Revert "Replace strictlySuperiorToCurrent with strictlySuperiorAndValid"
[rootstock.git] / rootstock.hs
1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
3 , GADTs
4 , OverloadedStrings
5 , QuasiQuotes
6 , TemplateHaskell
7 , TypeFamilies #-}
9 module Main
10 ( main
11 ) where
14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 import Prelude hiding (catch)
16 import Action
17 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
18 import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
19 import Control.Exception (AsyncException(..), catch, fromException)
20 import Control.Monad (forever, unless, liftM)
21 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
22 import Control.Monad.Trans.Error (Error, ErrorT(..), mapErrorT, throwError)
23 import Control.Monad.Trans.State
24 import Data.Aeson
25 import Data.Aeson.Types
26 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
27 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8
28 import Data.Foldable (forM_)
29 import Data.List (find, intersperse)
30 import Data.Map (Map)
31 import qualified Data.Map as Map
32 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, listToMaybe)
33 import Data.Set (Set)
34 import qualified Data.Set as Set
35 import Data.Text (Text)
36 import qualified Data.Text as T
37 import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
38 import Data.Time.Clock
39 import Database.Esqueleto hiding ((=.), get, update)
40 import Database.Persist.Postgresql hiding ((==.), get, update)
41 import qualified Database.Persist.Postgresql as P
42 import Database.Persist.TH
43 import Fund
44 import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
45 import Numeric (showFFloat)
46 import System.Environment (getArgs)
47 import System.Process (readProcess)
48 import Util.ApproxEq ((~~=))
49 import Util.Either (doLeft, isRight)
50 import Util.Monad ((>>=*), buildMap)
51 import Util.Set (distinctPairs)
52 import ValueSimplex
55 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 data AccountInfo = AccountInfo
57 { dropsBalance :: Integer
58 , currentSequence :: Integer
59 , transferRate :: Double
62 data IOUAmount = IOUAmount
63 { iouLine :: IOULine
64 , iouQuantity :: Double
66 deriving Show
68 newtype AccountLines = AccountLines [IOUAmount]
70 data Amount
71 = Drops Integer
72 | IOU IOUAmount
73 deriving Show
75 data Transaction
76 = OfferCreate Amount Amount Integer (Maybe Integer)
77 | OfferCancel Integer Integer
78 deriving Show
80 data Offer = Offer
81 { takerGets :: Amount
82 , takerPays :: Amount
83 , offerSequence :: Integer
86 newtype Offers = Offers [Offer]
88 data Ledger = Ledger
89 { ledgerIndex :: Integer
90 , feeRef :: Integer
93 data RecordedTransaction = RecordedTransaction
95 share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
96 Node
97 fund Fund
98 NodeUnique fund
99 deriving Eq
100 deriving Ord
101 FundStatus
102 fundId NodeId
103 quantity Double
104 time UTCTime
105 FundStatusUnique fundId time
106 HalfLink
107 root NodeId
108 branch NodeId
109 quantity Double
110 time UTCTime
111 HalfLinkUnique root branch time
112 ActionLog
113 action Action
114 start UTCTime
115 end UTCTime Maybe
116 success Bool Maybe
117 ActionUnique start
118 Warning
119 warning Text
120 time UTCTime
123 type NodeEntity = Entity Node
124 type ValueSimplexND = ValueSimplex NodeEntity Double
126 data Rootstock = Rootstock
127 { secret :: String
128 , websocket :: WS.Connection
129 , sql :: Connection
130 , valueSimplex :: ValueSimplexND
133 type RootstockIO = StateT Rootstock IO
134 type ExceptionalRootstock = ErrorT String RootstockIO ()
137 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 instance ToJSON Amount where
139 toJSON (Drops numDrops) = toJSON $ show numDrops
140 toJSON (IOU iou) = object
141 [ "currency" .= lineCurrency (iouLine iou)
142 , "issuer" .= peerAccount (iouLine iou)
143 , "value" .= showFFloat Nothing (iouQuantity iou) ""
146 instance ToJSON Transaction where
