Made prop_invertible type-specific
[rootstock.git] / rootstock.hs
1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
3 , GADTs
4 , OverloadedStrings
5 , QuasiQuotes
6 , TemplateHaskell
7 , TypeFamilies #-}
9 module Main
10 ( main
11 ) where
14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
16 import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
17 import Control.Monad (forever, unless, foldM, liftM)
18 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
19 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
20 import Data.Aeson
21 import Data.Aeson.Types
22 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
23 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8
24 import Data.List (find, intersperse)
25 import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe)
26 import Data.Text (Text)
27 import qualified Data.Text as T
28 import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
29 import Data.Time.Clock
30 import Database.Esqueleto
31 import Database.Persist.Postgresql hiding ((==.))
32 import Database.Persist.TH
33 import Fund
34 import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
35 import Numeric (showFFloat)
36 import System.Process (readProcess)
39 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 data AccountInfo = AccountInfo
41 { dropsBalance :: Integer
42 , currentSequence :: Integer
45 data IOUAmount = IOUAmount
46 { iouLine :: IOULine
47 , iouQuantity :: Double
49 deriving Show
51 newtype AccountLines = AccountLines [IOUAmount]
53 data Amount
54 = Drops Integer
55 | IOU IOUAmount
56 deriving Show
58 data Transaction
59 = OfferCreate Amount Amount Integer (Maybe Integer)
60 | OfferCancel Integer Integer
61 deriving Show
63 data Offer = Offer
64 { takerGets :: Amount
65 , takerPays :: Amount
66 , offerSequence :: Integer
69 newtype Offers = Offers [Offer]
71 data Ledger = Ledger
72 { ledgerIndex :: Integer
73 , feeRef :: Integer
76 data RecordedTransaction = RecordedTransaction
78 share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
79 HalfLink
80 root Fund
81 branch Fund
82 quantity Double
83 timestamp UTCTime
84 HalfLinkUnique root branch timestamp
85 Link
86 left Fund
87 right Fund
88 LinkUnique left right
89 LinkStatus
90 linkId LinkId
91 halfSpread Double
92 timestamp UTCTime
93 LinkStatusUnique linkId timestamp
95 data OldLink = OldLink
96 { leftFund :: Fund
97 , rightFund :: Fund
98 , halfSpread :: Double
99 , logFileName :: FilePath
102 data Rootstock = Rootstock
103 { secret :: String
104 , websocket :: WS.Connection
105 , sql :: Connection
108 type RootstockIO = ReaderT Rootstock IO
111 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 instance ToJSON Amount where
113 toJSON (Drops numDrops) = toJSON $ show numDrops
114 toJSON (IOU iou) = object
115 [ "currency" .= lineCurrency (iouLine iou)
116 , "issuer" .= peerAccount (iouLine iou)
117 , "value" .= showFFloat Nothing (iouQuantity iou) ""
120 instance ToJSON Transaction where
121 toJSON (OfferCreate toSell toBuy curSeq maybeOldOfferSequence) = object $
122 [ "TransactionType" .= ("OfferCreate" :: Text)
123 , "Account" .= account
124 , "Fee" .= fee
125 , "Sequence" .= curSeq
126 , "Flags" .= tfSell
127 , "TakerPays" .= toBuy
128 , "TakerGets" .= toSell
129 ] ++ maybe
131 (\oldOfferSequence -> ["OfferSequence" .= show oldOfferSequence])
132 maybeOldOfferSequence
133 toJSON (OfferCancel curSeq oldOfferSequence) = object $
134 [ "TransactionType" .= ("OfferCancel" :: Text)
135 , "Account" .= account
136 , "Fee" .= fee
137 , "Sequence" .= curSeq
138 , "OfferSequence" .= oldOfferSequence
141 instance FromJSON AccountInfo where
142 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
143 result <- obj .: "result"
144 accountData <- result .: "account_data"
145 AccountInfo
146 <$> (accountData .: "Balance" >>= return . read)
147 <*> accountData .: "Sequence"
148 parseJSON value = fail $
149 "Not an account info response:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
151 instance FromJSON IOUAmount where
152 parseJSON (Object obj) = IOUAmount
153 <$> (IOULine
154 <$> obj .: "account"
155 <*> obj .: "currency")
156 <*> (obj .: "balance" >>= return . read)
157 parseJSON value = fail $
158 "Not an account line:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
