Test the status of a ValueSimplex with a provided approximate
[rootstock.git] / ValueSimplex.hs
1 module ValueSimplex where
2 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
3 import Data.Map (Map)
4 import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
5 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
6 import Data.Set (Set)
7 import qualified Data.Set as Set
8 import Data.Tuple (swap)
9 import Util.Function ((...))
10 import Util.Set (allSet, anySet)
12 newtype ValueSimplex a b = VS {vsMap :: Map (a, a) b} deriving (Eq, Show)
14 data VSStatus
15 = OK
16 | WrongPairs
17 | NonPositive
18 | CyclesWrong
19 | Empty
20 deriving (Show, Eq)
22 nodes :: Ord a => ValueSimplex a b -> Set a
23 nodes vs = Set.map fst $ Map.keysSet $ vsMap vs
25 pairUp :: a -> b -> (a, b)
26 pairUp = curry id
28 distinctPairsOneWay :: Ord a => Set a -> Set (a, a)
29 distinctPairsOneWay xs =
30 case Set.minView xs of
31 Nothing -> Set.empty
32 Just (x, xs') -> Set.union
33 (distinctPairsOneWay xs') $
34 Set.map (pairUp x) xs'
36 distinctPairs :: Ord a => Set a -> Set (a, a)
37 distinctPairs xs =
38 let dpow = distinctPairsOneWay xs in
39 Set.union dpow $ Set.map swap dpow
41 vsLookupMaybe :: Ord a => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> Maybe b
42 vsLookupMaybe vs x y = Map.lookup (x, y) $ vsMap vs
44 vsLookup :: (Ord a, Num b) => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> b
45 vsLookup = fromMaybe 0 ... vsLookupMaybe
47 fromFunction :: Ord a => (a -> a -> b) -> Set a -> ValueSimplex a b
48 fromFunction f xs = VS $ Map.fromSet (uncurry f) $ distinctPairs xs
50 validTriangle :: (Ord a, Num b) =>
51 (b -> b -> Bool) -> ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> a -> Bool
52 validTriangle eq vs x y z =
53 (vsLookup vs x y * vsLookup vs y z * vsLookup vs z x)
54 `eq` (vsLookup vs z y * vsLookup vs y x * vsLookup vs x z)
56 status :: (Ord a, Ord b, Num b) =>
57 (b -> b -> Bool) -> ValueSimplex a b -> VSStatus
58 status eq vs =
59 let dPairs = distinctPairs $ nodes vs in
60 if Map.keysSet (vsMap vs) /= dPairs
61 then WrongPairs
62 else if anySet ((<= 0) . (uncurry $ vsLookup vs)) dPairs
63 then NonPositive
64 else
65 case Set.minView $ nodes vs of
66 Nothing -> Empty
67 Just (x, xs) ->
68 if allSet (uncurry $ validTriangle eq vs x) $ distinctPairsOneWay xs
69 then OK
70 else CyclesWrong
72 -- price vs x y is the number of ys required to equal one x in value, according
73 -- to the internal state of the ValueSimplex vs
74 price :: (Ord a, Fractional b) => ValueSimplex a b -> a -> a -> Maybe b
75 price vs x y = (/) <$> vsLookupMaybe vs y x <*> vsLookupMaybe vs x y