147 toJSON (OfferCreate toSell toBuy curSeq maybeOldOfferSequence) = object $
148 [ "TransactionType" .= ("OfferCreate" :: Text)
149 , "Account" .= account
150 , "Fee" .= fee
151 , "Sequence" .= curSeq
152 , "Flags" .= tfSell
153 , "TakerPays" .= toBuy
154 , "TakerGets" .= toSell
155 ] ++ maybe
157 (\oldOfferSequence -> ["OfferSequence" .= show oldOfferSequence])
158 maybeOldOfferSequence
159 toJSON (OfferCancel curSeq oldOfferSequence) = object $
160 [ "TransactionType" .= ("OfferCancel" :: Text)
161 , "Account" .= account
162 , "Fee" .= fee
163 , "Sequence" .= curSeq
164 , "OfferSequence" .= oldOfferSequence
167 instance FromJSON AccountInfo where
168 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
169 result <- obj .: "result"
170 accountData <- result .: "account_data"
171 AccountInfo
172 <$> (accountData .: "Balance" >>= return . read)
173 <*> accountData .: "Sequence"
174 <*> (maybe 1 (/1000000000) <$> accountData .:? "TransferRate")
175 parseJSON value = fail $
176 "Not an account info response:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
178 instance FromJSON IOUAmount where
179 parseJSON (Object obj) = IOUAmount
180 <$> (IOULine
181 <$> obj .: "account"
182 <*> obj .: "currency")
183 <*> (obj .: "balance" >>= return . read)
184 parseJSON value = fail $
185 "Not an account line:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
187 instance FromJSON AccountLines where
188 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
189 result <- obj .: "result"
190 AccountLines <$> result .: "lines"
191 parseJSON value = fail $
192 "Not a list of account lines:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
194 instance FromJSON Amount where
195 parseJSON (Object obj) = IOU <$> (IOUAmount
196 <$> (IOULine
197 <$> obj .: "issuer"
198 <*> obj .: "currency")
199 <*> (obj .: "value" >>= return . read))
200 parseJSON (String str) = return $ Drops $ read $ T.unpack str
201 parseJSON value = fail $
202 "Not an Amount:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
204 instance FromJSON Offer where
205 parseJSON (Object obj) = Offer
206 <$> obj .: "taker_gets"
207 <*> obj .: "taker_pays"
208 <*> obj .: "seq"
209 parseJSON value = fail $
210 "Not an offer:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
212 instance FromJSON Offers where
213 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
214 result <- obj .: "result"
215 Offers <$> result .: "offers"
216 parseJSON value = fail $
217 "Not a list of offers:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
219 instance FromJSON Ledger where
220 parseJSON (Object obj) = Ledger
221 <$> obj .: "ledger_index"
222 <*> obj .: "fee_ref"
223 parseJSON value = fail $
224 "Not a ledger:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
226 instance FromJSON RecordedTransaction where
227 parseJSON (Object obj) = do
228 objType <- obj .: "type"
229 if objType == ("transaction" :: Text)
230 then return RecordedTransaction
231 else fail $
232 "Not a recorded transaction:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode $ Object obj)
233 parseJSON value = fail $
234 "Not a recorded transaction:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack $ encode value)
237 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 secretFile, rsignPath, sqlPassFile :: FilePath
239 secretFile = "/home/tim/Documents/passwords/ripple-secret.gpg"
240 rsignPath =
241 "/home/tim/build/ripple/ripple-lib/node_modules/ripple-lib/bin/rsign.js"
242 sqlPassFile = "sql-password.gpg"
244 connString :: BS.ByteString
245 connString = "host=localhost port=5432 user=tim dbname=rootstock password="
247 account :: Text
248 account = "rpY4wdftAiEH5y5uzxC2XAvy3G27UyeQKS"
250 fee, tfSell, reserve :: Integer
251 fee = 10
252 tfSell = 0x00080000
253 reserve = 200000000
255 generosity, halfSpread :: Double
256 generosity = 1000000
257 halfSpread = 1.01
259 lookupXRP :: AccountInfo -> Amount