160 instance FromJSON AccountLines where
161 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
162 result <- obj .: "result"
163 AccountLines <$> result .: "lines"
164 parseJSON value = fail $
165 "Not a list of account lines:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
167 instance FromJSON Amount where
168 parseJSON (Object obj) = IOU <$> (IOUAmount
169 <$> (IOULine
170 <$> obj .: "issuer"
171 <*> obj .: "currency")
172 <*> (obj .: "value" >>= return . read))
173 parseJSON (String str) = return $ Drops $ read $ T.unpack str
174 parseJSON value = fail $
175 "Not an Amount:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
177 instance FromJSON Offer where
178 parseJSON (Object obj) = Offer
179 <$> obj .: "taker_gets"
180 <*> obj .: "taker_pays"
181 <*> obj .: "seq"
182 parseJSON value = fail $
183 "Not an offer:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
185 instance FromJSON Offers where
186 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
187 result <- obj .: "result"
188 Offers <$> result .: "offers"
189 parseJSON value = fail $
190 "Not a list of offers:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
192 instance FromJSON Ledger where
193 parseJSON (Object obj) = Ledger
194 <$> obj .: "ledger_index"
195 <*> obj .: "fee_ref"
196 parseJSON value = fail $
197 "Not a ledger:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
199 instance FromJSON RecordedTransaction where
200 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
201 objType <- obj .: "type"
202 if objType == ("transaction" :: Text)
203 then return RecordedTransaction
204 else fail $
205 "Not a recorded transaction:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode $ Object obj)
206 parseJSON value = fail $
207 "Not a recorded transaction:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
210 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
211 secretFile, rsignPath, sqlPassFile :: FilePath
212 secretFile = "/home/tim/Documents/passwords/ripple-secret.gpg"
213 rsignPath =
214 "/home/tim/build/ripple/ripple-lib/node_modules/ripple-lib/bin/rsign.js"
215 sqlPassFile = "sql-password.gpg"
217 connString :: BS.ByteString
218 connString = "host=localhost port=5432 user=tim dbname=rootstock password="
220 account, bitStamp, rippleCN :: Text
221 account = "rpY4wdftAiEH5y5uzxC2XAvy3G27UyeQKS"
222 bitStamp = "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
223 rippleCN = "rnuF96W4SZoCJmbHYBFoJZpR8eCaxNvekK"
225 fee, tfSell, reserve :: Integer
226 fee = 10
227 tfSell = 0x00080000
228 reserve = 200000000
230 btcBitstamp, usdBitstamp, cnyRippleCN :: Fund
231 btcBitstamp = IOUFund $ IOULine {peerAccount = bitStamp, lineCurrency = "BTC"}
232 usdBitstamp = IOUFund $ IOULine {peerAccount = bitStamp, lineCurrency = "USD"}
233 cnyRippleCN = IOUFund $ IOULine {peerAccount = rippleCN, lineCurrency = "CNY"}
235 xrpbtc, usdcny :: OldLink
236 xrpbtc = OldLink
237 { leftFund = XRP
238 , rightFund = btcBitstamp
239 , halfSpread = 1.02
240 , logFileName = "XRPBTClog.csv"
242 usdcny = OldLink
243 { leftFund = usdBitstamp
244 , rightFund = cnyRippleCN
245 , halfSpread = 1.006
246 , logFileName = "USDCNYlog.csv"
249 oldLinks :: [OldLink]
250 oldLinks = [xrpbtc, usdcny]
252 lookupFund :: AccountInfo -> AccountLines -> Fund -> Maybe Amount
253 lookupFund acInfo _ XRP = Just $ Drops $ dropsBalance acInfo - reserve
254 lookupFund _ (AccountLines lines) (IOUFund fundLine) = do
255 foundLine <- find ((fundLine ==) . iouLine) lines
256 return $ IOU foundLine
258 getQuantity :: Amount -> Double
259 getQuantity (Drops n) = fromInteger n
260 getQuantity (IOU iou) = iouQuantity iou
262 setQuantity :: Amount -> Double -> Amount
263 setQuantity (Drops _) q = Drops $ round q
264 setQuantity (IOU iou) q = IOU $ iou { iouQuantity = q }
266 sellAtPrice :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Double ->
267 (Amount, Amount)
268 sellAtPrice sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee p =
270 q = (getQuantity sellFrom - sellFee - (getQuantity buyTo - buyFee)/p)/2
272 (setQuantity sellFrom q, setQuantity buyTo $ p * q)
274 sellAtHalfSpread :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Double
275 -> (Amount, Amount)
