (s x0 x1 / s x1 x0) * (w x1 - w j)
153 | otherwise =
155 r011i = r x0 x1 * r x1 i
156 r100i = r x1 x0 * r x0 i
158 (r011i * w j + r100i * (w x1 - w j)) /
159 (r011i * w i + r100i * (w x1 - w i))
160 s' i j = s i j * r i j
162 fromFunction s' $ nodes vs
164 multiUpdate :: (Ord a, Ord b, Fractional b, MatrixElement b)
165 => ValueSimplex a b -> (a -> b) -> ValueSimplex a b
166 {- multiUpdate vs f should have the same set of nodes as vs and should have
167 nodeValue (multiUpdate vs f) x ~= f x
168 for all x in nodes vs.
169 It should also affect linkValueSquared uniformly, as update does. Ideally, it
170 should spread this surplus (or deficit) as fairly as possible, like update,
171 but this is hard to specify precisely, and may be in tension with
172 computational complexity.
174 multiUpdate = error "multiUpdate not yet implemented"