260 lookupXRP acInfo = Drops $ dropsBalance acInfo - reserve
262 lookupLine :: AccountLines -> IOULine -> Maybe Amount
263 lookupLine (AccountLines lines) fundLine = do
264 foundLine <- find ((fundLine ==) . iouLine) lines
265 return $ IOU foundLine
267 lookupFund :: AccountInfo -> AccountLines -> Fund -> Maybe Amount
268 lookupFund acInfo _ XRP = Just $ lookupXRP acInfo
269 lookupFund _ acLines (IOUFund fundLine) = lookupLine acLines fundLine
271 getQuantity :: Amount -> Double
272 getQuantity (Drops n) = fromInteger n
273 getQuantity (IOU iou) = iouQuantity iou
275 setQuantity :: Amount -> Double -> Amount
276 setQuantity (Drops _) q = Drops $ round q
277 setQuantity (IOU iou) q = IOU $ iou { iouQuantity = q }
279 getSequence :: Transaction -> Integer
280 getSequence (OfferCreate _ _ curSeq _) = curSeq
281 getSequence (OfferCancel curSeq _) = curSeq
283 lookupGetQuantity :: AccountInfo -> AccountLines -> NodeEntity -> Double
284 lookupGetQuantity acInfo acLines =
285 fromMaybe 0 . liftM getQuantity .
286 lookupFund acInfo acLines . nodeFund . entityVal
288 sellAtPrice :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Double ->
289 (Amount, Amount)
290 sellAtPrice sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee p =
292 q = (getQuantity sellFrom - sellFee - (getQuantity buyTo - buyFee)/p)/2
294 (setQuantity sellFrom q, setQuantity buyTo $ p * q)
296 sellAtHalfSpread :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Double
297 -> (Amount, Amount)
298 sellAtHalfSpread sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee hSpread =
299 sellAtPrice sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee $
300 hSpread * getQuantity buyTo / getQuantity sellFrom
302 validNoLoss :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Amount -> Amount -> Bool
303 validNoLoss sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee toSell toBuy =
305 sellFromQ = getQuantity sellFrom
306 buyToQ = getQuantity buyTo
307 toSellQ = getQuantity toSell
308 toBuyQ = getQuantity toBuy
310 toSellQ > 0 && toBuyQ > 0 &&
311 (sellFromQ - toSellQ - sellFee) * (buyToQ + toBuyQ - buyFee) >=
312 sellFromQ * buyToQ
314 fund :: Amount -> Fund
315 fund (Drops _) = XRP
316 fund (IOU iou) = IOUFund $ iouLine iou
318 fromNodeEntity :: a -> (IOULine -> a) -> NodeEntity -> a
319 fromNodeEntity d f x = case nodeFund $ entityVal x of
320 XRP -> d
321 IOUFund l -> f l
323 amount :: Double -> NodeEntity -> Amount
324 amount q =
325 fromNodeEntity (Drops $ round q) $ \l ->
326 IOU $ IOUAmount {iouLine = l, iouQuantity = q}
328 peerOfNodeEntity :: NodeEntity -> Maybe Text
329 peerOfNodeEntity = fromNodeEntity Nothing $ Just . peerAccount
331 lookupOffer :: Offers -> Fund -> Fund -> Maybe Offer
332 lookupOffer (Offers offers) toSell toBuy = find
333 (\offer -> fund (takerGets offer) == toSell &&
334 fund (takerPays offer) == toBuy)
335 offers
337 lookupOfferSequence :: Offers -> Fund -> Fund -> Maybe Integer
338 lookupOfferSequence offers toSell toBuy = do
339 foundOffer <- lookupOffer offers toSell toBuy
340 return $ offerSequence foundOffer
342 actionFinished :: Entity ActionLog -> Bool
343 actionFinished = isJust . actionLogEnd . entityVal
345 updatedValueSimplexWithGenerosity ::
346 Double -> ValueSimplexND -> AccountInfo -> AccountLines -> ValueSimplexND
347 updatedValueSimplexWithGenerosity gen vs acInfo acLines =
348 multiUpdate vs $ \nodeEnt ->
349 let actual = lookupGetQuantity acInfo acLines nodeEnt in
350 case nodeFund $ entityVal nodeEnt of
351 XRP -> gen + actual
352 _ -> actual
354 updatedValueSimplex ::
355 ValueSimplexND -> AccountInfo -> AccountLines -> ValueSimplexND
356 updatedValueSimplex = updatedValueSimplexWithGenerosity 0
358 makeTransactions ::
359 ValueSimplexND -> (NodeEntity -> Double) -> AccountInfo -> [Transaction]
360 makeTransactions vs trf acInfo =
361 flip
362 (flip zipWith $ Set.toList $ distinctPairs $ nodes vs)
363 [currentSequence acInfo ..]