276 sellAtHalfSpread sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee hSpread =
277 sellAtPrice sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee $
278 hSpread * getQuantity buyTo / getQuantity sellFrom
280 validNoLoss :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Amount -> Amount -> Bool
281 validNoLoss sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee toSell toBuy =
283 sellFromQ = getQuantity sellFrom
284 buyToQ = getQuantity buyTo
285 toSellQ = getQuantity toSell
286 toBuyQ = getQuantity toBuy
288 toSellQ > 0 && toBuyQ > 0 &&
289 (sellFromQ - toSellQ - sellFee) * (buyToQ + toBuyQ - buyFee) >=
290 sellFromQ * buyToQ
292 fund :: Amount -> Fund
293 fund (Drops _) = XRP
294 fund (IOU iou) = IOUFund $ iouLine iou
296 lookupOffer :: Offers -> Fund -> Fund -> Maybe Offer
297 lookupOffer (Offers offers) toSell toBuy = find
298 (\offer -> fund (takerGets offer) == toSell &&
299 fund (takerPays offer) == toBuy)
300 offers
302 lookupOfferSequence :: Offers -> Fund -> Fund -> Maybe Integer
303 lookupOfferSequence offers toSell toBuy = do
304 foundOffer <- lookupOffer offers toSell toBuy
305 return $ offerSequence foundOffer
307 bothOffersPresent :: Offers -> Link -> Bool
308 bothOffersPresent offers link =
310 left = linkLeft link
311 right = linkRight link
313 (isJust $ lookupOffer offers left right) &&
314 (isJust $ lookupOffer offers right left)
317 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 getRootstock :: RootstockIO Rootstock
319 getRootstock = ask
321 getSqlConnection :: RootstockIO Connection
322 getSqlConnection = getRootstock >>= return . sql
324 runSqlQuery :: SqlPersistM a -> RootstockIO a
325 runSqlQuery query = do
326 sqlConn <- getSqlConnection
327 lift $ runSqlPersistM query sqlConn
329 receiveData :: WS.WebSocketsData a => RootstockIO a
330 receiveData = getRootstock >>= return . websocket >>= lift . WS.receiveData
332 sendTextData :: WS.WebSocketsData a => a -> RootstockIO ()
333 sendTextData x =
334 getRootstock >>= return . websocket >>= lift . flip WS.sendTextData x
336 signTransaction :: Transaction -> RootstockIO String
337 signTransaction tx = do
338 rs <- getRootstock
339 blobNewLine <- lift $ readProcess
340 rsignPath [secret rs, BSL8.unpack $ encode tx] ""
341 return $ init blobNewLine
343 waitForType :: FromJSON a => RootstockIO a
344 waitForType = do
345 encoded <- receiveData
346 case decode encoded of
347 Nothing -> do
348 lift $ putStrLn ("Skipping:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack encoded))
349 waitForType
350 Just result -> do
351 lift $ putStrLn ("Using:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack encoded))
352 return result
354 signAndSend :: Transaction -> RootstockIO ()
355 signAndSend tx = do
356 txBlob <- signTransaction tx
357 sendTextData $ encode $ object
358 [ "command" .= ("submit" :: Text)
359 , "tx_blob" .= txBlob
362 submitSellOffer :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Offers ->
363 Integer -> RootstockIO Integer
364 submitSellOffer
365 sellFrom buyTo
366 sellFee buyFee hSpread
367 offers curSeq = do
369 (toSell, toBuy) = sellAtHalfSpread sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee hSpread
370 maybeOldOfferSequence =
371 lookupOfferSequence offers (fund sellFrom) $ fund buyTo
372 tx = OfferCreate toSell toBuy curSeq Nothing
373 lift $ BSL8.putStrLn $ encode tx
374 if validNoLoss sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee toSell toBuy
375 then do
376 signAndSend tx
377 case maybeOldOfferSequence of
378 Nothing -> return $ curSeq + 1
379 Just oldOfferSequence -> do
380 signAndSend $ OfferCancel (curSeq + 1) oldOfferSequence
381 return $ curSeq + 2
382 else do
383 lift $ putStrLn "Skipping the above: either invalid or loss-making"
384 return curSeq
386 subscribeAccount :: RootstockIO ()
387 subscribeAccount =
388 sendTextData $ encode $ object
389 [ "command" .= ("subscribe" :: Text)
390 , "accounts" .= [account]
393 marketMaker :: RootstockIO ()
394 marketMaker = do
395 subscribeAccount
396 marketMakerLoop
398 getLinkEntities :: RootstockIO [Entity Link]
399 getLinkEntities = runSqlQuery $ select $ from return
401 getLinks :: RootstockIO [Link]
402 getLinks = liftM (map entityVal) getLinkEntities