364 $ \(x0, x1) curSeq ->
365 let (q0, q1) = linkOptimumAtPrice vs x0 x1 $ halfSpread * price vs x0 x1 in
366 OfferCreate (amount (-q0 / trf x0) x0) (amount q1 x1) curSeq Nothing
368 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
369 signTransaction :: Transaction -> RootstockIO String
370 signTransaction tx = do
371 sec <- gets secret
372 blobNewLine <- lift $ readProcess
373 rsignPath [sec, BSL8.unpack $ encode tx] ""
374 return $ init blobNewLine
377 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 getSqlConnection :: RootstockIO Connection
379 getSqlConnection = gets sql
381 runSqlQuery :: SqlPersistM a -> RootstockIO a
382 runSqlQuery query = do
383 sqlConn <- getSqlConnection
384 lift $ runSqlPersistM query sqlConn
386 getNodeEntities :: SqlPersistM [NodeEntity]
387 getNodeEntities = select $ from return
389 readValueSimplex :: SqlPersistM ValueSimplexND
390 readValueSimplex = do
391 nodeSet <- Set.fromList <$> getNodeEntities
392 qMap <- buildMap (Set.toList $ distinctPairs nodeSet) $ \(x, y) -> do
393 [Value q] <- select $ from $ \hl -> do
394 where_
395 $ hl ^. HalfLinkRoot ==. val (entityKey x)
396 &&. hl ^. HalfLinkBranch ==. val (entityKey y)
397 orderBy [desc $ hl ^. HalfLinkTime]
398 limit 1
399 return $ hl ^. HalfLinkQuantity
400 return q
401 return $ fromFunction (curry $ flip (Map.findWithDefault 0) qMap) nodeSet
403 writeValueSimplex ::
404 AccountInfo -> AccountLines -> ValueSimplexND -> SqlPersistM ()
405 writeValueSimplex acInfo acLines vs = do
406 time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
407 insertMany $ flip map (Set.toList $ nodes vs) $ \nodeEnt -> FundStatus
408 { fundStatusFundId = entityKey nodeEnt
409 , fundStatusQuantity = lookupGetQuantity acInfo acLines nodeEnt
410 , fundStatusTime = time
412 forM_ (distinctPairs $ nodes vs) $ \(x, y) -> insert_ $ HalfLink
413 { halfLinkRoot = entityKey x
414 , halfLinkBranch = entityKey y
415 , halfLinkQuantity = vsLookup vs x y
416 , halfLinkTime = time
419 warn :: Text -> SqlPersistM ()
420 warn warning = do
421 now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
422 insert_ $ Warning
423 { warningWarning = warning
424 , warningTime = now
427 getCurrentAction :: SqlPersistM (Entity ActionLog)
428 getCurrentAction = liftM head $ select $ from $ \ac -> do
429 orderBy [desc $ ac ^. ActionLogStart]
430 limit 1
431 return ac
433 startAction :: Action -> SqlPersistM ActionLogId
434 startAction action = do
435 start <- liftIO getCurrentTime
436 insert $ ActionLog
437 { actionLogAction = action
438 , actionLogStart = start
439 , actionLogEnd = Nothing
440 , actionLogSuccess = Nothing
443 endAction :: ActionLogId -> Bool -> SqlPersistM ()
444 endAction actionId success = do
445 end <- liftIO getCurrentTime
446 P.update actionId
447 [ ActionLogEnd =. Just end
448 , ActionLogSuccess =. Just success
451 intervene :: Action -> ExceptionalRootstock -> RootstockIO ()
452 intervene action intervention = do
453 actionId <- runSqlQuery $ startAction action
454 result <- runErrorT intervention
455 doLeft (lift . putStrLn) result
456 runSqlQuery $ endAction actionId $ isRight result
459 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
460 runWebsocket :: WS.ClientApp a -> RootstockIO a
461 runWebsocket app = gets websocket >>= lift . app
463 receiveData :: WS.WebSocketsData a => RootstockIO a
464 receiveData = runWebsocket WS.receiveData
466 sendTextData :: WS.WebSocketsData a => a -> RootstockIO ()
467 sendTextData x = runWebsocket $ flip WS.sendTextData x
469 waitForType :: FromJSON a => RootstockIO a
470 waitForType = do
471 encoded <- receiveData
472 case decode encoded of
473 Nothing -> do
474 lift $ putStrLn ("Skipping:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack encoded))
475 waitForType
476 Just result -> do
477 lift $ putStrLn ("Using:\n" ++ (BSL8.unpack encoded))
478 return result
480 signAndSend :: Transaction -> RootstockIO ()
481 signAndSend tx = do
482 txBlob <- signTransaction tx
483 sendTextData $ encode $ object
484 [ "command" .= ("submit" :: Text)
485 , "tx_blob" .= txBlob
488 submitSellOffer :: Amount -> Amount -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Offers ->
489 Integer -> RootstockIO Integer
490 submitSellOffer
491 sellFrom buyTo
492 sellFee buyFee hSpread
493 offers curSeq = do
495 (toSell, toBuy) = sellAtHalfSpread sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee hSpread
496 maybeOldOfferSequence =
497 lookupOfferSequence offers (fund sellFrom) $ fund buyTo
498 tx = OfferCreate toSell toBuy curSeq Nothing
499 lift $ BSL8.putStrLn $ encode tx
500 if validNoLoss sellFrom buyTo sellFee buyFee toSell toBuy
501 then do
502 signAndSend tx
503 case maybeOldOfferSequence of
504 Nothing -> return $ curSeq + 1
505 Just oldOfferSequence -> do
506 signAndSend $ OfferCancel (curSeq + 1) oldOfferSequence
507 return $ curSeq + 2
508 else do
509 lift $ putStrLn "Skipping the above: either invalid or loss-making"
510 return curSeq
512 subscribe :: [Pair] -> WS.ClientApp ()
513 subscribe options =
514 flip WS.sendTextData $ encode $ object $
515 ["command" .= ("subscribe" :: Text)] ++ options
517 subscribeAccount :: WS.ClientApp ()
518 subscribeAccount = subscribe ["accounts" .= [account]]
520 queryOwnAccount :: FromJSON a => Text -> RootstockIO a
521 queryOwnAccount command = do
522 sendTextData $ encode $ object
523 [ "command" .= command
524 , "account" .= account
526 waitForType
528 getAccountInfo :: RootstockIO AccountInfo
529 getAccountInfo = queryOwnAccount "account_info"
531 getAccountLines :: RootstockIO AccountLines
532 getAccountLines = queryOwnAccount "account_lines"
534 getAccountOffers :: RootstockIO Offers
535 getAccountOffers = queryOwnAccount "account_offers"
537 getPeerAccountInfo :: Text -> RootstockIO AccountInfo
538 getPeerAccountInfo peer = do
539 sendTextData $ encode $ object
540 [ "command" .= ("account_info" :: Text)
541 , "account" .= peer
543 waitForType
545 clearAndUpdate :: RootstockIO ()
546 {- Must have subscribed to ledger updates for this to work -}
547 clearAndUpdate = do
548 Offers offerList <- getAccountOffers
549 acInfo <- getAccountInfo
550 if null offerList
551 then do
552 acLines <- getAccountLines
553 vs <- gets valueSimplex
554 let vs' = updatedValueSimplex vs acInfo acLines
555 if strictlySuperior (~~=) vs' vs