404 waitForAction :: RootstockIO Offers
405 waitForAction = do
406 sendTextData $ encode $ object
407 [ "command" .= ("account_offers" :: Text)
408 , "account" .= account
410 offers <- waitForType
411 links <- getLinks
412 if all (bothOffersPresent offers) links
413 then do
414 RecordedTransaction <- waitForType
415 waitForAction
416 else return offers
418 currentLinkStatus :: LinkId -> RootstockIO (Maybe LinkStatus)
419 currentLinkStatus linkId = do
420 statusList <- runSqlQuery $ select $ from $ \status -> do
421 where_ $ status ^. LinkStatusLinkId ==. val linkId
422 orderBy [desc $ status ^. LinkStatusTimestamp]
423 limit 1
424 return status
425 return $ liftM entityVal $ listToMaybe statusList
427 submitLinkOffers :: AccountInfo -> AccountLines ->
428 Offers -> Entity Link -> Integer -> RootstockIO Integer
429 submitLinkOffers acInfo acLines offers (Entity linkId link) curSeq = do
430 if bothOffersPresent offers link
431 then return curSeq
432 else do
433 maybeHSpread <- liftM (liftM linkStatusHalfSpread) $
434 currentLinkStatus linkId
436 left = linkLeft link
437 right = linkRight link
438 feeForCalcs XRP = fromInteger $ 3 * fee
439 feeForCalcs _ = 0
440 leftFeeForCalcs = feeForCalcs left
441 rightFeeForCalcs = feeForCalcs right
442 case
443 ( lookupFund acInfo acLines left
444 , lookupFund acInfo acLines right
445 , maybeHSpread
446 ) of
447 (Just leftTotal, Just rightTotal, Just hSpread) -> do
448 now <- lift getCurrentTime
449 runSqlQuery $ do
450 insert $ HalfLink left right (getQuantity leftTotal) now
451 insert $ HalfLink right left (getQuantity rightTotal) now
452 nextSeq <- submitSellOffer
453 leftTotal rightTotal
454 leftFeeForCalcs rightFeeForCalcs hSpread
455 offers curSeq
456 submitSellOffer
457 rightTotal leftTotal
458 rightFeeForCalcs leftFeeForCalcs hSpread
459 offers nextSeq
460 _ -> do
461 lift $ putStrLn
462 "The link status or one of the lines of credit wasn't found"
463 return curSeq
465 marketMakerLoop :: RootstockIO ()
466 marketMakerLoop = do
467 offers <- waitForAction
468 sendTextData $ encode $ object
469 [ "command" .= ("account_info" :: Text)
470 , "account" .= account
472 acInfo <- waitForType
473 sendTextData $ encode $ object
474 [ "command" .= ("account_lines" :: Text)
475 , "account" .= account
477 acLines <- waitForType
478 linkEntities <- getLinkEntities
479 foldM (flip ($)) (currentSequence acInfo) $
480 map (submitLinkOffers acInfo acLines offers) linkEntities
481 marketMakerLoop
483 insertOldLink :: OldLink -> RootstockIO ()
484 insertOldLink link = do
485 now <- lift getCurrentTime
486 runSqlQuery $ do
487 linkId <- insert $ Link (leftFund link) (rightFund link)
488 insert $ LinkStatus linkId (halfSpread link) now
489 return ()
492 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
493 runRootstock :: RootstockIO a -> Rootstock -> IO a
494 runRootstock = runReaderT
496 rippleInteract :: WS.ClientApp ()
497 rippleInteract conn = do
498 -- Fork a thread that writes WS data to stdout
499 _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do
500 msg <- WS.receiveData conn
501 liftIO $ T.putStrLn msg
503 runRootstock subscribeAccount $ Rootstock
504 { secret = ""
505 , websocket = conn
506 , sql = undefined
509 -- Read from stdin and write to WS
510 let loop = do
511 line <- T.getLine
512 unless (T.null line) $ WS.sendTextData conn line >> loop
514 loop
515 WS.sendClose conn ("Bye!" :: Text)
517 readSecret :: IO String
518 readSecret = readProcess "gpg" ["-o", "-", secretFile] ""
520 readSqlPass :: IO BS.ByteString
521 readSqlPass = readProcess "gpg" ["-o", "-", sqlPassFile] "" >>= return . BS.pack
523 runRipple :: WS.ClientApp a -> IO a
524 runRipple app = WS.runClient "" 443 "/" app
526 runRippleWithSecret :: RootstockIO a -> IO a
527 runRippleWithSecret app = do
528 sec <- readSecret
529 sqlPass <- readSqlPass
530 withPostgresqlConn (BS.concat [connString, sqlPass]) $ \sqlConn -> do
531 runSqlPersistM (runMigration migrateAll) sqlConn
532 runRipple $ \wsConn ->
533 runRootstock app $ Rootstock
534 { websocket = wsConn
535 , secret = sec
536 , sql = sqlConn
539 insertOldLinks :: IO ()
540 insertOldLinks = runRippleWithSecret $ sequence_ $ map insertOldLink oldLinks
542 main :: IO ()
543 main = runRippleWithSecret marketMaker