556 then return ()
557 else do
559 vs'' = updatedValueSimplexWithGenerosity generosity vs acInfo acLines
560 warning
561 = " non-superior ValueSimplex (generosity: "
562 `T.append` T.pack (show generosity)
563 `T.append` ")"
564 if strictlySuperior (~~=) vs'' vs
565 then runSqlQuery $ warn $ "Slightly" `T.append` warning
566 else error $ "Seriously" ++ T.unpack warning
567 runSqlQuery $ writeValueSimplex acInfo acLines vs'
568 modify $ \rs -> rs {valueSimplex = vs'}
569 else do
570 forM_ (zip offerList [currentSequence acInfo ..]) $ \(off, seq) ->
571 signAndSend $ OfferCancel seq $ offerSequence off
572 waitForType :: RootstockIO Ledger
573 clearAndUpdate
575 getUpdatedValueSimplexWithAccountInfo ::
576 AccountInfo -> RootstockIO ValueSimplexND
577 getUpdatedValueSimplexWithAccountInfo acInfo =
578 updatedValueSimplex <$> gets valueSimplex <*> pure acInfo <*> getAccountLines
580 getUpdatedValueSimplex :: RootstockIO ValueSimplexND
581 getUpdatedValueSimplex =
582 getUpdatedValueSimplexWithAccountInfo =<< getAccountInfo
584 strictlySuperiorToCurrent :: ValueSimplexND -> RootstockIO Bool
585 strictlySuperiorToCurrent vs' = strictlySuperior (~~=) vs' <$> gets valueSimplex
587 waitForImprovement :: RootstockIO ()
588 waitForImprovement = do
589 waitForType :: RootstockIO Ledger
590 waitForType :: RootstockIO RecordedTransaction
591 improvement <- strictlySuperiorToCurrent =<< getUpdatedValueSimplex
592 if improvement
593 then return ()
594 else waitForImprovement
596 submitAndWait :: [Transaction] -> RootstockIO ()
597 submitAndWait txs = do
598 forM_ txs signAndSend
599 waitForType :: RootstockIO Ledger
600 acInfo <- getAccountInfo
601 improvement <-
602 strictlySuperiorToCurrent =<< getUpdatedValueSimplexWithAccountInfo acInfo
603 if improvement
604 then return ()
605 else case dropWhile ((currentSequence acInfo >) . getSequence) txs of
606 [] -> waitForImprovement
607 txs' -> submitAndWait txs'
609 getTransitRates :: RootstockIO (NodeEntity -> Double)
610 getTransitRates = do
611 peers <- catMaybes . Set.toList . peerOfNodeEntity . nodes
612 <$> gets valueSimplex
613 trm <- buildMap peers $ \peer -> transferRate <$> getPeerAccountInfo peer
614 return $ \x -> fromMaybe 1 $ peerOfNodeEntity x >>= flip Map.lookup trm
616 marketMakerLoop :: RootstockIO ()
617 marketMakerLoop = do
618 clearAndUpdate
619 makeTransactions <$> gets valueSimplex <*> getTransitRates <*> getAccountInfo
620 >>= submitAndWait
621 marketMakerLoop
624 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
625 throwIf :: (Error e, Monad m) => Bool -> e -> ErrorT e m ()
626 throwIf test err = if test then throwError err else return ()
628 setupDatabase :: IOULine -> ExceptionalRootstock
629 setupDatabase fundLine = do
630 existingNodes <- lift $ runSqlQuery getNodeEntities
631 throwIf (not $ null existingNodes) "Database already has nodes"
632 acInfo <- lift getAccountInfo
633 let dropsBal = getQuantity $ lookupXRP acInfo
634 throwIf (dropsBal <= 0) "Not enough XRP to meet desired reserve"
635 acLines <- lift getAccountLines
636 lineBal <- case lookupLine acLines fundLine of
637 Nothing -> throwError "Requested IOU line not found"
638 Just amount -> return $ getQuantity amount
639 throwIf (lineBal <= 0) "Non-positive balance in requested IOU line"
640 let xrpNode = Node {nodeFund = XRP}
641 lineNode = Node {nodeFund = IOUFund fundLine}
642 lift $ runSqlQuery $ do
643 xrpId <- insert xrpNode
644 lineId <- insert lineNode
645 let xrpNodeEntity = Entity {entityKey = xrpId, entityVal = xrpNode}
646 lineNodeEntity = Entity {entityKey = lineId, entityVal = lineNode}
647 writeValueSimplex acInfo acLines $
648 flip fromFunction (Set.fromList [xrpNodeEntity, lineNodeEntity]) $ \x _ ->
649 if x == xrpNodeEntity
650 then dropsBal
651 else lineBal
654 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
655 {- getLinkEntities :: RootstockIO [Entity Link]
656 getLinkEntities = runSqlQuery $ select $ from return
658 getLinks :: RootstockIO [Link]
659 getLinks = liftM (map entityVal) getLinkEntities
661 waitForAction :: RootstockIO Offers
662 waitForAction = do
663 sendTextData $ encode $ object
664 [ "command" .= ("account_offers" :: Text)
665 , "account" .= account
667 offers <- waitForType
668 links <- getLinks
669 if all (bothOffersPresent offers) links
670 then do
671 RecordedTransaction <- waitForType
672 waitForAction
673 else return offers
675 currentLinkStatus :: LinkId -> RootstockIO (Maybe LinkStatus)
676 currentLinkStatus linkId = do
677 statusList <- runSqlQuery $ select $ from $ \status -> do
678 where_ $ status ^. LinkStatusLinkId ==. val linkId
679 orderBy [desc $ status ^. LinkStatusTimestamp]
680 limit 1
681 return status
682 return $ liftM entityVal $ listToMaybe statusList
684 submitLinkOffers :: AccountInfo -> AccountLines ->
685 Offers -> Entity Link -> Integer -> RootstockIO Integer
686 submitLinkOffers acInfo acLines offers (Entity linkId link) curSeq = do
687 if bothOffersPresent offers link
688 then return curSeq
689 else do
690 maybeHSpread <- liftM (liftM linkStatusHalfSpread) $
691 currentLinkStatus linkId
693 left = linkLeft link
694 right = linkRight link
695 feeForCalcs XRP = fromInteger $ 3 * fee
696 feeForCalcs _ = 0
697 leftFeeForCalcs = feeForCalcs left
698 rightFeeForCalcs = feeForCalcs right
699 case
700 ( lookupFund acInfo acLines left
701 , lookupFund acInfo acLines right
702 , maybeHSpread
703 ) of
704 (Just leftTotal, Just rightTotal, Just hSpread) -> do
705 now <- lift getCurrentTime
706 runSqlQuery $ do
707 insert $ HalfLink left right (getQuantity leftTotal) now
708 insert $ HalfLink right left (getQuantity rightTotal) now
709 nextSeq <- submitSellOffer
710 leftTotal rightTotal
711 leftFeeForCalcs rightFeeForCalcs hSpread
712 offers curSeq
713 submitSellOffer
714 rightTotal leftTotal
715 rightFeeForCalcs leftFeeForCalcs hSpread
716 offers nextSeq
717 _ -> do
718 lift $ putStrLn
719 "The link status or one of the lines of credit wasn't found"
720 return curSeq
722 marketMakerLoop :: RootstockIO ()
723 marketMakerLoop = do
724 offers <- waitForAction
725 sendTextData $ encode $ object
726 [ "command" .= ("account_info" :: Text)
727 , "account" .= account
729 acInfo <- waitForType
730 sendTextData $ encode $ object
731 [ "command" .= ("account_lines" :: Text)
732 , "account" .= account
734 acLines <- waitForType
735 linkEntities <- getLinkEntities
736 currentSequence acInfo >>=*
737 map (submitLinkOffers acInfo acLines offers) linkEntities
738 marketMakerLoop
740 marketMaker :: RootstockIO ()
741 marketMaker = do
742 subscribeAccount
743 marketMakerLoop
745 insertOldLink :: OldLink -> RootstockIO ()
746 insertOldLink link = do
747 now <- lift getCurrentTime
748 runSqlQuery $ do
749 linkId <- insert $ Link (leftFund link) (rightFund link)
750 insert $ LinkStatus linkId (halfSpread link) now
751 return () -}
754 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
755 runRootstock :: RootstockIO a -> Rootstock -> IO a
756 runRootstock = evalStateT
758 marketMaker :: RootstockIO ()
759 marketMaker = do
760 runWebsocket $ subscribe
761 [ "streams" .= ["ledger" :: Text]
762 , "accounts" .= [account]
764 result <- runErrorT $ do
765 mapErrorT runSqlQuery $ do
766 curAc <- lift getCurrentAction
767 throwIf
768 (not $ actionFinished curAc)
769 "Another process hasn't yet cleanly finished with the database"
770 lift $ startAction Running
771 rs <- lift get
772 liftIO $ catch (runRootstock marketMakerLoop rs) $ \e -> do
773 flip runSqlPersistM (sql rs) $ do
774 curAc <- getCurrentAction
775 if (actionLogAction (entityVal curAc) == Running
776 && not (actionFinished curAc))
777 then
778 endAction
779 (entityKey curAc)
780 $ fromException e `elem` map Just [ThreadKilled, UserInterrupt]
781 else return ()
782 putStrLn $ "Exiting on: " ++ show e
783 doLeft (lift . putStrLn) result
785 rippleInteract :: WS.ClientApp ()
786 rippleInteract conn = do
787 -- Fork a thread that writes WS data to stdout
788 _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do
789 msg <- WS.receiveData conn
790 liftIO $ T.putStrLn msg
792 runRipple subscribeAccount
794 -- Read from stdin and write to WS
795 let loop = do
796 line <- T.getLine
797 unless (T.null line) $ WS.sendTextData conn line >> loop
799 loop
800 WS.sendClose conn ("Bye!" :: Text)
802 readSecret :: IO String
803 readSecret = readProcess "gpg" ["-o", "-", secretFile] ""
805 readSqlPass :: IO BS.ByteString
806 readSqlPass = readProcess "gpg" ["-o", "-", sqlPassFile] "" >>= return . BS.pack
808 runRipple :: WS.ClientApp a -> IO a
809 runRipple app = WS.runClient "" 443 "/" app
811 runRippleWithSecret :: RootstockIO a -> IO a
812 runRippleWithSecret app = do
813 sec <- readSecret
814 sqlPass <- readSqlPass
815 withPostgresqlConn (BS.concat [connString, sqlPass]) $ \sqlConn -> do
816 vs <- flip runSqlPersistM sqlConn $ do
817 runMigration migrateAll
818 readValueSimplex
819 runRipple $ \wsConn ->
820 runRootstock app $ Rootstock
821 { websocket = wsConn
822 , secret = sec
823 , sql = sqlConn
824 , valueSimplex = vs
827 {- insertOldLinks :: IO ()
828 insertOldLinks = runRippleWithSecret $ sequence_ $ map insertOldLink oldLinks -}
830 main :: IO ()
831 main = do
832 args <- getArgs
833 case args of
834 ["setup", currency, peer] -> runRippleWithSecret $ intervene InitialSetup $
835 setupDatabase $ IOULine
836 { peerAccount = T.pack peer
837 , lineCurrency = T.pack currency
839 _ -> putStrLn "Command not understood"